The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 25, 1894, Image 1
,: I 1 I .JJBMWWIBIIIWIBIIIWMWf. Ill llltllIMIUI " IIMIMUMIIJII lMlnUUWll IIIWmMIBMJIMlJtfc ,, . mL , , CM-- IWMI I - ebmsh Mdvertmr. YOLUME XXXYJLJL1 NEMAHA. CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1891 NUMBER 47 he ' I " N '' if &) i'. v ni if if tw i & m Goo T)R. W. W. KEELING, Nemaha City, NemiakA. Office at llesldouco, corner .First and Otoo strcots. Dr. Mi. S. Gaithcr, Physician and Sfeeon, Ilua located in Nomalm Cf, and will answer all calls, day or night. OlHce first door south of Keynote drug store. 3 0 A ' Kerker & 'Hoover, Dealer In TTH A TS follnft Mv eoi,,eHl prices pnidlfor hldeB, Inrd.ltailow horrlfiT" w)wwxaha City, Nebraska. All ovc ' the sizi niy lliij.' ED. E. SANDERS, inovotU tir JJSfeTISTICp PRINTER witliou ; - ,..,nin:coovor Knnnor's nnil Morchnnt'H ; .rft National Hank. lmnlrRN, - - NEBRASKA. ini&scu "In callhi? FE TIONERY aid i;avi LUNCH ROOM. thro M" au E. M. MTTIX Prow. U iiiiui i iun( ui iiucn, uuuiuiint i)iumuuqtutv;i O irnsrci-i, Ulvomoa call. FRESH OYSTERS, Flno assortment of Cundlo, ClKurs, Tobac cos, etc. Corner bulldlni; south of Aynes' hardware) storu, Nemaha City. JAS. C. MILLER, !. ll PUOP'RIETOR H ' Mnm m. tit4 ar?5e" ' '. . ,1 -v- f. tf .i ....,tf S ..vri.fc.. rm w - - - i i m- gs kept. Charges reasonable 1 Teams fed and cared for. i Hauling of all kinds dono promptly. NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. Seed Corn. Duncan's White Prolific, largo Held variety of white, Sl.00 per bushel, delivered, on board cars. 'SneM frco. This corn would cost doublt from seed house. Come to my farm and see for yourself. Ltico without sacks, 05 cents per Ibushel. CASNER BARNES, mileso ' of IIowe.Nobniska. riio's Kcincdir f?r Cntarrh 1 tho Best, Kualcst to Use, ami Cheapest. ryu jr'mnrwKiK-i fc-rr. w m.m b Bold by DruKpliU or tent liy mall. COo. E. T. Hazcltlne, Warren, I'd. j HADH0CK.& NEIL, i House Painting, '; Kalsomining. PAPER HAHGhlB A SPECIALTY, "Work Guaranteed. EcoNOMijpAmirja outfit. . -S. Groat time and '$m moiuy f.a.;r. A QiKKQrnt iircosujty ililHtlfr B .-, oiiveuwrco at- jJS a ways, Tlic best outtlt e-vcr o'feren fir tuillln lii. 1tir -it r inlrlniy IrMjts KXSiUV i us,rubie boot" tiaruiya, fom: am' jeE2S; HCfl reuH-uithlai wlikli constantly gS.nwd attention. aSrull InBtrMctloii!. iir w.-nt VftiiPttrUout. ?.?! fit i.n'ltiil . V. - saw ,m" iaIji"'Jl illJ Mniw , 1 U BTs gyTUibC ool uay vrn e- fur ' ticijihcfTi.s i . - i.iiij .tvm UT'.r- y'ear. Compteto hhr? nit,r iwtflt, Includinf, iron lafitis and st"larl uit rvorytMoic uec sarr for omiijlf tn v.-m t. 23 artkH-H only .). Sec cut. Krtra ols, He, jfvt har csa work-31 artkl, f r.lihr outfit b express or frclybt, n it' '"tjcr.t,.o; r, ,el;t of yrtcc. The ono o"l"rlt , tlio lu 'tj t In a ptice ! vrtfitLit- ttJ ..., ii.'.. ifcnn-a tno tvienry ? ' f, ;e proi.r IfO iroOGH tiniu pm r. "U'lrr ECONOMY SUPHLV hOUO.i, I ; m, Ohio M. 1 OT'nlr (m T, v uMiJr. Mil feTs m l m MARKET REP6RT. KgRS 7 Butter 15 Bacon ' 15 Lard '. 15 Potatoes 31.00 Apples , Chickens-hens, 0; young roosters. . 8 Corn 3032 Wheat 40 Oats U5 mAmmwojmAmmmjmmms, Mj O C.'I Kj .'VO Ttu . E. D, Rodgersvislted tho seat Thursday. " county Wesloy Dundas drove in from Au burn Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. II. S.Gaither drove out to Auburn Tuesday. Mrs. John Maxwell visited frionus- in Stolla Thursday. V su. Mart Hill, of Stella, rejoices A the birth of another girl. P.S. Ileacock shipped a car grain to East St. Louis Tuesday. J L. Melvin, ofStella, was In town Monday and Tuesday, on business. Wo had a sliglit shower Thursday just enough to make the roads a little muddy. Frank llawxby took in tho Ringling circus at Tecumaoh lust Saturday. lie .'says it was groat Rev, L. L., Combs, of Auburn, proachnO at tho Christian chUrcli hero W- . , ,,.o.n' '. V aiAiJCZXBBSS3 - JViwofhK?irMll, assistant cashier of tho First National Bunk of Auburn, was in town Thursday. Win. L. Weddle, who recently join ed the Christian Chinch, was baptized in the Clark lako last Sunday. Strawberries havo boen badly iir jured by the continued dry weather and byHlie frost Friday night. Wo understand tiie Mohawk MedN cine Theatrical Company that was hoio two weeks ago bus "busted." Too bad. Dr. W.W. Keeling started for South Dakata Tuesday, to visit l wo sons and a daughtet, who aro ate living in that state, A. II. McCandless & Sons shipped three curs corn to East St. Louis and two cars corn fo Louisville, Ivy., WoiN nevlay. John Moore, who has been at Lincoln for a week or two, came homo Wednes day, after a stop for a day or two at Nebraska City. Robert Sampson arrived in Nomnha City Wednesday evening, from Dun bar, whore he Iuib been stopping for tho past six weoks. Miss Minnie Elliott returned home Monday, from Cairo, Nebr., where she has taught a very successful school tho past nine mouths. Memorial services at tho opera house next Sunday, at elovun o cloak it. m. Rev. P. Van Fleet of Peru, will preach the sermon. Dr. Blake, tho dentist, writes us lie was unable to get here last Saturday, as advertised, but will bo here Satur day of this week, without fail. O. N. Titus lias been appolntod sup erintendent of tho fruit department ot the Nemalia County Fair. A better selection could not havo been made. Walt Hadlock bought a now wagon the other day, and now says ho is in dependent so far as n wagon is con cerned, uud will neither borrow nor loud. U Mrs. Theo. Hill and Mrs. M. II. Crothor drovo over to Stella Inst Sun day. 0. W.Ftiirbrother, sr., of Brownvillo and his grandson, Frank Hulburd, woro in town Inst Saturday. John n. Hadlock ami Goo. V. Noll hayo formed u partnership in the painting business. Seo tholr card. Kemp Colorlck subscribes for The Advkhtiseh for his brother, Juff Colerick, who is now at Alliance, Nob. Mm. S. A. Scovill went to Blue Springs today, to visit her brother, John Ault, who, wo regret to learn, has boon sick for a long time. Members of tho G. A. It. post put oight tombstones at tho head of the nfavps of old soldiers last Saturday. ineo aro seventeen oni Honours ummi in the Nomnha City eomotory. .... r : r ;. ...... Tho supper cu'4jn at mo rejamoneo oi 11. D. WatorTnan hist K night by tho Metboliist ladiesWn very sw cess fura ff air In every r Some' thin over 817 wis asrei Tho Ladies Aid Society of M. E. Church will give a "Crazy Tea" Junij 1 2d. Horn 5 to 7 o'clock. Suppor 1 cents. Stiawherries will also be pro vided for those who wish tlfom. Everybody invited. A heavy frost fell all over tho west Friday night of this week. In this Bootion littlo damago was done, but farther west and north corn was cut down, much gardon stull killod, and fruit badly injured. 15. F Mcluinch, of London precinct, iiviiiimi..uleBuiit call ThwOav. ' He liaff-ju'st coinplUriTauTfiig to market m about 15.000 bushels of corn,, which ho s ld to A.H. McCandlcss & Sons the first corn ho has sold nt Nemaha City lor many years. Tho members of tho Auburn Y. I'. S. C E . of tho Christian clinch drove down to Noinana City last Sunday afternoon, and mot with tho society of this place. A very interesting and in structive session was held, and the society here was greatly encouraged by tho visit. Dr. Kay is ono democrat who is not hunkering after an oll'co. llo was ap pointed a member of tho pension ex aminers for this county, but declined tho lienor. Dr. Cant, of Auburn, also declined. Dr. Oppermaun and n doct or from Julian voio appointed in their place. Tho Great American Show was hero last Saturday. This company, con trary to the costum, fulfilled about all the features advertised wo understand. Tho balloon addition atractod great attention. Tho balloon docended south of town. On account of a rip in tho parachute ho did not leap with it but came down with tho baloon. Wo aro assured by tho peoplo of Beat-iico that tho Beatrice University to by started by Mrs. Allio A. Minick is now almost a certainty. Ono thous and lots are to bo sold at 8125. each. Over halt of these havo been sold. Mrs. Minlclc puts up due building, costing about 8100.000, suitably equipp ed for a university, and 'also olidows it it with a goodly sum. Parties wishing to invest can learn full particular by writing Mrs. Minick at Beatrice, where she is now living. J. F. Prentis, of Pawneo City, spe cial agent of tho New York Life In surance Company, was in town Thurs day. Mr. Prentis is tho champion life insurance agent of tho United States, and if ho can't talk it man into insuring there in no use in any one else trying it. Ho has the advantage, too, of working for a company that everybody knows is second to none. . Foil Sai.k. A residence proporty in N'emalra Citj.- Small house, in good repair Inqure at this offilce. riUHt W dmect uizeurw- "5 -" Cinderella. Tho pupils of tho primary depart' mont of tho Notnnhn City schools will repeat their presentation of this pleasing fairy-like drTuna at Hoovor'a opera houso on Saturday ovoning, Juno 2d, 1804. Tho drama will bo followed by a tambourine drill, oxecutod by twolve girls from tho primary depart ment. Thoso who saw tho play and drill provlously will neod no urging to attend agnin. Thoso who did not see it should not fail to bo prosent at ono of tho best entertainments evor given in Nemaha City. The republican Htnto convention will be held at Omaha August. 22l. Tho repcesontation is based on tho vote cast fori. M. Raymond for regent last year, giving one dolegato at largo and ono for each 100 voles or major fraction thereof. This will make tho number of delegates 058. Thpjiantariuin, at Lincoln, Is attract- Jiuikiuflidurablo attention for tho ro- ,iriiii;kHulo cures of rheumatism .nervous prostration, akin disoasos, etc., byitho use of tho salt water baths. nalysis Af tho water shows that in nodical qualities It is only equalled by ono of tho celebrated springs in tho United States Saratoga Springs in Now York oxcooding tho Hot Springs of Arkansas and South Dakota.; Many prominent citizens havo given the highest recommendations of tho cum, tlvo qualities of tho wator. I f you aro troubled with any chronic ailment, wjlte to Dr. Evoretts, manager of tho Sulpho-Salino Bath Co., Lincoln, or go up nnd seo for yourselves, Prohibition County Convontion. TLrtUlimhiliti'V,'H l.Ni;abst Co., I are hereby called tomootijiifftrivontlori in the court Iioiihu, at .Aulnirii, Tno.s- dfts June 5th, at 2 o'clock p. in., for tho purposo of electing four delegates to the state convention to bo hold at Lincoln, Nob., July -lid and 4th, and to transact surh other business as may come before the convention. By order of tho Coinmittoo. ONLY SIX DAYSM0RE. In which to tuko advantage ot our splendid Special Offer, and one of thoso is Sunday, sit you roally only have Ilvo dnyn in which to secure tho Chicago Inter Ocean AND The Advertiser Both ono year, only $1.50 in advajico. This oiler expires Thursday, May lilst, lb!) I. Tukoadviuitiigooflt. Dr. Blake, DontNt, will be In Nema ha City Saturday. May UOth. The County Commissioners will bo n session as a board of equalization not less than three nor moio than thirty days, commencing on tho first Tuesday after tho second Monday in Juno. .1. M. Bukukss, County Clerk. For Samj. tons of ice. -Tweniy-flvo or thirty A, L. Jakvis. Fine Photos. Clinkinbeard.tho Auburn photogra pher, has recently removed to tho rooms over Thompson & Peery'a store, where ho has titled up one of the finest studios to be found in the state. The room has been remodelled, provided with now lights and furnished especial ly for uso as a gallery, and with all conveniences and modern appliances lie is prepared to Uiin out a better class of work than before. The old Huston stand wa, found unfit to do tho class of work ho wished to turn out, and a change was deemed neces sary. Don't visit Auburn without pitying a visit to tho new studio. Re member the place, over Thompson & Peery's groceiy store. CLINKINBEARD. Photographer, Auburn, Nebr. DECORATION DAY. Program of tho sorrlces to bo hold nt Hoover's Opora House, NoninhnUlty on Decoration Day, May aOth. 1804. Services will begin at 11 o'clock n. m. Music by tho choir. Prayer. Kceltttt'.on. "Tho Littlo Blnck-cycd Kobel", Annlo Fro9t. Reoltntlon. "Only n Crippled Soldier", Mnud Chiunborlnln, Recitation. "Song of tho Unttlo Flsg", Ponrl Finch. Music. Reoltntlon. "Tho Crutch In tho Corner", Lulu Elliott. Recitation. "The Crtilso of tho Monitor", Fay Qui titer. Recitation ''The Fight at Lookout," Florence Miolck. Music. Reoltntlon. "Tho Old Canteen," Lulu Clark. Recitation. "The Sharp Shootor's MIh9," Katto Frost. Music. Address by Judge Day ward, of Neb raska City, Adjournment for diiinor. At 2 o'clock p. in., the procession will form in front of the opera Iiouro', head ed by tho lbtg audCt. A. R. post, and proceed to tho ceinetoiy. At the gate thnO.A.R. post will maruh In ilrst, followed by the committee on flowers. At the grave of each old soldier tho members of tho post will form lu open order and stand at salute while the committee on flowers decorate graves. tho Commencement Exorcises. Following is tho progiam for tho second annual coinmuucemout of tho Nemaha City high school, Hoover op era house, 8 p. in., Thursday, May 31: Instrument!!! Solo, . (Strauss, Miss Mary Chamberlain. T Prayur, U('v. l):iy. Duct -"Mui'miiriii): Sea." M'"saes Vuvu Clark Mini LllHo Aiiiok. Salutatory uuu Oration- "Small Megiuuiiigs," . Charlie Howe. Oration "SolfHolps," Melllo Mlnick. Vocal Solo "ADlamoud Ring." Miss Maudo Mlnick. Oration "Idoas of Nations," Charlie Woodward. Oration and Valedictory "Signal Lights," . Nina Moore. Quartette "Moonlight Will Conm Again," Misses Maudo Minick and Berth!! bkeoii; Messrs. Frank and E. L. Atvabiight Class Address, . ltev. M. M. Goodo. Presentation of Diplomas, D. A. Morton, Cliairmaiu of Board. Estrny Notioo. Taken up, at my residence, a half mile west of the Bennett mill, in Ne malia precinct. Thursday evening, May 10, I KIM, ono sorrel mure, sup posed to bo three years old this spring; blazed face, and branded on left hip by an "1 X" over a bar. Owner can havo above property by proving ownership and paying costs. Bicn Coi.kiucjk. Estrny Notice. Taken up, on the premises of tho undot signed, one mile south of N mil as ha City, on Thursday, May 17, 180 f, ono light rod, medium sized cow, with drooping horns, branded with an "S" on right hip Owner can have samu by proving proporty, and paying for care and advertising. Emma Soiimai.i.a. SICK TIIK CAMEL skin shoos at Titus & Williams. "DO. YOU WEAR PANTS?" Do you know that Titus & Williams hnvojust received a new stock of tho best punts made? Do you know their prices correspond with tho iiard times ? Co and seo them. Dont Tobacco Spit or Smoko your Life Away' Ih tho truthful, HtartlliiK tltltiof a llttln bnnlc that tclln all iibi)it, No-to-lme, tlio woiulerriil liiiniih.'hH liuimtiilci'il tobacco habit caret, Tim cost h trilling and tho man who wants to fin 11 and can't runs no physical or lli.iuiclnl rlhlc In UHliiK 'No-lo-buo," Hold by all Unm- KlHlM. Hook at li .ik ritorus or by mall fren, Ad dtoNs Tho Kterllnn lluinody Co., Indiana Minora! BprliiKS Ind. SWEET POTATO PLANTS. Yellow Jersey for sale at Titus Nursery. I V .-.! i s i H t.i 5 9