mttamu oai mur.'ijmmita&ruvMBittBaaini&vjmuiJiBmiini rtcEKmTfBscawtxoexcsaacasumra at,mMmWgnttM03TBKIIT!flWtgMlitafatlKtMMI(t(i4 The Nebraska Advertiser H U S.US'lUtltXy rubllnlin: FRIDAY, JUMJ 24, 1802, TLUK OAltD. PawpiiiaTRolntr wcl 10:14 inn ruwiiKi'r noitl KrctKlit west..., itiifitoiut... :i:z4 tun I'JilO lllll Kroluht north tc east .. icoutun KrclKlit suuth 0:35 pin Freight arrives from tlto south at 12:50 mn All freight tnilns curry p.wongers. It. J. Dorr, Agent. JDJORBOTOKTT FIItHT JUDICIAL MSTHIOT. District J udgeH A II Itiibcoclc, Heatrlcc; J K Hush, lleutrico, COUNTY Treamiror Frank Hnydor County Jiul(o-Jiirvlf) H Church Comity Clerk J M Hurresi County Allornoy W II Kelllgar Hunorfntondont I'uhllo IiiHtruetlon V M Crlchlon Hhorlir-Ucnry Culwell Clorlc District Court-Kd Juol Coronor DrO Ii Conic Surveyor J M Huclcor fnimiv I i.owls Fisher rem. SJ li F Mclnlnnh, Auburn Wln rH M 0 Hhurtloil-. HoutbAuburn oiiuucTiKar Cii'UHTiAN--8orvlceH every altornatcHattir diiy Highland .Sunday morulngand evening, Hunday Hchool ut 10 o'nloclc a in. Prayer meeting every wcuucsuiiy evening, .MKTlIOIIIrU' J'JriHCOl'A 1. -- HorvlceH ovory Hunday evening, Hunday Hchool Hunday morning at iu ociocic. rravor iiii'cLliiif nv cry Thursday evening. l2iicoi'Ai BarvlceM on every fecund rind lourlli HuuduyH of the month. It OTaLiiott; Pastor, f.ODOKH M HOPE LODGE No. 29, A. V.kA. M. aieciH overy iritiny muni on or beloro full moon. Visiting brothers i-ordiniiy Invited to attend. ,1 A TIlllH. V M. r W fuliv If M G WOUtiP POSl'.G A H No ..inVnf.iii Hoover's opora Iiouho on every alternate Wednesday, at 2 pin. Jna F Drain, Coin: H Gilbert, Ad'Jf NEMAHA CITY LODGE No. 100, 1. O. G. T MeetH every Haturduy night at tlio opera Iiouho. Visiting members of the ordor are cordially luvllcd to ntteud. Geo N Bauderu, OTj VV Wanders Beo'y. OLIVE CAMP, No 10, Woodmen of the World, meets every Ilrst nud third Tuesday ulghls of oaoh month In Odd Follows hall DA Morton, CO; A K McCanUIess, Jr, Clorlc D II. W. W. KEELING, NEMAHA CITY, NKlUtASKA. KFICK FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF NOTE DRUG HI ORE O KEY. 717 Mi. Jt. novnj"i2 Jltlomcy-at-MJaw ami Notary Public. NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA KERKER & HOOVR, . Dealers In nil kinds of Frcfth and Salt MMMMTS. 63!IlKhent market prlco paid for Hides urn, ota CHAMBERS & CLARK, PROPRIETORS OK THE WE will Hell you good, fresh mcatatlowes prices. Give uh ii trial. Norualia City, Nebraska. J. W. Bourne, M. D. I'htsician and Surgeon, NEMAHA CITY, NEB. OFFICE IN ALLIANCE DRUG STORE. All calls promptly nttonded, night or day. ai 5 QEORGE B. SKEE, Proprietor of tho LoneTree Barbershop O ATISFAOTION GUAItANTKUI). If voii NEMAHA OITX, NEBRASKA flgftResidentDemis All : Work : Guaranteed To Rlvo porfoot BhtlHfnotion TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN lly tho nso of Vltullzod Air Office In Front Rooms, HetzeVs mock Auburn. Nebraska 'lit Mi JMUttUMtjy Situated one milo oast of Auburn, make tho best brands of FLOTJR on tho market. Special attention given to EXCHANGE BUSINESS. TED Salesmen II " LOCAL it 1 HAVEMNQ B To renretioiiLmir win imnwn W Iioumj. ou neod no enpllnl to represent n firm thut warnvn tH hur w W Hfiry stock Hurt clnss mid truo to aiuno. WOUIC ALL THE YE.VH. 1100 per ii on tb to tho right man. Apply mtlclc. Htut liiCriKO. L. L. MAV A CO., WurNflrymou, Morlstn nnd Boedsmen, .. . . St. l'nnl. Minn. (XJais house is reapoHMlblo.J mm ILLS Tlio closing exercises of tlto Nonliiliii f'lty selioold woro held ut tlio opera house lasl Friday night. The hall was crowded, and on account of this nnd the heat there wan considerable dis comfort experienced. The program was well carried out. Owing to tho confusion in tho back part of the hall, whero wo Blood, wo could not hear much that was said, but wearoassuted by those who could hear that the essays road by Misses Nettie Hacker and Lulu Clark wur flno. Chatlio Woodward's oration on "Tho Volunteer Soldier" was also excellent. .MIsi Florence Dye delighted tlio audience witli her singing, as slio always does. Prof. V. M. Cileliton, county superintendent, made a brief but most excellent talk on tho subject of "Let Us Make Man." l'rof. Veeder then mado tho closing romarks, thanking tho school board and tho patrons of the school for their interest and helpfulness, tho editor of The Advertiser for tho many cour testes extended, and tlio pupils for tho interested manifested during the school year. One pupil, ho said, had not been absent or tardy onco during tlio entiro year, and he wished to hIiow his appreciation of her faithfulness by presenting her witli u biblo. Ho then gave tho bible to Miss Nettie Ilackei, who was greatly surprised as well as gratified, as there had been no hint of tills beforehand. Mr. Veeder and Miss Ilawxby have taught tho most successful school Ne maha City over had, and the district Is almost a unit in asking their return. Itobt. Frost has loft at this olllco the papers placed iu tho corner stone of the old school house at the time it was laid August 8th, 1870. Thero is u copy of tho state school laws, tho premium list of tlio state fair, the Nkiiraska Ad vertisee, then published at Brown villo by Furnas, Colhapp & Ilackor.tho Brownvillo Daily Democrat, published by Calhoun & Vancil, and two of J. P. Crother's business cards, on tho back of which was written: "Moderator of School District, August 8th, 1870." On one card part was written with ink and port with pencil. Tho ink had almost faded out, but tho pencil marks were as plain as the day thoy were mado. Wo notice in tho papors that a big mooting had been held in Brownvillo to discuss tho Brownvillo, Ft. Kearnoy & Pacillc railroad question, and also that Tecuinsoh had voted in favor of bondB for this road. There is a notice that on Monday, August 8th, at I p.m., the corner stono of tho now school houso at Nemaha City would bo laid. Dr, McGrow, then county superintend ent, was to make the address. TO AID NEHIlAbKA. Tho Burlington & Missouri River Railroad has prepared ami now has ready ror distribution a now hand book, treating of tho opportunities winch Nebraska, northwestern Kansas and eastern Colorado offer to fanners, business men and invostirs. This book has boon gotton out for the information of eastern people, par ticularly thoso who have friends west of tho Missouri; It is written iu a pleasant, easily understood stylo, by one who thoroughly knows his subject, and is confidently recoinmendod as likely to stimulate immigration to a very considerable extent. It pictures Nebraska and thoso por tions of Kansas and Colorado adjacent to It, not as they might be, but as thoy aro. It is thought that tho best method of distributing tlieso hand books is as fol lows: Parties in Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado having friends in tho oast who nre likely to bo interested iu such literature as this aro invited to send tho names and addresses of theso latter to Mr. J. Francis, Gan'l Passongor & Ticket Agent, Burlington Route, Oma ha, Neb., who will take pleasure in forwarding, postpaid, to such addresses as many copies as desired. A sound Liver mnkes a well Man Aro you billious, constipated or troubled with jaundice, sick headache bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated tonguo, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skin, pain in back and botweon tlio shoulders, chills and fever, etc. If you have any of those symptons, your liver Is out of ordor and your blood is slowly being poisoned, because your liverdoes not act properlv. Horbino will euro any disorder of the Hvor, stomach or bowels. It has no equal as a liver medicine Prico 7G cents, Froo sam ple bottles at J. W. Bourne's drug store. Western Neb. Normal Collego, Lincoln, Cleveland andStevenson Grovor Cleveland was renominated for president by the democratic nation al convention Wednesday night, re ceiving tho nomination on tho tlrst ballot, Thursday Adlai K. Steveiidon, of Illinois, was nominated for vice pi evident. - if - i If vou want a good education with out waste of time or money, r.ttyud Western Normal College, Lincoln. Nebr. Tho State Beunion, G. A. K., for the year 1802 will bo hold at Grand Island August 20th to September. 'id, inclusive. A rate of one faro for the round trip has been announced from all parts of tho state on all railroads. The attend ance is expected to bo larger than iu any previous year. A program is being arranged with a view of having it par ticularly pleasing to all Veterans, Sons and Daughte.18 of Veterans, and niem bars of the Woman's belief Corps. It will embrace some new attractive fea tures not heretofore witnessed at any reunion in Nebraska. Camp aecom modatlons will be more ample than over before in overy respect, and tho camp will bo located on tho same ground it occupied last year. Seating accommodations will be provided at speakers' stand, Full particulars can bo had by addressing Seth P. Mobloy Chairman, George II. Caldwell. Score tary, or Harry Harrison, Quartermas ter. Communications coi cerning booth privileges should be addressed to S. N. Wolbuch. If you want a course in music (in cluding piano, organ, voice, harmony, baud and orchestral instruments, etc.,) or art, write to tho Western Normal College, Lincoln, Neb. TEN PRIZES FOR A PUZZLE. The weekly World Herald is offering S30 in four cash prizes and six prizes consisting each of a cyclopedia, for tho largest lists of English words con structod out of tho letters in tuo word "Alliance." Send one cent stamp for particular, Tho contest closes Juno 15th. Address World Herald, Oma ha, Neb. Tlio Western Normal College, Lin coin, oilers fiee tuition for a little work, to a limited number. Write for particulars. A SPRAINED ANKLE. This Is a common occurranco and ono that will lay peoplo up ordinarily 0 to 8 weeks, yet wo will guarantee Ballard Snow Liniment to euro any ease of sprained ankle in one to 3 dav's I If applied at once, and to immediately lelievo all pain. Snow Liniment will cuio any old sore on man or beast. It will heal all wounds and cures sprain bums, scalds, bruises, sore tin oat, sore chest, lame back, corns, bunions. For rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, con tracted muscles It has no equal. Do not allow any other white Inimont to bo put off on you for Snow Liniment. Thero is no other like It. Ask for Bal lard's Snow Linlmoiit. Sold by all druggists. it vou aro it poor young man or wo man and want an education, write to Western Normal Collego, Lincoln, Nob Possibly they can help you. SPECIMEN CASES. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheuma tism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced in tlesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cuied him. Edward Shepherd, Ilarrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his log of eight years' standing. Uso- three bottles of Electric Bittors and seven boxes of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker.Cataw ba, (.. had livo largo fever sores on his log, doctors said ho was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and ono box of Bucklon'fl Arnica Salvo cured him en tirely. Sold by Taylor Bros. . CHA.MIir.KI.AIN'N KYK AND SKIN OINTMKMT. A certain euro for Chronic Sovo eyes, Totter. Salt Rheum, ScaldHond Old OhroniiJ Soros, Fovor Soros, Ec zoma, Itch, Prnirio Scratches, Sore Nipplos, ami Piles. It is cooling and Boothing, Hundrods of casos liavo boon cured by it aftor all other troat mont had failod. 25 and GO cont boxes or snio ut tho Koynotn Drtifj store. If you are too old to attond tho pub lic schools and are backward in your studios, tlio Western Normal Collogo, Lincoln, Neb., has classes suited for you and you will receive special help. A school whose diplomas aro a pass port to success such a school is the Western Normal College, Lincoln, Neb. Disease icvrr successfully attacks a system with putu blood. De Witt's Sarsapaiilla makes pure, now blood and eurieht'S the old. Taylor Jiros and Bourne. J. W. Taylor & Bro., the druggists, desiro us to publish the following tes timonial as they handle the remedy and believe it to be reliable: "I bought a 50 cent hottlo of Cham berlain's Pain Balm and applied it lo my limbs, which have been alllictcd witn rheumatism at intervals for one year. At the time I bought tho Pain Balm I was unablo to walk. I truth fully can say that Pain Balm lias com pletely cured mo." H. II. Furr, Holy wood, Kansas. Mr A B Cox, the lead ing druggist at Holy wood, vouches tor the truth of tho above statement. It is a fixed and immutable law that to have t;ood, sound health one must bavopuie, rich and abundant blood. There Is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of Do Witt's Saisapa rilla. Bourne and Taylor Bros. 1. It almost overy noiuhboihood throughout the west thete is some one or more persons whoho lives have been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrha'a remedy, or who have been cured of chronic diarrhoea by it. Such persons take especial pleasure In recommending tho remedy to others The pi aiso that follows It's introduction and use makes it very popular 23 and 30 cent bottles for sale by Taylor Bros m It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs tho cute is tlio best. DeWitt's Little Early lliseif aro tho smallest pills, will perlonn tho cure and aro the best. Taylor Bros and Bourne. QQconts PhotOi for ouo dozon Cabinet rraoliH at Huston's. Au burn, for u short time. Western Normal College, Lincoln, Neb., has twenty-five departments and thirty teachers. Rriglit peoplo aro the quickest to recognize a good thing and buy it. Wo sell lots ot bright peoplo the Little Early Hisors. If you aro not bright these pills will make you so. Bourne and Taylor Bros. HAD NOT SLEPT FOR YEARS. Mr. A. Jackson, an old resident of Rusk, Texas, and manager of the mag nificent new hotel at Rusk, informs us he had not slept at night for years ex cept in short naps, owing to incessant coughing. He was' advised whon very much run down to try Ballard's Iloro hound Syrup; h was immediatelv re lieved of Ids cough and his rest improv ed to such a decree that ho could sleep soundly sill night; Mr Jackson states: "I regard Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup superior to any cough syrup on the market, and its freedom from opium and morphine leave no constipation af ter using it. For this reason alone I consider it tho best cough syrap in tho world for children. My lungs are now stronger than they have been for years. This syrup is very pnothinjr to tho throat and lungs. Sold by all drug-, gists. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt hv vlr tuo of an order of snlo Issued out of tho DiHtrlet Court or Notunhn county, utitto of Nebraska, nnd to mo directed uh Sheriff of mild county, upon u uecreo nnd Judgment rendered by said court, in ft cuso wlieroln John C Lnmbert. iis8lnco of Inniia.T. Jiirvls. wnsplnlntltr, nnd Nowton C. Jnrvls wns de lendiuit.I will oiler forwilo at public miction nt tho door of the court houno in Auburn. In wild county, on Monday, tho 11th day of Tilly, A. D. 1892. at 10 o'clock n. in., tho W lowliiB described lands In Nomaha county. n,?,sJCnt0rW,1.t : A p.'ut of tno Houthonst quarter (HI or tlio northeast miarter y. of section number lourteon ri4 township num ber four 4 north ofranuo nnmborllfteen rifll S;, .uolnif tho north twentyfouri lortlelh2l-10jof said trAct-nlways, howev er, exception eleven (llj feet oil tho wost ond r "'"i1'1 tetestlinntod to contain twonty four 121 norcH, moro or less, together witn nil !)ofon"ViirVOmontH 'mtl mlvllcBes thereto ofiEiii,C.ajJnr0vr!!(er of 8fl, HS th0 P"P'ty ''lormsof Bn'.D.oasli. Dated this th day of Juno. 1892. nv t, r, HENHY CULWELL. Jly .ToKt. Cui.wki.1., Deputy. 7 s Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE Is hereby Blven thnt by virtue of n... V . lsl'e(1 oni or tno distr ct court of Nomaha county, state of NobraHlca. and to me directed nH Slierlir of said county 11 linn IV iiwrna on. I I. ..I ..'.." ""."!'' cnii n..f . 1 jHUKuiuiii roiuioreu by tWV ,,n ""M county, o Mondny. tho lit day of July, a. p. I8f2, at 10 o'clock n. in., the following described lands In Nenial acointy Nebraska, towlt , : CommoncinK attl obo "th east corner of tho northeast quarter (I?) of fii0! I,lr'yf0nr 3,.) ' township o1on rr hii.UVr0f rnUK. "'W 10 enst of sixth tu-nntv nlon,irSJ?i1,llRWCHl o liumlretl and twenty 1201 rods, thonc north eighty 80 rods, thence south tlilrtvtwo .. v.i."",,.- iJ ickim, uioncu in k i. iiirnni it r nni u..i i lllll n.l ",.- jj-i inns, uiencu east ono ....... vw... ,,.,, nun wiiiTom .1. a. Ayresand K. A. Avres, asslKneos of John A. Lovd worn PlalntlllH, nnd Klla J. Lnyd. otIS, wwS diP,n0Hl,nnl?' I will oirer for sale a public nuotlon at tho door nr ti. .,... i.." " nbi'i. '.luu .roc,sl 1'ionco south fortyeluht im rods to tho place of commencing, and &wbl"ilii7n,,emM,i,i,d',rtvl' ofTCU JWie't,0r.Of h",e"S th Pr0"er,y Terms of bale, cash. Datod this Sth day of June. 1R0 nyJouL00Lwi11,DISiS!yyctTIAVELL' THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys PperldciinroficlentlMcnlly and enr fully prepared Hcmcdii-s, ucd for jenrs lu private practice nml for over thirty jenra ly tlio peoplo with entire Mlcecs. Every dlnijlo Specific a special cure fcr tho iIIpcmko nnmort. They euro without drugging, purging or reducing tho8)tpm,nnilnre liiluciuii'l (lnullioHoverelgu Remedies of Hie World. lut or hohbcbs. cink.1. mica. 1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. ,'2H 2 W'nrniN, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .115 3-Tcctliliiu; Collo, Crylntr. WakcfulncM .11.1 4 lllrtrrhen, of Children or Adults '2.1 i I)rcntury,arlplng, Bilious Colic.... .'25 Choir rn IUnrbtin, Vomiting Vt5 7-Coiic1ih, Colds, Ihonchltts 5 8 Ncurnlftln, Tootuncho, Faccachc ... .12.? !) Headaches, Sick. Hcadnelie, Vertigo, ,'2,'t lO-Dyupcimlu, IJllloiiancsfl, Consttpntlon .'2.1 11 SiipnrcHNCri or l'liliitul I'erlodtt. ,12.1 1-2 Whiten, Too l'rornso Periods in Croup, IjitryiitrltiR, IIonn-encM... l'l Htilt Ithcum, Krj'fdpclns, Kruptlous 1.1 Itlieiiiiintlntn. or Rhcuuiatlcl'nlns., 1(1 Mnliirlii, Chills, Tovcr and Ague..., ,'2!i .'2 .'2r .125 .'25 .'25 17 riiCH.uiuia oriiiccaing 18 Oplithiilm y, Bore or V cnlc Kyc 10 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In tho Head .125 .125 120-W'liooplnir CourIi... .125 121 Anlhtim, Oppressed Ilrenthlng 2.1 1212 Eur DIncIiiii'iick. Impaired Hearing .125 123 Scrofuln. Enlarged Glands, Swelling .125 '2 1 (Jcnernl Ilctdllty, 1'hjBlenl Weakness .125 12.1 Droimy, and Scanty Secretions 125 aO-Seii-SIclcnenH, Slcknes from Hiding .25 27 Kidney IMncriHen 125 2t Soro JHotith, or Canker 125 :i()-l)rlnnry WenltncHU, Wetting Bed.. .125 l-l'nlnruf 1'erlodn 125 :il lili.litliorlii, Ulcerated Horn Throat,. .125 33 Chronic Conuewtloim & Eruptions. .'25 EXTRA NUMBERS: 88 NorvoUH Debility. Seminal Weak ness, or Involuntary Discharges... .l.nft 32-l)lHeiieHoftlioIIenrt,rnlp!tfttlont,0( X'l KpllepHy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Danco. I...T.00 Sold bj Dnigglilt, or tent ct-l(l on recl t of price. Dr. HuMriKKTa' Manual (Hi p(fi,l mailkd rsxit. Ht'HPnilKTH' JlKli. CO., 1 1 1 A 1 1 3 Willi. m Rl., X. w Tnrlr. S P E C I F 1 OS", H U MPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." For Piles External or Internal, Dllnd or Diced Inc i Fistula In Ano: Itching or Weeding of tho la-etuw. Tlio relief U Immediate tho cure certain. PRICE, 50 CIS. TRIAL SIZE, 23 OTS. Sold by Drufglit,or lent roit-ptld on receipt of price, UUHrilIti;S'MLO.CO.,UlAn3NUIImSU,:EWY0HK pmjii inm in ii iiiiiiii USCmSICUKf feOHK Mrs L R Patton. Rockford, Illinoi?, writes: "From personal experience I can recommend Do Witt's Sarsaparilla a cure for impure blood and geneial debility." Bourne and Taylor Bros. "Western Normal College, Lineo'n, Neb. Win. M. Croan, Pres't: W. J. Kinsley, Sec'y. "Late to bed and early to rise will shorten tho road to your homo in tno skies." But early to bed and a '"Little Early Riser," the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. Taylor Bros and Bourne. Thu graduates of the Western Nor mal Collego, Lincoln, Neb., aro in d uiand at good salaries. Pee those new f tylo at Titus & Williams'. Ginghams Enter at any timo and take just such studies as you desire at Western Nor mal College, Lincoln, Neb. ESTABLISHED ajtsE' CAVEATS. I86&. LABELS. TRADE T f designs. MARKS PPYRtOHTS. We give r' elj.1 attentlcn t nei rejected in other bands, alia to j, .upi all, rcjatuo, trade mark!, the preparation of o,:iu'-on ai to Infrlnnomtnt, scope and validity clpmwti, end the proixiutlon and defeme of aulta for I irln-cmtr.t. Our book oflmtruo tloni, terrai. rofciercic, rtc,, itnt Mee EUso.N mtOTiiKC'MiuitMliIoMn'ldlnsr, lOO.'l V t HrilllllKtoll. O. J8S5"Fend three itimpt tor fostacr un hindiome Hint tratedbooUct, " iHVvM'vr i'rrjrm," puDlliher'i prico 25 centa, and c'r ivti paaphlet for la Tentora.mftnufaclurcia ai.d p.ito3'ei. 'ii.iiticii iii upcr. MSa VWV1 NC THE A. strictly lilch-urado family acwlac mnohiuc, poHHOHsiiis all modern ImprovoincntB. GUARANTEED EQUALto the BEST K'rlces very rcaMonable, Obtain them and mnko compnrluoiui. ELOREDGE MANUFACTURING GO. EELUIDERE, ILL. i e. 1!i & ,t.