The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 03, 1896, Image 1

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..KiwwuMKWwiiiiJwmPWiwiirw jwuiwim
whmwiiiiwihiii mm
ebmskn Mdvertizer.
rw .
1QU. W. W. KEELING,' City, Nkuuaka.
Office first door south of Park hotel.
: -: Public
Nemaha City, Neb.
Kerker & Eoover,
DoiUor In
II lUost prices pntd.for hides, lnrd, tnilow
jiirao, etc
Hon Cuius Sioki,
Local JN ews,
Old papers for sttlo nl this office,
Mrs. Famiio Fuirlmuk came in from
Auburn Tuesday.
John Moore is assisting in ttie Au
burn Pott office this week.
George Stlllwell, of Omaha, is visit
ing hia father, Ghas, Stillwell.
Harry JLfcCandless reports taking In
GO loads of corn at the siding Jonday
Tut; watch meeting hold at
church Now Years eve was well
atl ended. Tim services were verj
intoiosting. Tins was Lho beginning
of a protracted meeting now being
held by Uev. G. H. Glltnoie. Owing
to tlie disagreeable weather tlie iuten
dunco has nut been very laige, nut the
pastor is preaching soiao lino Hortnons.
There will be no services Saturdaj
night, we understand.
the rustling
OF Nkmaha.
Leave your orders
for a team, liacli or
drny, nml
ST. Wb uo TUB Rest.
''., Z Onr Uncle meets nil
.vp-iS trains
Mrs. Alex. Maxwell, of Auburn,
visited Nemaha friends Tuesday and
Miss E. M. Galbraith has been as
slating in The Adveutisku ofllco part
of tliiB week.
Lee Clark returned to Riverton the
firs) of tlie week, after a few days' visit
with Nemaha friends,
The- seral-aunual election of ofllcers
was held at the M. E Sunday school
last Sunday, with the following result:
Superintendent Dr. W. W. Keeling.
Assistant Superintendent W. .
Secretary Carl Sanders.
Treasurer Mrs. Kay.
Organist Maud Mlnick.
Assistant organist Vevu Clark.
Librarian May Kerker.
Assistant Librarian Edith Gilinon
Some unknown party shot a hole in
thotankat the public well, and the
water streamed out In flue stylo for a
day or two
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye. Verirdcele, Hernia,
Hemorrhoids', eto , performed with
nut chloroform and painless. Pa
rents from abroad can obtain boaul
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary sivroundings. Fartie.
seeking relief through surgical
' means will do well to confer will-.
T)r Andrews.
Chas MiMondars, living eapt of Shu
bert, died Fridav niuht. of typhoid
fpver. Deceased was the fatlier of
Jrs. "Von Farson, of Memahu.
Mrs David Tour! lot. of Lincoln,
came to Nemaha Monday, to be pres
ent at the wedding of It-r neico, Miss
Bertha Shppn on New Year's day.
R . J . Skeen, of Rd Cloud, visirel
Nemaha and Auburn friends Inst week
and the first of this wpek. V, e were
pleased to Inve him call Monday.
A. TVT A "Mr TonhII Canadian Grown Fuilt
SOmMHH "H'fS. Itmrv Plants, Itoses
"iirii'ini'iv. HePdPolntoi. Hi, fortlmlaruer.;
urowerioV liluli rde "lock. Hoven liiindr d
nv .-., Iiaidy prnilt.ilde vui IH If I lint suc eed
ill It1 roiiii'Si cimiihm"', mi I'jiTMiiiim .u
nulred and fair im-nt ipinranteiMl. Any
out) not earnl.'.K SM.OO per .noiilh mid sxpun
ius should write us at once lor p.i Oculars
Lt'iiM'il CoiniiHsslniiN p.iia p. t fine men,
Annlv ii'iwii'i'l kiM P'tf on of ten 1'itj i.
'MIKE lllti. HERS t'OMl'ANY.
niocit Kxcluuitt- H'llldlns, t'liJniro, ill.
Wanted Salesmen SV?
KTO ''t r ' " IjIHEUM.AIi-
I'.'UMA KSi and I'WMNi. I'lHII'l NS to
oroisNKiiit. Exri.usivK pkuuitoiiy
GIVUS IK UI'.SUtKD. Wtlto il onco for
t-' ins io
The Huvks Nursary Oo., Mlwauko.V 8
Complexion Preserved
Removes Freckles, Pimples,
Liver-Moles, ISIackheads,
Sunburn nnrt Tan, mid re
Ktara tho skin to Its oricl-
nnl f richness. prndnciUR
Revpral of our Riib'erlbers have
fitken advantacp of our special offer1
during the past week. If von want
come good rending that is clteap, now
U xonr tune to get it.
Mrs. teiinie Moon and Mi"1! Nina
Mnnrft w nt to Conk, Nebr. Fridav
Miss Nina erne1 to resume her duties an
teachrr of a solion' near that villace.
bile frs. Moore will visit her sister.
Mrs. Dr. Black, for a few days.
Hill irciiiiiysa, iirii.ktkK '.Vj-S?-' rWiiwit
clear nml healthy com (Mgi, JrW;'
plexlon. Piiper(ortoaUfiro' --' , 4
i.ri.nnrnt nim mill liiTfertlV IlHIlllll'fH iiiui
druggists, or mailed lor 50rts
, Bend for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP li 'Imply Incompyrtta
kin pi.rlffln !p. uninut'"t Hit lei cl. .I without .
rlral for lh-i nurr. AVnlul'lr pnre oui delicately ma.
caUMl. Atdrust. VAe 25 Cnt.
ThoG. C. BITTNUtt CO., Toledo, O.
Jan. 0. Miller returned to Nemahn
Mondav eening. Ilia family Is at
Marysvllle. Mo. Jim says he liken
parti of the south verv well, but on
the whole prelers to live further north.
We hope he will conclude to move
tack to Nemaha.
A man named McMahau, who, with
his family moved from Beatrice lat-t
spring to the vicinity of Ikownvillt,
two or three weeks ago was suspected
of stealing a barrel of l.ud or gieasc
from one Titus, at Nemaha City.
Constable .Smiley with a search war
rant, visited tlie residence of McMahau
and found the barrel of greaso. Mc
Mahau when he saw tho olllcer ap
proaching, left in a hurry. l'lm titJl
cer tried to halt him but failed. Two
shots (lrcd from his distol over the
fellow's head only added to his fright
and his Might. MuMahan, after dodg
ing about the neighborhood for a week
went to Brown ville and surrendered,
and Judge Clayton requited of him to
go to jail or giye bond for 100 fo
appearance at t tm title and place .sot
for his riah A ' friendly neighbor ol
JeJahan's namcil Cafertv went on
his bond. That nV$t 3cJfahan with
hi pair of grey horses and farm wagon
s ipped tlie country, leaving a joung
wifr- and child to mom n their fate A
Mra. Jqniies at Beatrice, is the wife's
nmtlipr, to whom she will go fr win
ler quarters. To complete this fitorj
lit uiMHt be stated that Attorney Neal,
of Auburn, stuck to the defendant. lik
a brother and one ho was determined
to see go free, just as all good criminal
law ers should do. Post.
Married At tho residence of tho
bride's parents, iu Nemaha, Nebraska,
Wednesday, Jnnuary 1st, 1300, at 0
o'clock p. in., by Ho v. E.S. Chamber
lain, Mr. David Lewellyu Williams
and Miss Mary Bertha Skeen, daughter
of Mr and Mrs. John W. Skeou. Tho
wedding march was played by Miss
Minnie May. Tho brido was dressed
in white silk, and tho grouin In black.
After congratulations the company
preasut partook of a lino supper After
visiting friends for a few days, tho
young couple will begin housekeeping
on a farm in Aspinwall precinct, the
groom having just lluisned and fur
nislied a now house thereon. Wo are
not acquainted with the young gentle
man who has been so fortunate ua to
win one of the bestot Nemaha'e young
ladies. The bribe has pasued all her
life In Nemaha and everyone who
knows hor joins with The Advkii
tiseu In wishing her a long life of
happiness. May the pathway of Mr.
and ilrs. Williams lie made bright
witli love and prosperity.
Tlie following is a partial list of the
presents received:
Glass set Grandpa and Grandma
Water set Uuth und Perry Waltz.
Lamp May Holmes.
Vases Mario Tourtelott.,
Silver spoons Hairy and Leta Linn.
Kitchen set Hoeso Williams.
Stand seal f Vesta Williams.
Paper holder Frank llawxby and
China cups and eancors Paul Argr.s
bright and wife.
Sofa pillow Minnie Jlfay.
Tho following speoial to tho Stain
Journal telling of tho death of John
Majors, will bo read with legrct bj Ills
many ftltnds In this county, lho
funeral set vices wore held at Peru
Friday of this week.
UitADSUAw, Nob., Jan. 1 John F.
Majors died at his homo in Bradshaw
at 4:30 this morning, after h brief ill
uois of diabetes. Ills death is sin
cerly regretted, not only among his
neighbors and friends in Bradshaw,
but all over Nebraska, where he was
well and favorably known. His health
had not been the host for some time,
but was not considered serious until
last Monday, when he was taken t
his bed, became unconscious and nevor
rallied. Ills brother, IIon.T. J. Majors,
of Peru, was the only relative from a
distance able to reach his bedside be"
fore he died.
Born at Libertyvllle, la., In 1857, the
youngest son of a large family, his
youth and r,arly manhood was spent at
Peru. Nemaha county. where his father.
t. P. Majors, removed, thrco years
later. Ho was married to Miss Nettie
J. lutz in 1832, and his wife and ."oven
childien, tho jonngost an infant of a
month, survive him. Ills aged mother
lives with a older brother, Wilson E
Majois, at Peru.
Mr Majors has held many positions
of trust , as assistant register of tho
land (i flico at McUook, and later special
agent of the interim department under
President Harrison's administration.
In late years ho has been engaged In
mercantile pursuits
'V.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn upt
All business given prompt and careful
II. -E. Williams was elected superin
tendent of the Christian Sunday school
last Sunday, with Andrew Ayies as
assistant. Miss Minnie Elliott us
elected secretary, Mrs. J. W Sueen
irt'usurer; Miss Minnie Maj organist,
Albert Titus Librarian, and Mrs
Jennie Moore recoptress.
Married, Wednesday, Jan. 1st, 1800,
at tho residence of the bride's naroiils,
George Hampton and wife, Mr,
William P. Young, ol Nemaha City,
to Miss Lydia A. Hampton, of this
city, Rev,, James Woolam . ofliclutiug
J M Tidrow, of Brownville pre
citict, his bought out Joseph Holhen in
tho hotel husineKri nd will take
charge about the first of the week.
Gi anger.
Gilbert. & Son pay in trade 20 cents
for com. No one has been obliged to
sell a bushel of corn for le r than 20
cnts to pay them as they allow the
use of their cribs to partips owinc
hem who wish to hold their corn.
I? s'f A I'E
OK MirMlAELi SI'INNKll. in-
uised In tho Count v Court or einnim
COUn'N. NlHirilHKH. ,muci! in iu-ium H
that an iipplliwllnn Ihih h on uinilo to tho
Count 0'iiiri of Bald county tnnnpont ChiiH.
p tidw'inl ml'iilulNliult r f th" mtiitenr
ad Mlchnu' Sptnn i h cciiKfd. nml that
J .niiiiiN lJih. A. I M't) hi Id ; cl ok a m. at
the otllco f tho Poillliv .llKlK" of Nemahn
omit. MihrnsUu, In Auhiirn, Neli'iislci.
h .vnhetoi llx.d hv thcoourt as lho Hm iml
pi iHHf.irthi!hwilnlueronr,wliii and whole
all pc-Hon- Inteiesifd may upper and con
tent him Htinn.
Dn'od December 2lt'i.l&9.r.
11. A LAMUMlt', County Judge.
Alex. Thomjison and Miss Myrth
Bat ks, both or Nemaha, were married
a few days ago. As both were under
age, the groom being only sixteen years
of age and the bride only slightly
older, and as the parents vigorously
objected to tho marriage, tho young
couple went over to Hnekport, Mo., to
have the ceremony preformed.
r Ta . . " Oil
liu proT4 th. raott tlitMtory
There is considerable sickness n
town jujt now. II. A. Brand is dan
gerously sick, and owing to his feeble
condition fears are entertained that he
will not recover Mrs. Caleb Brogan
Green Burgess, little ilazel Anderson,
Mrs. W. W. Sanders, two of Ben
Baldwin's children, and a number of
others hero iu town are on the sick list,
Kind friends and patrons: I have
carried you through tlie last year and
this tlie beginning of a new year, 1
have some bills I have to meet, and I
will have to ask you to respond at
once K Thanking yon for your patron
age in the past and ask for a continu
ance in tli future. I am as ever
Respectfully yours,
Gale Andrews, son of Dr. B B. An
drews, of Stella, is creating some no
'oriety for himself by his long hair.
Becently while on the train he was
taken for Schlatter --Post.
Blank Notes. Farm Leases, Bills of
Sale, etc., for sale at this olllce
A nice lino of Iress goodB hand
some patterns low piicea just re
ceived by Titus & Williams.
Robort Frost is prepared to dehorn
cattle. PeisoiiH having cattlo they
want dehorned should see him.
Titus & Williams carry il good grade
of goods, and their prices aro reason
able. No shoddy goods kept to make u
cut on.
No excuse for sleepless nights when
you can procure One Minute Cough
Cure This will lelieve all annoyan-ci-s.
cure the most severe cough and
give ou rest ami health. Can you af
ford to do without it? Taylor, tho
Take tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhauev, proprietor.
I will haul loads in town for lb cents
a load. Any reasonable distance out
side of town, 40 cents. Prompt ervic
Your patronage solicited.
Sam BuitaEss.
The chance of the year you will
miss if you fail to visit
Coughing initates the delicaio org
uus and aggravates tlie disease. In
stead of waiting, try One Minuto
Cough Cure. It helps at oncp, making
expectoration easy, reduces the sore
ness and inilamation. Every one likes
it. Taylor, the druggist.
Frank Woodward, as agent for T. J.
?J.',af.h,riiurw,lSSiTu Chow, jr., of St Joe, a tow days ago
ct Vi&vi&Witos&.aoM to R. J. Tussey, of Do Witt, Neb..
iL"th:Val"n."."vJriiJ tho Shook island, in Aspinwall' pro
ROckVffwASHER'cO 'cl,,ct' tho consideration being 30,141,
rr.wAinB.iitu. M I i'thiik sayn uio one dollar leprusents
nis commission, out prouaoiy utiew
would tell a dlllerent storv. Mr. Tub-
I rtt unma ilmnU OUV W 1 1 1 mAUA 111 Mm iallillfl ill f ll Ik
mm m mm w m m mmw - - ." " n4w ( t-iw I n ill t w w tJ iuikhu ubiu
tiyrSViSSal Bpiing. There is said to bo about 500
UrAUTrnAM mCflWIio can think
WMI! I tU H liL-ri
PI'cb ol people have piles, but l)e
Uilt's Win h Mazol Salve will euro
them. When promptly applied it cures)
scalds and burns without tho slightest
pain. Ta. lor, the druggist.
We have for sale a good 100 acre
farm near Nemaha City, well improv
ed, good house, barn, etc, largo orch
ard, farm all fenced, which will be sold
for 835 per acre. If you want a bar
gain call quick.
If suffering with piles, it will inter
est you to know that De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salvo will cure them. This
medicine is a specific for all complaints
of this character, and if instructions
which aro simple) are carried out, a
cure will result. Wo have tested this
in numerous cases, and always with
like results. It never fallB, Taylor,
the druggist.
In our Entire Line of Boys and Men's
Clothing & Furnishing Goods
Cheaper than ever sold in the county.
They must and will Go and at the following prices:
Just think of it! A good overy day suit and overcoat, all for 5;
worth twice tho money. Good suit of underwear for 50 cents.
Good all wool cap for 10 cents. Pair of good calfskin mitts or
gloves for only 35 cents. Good pah of yarn mittB, leather faced,
only 24 cents. No one shall freeze, though corn and hogs aro low.
So come along, Remember, we aro almost giving away underwear
Come and examine it. Now is tlie lime to buy.
Everything at Astonishingly
Low Prices at
Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska