THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER I. W. W. SANDKKS, 1'ulilUher. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. yx4-xxxx.xAAxxx.4.4.4.A.4.4-x.Juxy JUNE1895. 3 Son. Ma lie 17 323 24 430 ... ft"tt-F Toe. 4 11 18 25 Wed. 5 12 10 20 Thn. G 13 20 27 14 21 28 Sat, 8 L5 22 20 TTTTtf-FTTTTTTrrTl-T THE WOULD AT LAUGH Summary of tbo Daily Nowb AVAMIIM1TO.V NOTKS. Unduk tho hii pur vision of Assistant Kecrctnry Doe, the tunic of revising tlio regulations of tlio United States tinny lias been brought to a close and the volume will soon bo printed and dis tributed to tho army. Ono of the changes made is tho reduction in tlio fcioof tho regimental ling. Tho now ilag will be f. feet (i Inches long, by I foot 1 inches on the htafl Tlio cliange iias not, inoi with a single objection. Tjii: secretary of tho interior has de cided to expend S.10, ()()() put at his dis posal by congress in tho improvement of tho Hot Springs, Arlc, reservation, in work along tho main reservation, and not in tho Whittington reserve, as lias been anticipated. l'iti:sii)i:xr Cu:vi:i.ani issued a proc lamation on tlio iTSth in regard to tho death of Walter Q. Oresham, ordering diplomatic representatives of the United States to display tho Hags over their embassies at half mast for ton days and tho same order to bo observed on all vessels and naval stations of the United States. A iikcknt dispatch from Ottawa, Out, stated that on Spanish river, while a party of thirty-three lumber men were camped on a crib of square timber for the night, it broke from its moorings and carried the men into tho bwlft miming waters. All were lost. At Marslialltown, la., Lewis Hall, nn electrician, shot his wife through the head with a revolver. Slio died five hours later. Hall claimed he mis took her for a burglar, but willful murder was suspected, as the eouplo had quarreled bitterly lately. Tho woman was Hall's third wife. Tiik body of Secretary (Jresham was temporarily deposited in tho receiving vault atOakwoods cemetery, Chicago, on the ,'ioth. Members of tho Loyal Legion, tlio 0. A. It. veterans, state and civic oflieor.s, civic societies and others joined In tho procession from tho railroad depot to the cemetery. The train was held back for tho return of the presidential party to Washing ton. Tin: grand jurv at Danville, 111., ex amined nearly 100 witnesses in regard to tlio recent double lynching. All freely admitted that they wore present and mingled with tho lynchers for three hours while they were breaking Into jail. None of tho witnesses, how over, would testify positively that they recognized any of tho lynchers. Uiiowu: Lavhi.m: bested .lack Hver Jinrilt in twenty rounds at tlio Seaside Athletic club, Coney Island, N. Y., on ino :i"tn. Tlioy fought a game battle and both were onTiieir feet at tho end of the contest. Lavigno did most of tlio leading. A iHsi'.vici! from Des Moines, la., of the .'loth stated that in a number of places In that county soventeeu-yoar lociists, the scourge that impoverished the northwest a number of years ago, had made their appearance. Last sea son It was announced by scientists that tlio locusts might be looked for this summer. r Horn- was fought on the J.'7th, at London, tho by (UJNKKAI, NISWS. Li:mi:,n IIiioh.' circus train, bound for Ncgamieo to Icaiinba, Mich., collided with a northbound ore train on the 31st lloth engines and two circus cars wore wrecked. Three horses were killed and two injured. Fivo of the circus employes were injured, but none fatally. Wir.i, Owknh was legally hanged at Varner, near Tine Mutts, Ark., for hhooting his wife and then beating in her skull with a hoe. CuiAitixo house returns for tho prin cipal cities in tho United States for the week ended May 31 showed an average increase as compared with tho corre sponding week lastyoarof lfl.2; in Now York tho increase was 20.1; outside New York, 8.0. Ai Thomas Tviti: fell from a ilfth story window at Lebanon, Ind., recently and alighted upon his baby in us carriage. Tho little ono was killed instantly and Tyro's neck was broken. He was cleaning a window in his oflico when ho lost his balance and foil. Tin: boiler at Deal's sawmill, near Downsville. Caldwell county, S. C, ex ploded on the Itlst, resulting in tho in stant death of Fireman Hd Deal, Fire man l'ender Oxford and Cordon Ox ford, and fatally injuring lleuben .Tones, who died live hours later. Mas Ti.Miiuti.Aiw:, a young widow who livos with her father near llartow, Flu., was locently assaulted. Four negroes suspected of a knowledge of tho crime wore arrested and at night they were taken from their guaids by u mob and three of them put to death, while tho fourth was almost beaten tc deatli and ordered to leave the country, Doum.A.H Hi:.M)i.itso. and Frank Jef frey were hanged at Murphysboro, Ind., on the 3lsl for tho murder oi .lames Towlo at Cartervlllo last winter. Silt Wii.i.iam Vnaxo.v IlAHCOl'lir, Chancellor of the HritUh exchequer, lias formally replied to a memorial forwarded by influential financiers in i.uu louowing tonus: "You may rely upon it that her majesty's government will give no countenance to any change in tho fundamental principle of our monetary system, nor in an discussions in which they may be called upon to take part will they ad init any doubt as to their inteution iirmly to adhere to tho single irolu standard." Tin: safe of W. W. Hrown, United Mates Indian trnder and postnuthtet at White Eugle, Ok., was blown opon on tlio 28th, but employes blcopinp- im mediately over the safe were ' not siwaicenoci. The robbers secured S10, (KM) in valuablo papers, 8.)00 in cash, gaoc in post oflico money orders and about W0 worth of 2 cent stamps. There wai no clew to tho burgJars. Tin: Ohio republicans held their stait convention at Zanesvillo on tho 28th, John Sherman being made chairman Ho made a speech on the currency, ad vocating tho coinage of fractional aII ver coins in limited quautitics anc making them legal tender for smal. sums in order to preserve tho parity of both gold and silver. Asa S. llnshnell was nominated for governor. The platfprm indorsed protection, favored mnieiniitsm In accordance with a ratic iiauu uy wiicrnauonai agreement indorsed Forakor for senator and iKinloy for pj-esideut. ana be night of IMilriinnr against Lorfleld for S0() and the ban tam championship of tho world. 1'lim mer knocked Corfield out in seven rounds. Corfield was smart, but no match for tho champion. Con.vr.r.r, university's boat crow, which will compete In tho Henley re gatta, sailed for Fnirland on tho'iMit.h on board tlio American line steamer l'aris. A great crowd went upon tho steamer to bid tho oarsmen good-by. T::b National Miners' convention with sixty-two delegates from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, western Pennsylva nia and West Virginia met at Colum bus, ()., on tho 20th with President Penna in tho chair and Patrick Mc llrydc secretary. M. Louis Pastkuii, the distinguished French chemist, who of recent years has attained remarkable results in the prevention of hydrophobia by Inocula tion, has refused a German decoration which has been awarded to him as a result of his labors. A TiiAoi:i)v was enacted on the farm of tieorgo C.rowl, 1 1 miles northwest of Cameron, Tex. ,!ott Lewis shot and killed Hpsy Smith and her husband, Will Smith, and shot and probably fa tally wounded Lucy Smith and her daughter Fmma, after which he shot himself in the left breast, killing him self instantly. Kpsy and Will Smith had only married tho day before, and it was thought that jealousy on tho part of Lewis caused him to do tlio killing. All parties were colored. At South Enid, Ok., Enoch Kemper, deputy district clerk, and Capt. Ilond, owner of the English kitchen, had a dispute over :;:. cents which llond claimed Kemper owed him on a board bill. Angry words followed, when lvemper drew a revolver and shot four times at Hond. Dond's wounds worn serious. Kemper was jailed. Dkiwkkn South Carolina excursion ists to Talluluh Falls, (la., engaged in a riot there recently. Tlio town mar shal's throat was cut, the sheritt's throat was gashed and a deputy was seriously injured. At Cornelia aposse ran the rioters into a swamp and cap tured four of them. The sheriff of tho county remained on the train and was shot at several times. Tho coaches were badly damaged. Miss OAnirciiixi: Wi:st, aged 23 years, has been sued in tlm Cm-vm.! ir circuit court for breach of promise "by Mr. W. ('. Stivers, u widower, many years her senior. The defendant is a beautiful young school-teacher. Mr. Stivers is a prominent tobacco man. In his petition Mr. Stivers alleges that tho fair defendant promised him on many occasions to become his wife, and that, on account of defendant's continued refusal ho has boon greatly worried, humiliated and damaged in the bum of 55,000, for which amount he prays judgment. A DISPATCH from Mnii-:mlln r,. on the 20th stated that tho Pacific mail steamship Colinm had foundered off tho Mexican coast and that KM of the pussongors and crew were lost, only fourteen of tho passengers and llvo o"f mo crew Having reached land in n small bout. Much bullion on board was also lost. Whii.k Hat-tan Johnson and Samuel Wilson were walking along tho Mid land railroad, l milo cast of Lebanon. Ind., a switch engine run them down auu decapitated both men, besid crusmng tuulr bodies almost be recognition, Loud i:osi:in:i:v's horse, Sir Visto wontlio English derby on tho 20th;' 1. Cannon's Cur?ou was second tmd mr.i. niunaei MuniiVs k rivv. of the tho Bremen Trading Co.'s petroleum tanks at Harburg, Ger many, were burned on the 3Lst and the fire raged over an enormous extent of ground. Thousands of barrels of pe troleum in addition to the five tanki were also destroyed. Mum. Cajciiack Hoot, a widow about 40 years of age, has brought suit In tho district court of Colorado Springs, Col., against W. S. Stratton, the Cripplo Creek millionaire minn owner, for S200.000 for alleged breach of promise. Mrs. Hoot claims thai Stratton proposed marriage to her while boarding with her and she ac cepted him In ISOJ before his Inde pendence mine had made him wealthy. A mom took Nelson Federott from the lockup at Laurclvillc, O., and hanged him. He was charged with a brutal assault upon a little girl, whom he overtook In the road. Ho was 50 years old and has six children. JhomahG. LAWi.nit, of Illinois, com-mander-in-chief of tho G. A. R liar, is sued a general order to G. A. H. posts advising veterans who are interested ic tho Georgia colonization scheme to see that they .secure clear titles before in vesting their money. Tho Indiana de partment was spreading tho ordei without comment. Tin: failures for the week ended tho 31st (Dun's report) wero 215 in the United States against 183 last year. Tin: boiler of a steamer belonging to contractors for the harbor works at Lisbon exploded In the harbor and six of the crow were killed. Coitiiiwr and Fltzsimmons met in New York, and Hob agreed to deposit his 55,00'J when a battleground wai selected. KAXSAS STATE NEWS. Miss Warren, of Topeka, who was matron of tho insane asylum during former republican administrations, has been reappointed to her old position, made vacant by tho resignation of Mrs. Pack. les yond tho fuvoriU', third Con u ell; Gus A. Oii.r.'s storage warehouse at South McAlester. I. T., was burned on the i'.lst with all its contents. The fire was caused by spontaneous combustion of unslaeked lime. Tin: coinage at the United State mint at Philadelphiaduring the month of May amounted to S.',251,8'2.10. The number of pieces coined was 3,011,335, as follows: Gold, NiS.255; silver, GJ0,- i-u; uase, aJU.aoo. Dkcohatiox drty was observed at all the principal cities in tho country in mu uftiuu way, many cities having im posing parados in tho afternoon. At Chicago tho monuments to the "Hock of Chickamauga" and the confederate dead wore dedicated. At Now York Gov. MoKinloy made an oration at Grant's tomb. Tho veleraus turned out in large numbers at the national capital and hold services at Arlington. Jerry Rusk's monument was dedicated at Viroqua, Wis. At Salt Luke, Utah. 2,000 children joined in tho parade uul ox-Congrcfcsmnn Bartine delivered the oration. A man who had been fined by Jutlg? McElancy, of Fort Mill, S. C, 'tried tj snoot, tne magistrate and Judge M Elaney killed him. -" " '".i vuui.1, 01 jmiumorci supposed to have been insane, mm dered her 1 f-year-old daughter Mami on the 2Sth by cutting her throat Sh tuen committed suicide in a like ma ner. ADDITIONAL DISl'ATCIIi:.S. whii.k William Simpson, head hum ilryman at the Hotel Colorado, at Glen wood .springs, Col., was in compan with a crowd of young men in th owinimmg pool, they undertook t outdo each other in foolhardy act rumuy nimpson undertook to sit 01 the uoz.Ic from which tho watershoot with a velocity of 120 pounds to th men, with the result that the wate practically burst him open. Ho uili die. Two hundred and fifty quarts oft nitro-glycerine being taken up the Lit tle Kanawha river by employe Jim Hincs exploded immedlatelv onnnsit the largest mill in Parkersbu'rg, W. Va. Tlio men had just quit work, but sev eral wore stunned and badly cut. Man and boat wero annihilated. Several people wero injured by falling ceilings, glass, runaways, etc. Tho damage to property, including mills, churches, steamboats, etc., will reach $75,000. Ui'onxK V. Dints, before going to jail, issued an ollicial circular to members of the American Railway union urging them to stand by their order in tho trying time through which they wero passing. Miss Emii.v FAiTiirrr., the well known friend to women, died at Lon don leeently, aged GO. She had la bored earnestly during her life in opening uvenues of employment to women who were forced to work lor 11 living. Tin: convention of the llrothcrhood of Railway Trainmen at Galesburg, 111., on tho 1st, adopted a system of state legislative boards to look after legislation friendly to railroad labor in the several states. It also adopted the Cedar Rapids plan of federation, combining Ilrothorhoods of Engineers, Firemen, Conductors, Trainmen and Telegraph Operators. Gkni: lli-MMi, tho Oklahoma fanner who fasted forty days, claiming God had told him to, was ronorted as biln- j beyond hope of recovery. Husch wa tho founder of a new religious society called the New Lights. Tin: New York World on tho 2d pub lished a telegraphic poll of the next congress upon the silver, tariff and in come tax questions Out of 117 mem bers 50 favor free coinage, tl bimetal lism and 17 the gold standard. On the taritt 2S are against any change, 35 favor moderate changes and 38 want radical changes. On the Income tax tv i.ivor 1110 principle and 17 Rev. W. (I. Todd, superintendent of the Kansas institute for the education of the blind, is urging tho state board of charities to establish a kindergarten department at the institute in Kansas City, Ivan. W. E. Don, well known in Topeka as tho head of a collecting agency, was """.r urrosieu in nicago by a Kansas officer and taken back to' tho Kansas capital to answer a charge of swindling. Rccauso he held a personal judgment against Maj. Hudson, John E. Raker, of St. Louis, recently applied to the United States court at Topeka for the appointment of a receiver for the Cap ical Printing Co. Labor Commissioner Mrd says that the present needs of the destitute coal miners at Serantou have been provided for, but that niit .m ! .,,.,.,.,. sary unless work bo found for the heads of sutterlng families. Senator William Rogers, the deposed regent of the state university, has served a written demand upon Gov. Mnrflll In 1. -..t... .....! j.. 7, ... ,m" luniimujii in uis omce. This is preliminary to a mandamus pending in the supreme court. The people of Lawrence unveiled a handsome monument to tho memory of the Quantrel raid victims on Decora tion day, and Topeka dedicated a monument to the members of tho Shawnee county regiment who fell nt the battle of tho Mue during tho Price raid. An order was received a few days ago pardoning twelve military prison ers at the Fort Leavenworth prison, and later thirteen others wero dis charged. It is thought but few pris oners will bo loft in the prison July 1 when it is transferred to the war do-partment. The jury in the case against Rogers, charged with burning the Harvey county records, at Newton, and re cently tried at Hutchinson upon a change of venue, returned a verdict of guilty. Rogers was recently para lyzed, and when the case was called for trial had to bo taken to the court room upon a cot. President Charles F. Scott, of the Kansas State Republican league, has added tho following names to the ex ecutive committee, selected at tho re cent convention: E. C. Little. II. K. Hruee, P. P. Campbell, C. II. Tucker, nunes o. Hiliott, .1. L. Rristow, W. Y I'lll lMctiirpn, Patent Medicine Man I want some pictures of pretty and healthy chil dren, to uso in my advertisements of my juvenile pills. Photographer Very well; 111 start for Lonllvlllo to-morrow, where I can find plenty of healthy ehildren, for there isn't a doctor or a drug store la. tho whole county. N. Y. Weekly. Ahriiyn. First Monopolist Well, tho now trust is formed. Just watoh now and mo breadstuifs and meats go soaring up. Second Monopolist What title do you give the new combine? First Monopolist "Tho People's Food Supply association." Puck. WeaK and Rim Down After tho grip or other serious illness, you find Hood's Sarsaparilla exactly tho medicine to build up nnd giro strength. "I feel thankful to Hood's Sar.a pnrilla for benefit derived from it. I had tho grip and failed to regain health. 1 did not have any appetite and in fact, was a mere shadow of myself. I at last resorted to Hood's ;ts, VMUXriJCl X"M 1 . ,,,.. Z' "V n&s arsananua, ami soon began to improve, I could soon eat without distress in my stomach. Four bottles of Hood's S.irsupnrilla and a box of Hood's Pills took away all signs of tho grip. I want to say to till who sudor in a HUe manner, take Hord's Sarsaparilla, for It will surely do you good." U 1:011011 Maulkt, Green Oak, Michigan. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the one Truo Blood l'urillor. Hnnrl'c Pi lie !re tasteless, ml W, enVo 11UUU SI lilt) tlvc AllUrugBists. S5c. ias wmMvym .wrgi,niit-ii,w-6 I r , I B H SBM ll iMBBBBWWSprJTTatioir Beecham's pills are for bilious ness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sallow skin, etc., when, caused by constipation ; and con stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills 10c and 25c a box. Book FREE at your druggist's or write B. F. Allen Co., 365 Canal Street, New Yoik. Annual sales moro than C.000,000 boxes. iti:sT in t:ii: -would. MMI gMIWS yXOX &VW StowWu, Q.W& QX wsarowess Wis wexte oacvc s xuw vvrwo.e 7 ULL w and a great many ovade'answeri question. oppose it ng the I rates will be secured A shooting scrape toolc place at Ha vana the other night in which George Hingliam fired a double-barreled shot gun at Louis Roberts, filling his face and breast with shot, Roberts was taken to Salina and the shot picked out His injuries were not fatal. It wasallegcd that tho trouble wascaused by jealousy on tho part of Mnghain because Roberts had danced with his wife at a party a few nights previous. The state accountant has made his report to the governor of his examina tion of tho books, accounts and busi ness methods of the state penitentiarv. ne negan with the coal output and shipments, and says that in view of the many reports mude by former em ployes, that coal had been stolen by the officials, ho looked into every pos sible loophole to discover the alleged thefts, but he is convinced that snob reports are untrue. At tho late Christian Endeavor con vention at Wichita, Miss Skelton, the secretary, reported 0SI societies in the state a gain of ,'ls in the past year The Christian church leads in iium hers, having 17 active societies; tho Presbyterians come next with ISO so eietles; tho Congregutionulist church reported 117 societios. The entire mem bership in tho state is tiO.000. Tho Junior Endeavor societies have a mem bership of ;t,0(K) ami gave 0,000 to mis- bionb during tho past year. A convention composed of clerical and lay delegates of tho Protestant Episcopal church met at Topeka May 28 to elect a successor to the late Mshop Thomas, Upon the fifth ballot uev, r runic u. Mlllspuugh, dean of t.racc cathedral, Topeka, was chosen bishop. Fivo candidates wero voted for: Rev. F R. Millspaugh, of Topeka: ev. Von Herlich, of Wichita; Rev. Hewitt, of Hutchinson; Ilishoo Leon- wril. of Utah and Nevada, and Dean wuiiiiiur, oiumaha. Tlio final ballot .i ; ergy-.Miiispagh, ,.,. 0nrd, ner, 10; Leonard. 1; Von Herlich, 1; to 'I, u fLB,ty-A""lfrli. 10; Oar er, 11 Lconurd, 1; total, 31. IAv.A-h PAST t..! THE RISING SUN STOVE POLISH hi cakes for fi-emral blacking of a btovc. THE SUN PASTE POLISH for a quick niter-dinner shine, nppllcd and pol ished with a cloth. JforHo I!ron., I'rops., Canton, Muss., U.S.A. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR - pPERIr 0KAUUM The BEST JFO 'Nursing MothersJnfants, CHILDREN JOHN CARLE & SONS, New York. uted My' Cream Halm fur cutarrh and have re ceived arcat hfncU. I be flciv; it a fllfc ,ma ccrlcim cure. Very ;,lcanit to take Win. Fi-ascr, Iloci ider. X, y. CATARRH IjY'S CREAivr nir.M mill WonlH mo .. ,.,, i .,, ?.f, ' ,n. n. I'smii'.'" fr,!!,",' ?lj"rM Ilia e. I "t tVu hi,"1 nli 1(,,nP'lleil Into ouch nostril nnd Is r jwji "", Wnrrunfctroot.Now Vi nuTco ork. fo la Jpywtvl J 'iiffl ll "mi IMUi ill lullill iwML .j HCiBpl ML USE FAILS. TGT iJ U flen Couch fcjrup. TuntLd Uck. Use M M JM 'n tlnxn Sold brdnjk'ciBis. IH ,Wl VITAL ISSUES In perfection of turn lilm-n for f uruierb' urn , ,, , 1'OINT OJ.K Simplicity of Construction roi.NTTno workinB Qualities . 1'Olf.T TIIRKK TTh!!ou'7,,?,5?8 of Workmanship TJipm. will lui found unllrd In the mw DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS. t