OTrtwwwurMiiwwwMim wiwmiiiaauiiMMijii.MawMmwiiawwiMiij nqinimi mnniinaiiaiiBi wmaiimMiiiiin 'J ebnusha dvtrtmt. VOLUME XL NEMAHA, NEJ5RASK.A, FRIDAY, DEC. 13, 1895. NUMBER 24 jmmm iih IocaL ISTews. Still thay ulay croquet . We need money and need it bad. Additional local on tho last page. Jus. F. Drain U aliening corn today. Gilbert & Son pay 20 cents in trade for corn. One week from next W.dn.sday is Christmas. Oron Kent, the junior proprietor of tho Auburn Post, was in town Wed neaday. Mrs Alx Maxwell, of Auburn, vis ited Nemaha friend TueBday and "Wednesday. Hie many ft lends of Charley Titus will regret to learn that his health con Unites very poor. Jatnea and Fuller Hums are building another large corn crib for Harry Mc Candles" at tho aiding. A nice lino of dresa goodB bund some patterns-low prices just re ceived by Titua & Williams. Miss Nora Klliott, who has been stopping at Lincoln for the last three tnunihs, returned home last Friday. Mrs Ilattie Maxwtll, of Harlan, la., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Hanks, and her many friends in Nemaha. J, 11, Veeder and John Moore drove out lo Johnson Wednesday, to look for uouse in which to move. Thoy could not find a vacant house in town. Everett Hawkins, who has been working for Harry McCandless for the past year, left for his home at Millard, Al.)., Wednesday, where ho will spend the win or. Mrs. J. L. Melvin came over from Slella Thursday and took the afternoon train lor Hrowimlle to see her sister Mi U N. S.wrVis who was so severe ly injured by the runaway last Satur day. Makmbw At the residence of Jas. I'omrruy, on the old Alx. Skoeu farm, on Wednesday evening, Dec. llth. 180."), by 6. Gilheit, .Justice of tho Peace, Mr. Lo.onzo Dow Truxcil and Miss Harriet L. Granger. Wehive fir sale a good 100 acre farm neai Nemaha City, well improv ed, good house, barn, etc., largo orch ard, farm all fenced, which will bo sold for 8:55 per aero. If you want a bargain-call quick. Mart May says John Skeen has a wa tor heater he would like to loan to any one who wants to kill hogs. lie knows it is a good ono hecauso he has tried it. Mart sayn by starting a flro Monday morning and keeping it going, tho wa ter will be boiling by Saturday morn ing. All it needs is to keep a good big lire from the time it is started until Srtturday. If you let it wane all has to be gone over ajjain Prof. J. II. Voeder has been engaged as principal of the Johnson school for tho winter and spring term, Prof. Carman, tho present principal, having been elected county superintendent. Prof. Voeder takes charge of the school January Oth. Wo can assure tho pat rons of tho Johnson schools that the board has mado an excellent choice in aeleeting Mr. Veeder. Ho will give them excellent service. TO THE PUBLIC. After January 1, lsno, I will sell druas for CASH ONLY. Thanking you all for past liberal palronago, and hoping for a contiiiuaneo of tiie same, and LMiaranteelng you entire satisfac tion and good goods for your money, Iain, Yours Itospec.tfiilly, II. II. IIolmks, South Auburn, Nobr. Thursday afternoon Arthur Littrell wrb tho victim of a runaway. He wae driving his tatnor'.i team, wneu the horses ran away v itli him, throwing him out. Tho spring wagon ran over him. and this, with the fall, rendered him unconscious. Dry. Kay was called in to aeo him. and wo understand thinks there aro no internal injuries, and that the boy will be all right in a fow days. The Junior Epworth Leaguo last Sunday elected ttie following otliceis for tho ensuing throo mouths: President Verne Taylor, 1st Vice Pres. Heasio Frost. 2nd Vice Pros James Gilmoro. Urd Vice Pres. Milton Goff. 4th Vice Pres. Hoaie Suabury. Secretary Cora Morton. ABt. Secretary Annie Frost. Treasurer May Kerker. Organist Vova Clark, Editok Advkktisek: Wo are in formed some parties in tho vicinity of Nemaha are rendering grease from cholera hogs. Probably these parlies are not aware that this is against the law, and is punishable by n fine of from $25 to $100 and imprisonment from three to six months. Wo trust that a warning will be sulllcient. Fa km nit. The Methodist and Christian Sunday schools will both have Christinas irees on Cnristmas eve. The Methodist tree will bo for the Sunday school chil dren alone, and no ono will bo allowed to put presents on tho tiee except tho teachers for tho scholars. Tho Chris tian tree will be free for every one to put. presents on for their friends, as has been the custom in the past. The object of the new departure at the Methodist Sunday school i- to avoid al! cause for jealousy and hard feeling among the childi on because some get so many moro presents and more valu able one than do others. In our opinion it is a wise decision. Mrs. Theo Hill informs us of an im postor o was iiiNamaha two or three weeks ago, and tued to swindle hei out of tf it. 00. Ho pretended to he tiav eliug tor D. . Adams & Co., ol New Yoik, when talking to Mrs. Hill, hut. wo understand lie told other parties ho was agent lor Gage & Co,, of Chicago. tie had an elegant line of ladies goods, gowns, skirts, dresses, etc., silk hanker chiefH and other notions, tho retail price ot whicti was about ono-fourth of the wholesale price for such articles. He said he was establishing agencies tor the sale ot such goodH, tiie. letail price of wnich was tixed by tho wholo salo house, and asked for S'J (10 to pay for shelves on which to exhibit goods handsome advertising cards, etc. He got the $9.00 from at least one Auburn lady. Mrs. Hill had had the same gamo attempted on her before, and so nid not bite. She told this fellow that another man who had attempted to work this gamo was now in the peni tentiary for it. At this the fellow im mediately packed up and loft town without waiting to appoint an agent. It is probable he finds many dupes, as the samples ho handles are very lino. and ho is a plausible talking follow. Druying I will haul loads in town for 15 cents a load. Any reasonable dist nee out side of town, 40 cento. Prompt service. Your palronago solicited. Sam Huuoicss, Consumption Cure. Will positively cure consumption if taken in time. Prepared and sold by Mits. N. A. Gould, Protessioual Nurse. Cor. 9th and McLane, Falls City, Neb. Wife Hero's an account of a mar who shot himself rather than suflo the pangs of indigestion. Husband The fooll Why didn't ho take D Witt's Little Burly Itisojs? I used t Buffer as bad as he did before I com menced taking these little nilln Thv 1 lor, tho druggist. MRS. Q. N. SAHDER8 DANGEROUSLY INJURED hY A RUNAWAY. Last Saturday afternoon Mis. Goo. N. Sanders started to Urownvillo, two miles and a half from the farm, to get the mail. A dog belonging to Mr. Mathecny, in North Drownville, ran out as the team passed, ami in all prob ability bit one of the horses on the legs as the dog usually ran out and barked when tho team was passing, but the horses were very gentle and never bo fore paid any attention to tho dog. The hor.su started lo run.and ran some two hundred yards, when in turning a corner the spring wagon was upset and Mrs. Saudeis was thrown out, The tongue was torn loose from the spring wagon and the horses ran on down in town, whoro thoy woio caught. Tho aocidont had been seen by several wos men, who ran to Mra. Sanders, finding her in an appatoully lifeless condition. She wap carried in to Wos Boise's resi dence and Dr. Ciane and Mr. Sanders sent for. The doctor tumid no bones biokeu, but there was severe concus sion of tho biain. Sunday morning Dr. Gaither was sent tor, and the two doctors have had chaise of the case since then. At 5:15 1'uasday morning, almost sixty-two hours alter tho acci eeut occurred, Mrs. Sanders partly ie gained consciousness, ihe physicians cay a small blood vessel has baun rup tured and a blood clot funned, which compresses tho brain, It is thought this clot is being absorbed, and that the patient will recover, although her condition ib yet very serious. Thursday afternoon, when wo last visited Mrs. Sanders, sho was yet in a aMni-conoious condition She is hav ing the best of care, and tho doctors say shs will recover, though her condi tion is very serious. Morgan, the murderer of lift'" Ida Gaskill, at Omaha, was couviclou of murder in tho first degree within six weeks from the time 'hb crime was committed. No excuse for sleepless nights whe you can procure Ono Minute Cough Core. This will leheve all annoyan ces, cm e tho most severe cough and irive you rest aim health. Can you af foidtodo without it? Taylor, the druggist i. The next republican national con vention will bo held at St. Louis Juno Kith. It was so decided at a meeting of the republican imtioiml committee held at Washington Tuesday. Good advice: Never leavo home on i journey without a bolt of Chamber lain's Colic, I holora and Dinrrhma Remedy. For sale by M. II. Taylor CATTLE DIHIOHNED. Robert Frost is prepared to dehorn cattle. Persons having cattle they want dehorned should see him. Titus & Williams carry a good grade of goods, and their prices aro reason able. No shoddy oods kept to make a cut on. Coughing i' i nates the dehme orp ans anil aggravates the disease. In stead of waiting, try One Minute Conch Cure. It helps- at once, making expeciora'ion , rn-Mice-i the -ow-ness and inll no n Everv one like it. Taylor ' rug pin . A WOMAN WHO WILL WORK Wantkd in every county to introduce tho Celebrate-! "Hygeia" Waists for all ages, ThiB waist supercedes thecorHOt and has received the unanimous appro val of tho leading physicians. 3J5 00 Outfit Free. Any energetic woman can make from $15 to SijO weekly. Send for citculars and terms. Hyokia M'k'o Co.. .'178 Canal St., Now York. If suffering with piles, it will inter est you to know that Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Thi medicino is a specific for all complaint of this character, and if instructions (which aro simple) ate can led out, a cure will result. Wo have tested this in numerous eases, and alwas with like results, it never fails, Pa tho druggist. OH, YES! -O TO M.J Taylor, DRUGGIST, Nniunhn. Nc,. ,- l DRUGGIST, ( V J Nomnhn, Nc,. K U-) on The -"-.- y..,7-.:'- - iacvV. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys, Girls and Children, the place to buy your Christmas and Holiday Goods -IS M. II Taylor's Drug Store, Everything new and fresh and at low prices. The very latest novelties just re ceived. Call at once and make your selec tion before the stock has been picked over. Same of the Articles. Stmiil Lamps, Hall Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Night Lamps, Vases, Cut Glass Pieces, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Hooks, beparato and in Sets, M anieti re Sets, Poilot Cases, Card Casus, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Pocket Hooks, Boxes of Writing Paper, Whisk Broom Holders, Fancy Dolls, Large Dolls, Small Dolls, All kinds of Dolls, No matter what you may want if we have not got it, will get it for you. M. H. TAYLOR. DRUGGIST, t MANUFACTURED BY . WORK BROS. & CO., CHIC GO. J. W Oraiinicr fc Co. Carry a Full Lino of Gents' Furnishing Guods,Hats,CapsJrunks,Valises If you want tho "Best Wearing and Best Fitting CLOTHING and save for yourself 25 per. cent, buy "Inclty Woistecl Olotliing. FOR SALE BY J. W. CRANMER & CO., Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska OH, YES! a 4 .V.,v .. AT- Building Blocks, A B C Blocks, Animal Block.-, Singing'Tops, Cologne Casto.'B, Scrap Books, Thermometers, Paper Backs, Air (Juris, Spring Cutis, Writing Desks, Ornamental Cologne Bottles, A Complete Lino of "Vases, Fine Perfumes, Haines of Kvery Description, Drums, 'Ioy Dishes, Parlor Balls, Banks, Day Books, Mugs, Pop Guns. Ktc, Ftc. 99