Sir I' H 3 w fc I Er ! .1 j IS ' . P, 7, If'T TO GAIN WEIGHT. Palo, Thin Pooplo Usually Aro DisoasocL Tho rirnt TlilnR NccPHRiirjr to Until rleth Is Health, Then Proper 1'immI for Itoth Hotly ami Xcru om fAf Journal. Ktrktvtllt, Mo. Henry Ochrko Is a thrifty ami prosperous German Farmer living four miles south of Bullion, In thin (Adair) county, Mo. Mr. Gehrlco has a vuluublo farm ami ho has boon a resident of tho county for years. He is very well known hereabouts ami well re spected wherever ho is known. Last week a reporter of tho Journal stopped at Mr. Gohrko's and whllo thcro becamo much in terested in Mrs. Gohrko's account of tho benefit sho had not loitgBinco experienced from tho uso of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Palo People. Slio said she wanted every body to know what, a great medicine these pills aro, but as so many people are praising them now-a-da,w, sho modently doubtec whether her testimony cotdd add unythiiif to what others hud already said of them Her only reason for talking for publicatioi about Pink Pills was that tho people o! Adair and neighboring counties might In convinced, if any doubted , tliatoft-pubiishcc testimonials concerning Pink Pills wen genuine statom cuts from the lips of person! who havo been benefited by the use of them Bpcaking of her own into resting experience Mrs. Ochrko said: "A llttlo over a year ago 1 was completely broken down. 1 had been taking medicine from a doctor but grew worse ami orse until 1 could scarcely go about at till. The least exertion or tho ineio bending oi my body would eauso me to lime bmothering spells, and tho suffering was terrible, i thought it was caused by my heart. When everything elso had failed to relieve mc and I had given im all hopes ol ever being any thing but n helpless invalid, I chanced to read somo testimonials in tho 'him, iVM awl Fireside also in tho Chicauo lnter-Vccan, iind tho sufferings of tho people who mndo tho statements were so nearly like the suf fering I hud endured that when 1 read tluit they wero so greatly beneiltcd bv tho use of lie Williams' Pink Pills lor Palo Pooplo I did not hesitate to go at onto ami pur chase two boxes. 1 took them according to directions and bof ore tho ilrst box was used I felt a good bit better. Really tho ilrst doso convinced mo that it w us u great l cm ody. Before tho two boxes were used up 1 sent my husband for three more boxes, fo Unit I would not bo without them When I had used theso threo boxes I lelt like a dif ferent woman and thought 1 was almost cured. "Binco that timo I have been taking them whenever I began to feel badly. When I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People, I weighed only 11!1 pounds mid after 1 had been using Uio medicine for about six months I weighed 1122 pounds. I havo hud a good appetite over binco 1 com menced taking Pink Pills and instead of mincing along, picking such food as I could cat even with an effort, 1 most anything that comes on tho table. 1 am not the in valid I was. I do not havo to be waited upon now as if I was a helpless child, but 1 work all tho timo, doing tho housework and ironing and working in tho garden without that dreadful ieeling which comes overu person when they aro afraid they are going to havo ono of those spells that 1 used to have. "Work don't hurt mo any more. I lion cstlv believe that had it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1 would now be in tny grave I still havo what tho doctor calls bilious colic but tho Pink Pills liavo made mo much better and the spells me not so frequent and aro nothing lino as puinlul n& before I began to use them I would not be without tho Pink Pills for Hint disease alone under any circumstances, to say nothing of tho other diseases lor which they are espe cially rocomiuonded. 1 tuko pleasure in telling my neighbors the benefits 1 have re ceived from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale People, and know of several who have been gre.itlv bunelited bv them "' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pcoplo aro considered an unfailing ppciiilc for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, bciatica, neural gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, tho after effects of in grippe, palpitation of tho heart, pale and sallow complexions, that urea leeitng resulting from nervous pros tration; all diseases resulting J rem vitiated humors in tho blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. 'J hey are nlso a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical euro in all cases arising fiom men tal worry, overwork, or excesses of what ever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid nn receipt of trice, tfl) cents a box oi'hix boxes for $2 r0 tliev are never sold in bulk or bv tho 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. V. HI Tlolu't siiwI Thorn. Mileage tickets in Berlin go by tho name of "lcilonietorhoft," ami tho stamped stubs sliow exactly where and when tho holder of tho ticket was at any given time and place. This is what saved tho drummer of a Curls rulio firm tho other day in a predion mont. Just as ho was climbing into a train leaving for Mannheim he was ar rested An awful crime had been committed a few hours before in tho Haardt forest, not far away, and tho minute description of the perpetrator tallied exactly with the appearance of tho unfortunate drummer. Then tho ticket oumo to his rescue. That fur nished an undeniable alibi for him, as it showed him to have been one hun dred miles from tho scene of tho crime at tho timo of its occurrence. The proof was furnished so promptly that the drummer did not even miss his train. Boston Transcript. l'lTHlmuliu; Svu Water. "Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink!" is Coleridge's poetic phrasing of a cry that has come from the lips of tho victims of shipwreck over since the first navigation of tho hea. If tho water of tho oucuu wero drinkable, not only would tin enor mous outlay be spared, but one of tho greatest horrors of shipwreck would bo abolished. I'eeently a new method litis been discovered in Austria by which sea water can bo made fit to drink. The water is forced under pressure through a filter consisting of tho trunk of a tree about fifteen feet long. Tho water is driven lengthwise through the pores of tho wood, and in threo niiiiutos, at tho longest, issues from tho ond of tho trunk in thin streams, and is found to be free from Nilt and suitable for drinking'. Youth's Companion.. MR. MORTON'S REPORT. Tim Secretary nf Agriculture Jlvr Somo ItitoriKtliit; 1'uettt mid I'lcnrex. Washington, Nov. 18 The reportof tho secretary of agriculture begins with a review of tho work of the bu reau of animal industry. Tho total number of animals Inspected at tho slaughter houses was considerably over 18,000,0110, tin increase of more than .r,.riOO,000 over tho nrevious year. Dur ing the year ante-mortem inspection was also made of 5,000,000 animals. Tho cost of inspection was reduced to 1.1 cents per animal. In 1M3 inspec tion cost -n cents per animal and in 1MM it cost l?f cents. Over 1,300.000 cattle and sheep were inspected for foreign markets, of which (575,000 wero shipped abroad. Over 45,000,000 pounds of pork was inspected microscopically and export ed, as against 35,000.000 in ISO I and !.'3, 000,000 pounds in 1803. Of the amount, exported last year, nearly U'3.000,000 pounds went to Germany and over 0,000,000 pounds to France. This in spection involved tho placing of over 1,000,000 specimens under tho micro scope. The cost of each examination was less than 5 cents, or for each pound of meat 'J mills, a considerable reduction over anv previous year. Losses of cattle in transit to Kuropo were greater than in 1MU. being re spectively, for 1805 and 1801,0 0 and 0.07 per cent. Over :;o,000 cars enrrying over S','0,000 animals were inspected for Texas fever tit quarantine pens during tho quarantine season; nearly car loads of cattle being inspected also in transit, and over "s.OOO cars wero cleaned and disinfected. Besides, over 150,000 cattle from the non-infected districts of Mexico were inspected for shipment to northern states. Much space is devoted to discussing tho opportunities for American meat product-, in foreign markets. Of 311, 000 tons of meat received at the Lou don central market in 1801 71.000 tons were American, while nearly 50.000 tons came from Australia. Tho Amer ican proportion hns not been main tained during 1805. In the imports of live cattle to Great Britain the United States and Canada had a practical monopoly until the last two years. Since ls'.i.'I Argentina's ship ments have greatly increased; during the first eight months of the year tho shipments amounted to over 25,000 head. The export of American horses to Great Britain lias increased steadily, having more than doubled since 1MI.', amounting in tho first eight months of 1805 to S-,755 head, valued at nearly 53,000,000. American geldings aver iijed this year in the English market $155. A rigid inspection of horses for export will be undertaken. The foreign trade in dairy products is carefully reviewed. In cheese tho United States, while a large shipper to British markets, holds the conspicu ously unlltittering place in the extieme rear as to quality and price, and as tho only one of the competitors for this trade whose business shows a serious falling off. In butter, the United States is out of the race, supplying less than 1 per cent, of the British demand for foreign butters, notwithstanding the fact that Great Britain imported in eight mouths 10,000,000 worth of butter. The secretary thinks the duty of re porting the acreage of staple crops in each state on June 1 of each year might bo imposed upon the authorities of the agricultural college stations, in consideration of the annual apptopria tions they receive from tho national treasury. The report closes with a discussion of tho question of tho future of farms and fanning in tho United States. The average value of farms by the census of 1800 was S?2,.l00. The value of im plements, domestic animals and sun dries will make a total farm plant of SI, 000 for a family averaging six per sons. Those farms have fed the farmers and their families and 40,00'),00() urban residents, beside supplying 6500,000,000 worth of products to foreign consumers. In the presence of these facts the sec tary asks: "How can anyone dare as sert that farming is generally nnre munerative and unsatisfactory to those who intelligently follow it?" Tho mortgage on farm values does not ex ceed lis per cent. a less incumbrance on capital invested than in anv other line of industry. lie foretells con fidently a steady increase in the value of farm lands as the population of tho country increases. ANOTHcK BOND ISSUE. itejiort Thiit Cleieliinil Huh Decided Not to Vult for ( iiiid'cHklnniil Action. Ni:w YoitK, Nov. 18. The Journal says: President Cleveland has decided that lie will not wait for action by congress befoie making another issue of bonds. The Washington authorities are already in corrcspndcnce with the Now York bankers relative to tho issue and it is probable that the bank ers will accept their proposition. Here is tho proposition: When tho gold reserve falls to S75,0o(,000 tho banks shall deposit $:J5, 000.000 worth of gold in tho sub-treasury and take in return I per cent, bonds on a 3 per cout. basis. Tho de cline of the gold reserve to a dangor point last spring forced tho govern ment to pay A per cent, for the gold procured from tho Bolmont'Morgtin syndicate. Credit lias been re-established by that operation and tho ad ministration iiopes to tuko advantage of the greater con fldonco prevailing to secure the gold at tho low rate of 3 per cent BODIES AS SPECIMENS. A Stititrrfugo NrcfUMtry for American In I'orelirn Countries. "There was nothing unusual in ship ping tho body of the late United States Consul Benedict hero from Capo Town as a ilrst-class specimen of natural his tory," said an ex-attacho of the con sulate in London. "It would huvo been impossible to get it hero any other way. It is only within three or four years that it has been possible to bring bodies homo from abroad for burial without practicing some such deception as this. The steamship com panies refused to tako them. There was no reason for it, so far as I could ever learn, except that the sailors wero superstitious. Sailors will not sail with a body if they know of it in time to leave tho ship. "Tho books of the United States con sulate in London and of several other consulates record instances of many distinguished American citizens sent home for burial as specimens of na tural history. Of course, tho purser of the ship and tho consular ofllcers always knew what the box contained, but tho crow were kept in ignorance of it. I remember a distinguished bishop of tho Episcopal church, who died at the Lnnghiun hotel in Loudon, being sent homo to Michigan packed in a piano case. Bodies wore never packed in anything that looked liko collins. This body was sent on a German steamer from Southampton, and the bund played merry music, as is the custom on those vessels when passengers tiro embarking, while it was lifted over tho ship's side. Tho American minister in London, who was a personal friend of tho bishop, went with tho body to see that it was safely aboard, and tho baud, thinking to please him, struck up "Yankee Doodle." "When an American dies abroad the United States consul in tho town where ho dies has all to say about the packing and shipping of the body. Tho consul makes out tin invoice for it in tho usual form and sends it along as a first-class specimen of natural history. "Not long ago a consul in one of the midland towns thought ho could evade this requirement of tho law and trust to his personal inilucneo in New York to get his wife's body through for burial. But the customs olllcers insisted on opening the coillu at the pier, and it was kept in an undertak taker's shop for two weeks while the consul, tit considerable expense and trouble, arranged matters with tho consul-general's ofliee in London and the treasury department." N. Y. Sun. THE GENERAL MARKET. Kansas Cnv, Nov IB. CATTM'.-Hi-st beeves J .1 HI & I M Stackers L' S 'J SO Native cows I :l & 3 1ft HOnS-thoIi'Plolieti.v 3 '- fii 3 CO WHBAT-No. .'red t.t (ft CI Xu 'J lull (I !7 "'. !"'4 rOKN So. i' mixed 'ilVx'Tb ?. OATS No. -i mi.ed Kl'iTfc I7" KYB No L' 3.1'ilC, Wi KI.OUK P.Uotit. per sick 1 T.'i 61 1 10 K.'incv 1 l" i 1 "'r HAY Choice timothy 10 W) (ijlliM K.wcv prairie 0 fi'i " 5) HKAN (Sacked) r, & S IJIJTTP.H-Choieecrciuiiery.... 17 f& S!0 CIIBBSB Full etuain H o 11 r.lJOS-rhoiuo 10'aTO 17 POTATOBs SJ nfr - ST. LOUIS. CATTLB-Native and hhipplni' 3 fin Gh I fit) TcMins 12 ID (is, II '") HOC!! Ho.ivv :t 1 1 (U, II 70 SHBBP-b'alr to choice SO . U fill PLOUB-Choico 'J hr lift 3 0(1 VHBAT--No Urcil il (ft Oil's ('OKN No. 'J mixed (ft '-'a OATS Vo. a mixed I7'ii( is KYB No !.' 3(1 . !W'J HUTTBK-l'ietunerv - Tf. - LAKI) -Western steam ! -id to 5 fiO POKK 8 33 H 37'. CHICAGO. CATTLB-Comnion lo nrliiio... 3 'J ?. f 00 HOGS p.u'Ului; and shipping. 3 40 Oj. It 75 SHBBl'-P.iir to choice 175 do It fid I-'LOUK-WIntcr 3 01 is, 3 fi() WIIB AT No. t! red "I7; ' 61 cokn-No : a't '-11", OATs-No L' H',,.r, 1BH KYB 3? "fa 37i HUTTBK-Cieuinury W.Tr. '-'i laki) r. r.o s .v POKIC H3'i W8 10 NBW YOKK. f'ATTLB Nutle steers 3 '.'."i 17 IIOGS-Goodsto choice Ilh 131 KLOUK-Good to choice 3 10 3 70 W1IBAT No. :.' red CO WJ'i COKN-No. J Wi'h 37 OAT. No. i; W's"-. -'l' IIU'ITBK Creamery IU '-() POKK Moss l 7.1 fitlO a ftrs. Maybe 6) F)i)j You choose the old doctor before the young1 one. Why? Because you don't want to entrust your life in Inexperienced hands. True, the young doctor may be experienced. But the old doctor must be. You take no chances with Dr. Maybe, when Dr. Mustbe is In reach. Same with medicines as with medicine makers the long-tried remedy has your confidence. You prefer experience to experiment when you are concerned. The new remedy mny be good but let somebody else prove it. The old remedy must be good Judged on its record of cures. Just one more reason for choosing AVER'S Sarsa parllla In preference to any other. It has been the standard household sarsaparllla for half a century. Its record inspires confidence tfO years of cures. If others may ho good, Ayer's Sarsaparllla must he. You take no chances when you take AYER'S Sarsaparllla. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report i&J&&mUTBKy puke "Wti t can I do to prove tho sincerity of my lovol" said young Mr. Hpifttns to ids 13o9tou sweetheart. "Promise mo that jolt will learn to lllto Browning," replied tho Intellectual creature. Pittsburgh chronicle Telegraph. "Tom has proposed, and aslts mo to givo him his answer in a letter." ".Shall you do it!" "No; 1 will bo mora liberal and givo him his answer in two lottors." llarper'a Harm. I'lllHU AVltllCHSCfl. There aro knaves now and then met with who represent certain local bitters and pois onous stimuli as identical with or possessing properties akin tothosoof Hostetter s Htom neli Hitters. These scamps only succeed in foisting their trashy compounds upon peo ple unacquainted with tho genuine article, which is as much their opposite as dav is to night. Ask and tako no substitute lor tho grand roinedy for malaria, dyspepslfi, con stipation, rheumatism and icidney trouble. Jt'sTlnws tiro no restraint upon tho free dom of the good, for a good mutt desires nothing which a just law will hiterlero with. Fronde. When Trn'llii(r Whether on pleasure bout, or business, take on every trip a bottle of ts nip ol Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and elTeettvelv on the kIdno.s, liver and bowels, pro outing fe vers, headaches and other lortns of sick ness. For Htile in 5(1 cents and fcl bottles by all leading druggists. "I iii-.oav lilo without a cent in mv pocket,"' said the nurse-proud man to an acquaintance "I didn't even havo a pocket," replied the latter, meekly. Br.iviUM's l'li.i.s for constipation 10c and Sloe. (I -t the book (I roe) at vour druggist's and go by it. Annual sales 0.000,000 boxes. "Ir is an old saying that a secret cm be kept by three men if two of them are dead, but ti woman conceals what uho does not know." Ir you want to bo cured of a cough uso Hale's Honey of llorehouiid and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in ono minute. Turin: tiro such things as adorable faults and iusupport.iblo virtues. Filegeude Blat ter. ' "A I'urnnxr man," savs a witty French man, "is like u pin. His head prevents him I from going too far." XX Loss of onnortuuitv is life's tnentest loss. Think of HiiiTcrinr with St - When tho opportunity lies in a IHJIL H 1 O'4tOOO0 0' KM tb&&&&&$&&Mtt&&tt&&9&&&y THE CENTURY I LLUSTRATED fflAAHMTMlY " There there is I MAGAZINE s t'pJvuavfr,J3 mm Ax ,d-NiyPlS3 Mol lui v iKSiyJi f ft MAT.MJ I A Hi 1-W1HMI IIM.N B Till OMUKrCOUNlONSfJllAM NIVtlX -?'MvX&3W&QCAtt'i2reOQOrtSM 8 -A A A A-A-A-A-A-A. 44- -14- 44- - - - - - - 4- - - t i t , i , , . .. j , , l V i STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. Also CABLED POULTRY, GARDEN AND RABBIT FENCE. Wo rrmnufiicturo n romiileto lino of Smooth WIro Toncinif anil jrnnrnntro overy nrtlclo to bo as ropruHontuU. It you coiiLldtr quality wo enn ouvo you moiioy. CATAI-oaUK rilEU. DfB KALB FENCE CO.,SSS and Mustbc. "Lu.i.tAX," he said, severely, to the now woman, "did you mall that'letter I gavo you tills iiiornlugi'' And then sho put her hand in the inside pocket of her overcoat, started, got. led in the face and almost wished tlint she hud never been emanci pated. Washington Htnr. Prom Now Until .Spring Overcoats and winter wraps will ho in fash ion. They can bo discarded, temporarily, whllo traveling In tho steam heated trains of tho Chicago, Milwaukee tc Ht. Paul Hull wny. For solid comfort, for speed and Tor safety, no other lino can loinparo with- UiU great, railway of tho West. noniiY "Pnpti,. Tack Maon said his father gavo him Ml cents, and-" l,upn-"VolH' Hobby - "I'd liko to say tho stuno of you." Harper's Bniir. I liiu.invi: Piso's Cure for Consumption Raved my boy's life last summer Mas. Aij.ii: Dotmi.Ass. Leltoy, iMIcli., Oct. '10, 'SM. A Itioiir to Maki: It.--"HIio makes a lot or talk. '' "Well, sho is from Boston, the cradloof tho hitigtiagc." Detroit Tiibuno. - Womun jiniut their checks and men paint tho town Atchison Globe. OGQ$Oe&SSG)tt&SaftffiQ Sea that It's the feature of the DicLONG Pat. Hook and Eye. No fatter how you twist j and turn, it holds I the eye in rriace. H'ntl two cent stamp Htth name, anil ait' iirrji, (inn ivo mill - r fc nun! wou Mother (7oowo oniric clothes A At coniai)nnif im cuiar jtian i ; it n inacK $ anil white pictures ; utul tola of lively jinulca. (ft lticiiAiiwoN ,t Dr.I.ONo Hiiom,, riillndn. oooaeeasoaeassooco' - T hump (TS 1 ft o o 5 Years SO 15 it Years Years bottle of ST. JACOBS OIL. Hemes. XX ( i are many magazines, but only one i CENTURY." ' r It is the leading magazine of the world first in everything, in literature, art and patriotism. It is the yreatcut literal y product of American soil. "Who reads an American book?" is no longer asked in Fngiaud, where twenty thousand copies of Tin: C'r.sTUKY are being icad every month. It costs 35 cents a number, it is not a ten-cent magazine, it cannot be made for that. If you will get a copy of the November number fny IT (on all news-stands) you will see why. I ' VullhhtJhy The Century Co., New York. H i xc wm r CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE. II IST. 9 X3i3 XiLA.XjXZ, ILXi. they're satisfied Till! AKKMOTOK CO. dors half the world windmill ImsliiDM, liocnuso U has icducod tliocojt of wind powor to 1 ,a what It wax it lus many branch nous, aim mippiioj iu Etxxis and nplr ui juur iioor. u c.iti aim does mriilsii a , tiettor nrtlclo tor lcs lnom-j than others. It makes ruuipltis ana i Cleared, Steel, (l.ilvuiuocl aftor 'ComMttion WlndmllH. 'Jlltlicr and Klied Stool lliKzKniv I'ramos. MopI KbihI (hitUira mid FopiI Orltiilers. (In nppllrutlnu It will naino ono Cf thao nrtlclej that It v.ill furnkli until January 1st ut i:t tho usual priro. It also makes Iniiko iind l'linipmir all Lines linid for catalocue. Factory: 12th, Rockwell unrt nilinorc Streets, Chlcajt, Men, Women and Children Arn liont out to woik fico nf ch irito toomplnyer or i'iiiim ten i nr ueip or uii iiiimih ini to llio TUB Hl'lll AU HI I.AIinll AMI '1 llNSiintl IION of Chi- iiiKo Uooiii "I-, lii7 Duurburu t , John VUliur, Hco'y. fiDSi!!RS anil WHISKY Iml'llKniml. ISook i lt5 CtitJl ('HI. I'r. II. Jl. IHIIIlin, IT1A.MI, Kent 0A A. U. K. D 1579 UIII..N UIMTI.Mi TO AlVi:itTJM.Iti lM.IUSIS stuto tlict juu car tbo Ailvtrtlniuciit In this IMIHT. jgpgjj jwffl VAf&Vii& Vffa tS03t Jo'uKh ajruti.' 't'CcTtcn Clood! XJbop'1 In time. Sold by Umgclata. JSfl