The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 06, 1895, Image 2

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XV. XV. 8ANIWKS, I'uhllnlicr.
Wed. Tim, Fri. Sal,
5 G
12 K3
10 20
20 27
Stmirrmry of tho Daily Nowq.
Si:om:i-.vuv ok W.vit I.amont has mil)
milled his aniiiiul report to President
Cleveland. The feature of il is a show
in of tho tardiness with which tho
filii tis for coast defense's tiro hoing
carried out. Tlie expenses of the war
department for tlie. Ilseal year ended
.lime .'Id, IHltr,, were SM,ls7,7M. The
nppropriation for tho current (iseal
your was SMS. Iii(i,.vri and the estimate
for the following year. 8.-,i,tl.",ri:t. Tito
nnmhor of enlisted men in tlie army is
155,7(1(1 ami tho effective list is placed
at 'JO.ftSI. Tho army, tho secrottiry
said, was hotter fed, clothed and
housed than ever before.
Ki:;iir.i'AUV Iloici: Smiiii, of the in
terior dopartinent, in ills annual re
port to the president, dwells upon tho
necessity of eliminating polities from
tho innnngotneiit of Indian aiVairs and
making all Indians self-supporting'
and eiti.ens as soon as possible, freed
from tho paternal euro of tlie govern
ment, hy allotting them lands. After
reviewing in detail the work of the
land ofllcc tho secretary takes up tho
question of the disposition of tho arid
lands and preservation of tho forests
and suggests tho advisability of patent
ing tho lands to tho states after it is
fully determined that the selections
Hindu by Ilium under tho Carey tict tiro
arid lauds.
). C. ltKNcmcr, the intimate friend
of the president, stilted that under no
circumstances would Mr. Cleveland ac
cept the nomination for a third term.
That tho president intended to make a
tour of the world when his second
term expired and that hu had already
asked a personal friend of his to ac
company him on tho tour.
ATioitNi:Y-(5i:.r.itAi. IIaumo.v has of
fered a reward of S."0() for tho appre
hension of the murderers of tho throe
men and a boy whoso bodies were
found on a boat in tho Uod river, in
the Indian territory, a short time ago.
l'ltKstiiCNT Ci.i:vi:i,am) lias presented
a binocular glass to dipt. I'M ward (Mi
liums, commander of tho Ilritish steam
er Kanmoor, in recognition of his ac
tion in having tho crow of the Ameri
can steamer HI wood Harwell. He also
presented (fold medals to the olllcers of
tho Ilritish steamer llohawk for saving
the crew of tho American vessel Alton
S. Marshall.
An investigation in the interior de
partment lias resulted in the discovery
that autograph fiends have been at
work ainontf tho tiles. It has been dis
covered that scores of signatures of
many groat men, long since dead, espe
cially presidents of ia United States,
atlixed to papers in the land ollice have
been cut oil' and carried away. Abra
ham Lincoln's autograph has been
especially snnjfht after. Tlie papers
have been, in many instance, rendered
practically valueless by this mutila
tion. It has boon decided to remove tho
body of Maj.-tien. Winlleld S. Hancock
to Arlington cemetery, Washington,
from Norristown, l'a , where it has
rested since ISSfl. None of the projects
to erect a monument at Norristown
have succeeded, ami the committee of
the Second artillery corps has succeed
ed in sccuriiiff the consent of members
of the family to the removal. It is
planned to have the burial in Arling
ton to take place next sprinjf, when a
monument to lien. Hancock on one of
tho public squares in Washington will
bo dedicated.
Tiik broomeorn warehouses of Ooorgo
N. Howell fe Co. and L. 15. Chambers
A- Co. of Areola, III., were burned on
the ','Oth, together with about Mil) tons
of broomeorn. Loss, $50,000.
UiIl'oitTS have reached HI l'aso, Tex.,
of a biir Yaqul outbreak in northeast
ern Sonora. A number of eiti.ens. in
cludinjf Americans were reported
.Ioiin .1. Ovi:i:ton, claiming- to lie S
years of age. was convicted in the
United States court at Kort Smith,
Ark., recently of forgery to obtain an
increase of pension.
Fim: started in La Pierre's boarding
house at St. Ilyaclnthe, Que., on the
27th. and two women, (icorgiaiia Mal
beuf and Unsalic Gautliier, wero suffo
cated to death.
In a Long Island village Dick Collier,
the Bnglish pugilist, and .Mm McCoy,
the Kansas City middleweight, had a
tight and in tho fourth round Collier
knocked down McCoy and McCoy re
fused to go ou and quit.
CoVHltH.ltAliM'.oxcltcmcnt was caused
In labor circles at Toronto, Out., by a
report from Montreal that tho Knights
of Labor had decided to secede from
tlie general assembly and form a pure
ly Canadian order. It is now a fore
gone conclusion that tho Ontario
knights will also secede from the gen
eral assembly, In which event they will
join Quebec and form a Canadian order.
Cl.r.AitiNO house returns for the prin
cipal cities in the United States for tho
week ended November "J! showed an av
erage increase as compared with tho
corresponding week last year of S.0;
In New York the Increase was 8.7;
outside New York the increase was
I Ml
CiiAiti.i'.H N. Kvtini was hanged at
Decatur, 111., on the. .nth for tho mur
der of his child and sister-in-law. On
tho scaffold Smith was calm, and ho
spoke in n faint voice, but otherwise
seemed unaffected. Asked if lie had a
statement to make, ho said: "I am sor
ry for what I have done."
Ni:aii Childress, Tex., a northbound
train on the Fort Worth v. Denver was
held up bv two men on tho night of
tho .llth. The robbers got nothing, as
tho messenger could not open the
through safe. The two men have been
located and olllcers worn reported
after them. No one on the train was
Dt'itiNd the progress of a church fair
at Wooster, O., an immense crowd was
packed into the city armory, when a
lam) in one of the booths exploded,
sotting lire to the draperies of Miss
Myrtle Miser, an attendant. A rush
for tho single exit occurred and many
women and children wero trampled
upon. Fully 100 persons jumped from
tho windows, many being badly cut by
glass. Mrs. Carrie MeKco was thrown
through a witidow, sustaining injuries
which will likely prove fatal. Jennie
Putnam, a 10-your-old cripple, could
not help herself and received internal
Injuries which will cause her death.
At Savannah, (hi., ex-Congressman
Illaud wtis to lecture on free silver on
the night of tho 'J8th, but at 1 o'clock
in tho afternoon as only one seat had
Wen sold Mr. Itlandaileclared the lec
ture off.
Unv. F. F. Passmoui:, formerly pas
tor of a church at lireokinridge, Col.,
has lieon cited for trial on December (5
hnforo the Colorado conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church, being
charged with falsehood and dissen
sion. In articles published by tho
minister he alleged Mint the bishops
and ministers of the Methodist church
had "joined hands with gamblers,
Sabbath breakers, saloonkeepers and
harlots" and were supporting "every
sin anil crime of the aire."
.losni'ii Iluv.wv had his head blown
from his shoulders and Ambrosto
Ciabani received fatal injuries at tho
Chapin mine at Iron Mountain, Mich.
The men were engaged in blasting ore
and went to examine a blast that hung
lire when il exploded.
Tiik Trun.sniisstssippi congress at
Omaha, Nob., on the .7th declared for
tlie free and unlimited coinage of sil
ver at 10 to 1 by n vote of 1.7 to 50.
State governments were also urged to
take legislative action relative to irri
gation. After choosing Salt Lake City
as tho next place of meeting the con
gress adjourned.
At Palma, capital of tho island of
Majorca, eighty persons, most of them
women, were employed in emptying
old cartridges when one of the car
tridges exploded in some manner and n
tremendous explosion followed, which
shuttered the masonry of the town
walls, which wero very thick, and did
much damage to buildings. Thirty
seven women and fourteen men were
instantly killed and thirtv-live women
and live men were seriously injured,
and of this number twenty have since
A iii:.vii:ni collision occurred on
the Santa Fe, near Shoemaker, N. M.,
between a freight and a passenger
train on a sharp curve. Poth engines
wero destroyed and the baggage ami a
enair car wore nit-own into the river.
Two postal clerks wore killed and
about seventeen persons more or less
seriously Injured.
At HI wood, hid., the casting hall of
the glass factory was demolished
by the recent storm and the Mc
Coy lamp chimney factory was lifted
from its foundation, loss estimated at
Slot), 000. At Franklin the new Clyde
window glass factory was unroofed;
business blocks wero damaged ami the
Indianapolis gas puninng stations
wore destroyed; loss, Silt), 000. At Alex
andria the plato glass works wero
badly wieeked and two huge shops of
tho Union steel plate plant wore dr
inollshed. At Franklin tho wind
wrecked tho new city hall. Loss,
SI 5,000.
Cooi'i:it union, New York, was
crowded on the 'JOth with an enthusi
astic audience of sympathizer with
tho Cuban cause. Charles A. Dana pre
sided and Congressman Sulzer was the
orator of tho occasion. A resolution
was adopted calling on congress to
grant belligerent rights to the Cuban
Wiii.n Frank Hrown. a night rail
roader, left his home at Cleveland, O.,
on the evening of '.'7th his wife set
about clearing away the supper table.
Frankie, their 15-month-old bah,,
pulled the cloth off the table, and w'th
it a coal oil lamp. There was an ex
plosion and Humes burst forth. Mrs.
lb-own hurried three of her chil
dren out of tho house, and then round
that Huby, il years old, was njlssing.
She was found dead, burned 1 orribly,
in her father's dead, whither she had
Hod for shelter.
At Canterbury Hill, W Vu ou In a
Norfolk A: Western railroad, a b-id
wreck occurred the other evening.
F.rigiiioer Walter and a brakeman wero
fatally ami several others seriously in
jured. Tin: failures for the week ended No
vember :J!) (Dun's report) were .7!) in tiiu
United States, against US!) last vear,
and 17 in Canada, against .'H! last year.
An accident resulting in tho loss of
thirteen or fourteen lives occurred at
the Tilley-Fostei initios at Carmel, N.
Y., on the .Oth. A vast weight oi
earth and rock slid with tho force of
an avalanche from the mouth of the
pit to the bottom, a distance of U0C
foot, and the earth crashed over the
men working at the bottom.
Ox the night of the 'JOth .loo Robin
son and O.ius Mctiahoy, both negroes,
wore taken from the jail at Fayettc
ville, Tenn., and hanged. The negroes
had been tried for attempted criminal
assault, convicted and sentenced to the
full penalty of the law. (lov. Turney
received a telegram from the sheriff
calling for troops, but soon after a
telephone message wtis received by the
governor stating- thatthe jail had been
stormed and the prisoners lynched.
Wit. mam Kaatica, a farmer residing
near Menotnonie, Wis., is in jail on the
charge of murdering1 his wife with an
ax. He brained her, and proceeded to
chop her into pieces. His l.'t-year-old
daughter and 11-year-old son were
present. The son, tinned with a Win
chester rille, prevented his escape until
help arrived.
Tin: long drawn out impeachment
proceedings against L. C. Ferryman,
tho retiring chief of the Creek nation,
terminated at Okmulgee, I. T., in his
conviction of maladministration of of
fice. Tho only penalty is incapacity
for holding ollice.
Tin: football games played on
Thanksgiving day wore as follows: At
Chicago, between the Ann Arbor and
Chicago universities, score 1. to 0 in
favor of Ann Arbor. At Philadelphia,
between the Cornell and Pennsylvania
universities, score I'. to '. in favor of
Pennsylvania. At Kansas City, be
tween the Missouri and Kansas uni
versities, score 10 to (5 in favor of Mis
souri. At Chicago the lioston and Chi
cago Athletic associations played a
match gtiino which ended in a tio of
to 1.
Fim:iAN Hai.I'IN on tlie .3th discov
ered tho bodies of two inon in thu ruins
of the lire which occurred at the old
Voiles building on tho liowery in New
York. They were partly covered by
charred wood and otherdobris. Neither
body has been identified.
Ciiaiuman (lit)i:o.v, of the L. A. W.,
said on tho 27th that tho cyclists Ca
banne, Titus and Murphy, who were
temporarily suspended for alleged
crooked racing in a class I! race at St.
Louis on August 17, have been sus
pended for life by the racing board.
On Thanksgiving day .'1,000 Christian
Endeavoiers at Cleveland, O., offered
prayer for tho conversion of Col. Rob
ert lugersoll, the noted inlldol. The
action was taken at the request of
Mayo union, a branch of the Christian
AUDI I'lON'AI. DISPATCHI'S. vi. Wii.son has an
nounced that ho will enter tho race for
congress next vear in his old district in
West Virginia.
Tin: delieiency in revenue as report
ed by the United States treasury for
the five months of the present fiscal
year ended November 30 amounted to
317,000,000 against SUO.OUO.OOO for a year
F.vnir.n Knvv.vitn A. Ki:i.i,i:v, a Roman
Catholic divine of Chicago, has been
consecrated bishop of tho diocese of
Concordia, Kan.
Tin: secretary of the navy has mado
his annual report to President Cleve
land, in which he strongly urges tho
increase of tho navy. "We are not in
want of ordinary unarinored cruisers
or of gunboats," he says, "but wo are
lamentably delicicnt in torpedo boats,
and wo certainly need more battle
ships." The entire expense of tho
navy department for the year ended
Juno ISO, 1st).-,, was Sl-MlS,:i7(i, of which
more than half was for the pay of tho
navy. The appropriation for the cut
rent year is S-J),:i:;i.0',5. and tho esti
mate for next year SSD.HH.UW.
What may be the llrst step in tho
long-desired union of the northern
and southern Ituptist churches was
taken by the P.aptist statu convention
at Ureenville, S. C, recently. Tho body
voted to co-operate with tho American
IStiptist lloniu Mission society, tho
Home Mission Hoard of Southern
Ihiptists and tho Colored Ituptist con
vention of South Carolina in mission
ary work among the colored people of
South Carolina.
Tin: comptroller of tho currency in
his report urges congress to enact leg
islation which wili induce national
banks to pay greater tittentioM to note
issues. Mr. Eckels says,' l'ho advan
tage accruing to tlr government by
the substitution of a bank note for a
treasury note e.irrency would bo im
measurably ift'cul. The need of main
taining e j;old reserve to meet the recurring-
demand obligations would,
within a reasonable time, be obviated,
end, delivered fiom this vexatious and
expensive dillioulty, tho treasury do
partinent could return to its legitimate
function of collecting tho revenues of
tho government."
In Cass county, Minn., seventeen
townships seceded and deeideil to be
come a part of Crow Wing county,
Tlie trouble arose over a bond issue
which tlie county olllcers had ordered
and which was opposed by the uecod-
'I'm: post oT'lce tit Nanttisket, Ruffalo
county, has been re-established.
Tin: president litis appointed John
F. Rradsliaw postmaster at Superior.
Tin: crop of sugar beets in Nebraska
this year is estimated at IIJ.OOO acres.
Sinn.'ioN people paid S387 for railroad
fare to Denver during the Schlatter
I'm: Nebraska Savings and Exchango
bunk, of Omaha, has gone into volun
tary liquidation.
M its. John Ki:.ti:iti.i:,of Pierce county,
recently became violently insane and
was taken to the asylum at Norfolk.
Worry over financial matters reported
to bo the cause.
W. C. LiniANi:, the Reatrico attor
ney who was recently .sentenced by
Judge Rush to pay a lino of 8100 and to
be confined in the county jail for ton
days, luis appealed to tho supremo
Tin: recount of the vote in Furnas
county for district judge showed mat
ters to bo very much mixed. Out of
the "mix" there was figured a plural
ity of 'J votes in tho district for Judge
Foil the past few months there have
been many complaints made of cattle,
hogs and other property being stolen
near Fremont. The farmers got tired
of this and secured the services of a de
tective, and as a result four men and
one woman are lodged in jail.
In the tit Lincoln
the jury returned ti verdict of guilty of
murder in the second degree. Tho
crime for which Davis wtis convicted
was wrecking the Rock Island pas
senger train near Lincoln on tho night
of August 20, ISAM. Eleven people
wero killed.
Tin: oflicial vote of the state, us can
vassed by tho state board, gives the
following- result for judge of the su
premo court: Norval (rep.). 70, I5i; Max
well (people's ind.), 70,576; Manoney
(dcm.), 1S,:18; Phelps (detn.), 10.211;
Wolfenbarger (pro.), 1,311. NorvuPb
plurality, 8,573.
.Ioiin Vi:st, Urand Island's default
ing city treasurer, has been released
from the penitentiary on parole. J. E.
Dill, a real estate man of that city,
will become responsible for him. West
served three terms as city treasurer
and was short in his accounts 815,000.
He has about one year to serve.
In the case of Frank Hiizolett, who
was recently tried at York for the
shooting of his brother-in-law, lieorgo
Kingen, tlie jury, after being out nine
hours, brought in a verdict of acquittal.
Kingen has recovered, lie was a pa
roled convict at the time of the shoot
ing, which was the result of an old
A ri'nrioN is being circulated in Lo
gan county asking the governor to
pardon Lewis W. Wells, the man sen
tenced to the penitentiary for eleven
years for the murder of a man named
Ciilkerson. Wells lias served four
years, but was recently placed in the
insane hospital. He has been com
pletely cured.
A ktii.i, was recently captured in
Shertnan county, which was being run
by a farmer for the manufacture of
whisky out of sugar beets. The qual
ity of the whisky was good, and rev
enue onuers were leartiu mat a new
"moonshine" industry would spring
up in tlie manufacture of illicit sugar
beet whisky.
A. H. Nichols, a farmer living 7
miles northwest of Lincoln, accident
ally killed his 8-year-old daughter
the other morning. He threw a heavy
club at a refractory horse. It flow
wide of tho mark and struck the little
girl on the side of the head. When
picked up she was unconscious, and
died within half an hour.
Ekiiit years ago Charles MeKonnan,
living near Wisner, left homo under
somewhat mysterious circumstances.
After a lapse of a few years his wife
obtained a divorce on the grounds of
desertion. About two weeks ago Me
Konnan returned to his former home,
much to the surprise of his divorced
wife who believed him dead.
Tin: other day Joseph Karnes, of
Plattsinouth, was beating his wife, a
pastime, it is alleged, that had grown
into a habit. The woman finally broke
away from her brutal husband, and
seizing a chair knocked htm down,
which so encouraged her that she kept
him there in a half stunned condition
until he begged for mercy and declared
he would never bo guilty of tho of
fense again.
Rkct.nti.y tlie civil case against ex
County Treasurer Ilooner, in the dis
trict court at tlraiid Island was prac
tically dismissed, Mr. Hooper and
bondsmen offering to settle at 50 cents
on the dollar and paying costs so far
made. The total shortage reported by
the expert accountant was 1,002. No
criminal proceedings wero brought.
The case against David Ackerniau, ex
county clerk, was also settled at 50
cents on the dollar, his bondsmen pay
ing on that basis SflSll.
Tin: department commander of tho
Ci. A. R. has issued unorder calling tho
attention of ouch post commander in
the dopartinent to the election of post
olllcers and delegates to the depart
ment encampment to bo hold in Omaha
tho second Wednesday in February,
1800 The election of those oflicersand
delegates must be at the first regular
meeting in December, on the basis of
one delegate and onu alternate to
every fifty members or major fraction
thereof in good standing June , lsov
Posts with less than fifty members will
bo entitled to on delegate and one
Monitobu's magnificent 'Top of 1S03
demonstrates the wonderful fertility
and productiveness of the soil of that
western Canadian province. The yield
of wheat on 1,145,270 acres was about
85,000,000 bushels; of oats, nearly HO,
000,000 bushels on -1S'J,57S acres; of bar
ley, 0,000,000 on 15:1,830 acres, and
there were besides 1,250,000 bush
els of flax, 05,000 bushels of ryo
and 25,000 bushels of peas. This is
an average of over 30 bushels of wheat
to the acre, of 00 bushels of oats, and o
.'10 bushels of barley; and this immense
crop was safely harvested by 25,000
fanners, many of whom settled in Man
itoba within the past ten years with
very little capital except industry and
energy, and some with little or no ex
perience whatever in funning. In the
aggregate these 25,000 fanners have,
ii vera (fed 2,880 bushels of grain of all
kinds; and besides this have produced
magnificent crops of roots, potatoes,
cabbages, onions and garden vegetables
of all kinds. They have shipped to
eastern markets, in addition, thousands
of head of sleek cattle and large num
bers of sheep. And till this 1ms been ac
complished without the expenditure of
one dollar for artificial fertilizers, and
with a verv small outlay for w aires.
lleyotid this Province tire fertile lands
and a ranching country stretching
miles to tlie foothills of the Rocky
Mountains. These are divided into tho
districts of Assiniboia, Saskatchewan
and Alberta. The eastern part of tho
former is also admirably adapted for
wheat raising- and mixed farming, and
the western part of the district and
the southern half of Alberta combine
to furnish the great cattle ranches of
the Northwest, there being countless
acres of prairie land on which to grow
the most nutritious grasses on the con
tinent. Northern Alberta, to which
have Hocked in recent years thousands
of settlers from Nebraska, Kansas,
Washington and other states, is the
7oor man's paradise, and although it
lias only the advantag-es of railway
communication since 1S01, is rapidly
filling up. There is practically no tax
ation in these districts, except for ed
ucational purposes, and each one pos
tcsse every requisite in climate, soil,.
1 nl. water, etc. that the most favored
old settled countries enjoy. No coun
try is more prosperous than this Cana
dian Northwest, and to none will there
he a larger immigration, as its wonder
ful productiveness becomes known.
Hoyt has written a play called
"The Satisfied Woman." Tins must
be one of Charley's jokes, or else he
doesn't know vvoiunn. Roston Courier.
Taking cold, is a common complaint. It is
due lo impure and detk-ieiit blood mid it
often leads to senuiis troubles The
remedy is found in pure, rich blood, and
tho one true blood purilier is
Hnod'c IiHlc uvl hsiniiontnusiv with
1IUUU s, i ji, HootlsSirs.iiuriHa 5u.
The Greatest Medicai Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered in one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He lias tried it in over eleven hundred
cases, and never failed except in two cases
(both thunder humor.) I le lias now in his.
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit is always experienced from the
first bottle, and a perfect cm e is warranted
when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is cawed by tlie ducts be
ing stopped, and always disappears in a.
week after taking it. Read tlie label.
it tlie stomach is foul or bilious it will
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No chang? of diet ever necessary. EaL
tlie best you can get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed
time. Sold by all Druggists.
lli:sT I.N Till. WOKI.D.
'&g Pewpfl tttag,
,ox tY&Qvattv ox
ccG3rtmessyvs. tjteoa
S xam tuva uvrMatt
Tun rising sun;
ctikes for tfencrnl
blacking of a stove.
POMS!! lor a cniiclr.
alter-dinner shine,
npplicd and pol
ished with a cloth.
lUorxt' llrii., l'ropw.. t'anton. IUhik., I .S.A.
If yonwnnt (i I'lJIM' V t It M III M VMTOIlAi
ANSI.MIMM A, AI.Ul'.UT.V n tin iSAS.
K.VTI'lli;U.l.i ttiny J.T purtli nlnri u
Laud Commissioner,.
Ay P AST E. .cpjj
' CB
V- 3m iM
Y 4