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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
imx 1 1 w mi i u 1 1 ebmzki Avertim. VOLUME XL NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DEC. 20, 1895. NUMRER 25 Whe 3fU W I y ft E i. ffi l ' ;m . ,iy I Ha M A 11? 1J m e Local News. Next Wednesday ia Cliriatmas. See J. E. Thomas' closing out adver tisement. Hob Sampson is now Stevo Cooper' head man in the livery atablo. Blank Notes. Farm Ltaaea, Bills of Sale, otc, for Bale at this office Ilev. C. II . Gilmoro xpects to close bis meetings at Bethel Ftiday night of this week. Wo are plensed to learn that Prof. J. II. Vcoder will continue to make hia home in Nemaha. Walter Hadiock plowed hia garden apot Monday, but aaya ho wont plant it for a few days yet. II. D. Waterman lias been attending court this wtek aa a witness in the McAfee va Stokes land cine. Missus Fannie Fra.ior and Ollie Kin ney went to Hamburg, Iowa, last Sat urday to visit friends. Miss Frazier returned Monday. Mrs Frank Uheesoman, of Brown ville, (formeily Miss Blanch Sargent), came down to Nemaha Monday, on n visit to her many friends. Chas Curtis, who rented J, L. Hailh's farm south of town last year, niovrd to town last week, Joe will run the farm next year hiuiBelf. Mrs. J. M. Sanders will make hei home with her son, Geo. N. SandarH, in Londun precinct, to care for the chil dien so sadly beieaved by the death of their mother. Andy Helmick, of Stella, has rented the corner building, recently occupied hy Ilaith'a meat market, of Moses Banks, and will start a restaurant and abort order housu. Last Saturday Enoch Hanolluo and Sherm Titua had a knock-down nrpu incut over the article in last week's Advkutibkh about cholera hogs being rendered up for the grease. Titus ac cused Hanelins of writing the article, and finally they had sumo blows before they were separated. Titus admits that he was violating the law, but claims he did no know it until n few days ago, and says he has quit the business now. Titua & Williams have had two cor cribs built went of the storo one (54 feci long and one 80 feet. Gilbert & Son have also buiit another crib on the blurt east of town. Wh received a very pleasant call Wedn aday from llttlo Miss Chapman o i tiada. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Geo. Chapman, and h. i giamlmother, Mrs. S. Yates. " A LOST PIG. Wednesday afternoon W. II. Itlder brought the editor a nice pig, weighing about 4(1 pounds. Evidently the pig didn't like the looka of her new home, as Bhe was gono when the editor went home for supper. If any one baa a stray sow pig of that size, black with white gpots, and will let us know, we will promptly send after her. and the peison so informing ua will besui'ably rewarded. As we have lost all our pigs (nine of them) by cholera in the last few months, and were depending on this pig for future wealth, it will be aeen that we are left in bad shape by its desertion, ADVEltTISED LETTERS. The following is a list of letters ie uminitig in the Nemaha postodice un Maimed Dec. 17, 181)5: Snow, Mrs. E. I).; Shandy, Mrs. Sappiii; Gillespie, Mrs. Emma; Copes, Mrs Martha; Arnold, Mr S.imantha A; Weddle, Mrs Mary; Roys, Mies Daisy; Kns.iell, W S; Wall, Joe; West, Fraukiu; Brown, Mrs Munie (photograph). In calling for the above please sa advertised " Maud Minioic, P. M., Xemaha. Neb. Draying I will haul loads in town for lfi centf t load. Any iHanouahlo distance out- -ude of town, 40 cents Prompt ervice Your patronage solicited, Sam Buiioiiss. Considerable objection has been raked to the new nut)lic well because no provision has been made whereby un,) one can get witter for house use. It does seem that people should bo as well provided for in this respect as live stock. Rev. J. W Taylor, who lives on U'e county line south of Nemaha, in Aspin wall precinct, gave ua a social call Wednesday. Fat h or Taylor celebrated his 80th birthday a few days ago. He is quite hohrty yet, and bida fair to many years The adjourned session of district court is in session this week. Judge Hull, of Lincoln, ij holding court, and is rushing things through, holding every night, as he can only stay this week, and wants to dispose of aa many cases in which Judge Stull is Interested in as possible. Consumption Cure Will positively cure consumption it aken m time. Piepared and sold by Mils. N. A. Gould, Protessional Nurse. Cor. 0th and McLane, Falls City, Neb. Wife Here's an account of a mat who nhot himself rather than suffe the pangs of indigestion. Husband The fooTl Why didn't ho take De Witt's Little Early Risejs? I used to suffer as bad as ho did before L com menced taking these little pills. Tay lor, the druggist. Win. Aynes, who has been trying to find out for tho prist two or three years whether or not a man can get rich farming in western Kansas, is viBiting his Nemaha frlendB and at tending to some business matters. He ays he hasn't got rich yat, but gets enough to eat and lives in hopes. Tho first quarterly meeting of the Nemaha and Biownville circuit of the M. E. church will bo held at Nemaha next Sunday and Monday. Rev, Peter Van Fleet, presiding elder, will preach Sunday night and AJorulay night. Ev iybody is lnlted to attend. Tho quarterly conference will bo held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday It is hoped every olllcial member will bo present at this quarterly conference. A nice lino of Iresa goods hand some patterns low prices just re ceived by Titus & Williams. Gilbert & Son pay 20 cents in trade for corn. Obituary, Mrs. Annie Bertha Sanders died in BrowiiTille Sunday, December loth, 1895, at 0:30 o'clock p. in., aged 32 years, ft monthBnud 10 days. On Saturday, December 7th, Mru. Sunders was injured in a runaway, be ing thrown out of a spring wagon. All that skillful physicians and loving fritttida could do was done, tut alio never fully recovered consciousness. On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week alio seemed better, and hopes were entertained that she would re cover, but Thursday she began to grow worse, and it was sren that she could never again greet her loved onea bore on earth. She gradually failed until Sunday night, when alio breathed her last. In her dying uiouienU her lov i ig husband, her only sinter, Mrs. J. L. Melviu, of Stella, and her brother, Juo. E. Crother, of Nemaha, wore with her. I'ho funeral services were held at tho Methodlfl Episcopal church at Nctna tui. Rev. C. II. Gllmore preached the uneral sermon, Annie Bertha Crother was born in Nemaha City June 20th, 1803. Octob- r 8th, 1882, alio was married to George NT. Sanders. In early life she joined lie Episcopal church, and in 1803 she united with the M E. church of this (.lace. She was a lovh.g wife and a devoted mother. She leaves a husband, dve young children, a mother, Mrs. M t CruUier, who is in in California. me sistei , Mrs, J . L. Melviu. of Stella, uid two brothers. John E. Crother, of this place, and Oliver Crother, of Sum merland, California. To our brother vho is thus ho sud- wnly and terribly bereft of a loving I'ompaiiiou, we can only off ir sympathy .nd bid him look to the loving Heaven- v Father lor strength to bear this great atllietion. looking forward to a .ii' ting re theie will be no part ing l'he chilili en will sadly miss a -nother's care, nod tlm mother, sister nd hrolueis will feel the loss of one I Uieir iiouihci in their family re u on.s iiul we can icadze more fore Di, Hi ii vei I he uncertainty of life. 4 he cliieeie mill hearilelt sympathy of he entile cniniiiunlly goes out to the i). reaved ones in this hour of trial. The kind people ol Brownville will ver have a warm place in the hearts i l he bereavei'. one.-, for the assistance t nd sympathy during the time of suf ering and at the death of the dear one. Nothing was l.'tt undone that could hv lone to assist in any way, either the suffering one oi those who so anxious ly watched hv her liedside. Tho people of Nemaha wer also very kind. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Boise, of Brownvillu. at whose residence Mrs. Sanders re mained from the tune of her injury un til her death, aro especially remember ed for their untiring care and kindness. May God bless them and theirs for their assistance in time of trouble. OIL YES! OH. YESi -a to JfJI.Vuulor DRUGGIST, v. IVfo Sss Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys, Girls and Children, the place to buy your Christmas and Holiday Goods IS AT- M. II. Taylor's Drug Store, Everything new and fresh and at low prices. The very latest novelties just re ceived. Call at once and make your selec tion before the stock has been picked over. Some of the Articles. Stiiud Lamps, Hall Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Night Lamps, Vases, Cut Glass Pieces, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Books. Separate and in Sets, Manicure SetB, t'oilot CaseH, Card Cases, Photograph Albums, Vutograph Albums, Pocket Books, Boxes of Writing Paper, Whisk Broom Holders, Fancy Dolls, Largo Dolls, Small Dolls, All kinds of Dolls, Building Blocks, A B C Blocks, Animal Block h, Sinking Tops, Cologne Castor. Scrap Books, Thermometers, Papor Backs, Air Guns, Spring Guns, Writing Desks, Ornamental Cologne Bodies. A Complete Lino of "Vases. Kine Perfumes, Games of Every Description, Drums, 'loy Disluw, Parlor Balls, Banks, Day Books, J Mugs, Pop Guns, Etc., Etc. No matter what you may want if we have not got it, will get it for you. M. H. TAYLOR, DRUGGIST, TO THL PUBLIU. After January 1, 1890, 1 will sell drugs for CASH ONLY. Thanking you all for past liberal patronage, and hoping for a continuance of tho same, and guaranteeing you entire satisfac tion and good goods for your money, lam, Yours Respectfully, R. II. IIoi.mks, South Auburn, Nebr. Good advice: Never lcavo homo on a journey without a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhnm Remedy. For sale by M. II. Taylor. CATTLE DEHORNED. Robert Frost is prepared to dehorn cattle. Persons having cattle they want dehorned should see him. Takothe wagonetto when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhaney, proprietor. Titus & Williams carry a good grade of goods, and their prices aro reason able No shoddy goods kept to make a cut on. No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyan ces, cure the most severo cough and give you rest ami health. Can you af ford to do without it? Tavlor, the druggist. Coughing in Rates the dolicnte orgs ans and aggravates tho disease. In Btead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, making expectoration easy, reduces the sore ness and inllamation. Every one likes it. Taylor, the drnggis . A WOMAN WHO WILL WORK Wantkd ill every county to introduce tho Celebrate! "Ilygeia" Waists for all ages. This waist supercedes the corset and has received tho unanimous appro val of the leading physicians. S.'J 00 Outtlt Free. Any energetic woman can make from $15 to $&0 weekly. Send for ciiculars and terms. IlYOKIA M'K'O CO., !J78 Canal St., New York. MANUFACTURED BY WORK BROS. & CO., CHICAGO. If suffering with piles, it will inter est you to know that De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. This medicine is a specific for all complaints of this character, and if instructions which are simple) are carried out, a euro will result. Wo have tested this, in numerous cases, and always with liko results. It novor falls, Taylor tho druggist. J. W. Oranmer fc Co. Carry a Full Lino of Gents' Furnishing Goods,Hats,Caps,Trunks,Valises If you want tho "Best Wearing; and Best Fitting CLOTHING- and savo for yourself 25 per, cent, buy "Toxicity Voi-tccl Olotliing." FOR SALE BY J. W. CEANMER & CO., Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska