The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 25, 1894, Image 4

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.BimWf JtWlltllilPWIllJy.liWViJIH
The Nebraska Advertiser,
II. II. W..VMf.V, I'MMIiur.
Suhsouiptio.v. I'ku Ykak.
FRIDAY, MAY 2ii, 18IM.
Lust week's net gold exportation
was about 0,740,000, which is tho
greatest iiiiioiiiit shipped in that length
of timo thus far this year. The iik
grcgato gold loss in ISO J along to this
lime, however, Is only ahoiiL half of
that of tho corresponding period of
1803. Globe Democrat.
Tho Hurlington (Itretto tells of an
ohl darkey that reminds ono of tin; con
dition o( tho democratic patty. Tho
old fellow arose in prayer meeting nnd
exclaimed: "Hrothern and Hl.slern,
J've lieen having 11 diefful time since
last we met together. I've been chaw
ing hard bones and swallowing bitter
pills. I'm afraid I've broken every
one of tho Ten Commandments, but.
thank the l.oid. I haven't lost my re
ligion!" The democrats have knocked
out oveiy plunk of the Chicago plat
form, hut, thank the Loid, they me
democrats still.
The Dofcction of Mr. Bryan.
WiiHliliiKtoii llHpiit;li to (ilolin I) or rut.
Denioi'iats who but tecently could
not say too much in piaisool Congress
man Hiyan, of Nebraska, as a party
orator on the tariff and free silver,
have becomes very abusive toward him
since his letter declining leiiomiiiatiou
and expressing dissatisfaction with the
administration's course. They now
claim that they have long seen in his
policy signs of his intention to cast
aside bis party nllllintluns. He is not
a Hourbon who believe what is good
for the talhet is good enough lor the
son. The populistio elements ate con
gratulating themselves that their cause
will bo sttengihencd by Mr. 1'ryan's
nlliliationa with tho populist parly,
and predict that he will boon be found
in their ranks openly.
Senatorial Investigation.
Intiir oueiiii.
My a oiianlnioiiH vote tho senate ad
opted tho amended Lodge resolution
pioviding for tho iuvesligatio.. of all
charges of senatorial corruption in con
nection with tlio tariff bill, and Vice
l'ic'siileiit Stevenson appointed a good
committee of live to tiiaUo tho investi
gallon. On the democratic side nio
Gray, of I)lawaic, and Lindsay, of
Kentucky, rank partisans lioili, but
gentlemen of whoso honor and integ
rity theie lias never been any suspi
cion. Tho two n'publicatis aie Mr.
Lodge himself, tho accomplished junior
senator fioin Massachusetts, and Mr.
Davis, of Minnesota, a very able law
yer. Tho fifth member is Senator
Allen, of Nebraska, a populist Willi a
good judicial recoid. 'I he Inter Ocean
will be disappointed if this committee
does not do its work faithfully,
"naught extenuating nor setting down
aught in tualico."
The immediate cause of the iuvesti
gat'ons weto, llrst, the ohuigo of tho
New York Sun that an ex-congressman
by tho name of Mutt bun tried to
bribe S ei atnr llunton, of Vitgiuin,
anil Senator Kyle, of North Dakota, in
tho iuti rest of the .sugar trust; and,
second, that the Philadelphia Piess,
through its New York correspondent,
had charged, much in detail, thai th
demooiuts of tho senate weto legislat
ing in the interest of tho sugar trust in
letuin torn large cuinpaigii subscrip
lion in 1802. These are the two spe
cific accusations to be liquliod into
ibut it is pertinent and binding for the
"committee to look into the alleged
speculations of souatois in sugar ttust
cerlillca'ep, or anything else pertaining
to tariff legislation as now pending.
The air lias been lull of these rumor?
for weeks. The latest or Huttz story
gotten up as a scheme to help push the
tariff bill through the senate or per
haps to draw off the dogs on a false
scent for the pi election of the real 001
itiptionists. However that may be.
the investigation, it properly conducted
cannot full to clear the atmosphere of
a gteat deal of smoke. Wlietl o theio
is little or much the beneath all this
smoke, th country is entitled to a
'wlcnning up. It will not do to let
charges of bribery and corruption,
. lodged against the highest legislative
body in the world, go unheeded.
,n-ujulmjwiiiiiiiiaiuiiniiiiir i r t in it1 " it i r ..
Eastern papers report that "millions
of seventeen year locusts havo ap
peared in Now Jerney."
The locusts that aro now present
and much talked of in this vicinity ate
not of the crop destroying variety.
They denude trees of their foliage, but
aro otherwise harmless. No self
respecting locufct would eat GO cent
wheat or .'50 cent corn, anyhow. Globe
A novel action has been commence!
in tho federal couit at Omaha by hd.i
.1, Church, in which tho Nebraska
state university to the defendant. 'I he
plaintiff recites that ho entered the
univoiHity In 1883 for a term o six
years and completed the course in
18K0, and he alleges that during this
time his conduct was above the uveit,
age, and that ho was light fully entitled
to the honor and distinction that could
have been bestowed upon him. He
says that tho faculty reftiHed to give
him a diploma and that this action was
thn testilt of the iulltience of plaintiff's
father, Itonbeii Church, of I'etu, who
was unwilling that his son should
graduate from the university and usd
all in his power to prevent him from
getting his sheepskin. Tho plaintiff
says that tho refusal of the faculty to
grunt him a diploma has caused him
gteat humiliation mid that his grief
over tho affair has supci induced heart
trouble; his life tendered prorations,
his standing in society lias been le
duced, Ids chances for holding scholar
ly ositioiis have been mined and he
lias suffered all kinds of ignominy,
once being iclieved of a position in
Chicago, Ids piesent home, because his
cinploviis found that he had failed to
graduate after taking the i ('quired
couise. He asks the com I to give him
(lamagws for Sa.'i.ouo Lincoln Ileiahl.
Women who make the best Wives.
Piobubly there is no one old enough
to bo interested in the question "What
women make the best wives V" who has
not some personal ideas on the subject;
but whatever our ideas on any topic
may is always inteiesting to know
the opinions of other people- especial
ly if they are "biainj" on the same
matter. In Dcmoicxi'.s .Magazine lor
.hum tho vital question about good
wives is iM'iihhfd by Susan M. Antho
ny, Clara Louise Kellogg, Airs. Mailing
ton Month. Mis. A. M. Palmer, Ella
Wheeler ilenx, Kllen Mattello Diets
rick, and other, ali quulillcd by expet
ience or judic ions observation to give
opinions woithy of careful attention,
and every opinion given bears the in
dividuality of the author and is well
worth reading. Kqually interesting
is an article on "How News is G.itl s
eied;" alter reading it one begins to
appreciate what a marvel the modem
newspaper really is, and to estimate at
til ir tine value the outcipiiho, em igy,
and forethought that make it pnssil'lt
for us to learn ol the pieviou.s daj'.s
doings of the whole world. 'I lien
thereis another onions and umqi.o
piper on "Photography and Clinic,"'
which tells of the application of the
wiard art to the detection of crnne;i
"The Moad to Fame or Pontine" givts
some especially inteicstiug informa
tion nl ot.t how to become successful
professional women; tho stories are
excellent ;" The Summer (Jure of House
Plants.", lurnishes important hints lor
those interested in floriculture; "Ant
Stories" and the "Puzzles" will afford
niniitiemeiits for the cliihlien; all the
numerous departments ure ovei (lowing
Willi valuable and inteiceliug inform
ation; while the line illustrations
count up into the hundreds.
Kveiy issue of Detuorest's Magazine
is replete with good things, and is pub
lished for $2 a year by W. .leanings
Denioreat, l. Kast llth ticoi, Now
Tree Pills.
Send your addre.ssto H. K. HueUlen
it Co., Chicago, and net a Irt'o sample
box ol Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. A
trial will con v nice you of their merits.
These pills ate easy in action and aie
particularly effective in the cure, of
Constipation and Sick Headache, l'or
Malaria and Liver troubles thry have
been proved invaluable. They are
miaranleed to he perfectly free fiom
ileliterious substance and to be putcly
vegetable. 'I hey do not weaken by
their ucMon. but by ulvini: tone to
fttoinacl) and bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Hegulur size i."e j;or box.
So'.d by Taylor Hros, Druggist.".
Let usroinlud vou that now is tho
time to take Do Witt's Sarsaparilla. It
recommends luclf. Taylor Bros,
' "''
Tho IiiiDortcd Clydesdale Stallion,
l vJ --. SU:
j 3t... . v . - , wrrooitri
l ftw -car
Di.m nit ito.s otur Jlack. weight
1700 pounds fouled May Stli. 1jn.
Hied by .Iciliu Weir. Me'ivern, Out.
very best breeding bullion In the state,
l'or pedigree eo owner.
KANSAS CHAMI'lON will stand t
the following place tor tho sen-sou of
1MM: Tiiesdus nnd Thlllilnv t
Ncinnha City ; Friday? nnd Saturdnjs
at Shubert, Nebr. or Sr.itvict'. : S10 to insure
eoltto.-tund iiimI Mick. Three mures
lor S'J.'i. All cure will tie taken to pre
vent accidents, but will not he Responsi
ble should any occur. If mares lire
trinleil, fold or removed the .service ee
becomes due and is collectable.
I'll am; Nurr, Keeper
We will take
' Wheat.
or Joney.
On Subscription
If doll, Hiiiri He." and stupid; If your
blood is thick and sliiugish; If your
appetite is capi icioiis and uncertain.
You need a Saisaprilla Por best re
sults take Do Witt's. It lecoinmeiids
itself. Taylor Mios.
f... Tlmt wio (menses or domestic nni-
mnl'), IIuiues, Cattlu, snt:r.r. Dogs,
L2 lions, nml 1'oultkv. nro cured by
lluinplircyM' Vcicrhinry i-iiccl-
flcH, la oa truo in that people rldo on rnllroaits,
semi iiiessaces by tplegrnph, or how with sewing
tnnchlur. It In ns Irratlounl to bottle, ball and
bleed nnlmal In order to euro them, ns It Is to
tnfco piifinano In n Hloop from Nuw York, to Allmny.
Used In tho brat stnblon tiiu reconimendtxl by
tho Ii S. Army Cuvnlry OIUcrrH.
ty-500 PAGE DOOK on treatment andcorcol
Dou.ekllo Animals, and staulu chart
mounted on rollers, sent free.
cunr.s i I'cw'rs, ('oiiBmtliiiis, Inllaiiiiiiatliin,
A. A. ISplniil nicninirliN, Milk I'cvcr.
II. It. Si rnliiH, I.iiinoiii'HH, Itlidiiiiiut Win
('. ('. Oistciiipor, Nasal DIhcIiu.I'uuk.
I. I). HoIb or (Jrub-.. WorniH.
1'.. i;, CoiikIih, Hciivch, IMii'iimonlK.
lf. I', -('olle or tSripcM, llcllyiiclir.
J. (J.-llMiiiri'liiEC, llciiiori'liKBL'M.
11.11. I'rlimry nml Kidney IMhckhom.
I. I. KruptUd I)In(iisoh Ztluuuu.
.1. li..- DIhciihcs ol' DIuoHtion.
btulilo Ciikp, with spci'llk's, Manual,
et. ( tiro nil nnd Medlentor, 87.00
lrln, SIhrIo Iiottlo(overCOdoseji), . .(It)
Sold by Druuuists; or Sent Prepaid atiywhoro
and In nny quantity on Receipt of Prico.
Corner William ani Tolin Sts., New York.
In two CO yenrs. Tho only miwessful reniody for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and I'rostrntlon, from over work or other en used.
$1 per vial, or S vlnls and InrKo vial powder, for $5.
Halil lij OruiliM., r f nt Hitiald on rrrr)it of prl.
Corner William and John Sts., New York.
I'uro blood means pood health. He
inlorce it with Do Witt's Saisaparilla.
It purities the b'ood, euivis Kruplioufl,
Kczein.i, Seiofula and all diseases aris
inn from impure blood. It recom
mends itself. Taylor Hros.
Eight or ten mm to re-
'uiust'iit our well known
house in tins state. Our large and
complete, stock and various lines, such
as nuisery stock, plants, bulbs, fancy
seed potatoes, fertilizers, etc.. enable iih
to pay handsome salaries to oven ordi
tuoy salesmen. Wages run from $76
to 81125 per month and expenses ac
cording to material in the man. Apply
quick, stating age.
L. J May & Co., St. Paul, Minn.
(Tills house is responsible.)
Bnoklon's Arnica Salvo
The best salvo in tho world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover
lores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
oriis and all skin eruptions and posi
ively cures piles, or no pay req'iired
it is guaranteed to give satisfaction,
r money refunded. Tor sale lv
vvi.nii lb" .
Old papors,25c pcrlOO
w c Papers for tho Price of One,
This St. Louis Gi.ohh Dkmochat
Hemi-Wwlrtvy Tiiestlaj itnd Friday
Eight J'ugi's ouch issue Sixteen l'ages
overy week only cn . dom-ak a
ykak, is unquestionably the biggest,
host and cheapest national news jour
nal published in tliu United States.
Strictly Republican in politics, it still
oivks ali, this nuws, and gives it at
least three days earlier than it can br
had from any weekly paper published
any where. Tho fanner, merchant or
professional man who desires to keep
j promptly and thoroughly posted, but
. has not the time to read a large daily
! paper, will find it indespeiiHiable. He
member the price, oni.v onk
a ykak. Sample copies f tec.
Address, Gi.oiik I'uintino Co.,
St. Lot'is, Mo.
Agents to sell our choice and hardy
Nursery Stock. We have many new
.special vaiieties. both in fruits and or-1
nmuentuls. to offer, winch areccntiolled
only by us. We pay coiuiui&Mou or
.salary, give exclusive tturitorv and av,
weekly. Write us at once and secute
choice of territory.
May UitoTiiKKs. Nutservinen. !
i C21-20 Koehe-tcr. N. Y. I
w York Weekly
One Dollar and Fifty Ceiitsr
Address all orders to
Free! Free!
JSiylit I'mjis mrh TkcmIuj awl Frhhiij, Snlm 1'ikjih cent Wait.
A great semi-weekly Paper! Only one dollar ayear
Any reader of IliU paper can net It MM K l.v ecciirliiK n ciuii of three MibNcrllierN
nml furwtlldlllK tlicll Iliiinuh.uN V1II MI.AMi, Willi 'J UTtKK UUIihAils, to
Henilt liy Hank Drnll. P(m.nire oi Kxprt-NN Money Ordtr. or IteglHttrtd Letter. Hnm.
pleicoplcs will bu aent fif- on uppllcutlon. .
ToaL01lli PRIX'riXU CO., tit. Louis, Mo.:
lloiowitli find S.'J.OO and the names of three subscribers on blank
clipped from the ADVHUTISEK, published at Nemaha City, Nebr. 1'leasc,
send tho Tuesday ami Friday Olobe Democwl lor one, yoac to inoiuid each of
the subscribers named.
Name of sender
' I I I II l Jl I I III 1 I M.. .1 MMWW II ! JMWW
NiuneMof SubsorlburH Hustollice 3tntt
i i
" vv
Tho Advertiser and the Inter Ocean
both one year for
OIsrHi"3T $l-50;::,
The Advertiser
The Inter Ocean
botli one year
for only S1.50
The Advertiser
New York Tribune
both one year.
or only SL50
For best groceries go to Tituu &
Hr. I. Church, of Stanton Post, fj.
A.M. ..says: "I have tried ne.wly
ever. cough remedy but have found
nothing to compare with Paiks' Cough
Srnp. Theio is nothing on earth
like it for bronchitis. 1 hae suffeicd
ever since mv dischaige from the ainiv
and Puiks Cough Sytur is the only
retmdy that has ever helped ine." Eor
sale by Tinlor & Mro.
Free! free!
Statu .
4 I