The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 15, 1895, Image 1
nUJwmJllulrwfflBlKpprLlc7Ttvo,v vertwer. VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, .FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1S95. NUMKEJt 19 TV Go toArmstrong&Arm strong, So.Auburn,for ardware and Furnifu d 'J i&tKevM tvn wr tWT iyinMnniMjAmw",wg'CTlanr-T' " (l&y. V Cl'l$' '.. f ' 'p T)U. W. Wf. KEELING, Nemaha City, Nkuuaica. Olllce ilrat door south of Park hotel. W. W, SANDERS, Notary : -: Nemaha City, Neb. Kerker & Hoover, Dealer In MEATS IIlKhusl prices puld. for liltlcH, lard, tallow giuno, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEHHASKA. B.BellAndrews.Nl.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Varicocele, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain boaul and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings Parties seeking relief through surgical means will do well to confer with I)r Andrews. Hon. ChuisSiobl Introducing JiOcaL News. Another lino rain fell hero Tuesday night and Wednesday. Marion Earhart is now assisting Stephen Cooper in the livery stable. J. S. Hadlock has moved into the lower front room of the opera house building. J. J. Oroon called in this week and paid in advance for Tun adveutisisk and tho Toledo Jilude. JIBL 4 WJiMggt&B Cooper the riiHtllug Liveryman of Nemaha. I.rnvo your orders for u team, hack or dray, and -t-, We do the Rest. Our Hack meets all t i ul n tt. Est my 'Notice. SCumo liitomy enclosure. W. inllo south west ot llrownvlllu, Uetouor lUlli, 189.ri, unu rciin mi t;i''i' ir.rtic Willi iiurK mnno him mil, Hiipost to ho about 12 W'tus oUl, wHulllim iiihhii iuuu poiuuiH. ownoi can niive wuuo uy piuvlnu pioporty anil paving routs of keep. Inu and posting. H. H. Hl'AltKY. Nowinlier 12, 1M)5. Wanted SalesmenASissl a ip IIY mock or si; n i'otatois. u I'uni.sAi.- All .. lUJlJIiiMUN I'AIDJ V EEIvl.Y. PI KM KNl and l'AINi ' OM 1'1'INS to (SOU JINN. SPHCIW, IMU EMKNISIo 111 (II v.N'l Itll KXn USJVI, I'KUUITOKY UIVI-JN IK IMCSIKKI). W1I10 at onco lor icriiiN 10 The Hawks Nursery Oo., Milwaukee, Wis WANTED. A TVT'N'ftn Tosfll Canadian Grown Fruit MaragKgruMHi ''reus. Hi-rry Plants, Uosos, sin unui,v . siuetl Potatoes, eie , for I ho laiest Biiiwoiniii iiuii uni''e tone, fsovon niimiri i sift -, liaidy pridltaiile varieties that Niicceetl in I he colli, st cllniiilch. iso nxporlonco 10 qnlied mid fair tie itinent Kiiaranteed. Any one not carnl.:K SS'MHI per .noittli and kxdoii- hes should wrllu us at once for pal Oculars, liioei i uoininissions piou pari tunu men Applj now aim n' oh lc'c ii-nltorv. LUKE HltulMKHS ONiPANY. Sloei; Excn.iut) Ilulldlm;, Chicago, 111, W V IT? ! P'invassers to sell Flno ' Ail 1 VllTifvt, ni Fair 1'ilcos. Cami pal'i wkckIiY; we furnish worklni: capital, otpei litnce, eln You cannot lull If you sell lor UtoureiU 310. 11,1,. sTVHK Mil!. i:itli:. "1st year l.i'Ol) iiees Niiieuilt-N, 40,iM)ii acres Orchards. Write quick, kI.'Ihk ao, releionees.otp. Stark liio's, Lowlsl.inu, -Mi)., or Koukpoit, UN. u J u V) m o u O R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Tho schools at Aubiun have been closed on account of the pjovalonco of diphtheria in the town. WANTED-AN IDEAKSJS tuliiB to patent? Protect your ideas j l hey may ''rint.' ypu wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEK nu,u, r;,' nt Attorneys, AVus'UliiBton, U, 0., for their gl,0O prlo olfer. Call in and get a card containing an abtiact of the oflicial leturus of the lecent election in this county. Mrs. Alex. Maxwell, of South Au burn, visited friends in Nemaha and vicinity last Saturday and aunday. Two of tho page advertisements go out this week, and after this we will be able to give more reading matter. Uev C. II. Gilmoro went to Sterling Monday, to attend tho ministerial con vention for tho Nebraska City district. Henry Curse had the large corn crib built west of the opera house this week, and will soon go to receiving corn. Mrs. T.illio Titus, who has been vis iting her parents at Bethany, returned to Nemaha Friday evening of last week . b.W.IIodges has moved from Tracey, Iowa, to Nemaha. They are at presen stopping with Mrs. Hodges' mother, Mrs. H. A. Collins. Miss Wheeler, ot Lincoln, arrived in Nemaha lust week, and will probablj stay with hot grandmother, Mis. Hoai na Wheeler, 'his winter. We borrow the abstract of the ofli cial returns of the recent election from tho Granger and Post. It may bo found in the supplement. Mj. and Mrs. Win. Sovereign, living in t'e neighborhood of tho Champion school house, rejoice in the ariival ol a girl, born Friday of last week. Mrs. Kosinu Wheeler and her ton-in-law, Mr. Galbraith, and family, havJ moved into the pioporty Mrs. Wheeler iccently bought of li. J. Skeon, north die paik. The star route mail service ha changed tho time of leaving and arriv ing. Tho mail now arrives from Fall Cit at 11 a. m, and leaves for that place at 2 p in. Koiker& Hoover diesued a buffalo lish Thursday that weighed 28 pounds. Pete says it is the largest lish of this kind he has ever diet-sed since ho has i eeu in the chop. Frank Aue, a moo of W. A. Aue, of Aspiuwall precinct, is very sick with typhostnalaiial lever. He is at the home oi his aunt, Mrs. C. M. Thomp son, oi this place. Tho supper to bo glvnn by tho Meth odist ladies' aid society at the uooi f,um has been changed from Thanks giving night to the night tiet'oroPhanks giving Wednesday, November 27th. Steve Cooper says the next time the dugos come to bis place of business they will lnivo to bo on their good be h.ivio.i if they put up with him He doesn't propose to have any nuuo scraps with tliein. .lames Wolfe got tho first premium at tho lecent county fair for the best twenty acnes of coin. Jim got the premium last, II any one can beat him raising- enn they will Invi to g"t up e.uij and wo.'k late. anything you need in Croquet playing continues to rage, in spito of tho cool weather. Lewis Thompson was surprised a few days ago when ho went to his farm northeast of town to find three cherry trees whito with bloom. The most of tho leaves having fallen off, tho trees presumed a peculiar as well as a beauti ul appearance. A recent dispatch in tho Lincoln Journal says that Rev. L. F. Britt was serioul woune'ed one day this week by tho accidental discharge of a shot gun. Ho was visiting Rev. J. II. Pres son, of Pawned City, and tho two went out hunting. While Dr. Uritt waa crawling through a barb wiro fonco the gun was accidentally discharged, the load striking him, so tho dispatch say on tho bottom of tho foot at tho Instep, badly lacerating tho flesh and injuring one bono. WOOD WANTED. I will receive floated bids until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, December Oth, 1805, for twenty cords of dry black jack oak wood for school district No. 30; said wood to be delivered at the school house in Nemaha City. F. L. WOODWAKI), Director School District No. HO". Good advice: Never teavo homo on a journey without a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diairluea Remedy. For sale by M. II. Taylor We have made arrangements where by wo can send Tub Advimitiskk and ho Inter Ocean both one year for only 61.00 cash in advance. We need money and need it bad, JUDS insist that we buj their shoes of 'I ltus & Williams, because they stand tho racket better than any other shoes. Titus & Williams carry a good grade of goods, and their prices are reason able. No shoddy goods kept to make a cut on. WANTED. Cows, Heifers, Hulls and Steers that will do to feed. Also corn. A. L. P. Thompson. "W nitccl. 1 or 10 cords of good Wood, in exchange for Photographs. J. W, PICKLES, South Auburn, Nob. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm ofCooper & Haroer, pro prietor of tho Npinuhii livery and dray usiness, is this day dissolved by mih ual consent, John Harper retiring. Dated this Mth day oi October, ISO.'). STBl'HBN COOl'BIt, John IIaki'bk. Hog cholera has visited several farms In this section, and p laved havoc with the hoys. Fred Huntington was in town Tues day, distributing bills advertising his sale, notice of, which may bo soon in another column. Kred expects to start for California the last of this month. Ho goes to rind a climate that will improve his wife's health, which has been very poor evory winter for several years. Green Hurgess camo up from liia homo in Aspiuwall precinct last Suns clay afternoon and attended churcn in tho evening. Ho stopped over nsght with his son Dick, and was taken sick with plourisy during tho night, suffer ing soveroly cor soino time. Ho was feeling well enough to bo taken homo Tuesday afternoon. The Methodist ladies' aid society will give a supper at the poor farm tho night boforo Thanksgiving for tho pur pose of raising money to pay off tho r mainder of tho church extension loan. At tho timo the church was built a loan of ?250 at k) per cent iutoiest was secured trom tho church extension fund. This was to bo paid at tho rate ot S.r)0 a year and interest. In June, 1801, when the church was dedicated, tho ladies' aid society assumed tho pay ment of this obligation. The last pay ment is duo January 1st, 180(1. Tho ladies have to raise 620 or 2." more to meet this payment and want to make it at this supper. This will put tho church entirely out of debt. l nave taken charge oi tho isematia Roller Mills, and am prepared to do I'lmlntn (rriitditifr nf nil kiiwla mi hIioi'I. notice. re. Stoves a Specialty I Alii Going to California, and will soil at at my farm, 4 miles south and 1 milo west of Auburn, and 2 miles west of Howo, beginning at 10 o'clock a, in., ou MONDAY, NOV. 25th, tho following property, to-wlt: Throo head of horses, consisting of 1 yoarling colt, sired by Imported Clydo Stallion, "King Fisher," and two weanling colta sired by Imported German Coach Horso "ltinaldini." Fire head of lino hogs and a lot of chickens. Largo crib of corn, choice, pure whito and of good quality (crib 28 foet long, 10 feet high and 0 feet wide). .'100 bushels of oats, 1 farm wagon, 1 double seated spring wagon, all my faun implements, and some household furniture. Tkkms ok Sams. On sums of $10 and under, cash; ou sums over that amount a credit of 12 months will bo given on notes with approved security without interest if paid before maturi ty ; otherwise 10 per cent interest from dato of sale. G F. HUNTINGTON. D. Flastbks. Auctioneer. A nice lino of dress goods hand some patterns low prices just re ceived by Titus & Williams. Acts at once, never tails, One Mln uto Cough Cure. A remedy lor asth ma, and that feverish condition which accompanies a seveio cold The only harmless remedy that produces immot cliate lesults Taylor, tho druggist. (niioi .miiis, and am prepared to do tiHtoin grinding of all kinds on short nonce. I'vfti grinding a cents per ion. Givi me a trial. I will guarantee to please you in quality of work, and treat you wldte. Fkanic M. Soiiuirz. Ni. , whj don't jou tiy De Witt's Lit tie Early RiyeisV These littlo pills uif headache, Indigestion and constis pution . 'I hey'i o small, but do tho work Taylor the druggist. CAP 1'LB DEHORNED. Roboit Frost is prepared to dehorn cattle. Pel sons having caltlo they want donorued should see him. There are many good reasons why you should uso Ono MinutoCough Cine. There am no masons why you should not, if in need ot help. The only harm leas remedy that produces inunediate rest 1th Taylor, tho druggist. Remember we take anything on sub scription that wo can out ourselves Or feed to hogs or cattle. Wo have for sale a good 100 aero farm near Nemaha City, well improve ed, good house, barn, etc., large orch aid, farm all fenced, which will be sold for SUB per aero. If you want a bar gain call quick. A WOMAN WHO WILL WORK Wantbd in evory county to introduce tho Colobrato-J "Hygeia" Waists for all ages. This waist supercedes tho corset in. (I has received tho unanimous appro val of tho loading physicians. $3 00 Outlit Free. Any energetic woman can mal.o from SlB to SB0 weekly. Send for circulars and terms. IIyokia M'k'o Co., :H8 Canal St., New York. Old papers for salo at this otlico, Take the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John MoElhaney, proprietor. W.W. Sandeis. Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out acs curatoly. Legal documents drawn upt All business given pioinptnnd careful attention. It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as an thing else. It's easier to cure a seveio cough or cold with it. Lot your next purchase tot a coHgh be One Minute Cough Cure Mctter medicine; better results; bettor tiy it. Tayloi tlmdriigglst. We are needing wood. Let our dei i! 'i-ieut siibscubeis take notice. J. W" MANUFACTURED BY WORK BROS. & CO,. CHICAGO. ni wHSr fflPtf4lSr ifWml . Oita annex- & Oo. Carry a Full Lino of Gents' Furnishing Goods,Hats,Caps ,Trunks,Valises If you want the "Best Wearing and Best Fitting CLOTHING and save for yourself 25 per cent, buy X-a.Bclty "VVoi-festecl Olotliio;.55' FOR SALE BY J. W. CRANMER & CO., Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska. 1 i