W IfflESIBRASKAJpTEEII W. W. SANDEWS. Publlshor. NEMA1IA CITY, K12IIRASKA. DUTY'S PATH. Out from the harbor of youth's ttny There tend tho path of plousuros WIth.cftgur steps no rnlk Hint way To brim Joy's largest measure. Uut when with morn's departing beam Goes youth's Inst precious minute, "Wo High " 'twas but n fevorod dream Thero's nothing Iji It." ' Then on our vision dawns tifar Tho tronl of glory, Rlcumlng Like fotncgrtitt radiant, iblur star, Ami scum lonplrw, dreaming. Forgot tiiK all things It ft behind, Wo strain ench ncno to win It, Hut when 'tis ours nluHl wo llml Them's nothing In It. Wo turn our sail, reluctant gazo Upon tho imth of duty: ' Its larren, uuluvltltiK ways Ato void of bloom nnd bmuty. Yet In Unit road, though dark nnd cold, It seems iw c btgln It, As wo presa on lot wo behold There's tlonienln t. Kiln V. Wilcox, In Ladles' Homo Journal. CAST OUT9 But Not Forsaken BY I3ERI7AIID BIGGBjT. ICopyrlfeht, 185a, by A. N. KollogR Newspaper Co. CHAI'TIIU XV -CoNTlNl'im. "All, sir, yon have taken a load oft" my mind. Now hear my story. My naino Is Aaron Gore. I was born on Sir Harry's estate, played with him when ti boy, served him as a man, and traitorously bold him to his encmien, when he had none near him but my .self in whom to put his trust.'' Heads of agony stood on the man's "brow, sis lie uttered these words. "You sec, sir," ho continued, "it all came about of tho doings of Capt. l'rank Archer." "Frank Archer! Who is ho?" "Sometimes I think he is only si man like the rest of us, but at other times 1 believe he is a devil in human shape, for surely no fiend could have wrought more mischief than he hits clone. lie has been at the bottom of all my misery. If ho were to show himself in this room I do not know that 1 dare tell you vhat has linppencd." "Well, he h v.ot here and should not barm you if lie were. Speak out, man," Arthur said, impatiently. "Yes I must be quick," the man groaned. "I feel already weaker," then, evidently nerving himself for tho supivni" effort, he poured forth his story of crime in hurried words, some times unintelligible, but conveying to his breathless listener its full meaning. "I must write this down, if I can only find means ti do so, and you must sign it," Arthur said, when he had finished. Aaron Gore's reply was to the point: "You will find several lead pencils with the package of papers under my pillow, sir." "Ah. yes, hove they are. Now you lie back and rest, whilst I write your deposition." And this is what Arther Dunbar wrote, casting every now and then an .anxious glance at the sick man, who lay watching his pencil as it moved rapidly over the paper: "I, Aaron Gore, believing myself on the point of death, do make the follow ing statement, which I solemnly de Olare to be true: That I was in tho serv ice of Sir Harry Grahame as valet when that gentleman was taken sick of the fever at Kistmun, iu India, during the aai:ox noun's btatmikxt. parly part of January of last year; that there was also in attendance on the isick baronet his friend, Capt. Frank Archer; that Sir Harry Grahame had prepared a will leaving the greater part of his fortune to Miss Kate Gra hame, his adopted daughter; that I entered into conspiracy with Capt. Frank Archer to prevent the accom plishment of this act; that Capt. Archer induced mo to aid him in this fraud by a bribe- of one hundred pounds and a promise, of a thousand pounds if our scheme proved successful; that, in pursuance, of this plan, a groom in -Sir Harry's service who lay on the point "of death stricken with a fever contracted at tho same time ns his master, on a hunting expedition in the jungles, was palmed off on the doctor -of the Forty-seventh regiment as tho .buvou'et; that this doctor cave the ccr- tiil V . f en-Jso of death and burial H r tnit, full v bi'lK'Ming that tho dead mn.'t j was Sir Harry Grahame; that the .1ek baromt was carried by ub to tho sea cotuit and shipped in charge of Capt. Archer to Colombo, whence he was re moved to the interior of Ceylon; that I, acting nude orders of Capt. Archer, re mained at Kistmun iu charge of tho supposed deceased baronet's effects; that I received n telegram from John Colburn, an attorney in London, who was also in the conspiracy, ordering mo to proceed at once to Colombo, where I should find instructions how to reach Capt. Archer in Ids retreat; that I was to make my way to him and warn him that two men had left England with the purpose of discovering tho whereabouts of the baronet, whom they believed to be still alive; that 1 sailed for Colombo, found a sealed packet of instructions there, prepared for such an emergency; that I started on my journey in charge of Aslmu Ghooli, son of the chief of a village under whose protection Archer was living; that we reached the end of our passage along the Quagla river, unci sent a war-canoe down tho si ream witli instructions to take prisoners any Eu ropeans thoj- might meet, and remain on guard at u given spot until they were notified to leturn; that on Under taking the journey across the wilder ness 1 was seized with the jungle fever, of which 1 am now dy'ini; and that I heartily repent of my wickedness, and implode flie forgiveness of my wronged master, whoT,e release, 1 humbly pray God. may be speedily accomplished." The dying man signed this irregular document with feeble hand, for the cur rent of his life was fast ebbing. "You quite understand that I am go ing to use your papers' and charts?" Dunbar tusked. CHAPTER XVI. an bvki.ksm kiii'.m. There were strange doings in that chamber in the woods, Arthur Dunbar thought, when he awoke the morning after Aaron Gore's Untimely end; for how could the corpse have been re moved without his awakening'.1 And where had the Cingalese girl betaken herself? Yes, he was alone: and the object of his sudden desertion filled him with surprise. That his young nurse had left him for good was self-apparent, for -die had tied the dog by u piece of cord to the root of a tree at the entrance of the rude apartment lb; was half glad to be alone, yet re gretful that the opportunity had been denied him of making her understand how grateful he was for her tender solicitude, especially when he saw that to the last she had been mindful of his interests; for his knapsack, rifle and ammunition were placed ready to his hand, and a skin bag lay beside them filled with dried meat and the heavy, sodden maize calces, which did duty for bread in that region. All these prepar ations .spoke lis plainly as words that the unknown friends, who had been playingspecial providence tohim, meant him to take his immediate departure. His first act was to examine the out side of the dwelling which had so long afforded him shelter. He found it to be simply a cave in the solid rock, partly natural, partly the work of man, and doubtless one of the many little temples of Huddha, abandoned as a place of worship centuries a;'o, which are to be found till over this interesting country. His next task was to exam ine Gore's papers, the most valuable of which was a chart and a long descrip tion of the country ho would have to travel. From this it appeared that he was even now within al'eW days' march of the place where Capt. Frank Archer bad carried the victim of his treachery. This was described as a ruined city. Arthur Dunbar had road enough to know that there were hundreds of such mysterious ruins scattered over the face of Uu country, even in neighborhoods now almost inaccessible cities of re mote eras, displaying in their molder ing fragments relics of a civilization far in advance of the barbarian inhabitants scattered over the miserable villages in the present day. Needless to relate Arthur's tramp over the rough path through the woods, of the risks lie ran and tho dangers he encountered. Heboid him as he steps from the dark shadows of the forest one moonlight night into the broad expanse of a love ly plain, and gazes awestruck at the ruins of a city, once magnificent, whose grandeur has vanished like a tide that is told. The palaces have fallen, the walls have tottered to their foundation, the. leopatd crouches in the porch of the temple, the owl roosts in its casements, the jackal roams its deserted streets. Only the great granite slubs of Huddha, mocking time, stand perfect in their lone ly grandeur. Gigantic idols, before whom millions once bowed, vacantly stare at the utter desolation. No man can say what fate befell those hosts of heathens, who, centuries before tho time of Christ, tiod the streets of this onco fair city. Arthur Dunbar gazed at the sight in solemn awe; then, calling the dog to his side, ho sought shelter under a ruined gateway, to await tho dawn of the day, which ho knew would be so fateful to him. His hours i precious sleep were short. When tho blazing sun dawned, he realized more fully .the beauty of his surroundings. Ho was on the vergo of a plain studded with beautiful trees, among which the palm towered in graceful majesty. Peacocks spread tholr gaudy plumage as thoy strutted over the grco'n turf, pelicans floated like lUigo bulls of snow in theair, and I great w lute Innd cntn.. 1 st v 1 , ,titi a, though they were carved in marble, lint hark; the gurgling, sweet, .oft sounds of the bulbul and the crooning melody of tho jungle partridge. Hut Dunbar's spirit was too vexed for li im to revel in the glory of beautiful scenery; for he fully realised the dan gers of his position. Keeping tinder the fbadows of the crumbling walls, ho threaded his way through the labyrinth of ruins, his dog well at heel, and every sense acute for a coming porll; but the only things which startled him were the huge liz ards which scuttled away to their lairs in tho rocks. As for the birds and monkeys, they paid no attention to him, for most of them were sacred animals among the natives and utterly indiffer ent to the approach of man's footsteps. No sign of human habitation among these dismantled halls. Ah, yes tho scene bursts upon him with startling suddenness an open clearing, a spa cious wooden house with a broad veran dah, a well built bungalow, in fact, and, . ffM 1 -isSvir-r' i NcyftrSSSKW5- '5B- JW.Sfe."- BBB- TllItOUOH Till: I.AIIYHIMTII OK ItCINS. sitting on a rocking chair, a man, while another stands beside him rillo in hand and evidently equipped for a hunting expedition and, both Europeans. llefore he can stay him, the dog has Rprung from his side and is fawningly caressing the man reclining on the chair, literally bowling in the ocstaey of his joy at the meeting. llefore Dunbar can spring behind the friendly shelter of a rock, the man with the rifle advances and challenges him. At a glance Dunbar assured himself that tho tall, erect, handsome man of Ufty approaching him was the redoubt able Frank Archer, and ho had shrewd suspicions that the one in the chair was Sir Harry Grahame. The young American had no time to prepare a story sujtablo to the occa sion, thrust as he was by accident into the heat of the adventure; and it was very creditable to his natural courage and peace of mind that he advanced without a tremor on his handsome countenance nay, even with a smile. "I presume I have the honor o'f ad dressing Capt. Archer?" he asked. "tVhat do you want with Capt. Archer?" was the stern response, neither denying nor admitting the identity. "Some papers belonging to him have accidentally fallen into my possession, and I have come a tedious journey to restore them to him." "That is very kind of you. May I ask, sir, how you came by these docu ments? My name is Archer, and they are doubtless mine." "15y the oddest accident that ever be fell me," Dunbar said, frankly. "I have been on a shooting expedition up the country. Coming down tho lake I was attracted by a stream that led in land, and following its course reached a place in the woods where 1 could land. Here 1 was abandoned by my coolies, and had a rough time of it. Chance led me to a deserted temple, where 1 found a white man lying in the agonies of death. He had just time to give me the papers he was car rying to you and extort 11 promise from me that I would deliver them to you when he breathed his last. Voila tout! I am here!" "You said, sir, I think, that you were coming thncii tho hike, when this hap pened?" Dunbar saw in a moment the impor tance of the question, and resolved on oquvocation. "What I said I meant," ho replied sternly, "but, had I known that my exertions would be so little appreciated, I-" His boldness disarmed suspicion. "Nay, my dear sir, do not feel disap pointed at your reception. I have rea son to know that persons were coining tip the river, whose motives were not as friendly as yours. You have done me a great service by bringing me these papers, and another by affording me the opportunity of welcoming a coun tryman to these wilds, where white vis itors are as rare as they are highly esteemed. Pray, let ine take you to your quarters " Dunbar expressed his thanks without faltering, though he felt there was a something under the courteous manner and high-bred politeness of Ills host which would quickly rise to the sur face if his real intentions weru once fathomed a. case of tho velvet glove lined with a coat of mail. "Jly tho bye," said Archer, as ho led him toward the bungalow, "I must pro pare yon for a little unpleasant experi ence the gentleman you soo sitting on tho verandah you would not tako him for a lunatic, now, would, you?" "Indeed, I would not," Arthur re died, gazinir with Interest oa the hand- S3 !?f "l " fC57V I I if-' ft'im.' tlu " ''' wa' l attire s of the In valid, who " ' frtlh.g the dog "Yet ho is m,K' " March hare, as they miv not l'Kerously insane, but crotchety. Why, ,u-v (',,,ir follow. It is for his Hake that ' nm 1,0,': fo'' Hiy said that the uUmaK,Hn1 tlmt ort of tiling 'night have a bet. I'Helal effect on him fact, I assure you." "You are generosity lu'lf. Capt. Archer; now, what Is tho form ' your friend's malady?" "Hysteria and tricks of tho iningvm 1 ion supposes himself to be persons o.f consequence once he had tho Idea that he was the duke of Wellington; now I think his pet Illusion is that he is Sir Harry Grahame, tho hero of the In dian mutiny." "All, how sad; but I havu met with hundreds of such cases." "Yes, sad indeed, for tho poor fellow Is still in tho prime of life. And now, let me warn you. Wo humor tlieso little tricks of the imagination." "Of course I understand." "So that it would bo kind of you to carry on the deception." "Certainly. I will bo discreet," "Occasionally ho breaks out, In whii'h case 1 have a reserve eff brute force in the shape of a stout English man, once a trooper in my regiment, who has strength enough to inuiiugo hlm." "Yon did not tell me tho name of your invalid, Capt. Archer1'" "No! And for family reasons I do not euro to do so. With us he goes by the name of the particular hero with whom lie for the tlmo being is identify ing himself." "As Sir Harry Grahame.for instance?" "Exactly. Now let me introduce you. T5y what name, by tho bye?" Arthur Dunbar dashed boldly at a pseudonyim r -r-r, 'Arthur John Arthur," hosaithwith- 'cnit'ti- blushr - "One of the Artlyin oM)wbybir?JJ. "Exactly." "Then, by Jove, I know one of your kinsmen- Tiers Calvcrly Arthur, of the Queen's Hays as gay a. lad as ever crossed a horse or threw a main of dice." "All, poor Piers!" Dunbar sighed, hyiHioritienlly. "Yes, poor beggar, ho went to tho dogs lock, stock- and barrel, but ho was a good sort beforu he got into the hands of the Jews." Then followed the Introduction totliu baronet, who acknowledged the cere mony with a vacant stare, and betook himself again to stroking the dog's head, which the loving creature had rested on his knee, his brown eyes ieoring into his master's face with an intensity which was almost human in it, muto expression. Dunbar gladly accepted Capt. Archer's invitation to spend a few days under his hospitable roof, his host assuring him that.there was an abundance of game in the neighborhood, mid thai he would eventually send him on his way towards Colombo. To tell the truth, Capt. Archer was rather glad of tho young man's visit; first hccnu.su it relieved the monotony of the dull life he led, and secondly because it would be a good card to play to send a young man of high family back to civilization with the report that tho European gentle man ossumingto be Sir Harry Grahame was merely a harmless lunatic undrr the kind care of friends who sacrificed their own comfort to give him tho ben eflt of a residence in a climate peculiar' ly adapted for his particular malady. One glance at Joe llradley, tho re served brute force, tho power behind the throne, aviis enough to convincu Dunbar that he was a villain of the lowest type of human degradation, whose only redeeming quality was a blind love of ardent Spirits which lie drank morning, noon and night, and which kept him in a state of bemuddled stupor. Two native servants completed the menuge of this small establishment. One thing that had puzzled Dunbar was the absence of the hordes of Cinga lese who were said to infest this region largo villages of people living in a state of semi-barbarism, stories of whose ferocity and lawlessness had reached his ears in Colombo, where every one was eager to add his share to tho terrible tales of their misdoings. He had seen no sign of them; the coun try appeared almost uninhabited, and he came to tho conclusion that the in formation which liiitl reached him had been either exaggerated or was alto gether false. Hut, on the second day after his arrival, this pleasant delusion was dispelled; for just as they were about to start mi a hunting excursion Capt. Archer received a message by a runnor, wljich brought a cloud on his brow and a torrent of strong words from his lips. io ni: coni'inuim). riii;tr Oril.unriiU of lliii Ancients. Very beautiful rings have boon hand ed down to us. The Egyptian, of pure gold, heavy but simple in design, and some in glass and pottery; the llaby. Ionian, cylindrical, cut from some hard substance like crystal, and perforated from end to end so that they could be hung about the neck. Tho Egyptian snake rings are more quaint and curi ous than beautiful. The Greeks have left us iron and gold rings of exquis ite workmanship. One from' Etruria, now in tho Ilrltis'h museum, has tho hoop formed of the bodies of two li ons, their paws supporting an engrav ing of a lion in heraldic color.. Among the llomnns iron rings wero worn, save by ambassadors, senators and per sons of high dctfrett. and Tiberius made a property qualification fpr wearing rings, -Casiell's Mugaziao. wuMoiMkl PERSONAL AND LITEF?A:Y. Prince Ferdinand of Uulgarln has a weakness lor ilrosslng-grownsand has so many of them that when lie wants to show his collection to a friend hln valet resigns his place and goes away to drown his sorrow in a gallon of kl'rch wasser. Next to post cards, Mr. Oladstono uses half-penny wrappers most exten- slvelv. Tim in... .!.,.,! ,.4..j........ 1.J..1. 1 - -j -.... ...... I, unuiuiiia uiin-ii . lie returns' to booksellers are always s'nt in a half-penny wrapper with nee ess.iry directions scrawled on the mar gins of the book lists. One of the latest recruits to tho rank's of practical business-men in tho Earl of ltunfurley, who has temporarily forsaken his Jrlsh .'eat, Dungainum Park, County Tyrone, and has pur chased a large tract of land In the Ir rigation Colony, utMildura, South Aus tralia, where ho Intends to start as a. fruit grower on a large scale. Tho gavel wielded by the Oregon department commander of tho Grand Army of thu 15cpublio is a gruesome relic of the murder of Gen. Can by and Ilov. Dr. Thomas, the .Modoc peace commissioners. The gavel Is of whtto pine, and is made of a part of the gal lows on which tho Modoc murderers Capt, Jack, ltojdoii Charley, lUuuk Mini and Kehonehin wero eveeuted. The Literary society of Finland is by far the most active, as It, is tho old est soiiety of folk-lore In tho world. It was established in order t gather oral material as well as nuu scrlpts relating to the arclueoloro' nd linguistics of the race. Tb- varlotm piecos of folk-lore now in manuscript in tho library nmoimtH -0 more than 110,1)00 numbers. .' 'Chief Ya-rWa-Noh" Is tho tltlo lt.iul .,.....1 n. r. o 1T,i,.t.tnf -f.i-tf 1V...1I f.. verse, tliovoontly-olected chief of tho lJ'ntIons, the name signifying "Our atelier." The duties of tho position include attendance upon tho condo lences and all publiocounclls. The cer tificate of her election announced that she was chosen on account of gratiludu for her Interest in the Six Nations, by the affection and love of the tribes. Arthur P. Gorman, United States senator from Maryland, was once ti page in tho senate. When but a lad ho was about to start west In quest of fortune, when Senator Douglas said to him: "Don't go. Slay at home and go back to your slate, and make up your mind that you will come back vlght here in this chamber as its representa tive in the United States senate. It is not 11 very hard thing to do if you onco set your mind on it." Rubinstein's opera of "Moses," which is finished, will tako two nights to perforin, four tableaux being pre sented each night. The first four will be the birth of Moses, the oppression of the Israelites, and I'laroah; the so journ of Moses in the wililcriii-nu and the apparition of Jehovah In the burn ing bush, and the departure of tho Israelites from Egypt. The second four will be the passage of the lied sea; the giving of the Ten Commandments; the sojourn iu the desert; the death of Moses and the conquest of the IV sm ised Iiiind. HUMOROUS. S my tho "I've got our monthly psalmody." Mrs. Sinythe "Our what?" Sinythe "Our long meter from the gas company." N. Y. Herald. Fastleigli "So old Soak has joined the city improvement society?'' Sharp leigli "Why not? Hasn't he stayed up at night to decorate this town for tho last ten years?" N. Y. Tribune. "What's your son Josiur dftln'?" said a neighbor to Farmer Pegosh. "Wall," was the reply, "he thinks he's diggin' bait, but he's inakin' garden." Washington Star. Hicks "See those two ladies ovc there. They seem to be enjoying them selves hugely." Wicks "Yes; I won der which of their dear friends tlicy. are picking to pieces." Ilo.iton Tran script. Ho Knew It. "Your arm is mis placed, sir," said Amy, rebukingly, to young Hunker, who had encircled her waist. "Yes," replied the unabashed young man; "it would not have been placed there if you had not been a miss." Detroit Fr6o Press. Employer "Glad to sou you aro uble to be here to-day, Tomkins." Tom kins (sheepishly) "Yes, sir." Employer--" I was afraid from tho way you looked at the ball game when your favorite nine wero defeated that you wouldn't be able to get here." N.-Y. Herald. Every Second Counts. Rivers "You have a thuce-niinuto horse al ready. 1 don't sec what you want of one that can make it iu U: 10." Hanks (of tho suburbs) "You don't! Why, great Scott! Even with my thrce-niin-ute horso I miss a train four or flvo times a week!" Chicago Tribune. Then and Now. Jones (in the hon eymoon) "I can not imagine, wifey, what is the matter with my razor. It has an edge on It like a saw." .Mrs. Jones (timidly) "Oh, darling, can you forgive me? 1 cut off some hooks and eyes from an old waist with that razor, but it wasn't real sharp then." Jones (quietly) D dearest, you must bo careful. You might happen to cut off one of your pretty little lingers." Ten years later. Ji ncs (crossly) "S01110 infernal idiot has been tampering with my razor." Mrs. Jones (icily) "It must have bci.n yourself then, as no one ever touches it but you." Detroit Free Prcha,