The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 24, 1892, Image 7

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Collapso of a Bridgo Ovor tho Lick
ing Rivor.
Forty-ilvo Workmen Curried Down AVIth-
out WnniliiB Nearly All Kniod "tho
Two Coutriietori Among the
Cincinnati, June 10. A bridgo In
cottr&o of construction over the Licking
river between Covington anil Newport,
Ky., fell this morning, unil of forty-live
workmen on tho structure, so fur us is
now known only two escaped unhurt.
The high river had washed out tho
earth about tho supports of tho false
work, and it is said one of the contract
ors said a day or two ago that ho was
t if raid tho structure would not stand
under tho weight of tho heavy material.
IJut still they kept at work.
A force of forty-three ineu un
der the direction of Robert and William
laird, the contractors, was engaged in
putting in place the heavy iron work
on the main span. Suddenly, without
warning, there -win u crnoldlng sound,
a swaying of the structure and a head
long plunge of tho whole mass of tim
bers, iron and workmen into the river
ilfty fiAil below. Fow forms wero to
be seen struggling on tho surface, tho
others were drowned or crushed by tho
Those who came out of tho wreck un
injured, as nearly as could bo learned,
were as follows: Murray Ilairden and
James Caldwell. Others went to their
homes and could not be traced.
While most of tho workmen wero
from abroad, there were enough from
tho vicinity to mako the scenes on shore
of the most sickening character. Tear
ful women were to be seen eagerly peer
ing into, the countenances of the recov
ered bodies as they were borne to the
shore, and every now and then a pitiful
wail of anguish told that some friend
or relative had been recognized.
It was slow work to get the bodies
from the wreck.
Among tho dead were the two con
tractors, the l.aird brothers of Pitts
burgh, who were on tho bridge with
their men superintending tho work at
the fatal moment. Though ib is said
that one of them had spoken of fear
concerning the safety of the supporter,
it appeared by their act yesterday in
going with their men that they had no
such fear as would keep them from
sharing with their men the danger.
The body of one was among the first
recovered and the other lies buried in
the river beneath the ruins of his own
The span between the two piers looks
to be .10 feet. The height of the truss
which was to form the bridge span be
tween these two piers was sixty-fivo
feet above water. False work in piling
unil timber had been constructed in tho
river. On the top of this false work the
construction of the iron truss began ex
actly midway between the two piers
nnd the work was pushed from the mid
dle both ways. Five bents or sections
of the ponderous iron work had been
constructed. Each bent or section was
thirty feet long, making nearly half
the span. On the top of this was an ap
paratus known to bridgemen as the
traveler, which is used to extend tho
structure from the ends.
night Lives Lost ly tint Sinking of u
IIanoou, Me., June 10. What ap
pears to have been n. repetition of tho
Chicago tornado parsed over the south
ern end of this city late yesterday,
crossed over the river and went through
the city of IJrower. It tore oil' half a
mile of race course fence, destroyed and
moved buildings, leveled horse sheds
and did other damage.
On the river was the steam launch
Annie, which plied between Ihmgor
and Hampden. It had just left tho
docks with twenty passengers.
Uain was falling and the canvassed
hides were buttoned down. The wind
tore these in and the boat was over
turned and sunk. On the opposite sido
of the river lay the four-masted schoon
er Maria O. Teal of JSoston. Mate Nor
man McLoud lowered away his boatand
with four out of the eiew rescued six
men and three women, while three
others swam ashore. The body of Miss
Ilnttie Adams daughter of James
Adams, a rich lumberman, has been re
covered. Seven bodies are missing.
.Seventh Kmisiix ItepulillemiH.
TCinciman, Kan., Juno 10. Tho repub
lican congressional convention met at
10 o'clock yesterday and effected a tem
porary organization. It reassembled at
!2 o'clock and elected as permanent chair
man 13. C. Cole, Itarton' county; secre
taries, IJ. H. Craven, of Scott; (Jeorgo
W. Wiley, of Mead, and J. II. McXuIr,
of Sedgwick. Chester I. Long, of .Medi
cine Lodge, and J. W. Jones, of Hutch
inson, wero placed in nomination.
5ooth, of Lamed county, withdrew and
threw hU entire strength to Long, who
was nominated by a vote of 107 to 55.
KmiNiis rMle' Tarty.
Wichita, Kan., Juno 10. The state
convention of the people's party last
night nominated L. I). Lewelling, of
Wichita, for governor on the second
ballot. It also nominated W. 1). Vin
cent for lieutenant-governor, adopted a
platform and then took a recess until 9
o'clock this morning.
Kpltomo or tan l'rocomllntr or Until
llnnar tho Pant Week.
UUT few members wero present when tho
nonnto resume tl business on tlio 13th. Tho pen
ston npproprintion bill, with lunonilmcnts. was
reported baelt from tho oommtttco on appro
priations nnd pl-icod on the calendar. It curries
n total of IMO.TCT.S&O-an incroaso of (11,013,381
over tho housn bill nnd &W,'M) less than thei en
ttmnte. Tho bill introduced by Sir. 1'etTcr May
2(5 "to incroaso the currency nnd provide for tho
circulation, to reduce tho rates of interest nnd
to establish n bureau of loans" was taken from
tho tablo nnd Mr. 1'offor nddressod the scnato
In explanation nnd ndvocaoy of it ...In tho
houso on motion of Mr. Peel, of Arkansas, a
bill was passed providing that Indian children
should bo declared to bo cltlaons when they
havo reached tho ngo of 2t ycir.i nud shall
thereafter rceeivo no support from tha Rovcrn
ment, provided thoy havo had ten years of In
dustrial training Mr. Otis, of Kansas, naked
consent for consideration of a resolution recit
ing improper conduct on tho part of Secretary
Noblo nnd Commissioner Cnrtor In rogard to
tho Maxwell land grant (said conduct bolnt; al
leged to be in pursuance of a conspiracy entered
Into somo years ago by Stephen IJ. Klklns nnd
J. A. Williamson) and asking for a special com
mittco of seven members to Inquire into tho
matter. Mr. Payne, of Now Vor'.., objected nnd
tho resolution was referred.
llOTlt houses of congress on tho Hth ad
journed almost Immediately after convening In
token of respect to the memory of Oen. 1211 T.
Stnckhouse, representative from tho Sixth dis
trict of South Cnrollna, who was suddenly
ntrlcken after returning from tho funeral of CoL
I Ij. I'olk, presidontof the Partner.-' AUIanco,
of which organization tho dcuoascd congress
man was also a member.
Tn silver question was debated In the sen
ntc on tho 13th, Senators Morgan, Palmer and
Stewart occupying tho lloor. No notion was
tnkon....'rho houso pissed tho fortlllcntlons
bill nnd Mr. Shlveloy introduced his tln-plato
In tho scnato on tho lflth Mr. Morrill spoko
on tho freo colnngo of silver bill. Tho scnato
was on tho point of adjournment when Mr.
Washburn called up tho nntl-optlon bill nnd
after somo debate it was referred to tho com
mittee on tho Judiciary. Then Mr. Fryo re
ported that tho conferees on tho river and har
bor hill had failed to ngn on tho scnato
amendments providing for & boat railway
around Tho Dalles, Oro, and for n canal
from Lnko Washington, nnd the sonato agreed
to Insist on its amendments and ask n further
conference. The scnato adjourned until Mon
day tho 2Jth... .Tho tin plato bill occupied tho
tlmo of tho houso. Among tho speakers oppos
ing tho bill wero Mr. 13. 11. Taylor (rop.). Ohio;
Mr. Atkinson (rop.), Pennsylvania, and Mr.
Dalzell (rop.), Pennsylvania, whllo Mr. Hunt
ing (dem ), Now York, favored it.
Tun senate was not in session on tho 17th. ...
Thoro was an unusually largo nttomlauco In
tho houso. The ropubllcnns hid returned from
Minneapolis nnd a largo nutnbor of democrats
wero attraotcd to tho capital by tho informa
tion that tho river nnd harbor conference re
port would be submitted This was done, nud
as tho report was a disagreeing one a further
conforenco was ordorod. Tho remainder of tho
day was consumed in illlbusterlnjf ovor tho Sib
ley claim bill without action.
Mlsslonury Work of tho American Orgiui
I.iitlon Tlio Good Accomplished.
Fiiir.ADi:r.i,iiiAl Juno 17. Tho year
of missionary work for tho neglected
children of our country, in tho Amer
ican Sunday school union, which closed
March 1, 1803, was very fruitful in bles
sing. Sixteen hundred and sixty-four
new Sunday schools were organized in
places that wore previously entirely
destitute of roligiou? privileges, con
taining 7,018 teachers and 59,551 schol
ars. Aid was givon to 2,127 other
schools, with 14, .103 teachers and 135,
29!) scholars; while, in addition to this,
4,58(1 schools that had been before re
ported were aided, with 25,790 teachers
and 299,200 scholars. Huskies all this
direct Sunday school work, the mis
sionaries of the society distributed by
sale and gift (1.45S Ilibles and 9,115 Tes
taments. They made 50,582 visits to
families for religious conversation and
prayer, and delivered 12,474 sermons
and addresses. Sixty-six hundred and
seventy-eight conversions were reported
tis resulting from tho evangelistic la
bors of these earnest and faithful men;
and 210 churches have been developed
from the Sunday schools established by
them, while regular preaching services
have been secured in many other places
as an outgrowth of this Sunday school
work. It is utterly impossible to esti
mate the far-reaching and beneficent
results of such a missionary work as
this, and till accomplished iu one year.
Tlio JJciiowncil I'nltli Corn Priest I'usscd
Awny-Skfteli er Ills l.llo.
PiTTsmntoii, Pa., June 10. Father
Mollinger, the renowned faith euro
priest.dicd yesterday. He was pros
trated Tuesday (St. Anthony's day)
and yesterday an operation was per
formed for rupture of the stomach but
it was useless.
Father Mollinger was born of Dutch
parents, from whom he inherited con
siderable wealth. He only recently at
tained his 01st birthday. The littla
church in which he had labored for
j'ears is known us tho Church of tho
Most Holy name of Jesus, and is situ
ated at Troy hill, not far from tho heart
of Pittsburgh.
Father Mollinger years ago obtained
the name of being a miracle worker.
Miraculous cures were credited to him
and thousands Hocked to his littlo
church to receive his blessing, although
he never claimed to 1k n, miracle mon
ger. The feast of St. Anthony of Padau
hud long been thu day which the priest
physician set apart for the reception of
his patients from all over the country.
Mt. Vesuvius Very Actlvn.
Xait.ks, June 18. The volcanic energy
of Mt. Vesuvius shows no sign of abate
ment. A most magnificent sight is
presented in the valley between tho
two summits. Here tho lava ejected
has formed au iinmenso bridge
across the valley and it is constantly
gaining fresh accessions. The lava
glows with a white heat and tit night
the bridge is magnificently beautiful.
The center of the principal era tor
shows increased activity and huge
masses of lava are frequently ejected.
Roino Light on the Sulrct from Uto Pages
of History.
Tho term "Hessians," ns generally
used in this country, wlis ilrst intended
to signify a menu-spirited man who for
inoney hires himself to do tho dirty
work of another and his lighting. Tho
word with these meanings was never
recognized until after tlio defeat of
Ilurgoync, nnd the peculiar infamy
which attached to it is derived from tho
supposed voluntary employment of tho
Hessian soldiery by Great ltrlUiin
against the Americans.
That there was no such voluntary
employment is historically true, nnd tho
reproach which has lcen so long con
nected with tho word Hessian in this
country is us undeserved as it is un
founded, for the Hessian soldiers had
no more option in their employment to
light against us than had our negroes
to work our rice, and cotton Acids be
fore the war. As men they were honest,
industrious, and peculiarly domestic,
nnd would have given half they wero
worth or years of labor to havo remained
in their fatherland.
To Kngland alone belongs tho dis
grace and Infamy of enticing the rulers
of these men by large subsidies to com
pel their subjects to light her wars. Tho
facts are these: On February 10, 1770,
Lord Weymouth laid before tho houso
of lords a treaty with tlio Hesse
Darmstadt, dated January 5, 1770;
second, a treaty between George III.
and the Duko of Ilrunswiek, dated Jan
uary 0, 1770, and third, a treaty with
the landgrave of the Hesse-Cassol, dated
January f5, 1770, for the line of troops
to tho number of 17,!!00. After argu
ments pro and eon, and after much op
position, the treaties wore ratified.
Ilrunswiek furnished 4,0St men, for an
annual subsidy of 15,510; Ilosse-Cassol.
12,000 men, for JU10.IIS1; Hesse-Darmstadt,
OSS men, for JM.000; Prince ol
Waldcck, 070 men, on about tho same
terms. Tho king of England further
agreed to guarantee tho. dominions of
these various provinces against any for
eign attack.
To the Englishman belongs the terri
ble infamy and disgrace of hiring men
of tin alien nice to slaughter man as
noble as themselves, and related by ties
of blood tind speaking tho samp lan
guage. But to tho landgraves of Ifesse
Cassel, Hesse-Darmstadt and duko of
Ilrunswiek uttueh a deeper infamy and
disgrace more damnable for tho man
ner in which they obtained possession
of their subjects. They Ure them with
out warning or an opportunity fbr
leave-taking from their families and
sent them to a foreign land, and many
to their graves.
Such wore the foreigners to whom
we. in our short-sightedness, have at
tached all tho brutality and tiendish
ness which obtained with England's
king, and which grew rank and foul in
tho lives and acts of those German
princes. Lute though it be to do
justice, yet let us endeavor to divest
the name of Hessian of tho indignities
which have surrounded it, and retain
only our memory of hatred for these
embodiments of 'human demonism who
bade their subjects to lift unwilling
hands against men whom these subjects
would have gladly protected. Charles
ton News and Courier.
C'olumlitift' J ilea of the World.
Columbus believed the solid part of
the sphere to be larger than the liquid
part, and the distance by the sunset
road between the East Indies and west
ern Europe to bo less than it is. lbit in
those two capital errors lay the great
incentive to the execution and success
of his purpose. Had ho known the vast
planetary spaces covered by the waters;
the continent interposed between his
own Eu rop and tho hind of diamonds,
gold and spices the dillieulty and peril
of the passage vet to be braved in the
far regions of the antarctic pole in order
to sail from our continental Europe to
the oriental Indies by the western way,
he would perhaps have shrunk back in
alarm unil dre.ul. Century.
,' - 'i
CATTM: Host beeves 3 3 50 (ft. 4 21
Stockcrs. Stt) (ft 3 00
Nutlvn cows 1 83 3 00
HOGS-Good to choice heavy... 1M 4 (H
WHEAT-No. 2 red 72 73
No. 2 hard 05 07
COKN-No tf mixed. 41 Vi'A
OATS-No. 2 mixed ISlKli Wi
KYE-No. 2 in 00
l-'LOUK Patents, per sack.... 2 0) 2 20
Fancy , 100 1 id
II AY Cholco timothy.,- 7 0J 8 M
Fancy prairie 7 0) 7W
POTjrniY-Spririg chickens.. IU it
HUTTKIt-Cholcocro.imury. .. 13 1"
CHKKSE-KuU cream 11 12
EGUS-Cholco 12 IUi
CATTLE Fair natives 3 2) 400
Texans 2 8) 3 35
IIOQS Heavy 4 8.5 5 0)
wIIEEP-Falr to cholco 4 OJ 5 23
FLOUU-Cholco 3 10 3 23
WUEAT-No. 2 roil 80 &H
CORN No. 2 mixed 43 43VJ
OATS-No. 2 mixed 30 31',,
KYE-No. 2 78 H)
HUTTEU-Croamcry II 18
POUIC-Ncw 11 45 11 50
LAUD Western steam 0 2) 0 35
CATTLE-Primo to extra 4 50 4 80
1IOUS Packlnc and shipping . 4 H' 5 0J
SHEEP Fair to cholco 4 85 a 25
FLOUH-Wlntor wheat 4 2) I 3J
WHEAT-No. 2 red 'Wi! 8)
COKN-No 2 ft) 61
OATS-No. 2 3)i SiJi
KYE-No 2 71 75
HUTTEK-Creamiiry; 17 mi
POHK 10 57',ftl0 00
LAItU 0 I2tf 0 -15
CATTLE-Natlvo stccrjj 4 10 4 M
HOGS-Good to cholco 5 10 5 6V,
FLOUK-Good to cholco 3 15 I 65
WUEAT-No. 2 red P.'y t2J
COKN-No. 2 50 CO
OATS Wustern mixed 31 :7i
HUTTEK Crcnmcry 15 20
POIUC-Old rocs -. 10 00 G10 7J
rr-..T-- v fi '.uX"jiJ-BS,
r,IX-UI'llll.lll ..IILl-Ml'M llll Hill LJJJ-Xi-U .
Tho shadows
that fill your life, if you'ro a fccblo,
Buffering woman, can bo taken out
of it. Tho chronio weaknesses,
functional derangements, and pain
ful disorders peculiar to your box,
can bo taken away. Tlio ono
unfailing remedy for them is Dr.
Picrco's Favorito Prescription.
It corrects, cures, and builds you
up. It improves digestion, enriches
tho blood, dispels aches and pains,
melancholy and nervousness, brings
refreshing sleep and restores health
and strength. For periodical pains,
internal inflammation and ulcera
tion, weak back, leucorrhea, and all
kindred ailments, it'a a positivo spc-cih'c-ono
that is guaranteed. If
it fails to givo satisfaction, in any
case, tho money paid for it ia re
turned. Tho great, griping, old-fashioned
pills mako trouble. Dr. Picrco's
Pleasant Pellets provent it. Thcir'a
istho natural way. Sick llcadaeho,
Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges
tion, and all derangements of tho
Liver, Stomach and Jjowela aro pre
vented, relieved and cured. Small
est, cheapest, easiest to tako.
For LoUloo ana oonts. six styles
In PnoumatlcCushlon and Qolld Tiroo.
Diamond Framn.
Illo.tU Catatojno ritKK. "("" "l uuim,
SAPOLIO SHOULD be used in every KITCHEN.
Your work and your cures, do away
with all disappointments, BRIDGE
OVER tho sea of troubles which is
constantly encroaching upon the
sands of life and aging so many bright
women before their years by secur
ing at once a "Ciiaktku Oak" Stove
ok Rang i:.
Host stovo dealers keop thorn. II yonn
doos not, write diroct to manufacturers,
' 98 LYE
Tho ttroiuiett nud jntreit I.yo
muilo. Uulikoathcr Iyo,ltl)clnir
lino powder mid puckocl Inn can
with rumovablo lid. tho conti-ntH
nro nlwuytf ready for iwi. Will
make tho bttt perfumed Ilnrd
Soap In 'M inluntes without boll
ing. It It the brat for cleansing
waflta plpeH, Uninfecting hIiiIih,
closotB, 'Wiislilmr bottlen, p.-ilntH,
troen. etc. PENNA. SALT M'F'R CO.
Jrn. Ant... I'lilln., I'm.
viuue iiiw rami .. u M vim.
Too can't flnrt what ru want In yottr home atoret,
rrt on tlio Iraki nil rcimo to our mnnmiotli Hry
(Jontl I HtnlilMiinrut If jiiucnn't conic, tlirn (nml
fur sninplra (no rim rue for numplrai, nnd onler what
jou want by mall. Wc t'uaunttu aatUfiictlun.
U-MUI THIS rariH ...' lli..nunu.
-.NAL IIIIS rami wjllui.jou.rlU. ,..
DCHQinHQ all Soldi. n!fillntileil. rifrafarln.
rhnOIUIIu crciiK-. lf-tar(iii( 1 lerici- I.nwafrrn
k. VI. HtKllinHKA KOSH, H.ihlnjton, II. C. 1 llutlailll, O.
M-Mili TUU ril'IUitirj Um jcuwiita.
.TMJJ mwyinwlrp JIWM
nn Mnt iif nFerivni
nlth r.ntc, laiaratH, nrt Tnlnti which stain
tlio li.imlJ. Injur thu Iron, and burn off.
Tho lllilnit Bun Slot rolls!) Ii Brilliant, Odor.
Iom. Durable, and tha roruumor pays lor UoUu
or ria packago vrltti ovory purchase.
Bond for Comploto List of Iloutoi nndltatcnfor
GUM MKH TOUHU nud full information concarn
hiK Trnln Oorvlcp."
wostnni rnB. AKont, (Ion, I'nmi. ft: T. Airont
KP.IAIIK TU19 Ml' trtrf IIm jnttlU.
OulUri from 1U upwards.
lJu.Mler-iawfil Xj-cuuori,
lUnilullnifieni Ill.OOuinwil
THt AnlON.
M.lif(ij, line finUh.
Tm CfiNninvATonv,
Jill thfl almvii .ntil nriil.p ntt. awn ii....la44&.mi l m.b
uj(ii urouw, una iinim.
Initruiuenlt Inm Yuiir te d..l-i will ord.r for you, On
uin hva ntni burn vn Inmtn, Urml tor llluilr.tnl nUtoiHf
.rMJum inw i-Ai'tUt.Kr u jwriu.
Stool Dron Forrifid. Steal
Dall Baitinc to all tunning part,
r rcsmu hrji tf
including r'coau. suiponnon saauia.
Strictly HIGH GJRAVE in Evory rortioTilar.
Send 0 cents In nUnips'fur onr llhTntratrcrcalnri
niina, ih-tuiuti, npuruns onm, ric.
Mfrs.,147 Washington St., BOSTON. MASS.
Bum rtire for HICK IIIIAD-
ACIII-:. lmnalrnt illceitlan. court'.
lauoii, lorpiiiRinniin. lnfyaronw
vital oigm, remove ntu.ta, ilia
zlncii, Mneleal .fled on Kid
ucniiiilliliiiluor. connimr
(minim norvoui IW-
ordor-. j:itaiiiiiii nau
Dflntitlfy comploxlon Iiy purlfyliiit
Mood. 1'uiiki.v VuiE-iaiiLK.
'I ha ilom Ii nlcrly mljiiitnl to ttilt eaix, m ono pill can
nrtrrbatoomueh. l'.ocli vlolcoiitilui fi, otrlfl In vt.t
pockoU like Icml pencil. HtlHlllimx lilliliM fr-t
roiiTfiilcnrc. Token roller ttinn niRar. bol J every
where. All gcnuliiQ Rood) tcar"Oreent."
Send 2-eent Hump. You get S3 paco book with muijiU.
Sold bj Booksellers. Sent, postpaid, by
4 Park Stroot, BOSTON, MASS.
U. S. STANDARDri'ud.
Ilcut nnd Clieupciit on (ho ftlnrkct.
Live AGENTS Wantod In thin County.
OSGOOD & THOMPSON, Blnghamton, N. Y.
no kalfaj Book Kfikk.
lira. ilntTiuNY B. Nounu,
a F.lm St.. Cincinnati. O.
f-.MMX Tills IAUll.,Bi Una iwvnu.
I I ' Ml
A. N. K. D. 140 1
tviiux witiTiNu ti7 Ai)vi::t'FiM:TtH vlkawb
atuto that you aa tho Advcrtlso'nout lu tbia
w Q
(-F Sim
p 'Viw
k m m fc."?v.
-c r Miftfc.
jog njV i W
H Coiitiiiuptlvrn unit peoplo B
WE wholinvo weak lungs or Ami). H
TM mih, should use I'lao'aCuru for H
Q Conauniptlon. It linn enred H
tlioiixiiiiiU. It hns not Injur H
H il ono. It la not luid lo uko,
It la tlio hustcoucliayriip. Q
n Sold ovurn'hern. iST.o, HR