The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 01, 1895, Image 1

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    wu g i
ehwzfw Mdvertiser.
!?'. i
i in
fjlt. W. W. KEELING,
Office first door south of Park hotel.
Notary .-: Public
Nemaha City, Neb.
Kerker & Hoover,
Denier In
fllKlioHtprlcen palil for h Id en, Inrd, tallow
Samo, etc
Hon Cuius Sioei,
' tliu rustling
JfrS' " im Lenvo your nl
tt for ft team, hnck
. -
for ft team, hnck or
drny, nnd
Wk do tiik Rest.
Our Hnck meo'unU
Tlie Famous
Gem Stoves I Rsnges
Guaranteed to
Give Satisfaction.
The fire biicks ure Warranted
for Fifteen years, nnd any part
that breaks fioni action of fire
within 12 months will be fur
nished free of charge.
For sale by
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Varicocele, Hernii,
Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain boaid
nnd hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Wanted Salesmen,
to Hell a
loli'f linn
GIVEN IE DKSIHEI). Write i.t oncu for
terms to
Tho Hawks Nursery Oo., Milwaukee, WiB
SVJCvl uVvt
The RoGkcr Washer
las proves the nioit slif actury
of ny Saitior 'r placed uiwii
tli market It ia warranted to
vaah in bnllnary fm 17 u.nni
r iooiji:ji:mimm:
IIOU1E, ai titan J can le
uulit'loiitlie wuhlicaril ViriU
lot prico anj full vleicrition.
it VfA!K, IMl.
Ljboral uiMucriiiitit tu Itva azooti
A eta at once, never tails, One Min
uto (lough Cure A remedy for asth
ma, and that ieverish uonililion which
accompanies a seveio cold The only
harmless remedy that produces imme
diate lesults Taylor, the druggist.
A nice lino of 'Iress goods hand'
some patterns low prices just re
ceived by Titus & Williams.
Local News.
Next Tuesday is election.
Additional local on last page.
Vote the republican ticket straight.
Lindsey has a new ad on one of the
iuside pages.
Wo ari getting out some catalogues
for the Titus Nursery.
Miss IJessie Kay went to Stella Inat
Saturday to visit friends for a few
days .
Win. II. Hoover came down from
Lincoln last Saturday, and is visiting
Nemaha fi lends.
We are a day lato in getting out the
paper this week, on account of a big
run of job work.
J. W. Taylor was over from Stolh'
several days this week, looking aftsr
some business and visiting friends.
Chas. F. Neal, secretary ofthote
publican county central committee,
and W. II. Hill, deputy sheriff, gave
this office a social call Friday.
Stephen Huntington celebrated his
45th birthday nnniveisary Thursday ol
last week, but denies that the recep
tion at Rev. Uilmore's was goi up for
his benefit.
,1. C. Small, of Lincoln, deputy head
counsul of the Modern Woodmen ot
America, iw in town, talking up the or
ganization of a camp of that excellent
insurance organization in Nemaha,
with good prospecis of Huccess.
Mart May returned from Lincoln a
few days ago, where ho had been to
have an operation performed for the
cancer on tho Hide of Ins lace. Dr
O'Conner performed the operation.and
thinks the cancer can he cuied iu a
short time.
rom all appearances a great doal ol
corn will be cribbed in Nemaha this
fall. Titus & Williams have two large
cribs back of the store, Gilbert &Son
are building cribs on tho bluff, Jerry
Marlatt is building a large crib, and
Henry Caise is making arrangement.
to build a big crib west of the opera
It ia said we had a sllgntourthquake
early Thursday morning about 6;!iu
we believe but we can't testify to the
fact liom our own knowledge. A
great many think it was only somo of
our populist f i lends rehearsing their
speeches against the republican party.
wlnlo others any it was only Jim Titus
Some throe weeks ago George Bur
gess whs kicked by a horse, while on
his way to Nemaha from IllinolM, and
hurt severely, but so far recovered as
to be around. Thursday night of laet
week, however, he was taken with con
vulsions, and for awhile his life was
despaired of. The doctor says ho was
injured internally, nnd that his com
pleto recovery is very (bubtful.
The republican rally Tuesday night
was well attended, and a good meeting
was hold. Tho county candidates all
made short speeches, which wera well
received. Judge Rurnham made the
main speech of the evening, and it was
an excellent one. lie did not abuse
any onn, but made a fair presentation
of the issues between tho parties, and
also spoke a good word for the county
The boys celebrated Halloween
Thursday night in tho usual way, by
piling boxes, barrels, etc., in door ways
and on sidewalks. The street at the
Titus & Williams corner was complete
ly blockaded with wagons, baggie-,
sleighs, a disc harrow, and even a big
saw log. which was standing on end in
the cantor of the'two street crossings.
Kerker & Hoover have a sleigh on the
roof of their shop and Dave Morton a
wagon on his blacksmith shop.
The entire community was shocked
last Sunday evening by the news that
Ed Hoover had shot himself. So far
as we can learn the particulars ure as
For some timn Ed had been noting
iu a peculiar manner, so much bo that
his friends remarked frequently that
be did not seem like himself. He ap
peared to be brooding over something,
though ho hud nothing unusual to
worry him. For the past three wesks
he had been worso, and his mother,
with whom he made his homo, says
she has been looking for something
terrible to happen. Last Saturday
Ed and his mother and sister Uattio
hud arranged to cooie to town tho next
day nnd visit friends.but Sunday morn
ing Lu said h would not go and asked
the others not to go. Ho sat around
tho stove nil day, and it was noticed
that his eyea had a very strange look.
About G o'clock Miss Hnttio Hoover
went down to her brother Fred's.
When she had been gone about long
enough to get to Fred's Ed got up from
his chair, looked out of tho window to
set, probably, if his sister hud gone,
looked at his mother, and then started
lor the bedroom, When he got almost
to tho door he jumped toward the
door, striking it with his shoulder and
pushing u bed which was against the
door away so ho could get in. He
closed the doer and in a few minutes
his mother and Joe Morion heard
something fall . His mother went into
another room, opened another door In
to the bed room, and looked in, when
she was horrified to nee Ed lying on the
iloor on his back with blood running
from a wound iu the center of his fore
head. She screamed and almost went
into convulsions lit tho sight Ills
brother and the neighbors were sent
for. nut it was found that nothing
could tie done and iu about un hem
Ed d'ied without regaining conscious
ness. He hud stood before the looking
glass on the bureau and shot himself
in the center of the forehead with a
tevolver, falling straight back with his
arms outstretched
The coroner came from Auburn that
night, but decided after careful inves
tigation that an inquest was not neces
sary. So far no message of any kind has
been found from the deceased, but it is
(bought he had been meditating the
deed for some time. It is evident his
mind was not right lor some time, and
he probably feared becoming insane.
Edward Hoover was born in Nema
ha City May 12th, I860 He has lhed
all his life in this vicinity, and was u
quiet young man, well thought of by
all who knew him.
The funeral services were held at
the M. E. church Tue-day, Oct. 20th,
at 1 o'clock p. m., conducted by Rev.
C. H. Gilmore. The body was laid In
its hut resting place in the Nemaha
I have taken charge of tho Nemaha
Roller Mills, and am prepared to do
custom grinding of all kinds on short
notice. Fded grinding 8 cents per 100.
Give me a trial. I will guarantee to
please you in quality of work, and
treat you white.
Fhank M. Schultz.
The firm of Cooper & Harper, pro
prietor of tho "Somalia livery nnd dray
usiness, is this day dissolved by mui
ual consent, John Harper retiring,
bated this 1 ltli day of October, 1895.
Stephen Cooi'Eit,
John Haiu'eu.
Tako tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, proprietor.
Beg pardon I J want to whisper,
soft and low, please call and eottlo.
Mas. Tiieo. Hill.
New stock of Pants just received at
Titus & Williams.
Republican Meetings.
The candidates on the republican
county ticket nnd other speakers will
hold meetings at tho following times
nnd places:
Auburn Monday, November 1th.
These meetings will begin at 7:30 p.
in. Everybody is invited.
The Methodist ladies' aid Bocicty has
decided to give a supper at the poor
farm Thanksgiving night for tho pur
pose of raising money to pay off tho re
mainder of the church extension loan.
At the time the church was built a
loan of 2G0 at 6 per cent interest was
secured fMm tho church oxtension
fund. This was to be paid at the rate
ol 850 a year and interest. In June,
1801, when tho church wan dedicated,
tho ladles' aid society assumed tho pay
ment of this obligation. Tho last pay
ment is due January 1st, 1800 The
adles have to raise 820 or 2. more to
meet this payment and want to a.ake
it at thip supper. This will put tho
church entirely out of debt.
Last Saturday wo paid a visit to
John Ruth's stock farm, in London
precinct. M r. Bath has one of the best
ff.rma in the county. From the load
to the house, which is back about an
eighth ut a mile, is a magnilicenl drive
way, bordered on each nido with tine
large evergreens. He has a good brick
house, well ai ranged, largo baron,
yards, etc., and everything ia planned
well Mr. Bath has DO hogs now leady
for market, weighing from 400 to tfOO
pounds, but as he would loso several
bundled dollar by selling them now,
he is nol winr on to them in hopes the
price will get better. He has a large
number of smaller hogs and pigs. Mr.
Bath is a breeder of thoroughbred
short horn cattle and has somo grand
specimens. Ho yearly takes many
premiums ut our fairs
We have made arrangements where
by we can send The Adveutibek and
ho Inter Ocean both one, year for only
tfl 00 cash in idvance.
Robeit Frost is prepared to dehorn
cattle. Person having cattle they
want deiioitied should see him.
Robert L. Butler, a former resident
of Johnson, died at his home In Tecum
sob Tuesday, Oct. 21), aged 27 years.
The deceased has been a great suflterer
for years and his death was not unex
pected. Mr. Butler leaves a wife and
two children. Funeral services wero
held ut the M. E. church in Tecumsoh
Wednesday Tho Interment wan un
der the auspices of the Masonic f inutil
ity, ef which the deceased was a mom
her. A largo number of rolativus and
friends from this vicinity attended tho
funeral. Johnson News.
Tho deceased was well known iu
Nemaha, whero ho bought stock sovor
al years ago.
1 or 10 cords of good
Wood, in exchange for
South Auburn, Nob.
Old papers for sale at this ofllco,
Remember we take anything on sub
scription that we can eat ourselves or
feed to hogs or cattle.
It is a truth lu medicine that tho
smallest dose that performs a euro is
tho best. Do Witt's Little Early R1
ers aio tho sniallos-t pills, will perform
a cure, and are tho best. Taylor, tho
'V.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds mado out ac.
curately. Legal documonts drawn upt
All business given prompt and careful
attention. .
Cows, Heifers, Bulls and Steers that
will do to feed. Also com.
A. L. P. Thompson.
We will allow our subscribers 20
cents a bushel for corn.
Wo need money and need it bad,
Thoro are many good reasons why
you should use One MinuteCough Cute.
Thero are no reasons why you should
not, it in need of help. I lie only harm
Please call and settlo by cash, note,
corn or atock, and save costs, as I must
have money.
J . II. LlTTKELli.
It's ju?t as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure ns anything else. It's
easier to cure a severe cough or cold
wi'b it. Let your next purchase for a
cough bo Ono Minuto Cough Cure.
Hotter medicine; better reaulta: better
try it. Taylor tho druggist.
We are needing wood Lot our den
1 nquent subscribers tako notice.
Titus & Williams carry a good grade
of goods, and their prices are reason-
ess remedy that produces Immediate ,ble. No shoddy goods kept to make a
results. Taylor, the druggist.
cut on.
4. Sum Ba?3
C&L III ml
3sV BbL. V
JT. W. Oraiimer fc Oo.
Carry a Full Line of
Gen!s' Furnishing Goods.Hats.CapsJrunks.Valises
If you want the "Best Wearing and Best Fitting
and save for yourself 25 pex cent, buy
"Txxclcy Worsted Olotliinig.9
Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska.
i i