h !&H'2jLiV3twviMMamxrtti :arayimnumTjiJtrtuwi,'gimvi-m"' " M;uiku.tiijjujwjiJiimaiiiiiitmiwimwiLw.icftf mimujjw.m mjim iujjjiiih S!?f',l'aL'tll"-jig'JCTytnftxaw. ebmshu fatrtim. I VOLUME XL NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 1895. NUMHER 22 WaTVw &JU .' I" ft' f A T)ll. W. W. KEELING, Nl5.UA.UA ClTY, NUIUtAlCA.. Office firat door south of Park hotel. W. W, SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Nemaha City, Nob. Kcrker & Hoover, Denier In MEATS Holiest prices imlil.for hides, lard, tallow CAinu, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. B.BellAndrews.M.D.Ph.D, Local 3NJ"ews. Less than four weeks till Christmas. Louis Lemon moved to Harada this week . The hcIiooIh had day and Friday. a vacation Thurs- John W. Shubert lias moved on his father's farm, neat Shubert. We are needing wood. Let our dos linquont subscribers lake notice. The passenger tram from the north was two hours late Wednesday. Surgeon Specialist, Stella. Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the e)e, Varicocele, Ilernii, Ilemerrlioids, etc , performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain hoaul and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering .skill and sanitary h" roundings Parlies seeking relief through surgical means will do well to confer with Dr. Andrews. Hon. Cuius Sigki, Introducing Cooper the rustling Liveryman OK N KM A II A. Leave your orders Tor h team, Intel; or dniy, and Wk do tiik Rust. Our Mack meets all tialns. Estray Notico. Cinno into tnv enclosure, l'-J iuIIpk south west ol llrown villi-, October l'llli, lh!)5. mm reiUllnh uim ir. i wltli ilnrlt inane tnd tall, auppnsuil to ti aiMiil VI ejus old, wHuhllm nlioul 10 10 pounds Owner can lmvo smno by lirovttn prone i ' v and pay I in; costs of Ueep liumid postliiK U. II. Sl'AKliY. November 12. ls!)j. Wanted SalesmenSH STOCK or Si:i:il I'OTATOIN. UIIKUA I. SAL AllY or i O.M Ml --.SI ON I'AID WKKKI.V. 11 KM -.KNlmd I'AYINu POSITIONS to (lOUM.MK.N. SPKI'IAI. IMMJl'HMKN IS to KOI.NNi:itU. KXCUJSIVK TKIUUTOUY GIVKN IK DKSIUKI). Wilto at once for terms to The Eawks Nursery 0o., Milwaukee, Wis MflNBT 0 Li & et 6 per cent. on Farm Lands, Apply at The Adver ts (Silbert is having more cribs buill at the edgoyl tin; til nil' cast of town. James Pierson, who recently moved to Nemaha, has leased tlio lieiinelt mill. Mrs. F. U. Scovlll eamo down from Omaha and .spoilt Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark. She returned today. A catamount or wild cat was killed about a mile north ot Hrownvillo last Monday, by Ed Majors. It Is seldom one of these animals is now seen in this section, though in former years numbers were killed every year. Kev. 0. II. Gilinoro is engiiged in a protracted meeting at the Bethel (Loudon) M. 13. church, and for that reason there will be no sorvlcos held at the M. E. church at Nemaha next Sun day night, except the regular Epworth league meeting beginning at 8 o'clock, to which everybody is invited, Piof. W.L.Daveupoil went to Peru Wednesday evening, to spend Thanks giving. Steve Cooper had Ins sleigh out for a day or two this week, bvt the sleighing was not llrst class. tiser office, Nemaha. Remember we take anything on sub scription that we can out ourselves in Iced to hogs or catlle. Cyrus Mmiuk came down trom Peru L'liosdtiy evening, to spend Thanksgiv ing with Nemaha friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alx. Maxwell spent Thanksgiving in Nemaha the guests ot Mr. and Mia. S. Ihimblo. The junior league will hold a temper ance meeting at the .M. E. church sun day, ai o o'clock. Everybody is invited. Robt. Dorr, of Fremont, Nebi., a brothei-in-law of Mrs. M. II. Taylor, arrived in Nemaha Weduetula), on a short viMil. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maxwell eamo in from Auburn Wednesday, and took dinner with Dan's patents, Mr. aim Mis. .John Maxwell. There tiro rumors of slander suits and ai l eats for neglect ot duty. etc.. float lug on tli- .or. Nothing Ilk.' creating business, fur the lawyers. Sam Shuck is having a story and a half addition built to his residence on his farm noithwe-t of town. D C Miller is doing the carpenter work. Two ol Win buid'n cnildiun and twu of Henry gold's went to Auburn Thuis day, to eat Thanksgiving dinner with their graudpaieiits, Mr. and Mrs. John 1 beni. With (Silbert & son, Titus & Wil liams, Ileniy t'utse, Jeiry Marlatt, and M. II. Taylor all buying coin at Nema ha, the price ought to be kept up to the top notch. Rev. 10. h. Chamberlain has invest ed some of his surplus lauds in Nema ha county soil, having bought MO acies of Mid Tidrow, about two miles north ol lirownville. Mrs. J. B.Hoover, who has been at Whita Cloud. Kaiua-. lor several liis returned homo Wednesday night. I99 N Sunderland. Mauuikd. At the residence of John Hawxhy, in Nemaha precinct, on Thursday, Nov. 'J.sth, at 12 o'clock noon, 181).'), Mr. Frank Hawxhy ami Alter the Mrs. Charley CnuK, whom she has been nur-ttig, was no bettor when she left, and her teeovery Is doubtful. Mr. and Mrs. Field, of Shenandoah, Iowa, arrived in Nem.iha last Saturday on a visit to Mrs. Field's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hawxhy, and to attend the wedding !' Frank Ilawxby and Miss Eva Sunderland on Thursday. Mis. II. W. Shubert was in town the lir-t of the week, making farewell calls on her friends. Mr. Shubert ex pected tustatt with hi family for Han Jacinto, San Diego count), California, tins week, to spend a year or two. Mis. Shubert piomised us a letter for publi cation soon. guests partook of a line dinner the now- ly married couple drove to Auburn and took the Missouri Pact lie train for Lincoln, to spend u few days. Tin: Advisutiskii extends congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs, Iltiwxt v. Mr. and Mrs. J . V. Taylor are vis iting their Nemalia Iriouds this weok. Mr. Taylor ("rove over lrom Stolla Sun day, and Mrs. Ta.lor eamo down lrom Lincoln Monday evening. Mrs. John I. Dressier received the sad news of the death of I-or biotlioi-. in-law, at Sauiiemin, Ills., Wednesday She started for Sauiiemin Thursday afternoon, to attend the Mineral. Knval smith, living tour miles south west of Nemaha, came near having a runaway a few days ago, While driv ing along the road one ot the hoises full down, breaking tne hugy tongue in three or four pieces. The team started to run, but were stopped befoio they done any damage. Stove Cooper's hack is now lying in pieces along the roinl. Last Friday night Marion Earluit diovo down to the dej ot o get st mi freight, and left the team without tying while ho went inside to see about the freight, '''lie h.irsen became tired of standing and rati away, smashing up the hack in great shape. The ladies of the Christian church irnve a fiee dinnet til the church on Thanksgiving dty. but owing to the (net that we assisted in clearing the tables at the poor farm the night befor ami had a turkey tit home that day, vt re unable to bo present The g od things aie bunched too much for out thorough enjoyment . WOOD WANTED. " I will receive sealed bids until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, December Mb, 180a, for twenty cords of dry black jack oak wood lor school distiict No .hi; said wood to be delivered at the school house in Nemaha City. F. L. WOODWAHI), Director School District No. M. Ciood advice: Never leave home on a journev without a bottle of Chambei Iain's Colic, I bolera and Diuirhua Remedy. For sale by M. II. Tajloi Wo hear there is liable to be a big law suit soon, by potieswho claim thev hiVe a title to some of the best farms in the we-tern part of thn pre cinct. It seems a half breed woman who has been liviinr in outh Dakota for years claim- to have n deed to a consideiable body of land that she has never deeded away, Hnr husband was at Aubiir a few days ago looking up th matter. An eighty belonging to Cas I arues and one belonging to John Stephenson are included in the land claimed. John C. Sin all, of Lincoln, deputy head consul of the Modern Woodmen ()f America, oigauized a camp in Ne maha last Satuidaj night. The follow ing officers were ejected: Venerable Consul Hov. C. II. Ull moie. Atl visior John Matldox. I Ian ker Hal ry McCand less . Clerk-W. W. Sanders. Escort Stephen Cooper. Watchman Kemp Colorick. Sentry Fred Morris. Managers W. W. Sanders, Alvu Leedy, Chas Anderson, The sidewalk between town and the depot needs lepairing immediately. It is getting to be dangerous to walk over in tne daytime, and at night the only side way to do is to take the street. The st i eot commissioner should have it icpniied before we haven big dam age suit on out hands. The Thanksgivine supper given bv the ladies' aid society of the M. 13. church Wednesday night, at the poor farm, was thoroughly enjoyed by all piesent. Judging from the supper, the people certainly hiive gieat cituse for great thankfulness, and showed it Hint iiiuht by the amount of good thinus to eat that were provided, it is cerium Hint ".11 ."slt duly thank Hil when seated at the table. All kinds 'of good thiiiL's were there, fron: angel food to devil's cake, wete nboi. i !?-J0. The following in the olllcial vote for distiict judge in the First, district: James 13. Bush, ind., S.iMO; Edwin Falloon, ind., d,(i:i(l; Charles B. Lotion, rep., lO.lil-l; John S. Stull, rep , 11,754 . Let ton has a majority over Bush of a, 108, and Stall has a majority over Bu.sh oi 1,508. It has been ascertained that tho humming uciso made by telegraph wnes is not due to wind, as it can lie heard in limo of dead calm. The most tenable explanation is that it is caused by tiiitt'iniig ol the wires, owing to atmosphci ic changes. Ex . The Malono & Davis Drug Company have sold the Shubert stock of drugs If) Mctiechie Bros. J. W. Taylor went down Friday morning to assist in itis voicing. We have lor sale a good 100 acie (arm ueai Nemaha City, well impio, eil. gnoil house, barn, etc., largo orch ard, tut m nil fenced, which will be sold lor S:i.r) per acie. If you want a bii gain call quick. Acts at once, never fails. One' Mins ne Cough Cure. A remedy for astli- riie net proceeds ma.. ind that feverish condition which I accompanies a severe cold, The only " bat' i'i'hh remedy that produces jintnu- ii' insults. Tavlor. thodiugiritd. We li mi made arrangements when by we can send Tine Advkktihkk sn.d be Inti-i ( ci an both one year for only SI 00 cas i in advance. IfVljDg There a m tnv good reasons wh you should u-e One MinuteCough Cuie There aie no masons why you should not, it in need ot help. I heonh haim in i hat ue lnij then . us iV, Williams, because ilf at ctl the racket better than any other shoes. i tUe the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the citv. Easy riding. less remeih that pioduces immediate Q"iok time. All trains met. John rest Us Talor, tho druggist. McElhanev, proprietor. CATTLE DEIIOBNED. Hoboit Frost is prepared to dehorn cattle. Persons having cattle the) want dohoined should see him. It's just as easy to try One Minnie Cough Cure as am thing else. It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with it. Let your next put chase lor a coug1' be One Minute Cough Cine yt ttor medicine; better results; bettor r it, Taylor the druggist. H. A. Kyle, veterinary surgeon and dentist, bad l.ouo bills printed at this oilice this week, advertising his busi ness. Ho expects to travel this winter. He is said to be a tine veterinary. Hov. Chas. II, Gilinoro was called to Peru Wednesday to perform a marriage ceremony, Hov. (S. M. Clatoi was to have done the job, but had the misfor tune to fall and break his leg, so ho sent for Hev. Gilmoro. Wo need money a.d need it bad, Old papers lor sale at this office, Titus &, Williams carry a good grade of goods, and their prices are reason able. No shoddy goods kept to make a cut on. &l MANUFACTURED BY WORK BROS & CO,. CHIC O ft upp! 1 iSf sin Ev' ' .3 tMI HB-Vyrl fill raSI mm A nice lino of liess goods hiuid somo patterns low prices just re ceived by Titus & Williams. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The llrm of Cooper & Harper, pio prietois of tho Somalia livery and dray usineas, is this day dissolved by inn mil consent, John Harper retiring. Dated tliis Mth day of October, 180.1. Stki'iikn Cooim:k, John IlAiti'hit. J. W". Oviiiiiiiiei & Co. Carry a Full DLino of Gents' Furnishing Goods,Hats,Caps,Trunks,Valises If you want tho "Best Wearing and Best Fitting CLOTHIHG and save for yourself 25 por cont, buy 'JLjunolky Worsied OIo lining.' FOR SALE, BY J. W. CEANMER & CO., IMuc Front, Auburn, Nebraska