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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
icjnjiiiMvvmKmnrnjmxfVtnr'Vfifvmuti9iirrirju.nmuMiii'iTVnr' attpgmw vtwmxnrrrK. JiuutJira USM3T44 RAC wMm wmmwMmtJtkmmM THIS IS YOUR C and Act Qui The Greatest of all Bargain Sales ever inaugurated. Competition Defied t' ! ? muit-iJi-U mnunmnuiwi BmtmuwuMiimiiiMvwr)m:mi)tummmmttuimmMmtmmiMimutMimmumiiumM0tmimMtt'mtuiJtmiiaimMvtmiit. nnpi Tnpn SjAlXjIu HINGE mm ImlTi WE MUST RAISE $5,000. This seems to be quite an amount, but we expect to raise it in a very short time on account of the re markable low prices we offer you. HONEST QOODS. IN THIS GREAT SALE we offer every article in our house, consisting of complete lines of Dry Goods, Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, This is no Auction, Bankrupt or Fake Stock, but is composed of New Goods, and as goods as any store in the county carries. Do not get it impressed upon your minds that we are closing out or going to leave. WE ARE HERE TO STAY. We must raise money, and in stead of borrowing and paying big interest, we have decided to cut prices unmercifully, make a rush, and raise the necessary amount. Now don't put off coming but come at once, for those that come first will get first choice. Below we quote you a few prices, not having space to quote prices on everything. Recollect we GUARANTEE our goods to be first class in every respect, and Just as Represented. JIB ESS GG0ODS. All Wool Henrietta (nil colors) that usually coat you 2Dc o offer you for less than half 1 lo per yard. All Wool Cashmere (all colors). You always thought you woro getting it reasonable at 50 per yard. Wo olTer it it this sale for 23o per yaid that is considerabo less than cost, but oveiything must go In order to raise mnnev. All Wool Serge (all colors) 20c per yard. A bargain. All Wool Novelty Goods (all colors) 45c per yaid, was 75c. ilalf Wool Novelty Goods (ull colors) 21c per yard, was 35o. A snap. Them are onlv a fow of the many bargains in Dress Goods. We have operated on our entire lino in the ramo proportions as abovo. i'x SHOES. Wo would quote you prices, but you will have to see them in order to know what thoy are. Suffice to say that wo handle standard makes, and the prices are all right. If you need footwear do not fail Beeing our styles and prices. NOTIONS. Compare these prices with what you have boon paying: Coats' Throiul, 3o a spoil. Safety i'lim, 2c ti dozen. Common Pins, lc a paper. Needles, tc a paper, English Needles. 2 papers for 5c. Package envelopes, 3c, Ems broidery Silk, 2 spools for lc. 100 hair pins, rc A good handkerchief, lc A good thimble, 2c. Huttermilk soap, So a bar. Pressed Castile Soap, 14c a pound. Fimcy Shelf paper, 3c n dozen Whlto tape, lc a piece, Clark's embroidery cotton, 3c a spool. A good curling iron, 5c. Patent hooka and eyes, 2c a doz)n . Fancy dress stays, 8c. COR8ETS P. C.C r0c was 00c 11. II. M 00c was 1 00 Dr. Warners 75c was 1 00 Conditio 75c was 1 00 Haven 50c was 00c Kaho High Bust 75c was 1 00 Tatnpico 50c was 00c "Warners 333 750 was 1 00 P, N 1 uo was 2 00 Halls 75c was 1 00 Dr. Harnes 50c was 00c Jackson corset waist 75c was 1 00 One hundred corsets odds and ends choico for 38c, actual values, 75, 85 and 1.00 Yarns, Gloves, Battings. Gorman knitting yarn. .55c per pound Saxony knitting yarn.. 0c per pound Ice wool l 00 per pound Cotton Hatting 04c per roll Foster 5 hook Kid gloves. .75c was 1 00 Children's yarn mittens 10c up Ladies' yarn mittens 15c up Calico, Muslin, Canton Flannel 2000 yards of the very best calico, they are all 7c gooda, your choice for 5c Hod star sheeting yd wido was7 now 5o No brand bleached Muslin, was 10c, nowTJo A good canton flannel was 5c now 4c A better canton flannel was 8c now tic Extra good " " was 10c now 8c Extra heavy canton flannel, was 20c now 15c, COMFORTS. Cheaper than you can make them. A good comfort full size 70c was 1 25 A better comfoit full size 1 00 was 1.50 At- extm fine comfort 1 50 was 2.00 (Mir line ot blankets are bargain tn'keis. ho price and quality can't be 1 eat lie nine and Iook them over be nin ou buy. Ladies underwear from 24 up. Children's underwear from 10c up. A whole lot mote, al! worth double the price. A copper bottom wash boiler.. 09 cents A tin cup 02 " ' A Pie tin 03 " 17 quart dish pan 30 " 21 quart dish pan 40 " 2 quart tin bucket 07 " 4 quart tin bii"ket 15 " 0 quart tin bucket 20 " Hoods, Fascinators, Ice Wool Shawls and Skirts. A good fleece lined ekirt for 30c was (10 A good all wool skirt for 00c was 1 00 An extra heavy all wool hU irt for 1 00 was 1 50 100 hoods and fascinators former price 75c and 1.00 your choico as long as they last for 35c. A pood ice wool shawl 50c was 85o A better ice wool shawl 75c was 1.25 An extra fine ice wool shawl 1 00 was 1 5 An extra heavy ice wool shawl 1 50 was 2 25 Men's Caps, Hats, PantsGloves, Duck Coats, Blouses, Socks and Underwear. A blanket lined duck coat A good cap A good plush cap A good pair of Jeans pants A good pair of Cottonade pants A good pair of all wool pantu A fine pair of all wool pants A tine pair of imported cashmere A good pair of fancy socks A good pair of heavy socks A good all wool under shirt A tine wool under shirt 81.12 was 1.90 25c was 5uc 00c was 1 00 75c whb 1 00 75c was 1 15 1.75 was 2.50 2 50 was 4 00 pants 3 CO was 5 00 3c per pair was 8c 5c per pair was 10c 50c was 1 00 05c was 1 00 Table Linens and Toweling. A good Turkey red table linen fast color An extra good Turkey table linen A fine Turkey red table linen A line white or cream Irish table linen Heat table oil cloth A good toweling A better toweling All linen toweling 15c was 25c 25c was 40c 40c was 00c 45c was 75c 13 Yi was 20c 64c was 00c 00c was 08c 08c was 12c Clothes pins .01 cent per dozen. Shelf oil cloth at ,07c per yard. Window shadrB, seo them, price them, and then buy. Lace curtains, chenel table covers. We ate safe in saying that we can save you 50 per cent. See them. Bod quilts ti lot of them. Ask to se them. Laces and embroideries go at lees than cost. Trunks and Valises at about one half price. The above prices are for Everybody. You will miss a Big Snap if you don't take advantage of these Big Bargains! There are lots of different things we have not quoted or mentioned, as we have not the space If there is anything you want not mentioned above, call and ask for it. On this basis we respectfully solicit your patronage. RACKET STORE RECOLLECT THE PLACE, THE RACKET. Produce Taken. 4' V ii YS-i-U-.