The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 06, 1895, Image 8

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"K To Roll Canadian drown Krnl
wTri'i', Ilerry 1'lntitii, KoHiwt
Hliitiuiiory, hcpiI Potatoes, fto., for tlio luruunl
uroworHor iiiun KniooHtocit. woven mimirtii
ncri'H, linrily prolltalilo varieties Hint succeed
In tlio rolriuHt ollniutcn. No nxtmrluncn re
quired unci fair t routined t Kiinrantoed. Any
one not piirnlriK SfjO.OO per month iind Hxnoti-
nph hiioiiiii write iih in oncii ror nnriieiinir
CoiiiiiiIhhIoiih imld purl, llino men.
A mill' linur mill irnl.
oikhpo or tern lory
Htoclc KxcIiiuiko llitlldliiKi CUIciiko, 111.
CnnvRNRorN to Nail Klna
i'ph nt Fair I'rlcoH.
Carii niTlii vkkklV! wo furnlHli worlclmt
capital, experience, clo. You cniinot lull If
.Vim Mil for tho ureal MO. A 11,1,. MAItli Milt.
SKItlKS. 71t year l.(KX) mom-h NniNurleH.
,iMi acres Orchards. Write iiillek, kIvIiik
uo, roforanr-cN, ole. Htnrk llro'H, LoiunIhiiu,
Mo., or Kockport, 1 1 Ik.
Notice) Ih lioroby Klven Hint on iirbofoio
noon of Hiol7lli ilny of Docomlior, 180.1, lild
for tlio coiiHtruotloti ol lirldKen of II10 fol low
ing dencrlptlon inidntyleH will lie received at
tliiipoiinly clork'n ofllco of Ncumua county
On miction lino holweon mpcMoii 2T ihhI Xi,
town h ratine 12, 40 feel, with twoapjiroaolieH
14 feet Ioiik.
iioiwoon unction 12, town 1, rniiKo
l.'l. and
sioetlon 7, town I, nuiKo II, 4U
icei 10
niK with
11 leol itpiroituuuN.
Ilolweoii m-ctloim 'J9 and 32 In town I, rango
11, (i 41) fool I rhino with two HI leet ap
IironvliPH, lllddorH lo furnlHli plana and HpeelHratlonH
(leeonipanled hy a corlllled cheek for SM'O.
All ItrldKCH lo ho made of Iron or Hi eel.
Hoard roHurvoH the right to reject any anil all
tilil1), Pono In NUKHlon the 8th day of Novum
hor, 18'.)).
AllPMl; .1.1. DKKHHMCH,
J.M. ItuItltKHH, Chairman.
Comity Clerk.
lieore Subscribing Jot' A Muyuzini
An Unparalleled Offer.
Dmiiorpit'M Cat Paper I'a iterim urn tho
most practical mi the murkol. They are ol
nny m!zo that any member ol 11 hoiiHohold
could icipilro. In each copy ol the iii.ikiikIiio
1u prl ited a coupon entli lint; the nulihorlhor,
or puicIiiinci', lo ik pattern worth and ronular
ly Mild lor.Vxsor any niiinhcr of patleniN lor
Ion 1 conlf ouch to cover paOkiiuo mid HMnt;o
'When tho value of tho p,. Ileum In coimldurud
tlio Mili-crllier acttiuil v getM
And what a inaKar.lne It Ih! For I8!M It will
bo mure tirllllaut than ever heforo Now
iiaiian"intint,new melhodH, now IdeiiN. Knoll
copy contaliiK 1111 oxguiHito eproductloti In
colorH of NOiiiocolnhralcd plo tiro by a famoux
nrtlhi, worthy to adoi 11 tho wiiIIh of tho most
roll ned homo. It In a Hi r mod that Demoiests
Ih tho only pouiplotii hiiuliy maa.lne pnh
HhIiviI uutilhllilliu all of Iho iiiohI excellent
FolntHOf IN pontoiiipornrluH, hoHldeH havliiK
nlmllahlo foaluroH of IIh own. DoiuoreNl'H
Ih actually a dozen mniiar.liieit In otio.
It Im a UlKott or Current KventM mid IiIphn
foi tho hiiiiv liinn or woiii 11 a Review and a
BtorolioiiHO of IntoreHt for all. Wives, moth
crH.HlHti rH AiiddiMiuhtorN can llud exactly
what llioy need toamiiM) and liiHiruct thoiii.
bIho praotleal helpM In every department of
domoHtlo nnd HiHiial life, liicludliiK Iho furn
IhIiI'ik and oinnuionlliii; of tho homo, 0111
titnldery, hrlo-n-l)io, artlNtio and fancy
woik 01 all klmlH cto and hukkomi Ioiih and
advlco reKiirdliiK thw woIIIiaIiii; and dreHMlni;
of their own rerxoiiH.
Tho Koopo of tho iirtloloH for IHW and 180(1
will cover tho whole country mid It n vailed
IntoroNls, and tho articles will be profusely
llliiHtruled wltli tho tlnoHt eimnivluH. and
In addition, It will pnhllHh tho and pur
hhI fiction, It tiontH at Ipiiij h uut ol Door
HporiH, Home AimiNotnoiitN and hntortnln
iiioiiih; It ulvena Kroat deal 'ifaltentlon to tho
Clillilrou'H l)npnrinmnl,iiiid "Our (ilrln,"and
liai 11 .Monthly Hyinpostuiii hy (Vlehraled
Ptfoplo, In which aio iIIhpuhhoiI Important
lU0HtloiiHOf tho hour or Interest to tho older
Let tin hnvo yoiirHUliHcrlptlonat onco. You
KOt more value for our money than It In
poHlhle toHepuro In any other iiiiikii.Iiio.
Tho Mhkh.Iiio iiiio yoar for 82 IK).
Orxlx inoiitliH lor 1 IK).
Ovor aV) dltretonl uarinenlH aroKhown ouch
year, pa.toriiH 01 nil of which are ohtnlnahlo
by HiihHorlhorN at 4o each. Hamplo copy wll h
Iiattorn coupon Kent for IOcih.
OKMdUKmT VX1 MilHlllNa CO..
110 Fifth Avenuo, Now York.
f A Liberal Offer. Only 82 85 for
1 Tiik NicmtAsKA Advkktiskk and .
' Demurest's Family Muyuzine '
tSentl vourHulmoriptioii lo thisoflko J
UiIdr to patent? Protect your Ideas ; they may
brlnir you wealth. Wrlto JOHN WKUDKIV
HUHN & CO., Patent Attorneys, WaaulUHton,
D. 0 for tuelr $1,WX) prlro offer.
DuWitt'H Little lSnrly llisors for bil
iouHMHHH, intligoHtion, cotiHtipation. A
Htnall pill, a prompt cure. Taylor the
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
Is a certain euro for Chronic Bore Eyes,
Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, l'dcs,
Eczema, Tetter, Halt Hheum and Scald Head,
85 ccnU per box. For sale by druggists.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
dition try Dr. Cndy's Condition Powders.
They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure
of appetite, rehere constipation, correct
tey disorders and dentroy worms, giving
Uto to an old c over worked horwj. 25
r Dac,,iuf, Vor ! bjr drujrjiuta.
u: -
I - The modern stand-
U ard Family Medi-
w cinei Cures the
J common every-day
5 ills of humanity.
The Nebraska Advertiser
. IV. H.1J"ltttltS ruhlltli$r.
SunnciurTioN Sl.fiO wax yuaii
FIUd'aY. DEO. 0, 1805.
CongrtHB Im mow in session.
A man in Slurniiui county, Nobr.,
litts been arrested hy the authorities
for running an illicit still, lie lias
liocn manufacturing nn excellent qual
ity of whiskey from sugar beets.
The (i. A. it. post hultl the annua)
clod Ion Wednesday. Tlio following
is tho lint of ollieers ho far as wo got
tlii'tn :
Commander S. Gilbert.
Quartermaster I). T. Smiley.
Chaplain .Jesse Farmer.
Bum. V. T. Whittun.
O. I). I.N Cooper.
O. H. 0. W. Nonl.
Friday evening of last week Ally
McCandliiHH, who had boon at Shnbort,
got into his buggy and started homo,
but had gono only a nhort. distance
when tho bolt holding tliodoublo-treoi
gave way or pulled out, letting them
agaiiiHt tho horsea' logs. The liorn.s
spiang forward, and Ally was jerked
ovor the dashhaard and out of tlio bug
gy, falling on his face, which v;aa con
siderably tiki 11 tied up. Tho horses got
Iooho from him and startod up the
railroad track on tho run, Ally
searched for them on the way home,
but did not (bid them. The next
morning they were found by tho side
Of the railroad track, the train liavinu
caught thorn. The iron grav hud one
leg broken and had to be killed. The
bay had one leg badly cut, and cannot
bo used for Home time.
IMIos of people havo pilen, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure
them. When promptly applied it euros
scalds and burns without the slightest
pain. Tiivlnr. the druugist.
Takothe wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the eitv. Easy riding
Quick time. All trains mot. John
McElhanev, proprietor.
One Minute Cough (Jure i- rightly
named, It affords instant relief from
suffering when alllicted withaBevore
coughnr cold. It acts on tho throat,
bronchial tubes, and lungs and never
fails to j've immediate relief Taylor
tho druggist.
In this and every town in tlio vicinity
where thero Is not already an agent, to
sell the New York Ledger, America's
greatest story paper, by tlio week, and
ace as agent , making 2 cents on every
copy sold. No chargo being made for
unsold copies. No Possible ItiBk.
For full particulars call at the oilice of
this paper.
Old papers for sale at this olllco,
Croup is a terror to young mothers
and to post them concerning the cause,
first symptoms and treatment is tho ob
ject of this item. The origin of croup
is a common cold. Children who are
subject to it take cold very easily and
croup is almost sure to follow. The
tirst symptom is hoarseness; this is
booh followed by a peculiar tough
cough, which is easily recognized and
will never be forgotten by one who has
heard it The time to act is when tho
child first becomes hoarse If Cham
berlain'i Cough Remedy Ib freely given
all tendency to croup will soon disap
pear Even after the croupy cough
has developed it will prevent the at
tack. There is no danger in giving
this remedy for It contains nothing in
jurious. For sale by M. II. Taylor.
m ' ' ' " "
"W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Ten
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn upt
All business given prompt and careful
The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of
East Hrimfield, Mass., had been suffer
ing from nouralgia for two days, not
being able to slep or hardly keep still,
when Mr. Ilolden, tlio merchant thero
sent her a bottle of Chamberlaiu'nPain
Halm, and asked that she give it a th or
ough trial, On mooting Mr. Wells the
next day he was told that she was all
right, the pain had left her within two
hours, and that the bottle of Pain Halm
was worth T5 00 if it could not bo hail
for less. For Bale at 50 centB per bottlo
by M. II. Taylor.
Women h "Good Fellows."
At a recent iJoheniian gathering ti.
toast of tlieVjvenitig was to the hostess,
who was voted "a jHy good follow."
Tills sentiment was received with great
applause, and every man present felC
that no higher compliment could bo
paid the little woman whom each desired
to honor. A little thought, however,
given to this sentiment makes it less a
matter for congratulation and more u
topic for serious consideration. Tho
world is full of women who are ablo to
be good fellows, says tho Philadelphia
Times. It doesn't require much. Mere
ly u gift of repartee, a ready wit and a
kindly heart, but tho womanly women,
tlio gentle loving creatures, who think
the greatest honor in life lies in being
devoted wives and mothers, they aro
not so readily found, but once a man
does discover such a treasure the "good
fellow" Is forgotten, and the more es
sentially feminine, though less bril
liant, woman Is placed in tho sacred
recesses of his heart, where she dwells
forever and ayo. Olrls, It does not pay
to cultivate u reputation for good fel
lowship; rather eschew all conduct that
does not lie parallel with lines of refine
ment, duty and womanliness. Tho tran
sient lienor attached to a sovereignty of
this sort Is not to be compared with tho
lasting homage that Is always given a
truo woman. Tho shores of Bohemia
aro composed of jagged rocks, on which
many 11 bark bearing tho name, "wom
an's reputation," ban been shattered.
Tho wlscnt woman that ovor lived can
not bo too careful in her manner. The
world at largo does not appreciate tho
doubtful compliment that tho woman
anxious for a certain kind of public
recognition thinks so desirable It Is
tho easiest thing to step over tho bor
der; therefore watch out for thorough
womanliness If you desiro thorough
happiness and tho best roturns tho
world can give.
Not Quito All tho Earth.
Henry Miller and Charles Lux. cattle
men of San Francisco, confess to own
ing moro than fourteen million acrea oi
land In three states. As tho Sai Fran
cisco Examlnor puts It, this makes an
entato equal In area to tho states of
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode
Island and Connecticut together. It Is
half tho biro of Now York and throe
tlmos tho sizo of Now Jersey. It is
about tho sizo of West Virginia and a
eighth of tho cntiro area of California.
It Is as large as Greece, with the Ionian
Isles, of which Uyron wrote. It is four
times tho area of Alsace-Lorraine, ovor
which Franco and Germany fought. It
Is but llttlo smaller than Ireland and
half again as largo as Switzerland. It
1b twice as largo as Belgium and one
third the sizo of England and Wales to
gether. Thcsu two remarkablo men
aro natives of ono of tho Rhenish prov
inces of Germany.
Money does not always bring happi
ness. Since inheriting seventy-five
thousand dollar: from her brother,
"Diamond Joo" Reynolds, of Arkansas,
Mrs. Divine, of Ilurleyvllle, N. Y., has
become demented in her fear that sho
would lose hor money. She has made
throe attempts to end her life. She at
tempted hanging from a bedpost, low
ered a heavy window sash on her neck,
and with an old penlmife Inflicted
twenty cuts on her neck, wrists, legs
and feet. She was discovered when
she plunged tho knife into her side
and tried to drive it further with an
Iron stove lid. Tho suddenly acquired
wealth may, after all, bo tho death of
A list of the casualties at the late
republican primaries iu Chicago is
forty-two names long of men with
faces smashed, eyes gouged, stomachs
kicked, and generally bruiued or
beaten. Ambulauccu wore in great do
tnund, while ballot-boxes were smushed,
judges of election kicked out of doors,
md a roign of bruisers inaugurated.
Tho contest raged ovor tho attempts of
tho rival city hall and county factions
to capture the delegates to the county
convention. Thero is nothing liko a
political gathering to stir a man's light
ing blood.
A latk dispatch from Rome says that
living in open air all summer has Im
proved tho pope's health, which was
Dover better than It Is now. Ho Is en
tirely free from tho fainting spoils that
ascd to come upon him in the spring
aionths and when pressed with busi
ness. Dr. Laponi says: "If nothing
unforeseen happens, tho holy fa
ther's constitution Is rv sound that ho
may well attain his hundreth year."
A hoom in the Lawrence houso at Ex
ter, N. II., has on its walls the original
paper that Its former proprietor, tho
late Jotham Lawrence, imported from
Italy at great expense when tho houso
was built in 1800. It is known as laud
soape paper and 1b mndu up of scenes
of the bay of Naples, no picture being
duplicated. A houso that ban suoh
f paper can well dlbpenso with pictures
in tho walL
IPVcsicieMit of the "United State
New York Weekly Tribune
of November 4th, 1896.
J'ublic interest will steadily lucrease, and tho disapointmont of the mea
whoso votes turned the scale at the last election, with the resultB under the
administration they elected, will mnko tho campaign the most intensely inter
eating inutile history of tho country.
The New York Weekly Tribune,
tho loading Republican family newspaper in the United Statea, will publish nil
the political news of the day, interesting to every American citizen regarulosi
of party affiliations.
Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering the
news of tho world, an agricultural department second to uono in the country,
market reports which ro recognized authority, fascinating short stories, com
plete in each number, the cream ol the humorous papers, foreign and domestic,
with their best comic pictures, falilons plates and elaborate descriptions of
woman's attire, witli a varied and attractive department of household inteieat.
The "New York Weekly Tribune" is an ideal family paper with a circulation
larger than any other weeklv publication in the country issusd from the office
of a daily. Large changes are heititr made in its details, tending to givo it
greater life end variety, ami especially more- interest to the wonieu and young
people of the household
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and
ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.0, 2$$&gLf
(Tho regular subscription for the two papers is 2.50.)
Address all orders te
Write your name and nddress on a postal eard, send it to Goo. "VT. Heat,
Room 2, Tribune Huilding, New York City, and sample copy of The New
York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you.
We will soon be in the midst of a presidential campaign. We want our
readers to have oveiy opportunity of knowing what is going on and have
theiofore arranged by SPECIAL CONTRACT which enables us to offer
From now -until January 1st, 1897,
or saoo
The coming campaign promises to be tho most exciting in years. You
can't afford to lie without tlio fullest information when it can be had for such
small amount of money. REMEMHER Both papers until January 1, 1807,
for $'2.00. Address,
Tho Advertiser.
For Cheapest Reading
Just Gaze on This List:
Both one year for only
The Advertiser
The Toledo Blade
tootli One Year for $150!
The Advertiser
The State Journal
Both one year for 2.00!
hi anil
ERTISER, Nemaha, Neb.
Weeny Herald
&tt m