Jt wwwwCT8iiwwjj.ifiaecJBBatuiiiiuiJuiijiiiiiBiiii iiiiiwimiwji UMiiiiiumjfl'iiJP m ebmBha r dvertizer. VOLUME XXXY1 NEMAHA. CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE '24, 1892.' NO. 4Y (the K M r$ . tr i n MARKET REPORT Corrected ovory Thursday by Titus & Williams. lings, 84.504.05. Corn, oa3G cents per bushel, Wheat, i")U55 cents por bushel. Butter, 08 cents por lb. Eggs, 10 cents por dozen. 4M IjOcjOj .votes 4P DistiesAingly dry and hot. Additional local on hist page. Mrs. Maxwell visited Auburn Moris day. 7 Dick Morton drove up from Shubort fcunday. One week from next Monday is the Fourth. T. G. Furgeson, the alliance leader, was in town Tuesday. Ftof. Veeder visited sevoral days this week. Peru friends Miss Josle York, of I'eru, is visiting friends in Nemaha City. Miss Blanch Sargent went to Auburn Tuesday, to visit fi lends. Annual school meeting next Monday night, ut the opera house. The village trustees are having some good stone crossings put in. Carl Sanders, of Shubert, visited Ne maha City frionds Sunday. D. C. Miller went lo Glen Rock Tues day, to do soaio carpenter work. Geo. Lewis attended the democratic convention 't Auburn last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor went to Stella Tuesday, returning Wednesday . Ed Bourne visited the northwestern part of the state the first of this week . Birl Hoover is walking with a crutch and cane, on account of a badly sprained ankle. S. Gilbert is having an addition built to his house south of where he is living. Frank Woodward, Dave Morton and Minor Taylor were Auburn visitors Motutav. W. II. Rodabaugh, editor of the Peru Gazette, gayo us a pleasant call last Saturday. Jus. A.Titus and Jerry Marlatt drove over to Stella Tuesday morning.return ing in the afternoon. Grandpa Prall, who Is now stopping with his son, Rodney, at Barada, was in town over Sunday. Robt. Frost has completed the job of tearing down the old school house and piling up the brick. The Methodist and Christian Sunday schools will celebrate the Fourth by a union picnic in the park. G. W, Fair-brother, sr.. and his grand son, Master Frank Ilulburdere down from Brownvillo Monday. The independents held their prima ries Saturday, but we failed to learn who wero the delegates elected. Mrs. T. B. Finch Is acting as director of the school board now. She has been engaged this woek in taking the school census. Mrs. Ed Weisenrcder, who has been visiting friends in Nemaha county for several weeks, started for her home in Broken Bow Tuesday. Wo omitted last week to mention the return homo of Ed Maxwell from Lincoln, where he has been attending the Wesleyan university. He went to Liberty Tuesday, to soo about a posi tion iu Tom Fisher's drug store. Nat Titus informs usitlmt the hot dry weather has played havoc with his strawberries this year. Ho Intonds to have things arranged so ho can irrlgato next year. There will be no preaching at the Methodist church Sunday evening, on account of the quarterly meeting ut Brownvlllo. W. V. Seid oullini in Thursday and said io had new potatoes for dinner that day, But we beat him, as wo had them for dinner Tuesday. The third quarterly meeting of the M. E. church fur Brownville and Ne maha City will be held at Brownville Saturday and Sunday next. T. J. Illtto came down from Lincoln Thursday evening, returning Friday morning. His mother, who lias been visiting here for some time, returned witn him. The school board has had the school seats taken out of the Methodist church and after scrubbing and cleaning out the building the church seats have been put back. Willis B. Minick and family returned to their homo in the western part of the county Wednesday, after sevoral days' visit in Nemaha. Cyrus Minick went out with them. Rev. Mr. Youtzy will preach at the Christian church Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Sunday even ing the Sunday school will hold their children's day exercises, A party was given at the residence of 11. D. Waterman Tuesday night, in honor of J, II. Veeder. The houso was filled with young people, and a most enjoyable time was had. The F. C. Burton Lyceum Theatre Co. played at the opera house Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. The actors, with two exceptions, are better than the usual companies coming through hero. Jim Titus a short time ago bought a ticket to a theatrical performance, then closed up the store and went homo never thinking of the entertainment again until almost home. That ticket is for sale cheap. Two dozen now baby bonnets, silk and embroidered ones, just received by Mrs. Hill. Send us your fine watch work and engraving. Also your jewelry for re pairs and you will bo sure to get value eceived. S. II. Avi:y a Co. Titus & Williams pay highest prices for hogs and corn. The Now York Tribune and Tin: Advertiser both one year for only Sl.50, the price of this paper alone. See our special offer. Soldiers' childiou and children of members of tho G. A. R. are given special rates at tho Western Normal College, Lincoln, Neb. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Now Goods at Lowest Prices. MRS. THEO. HILL. "Wall IFWEIR, Latest styles Best assortment Lowest prices Neatest designs Call and see. J. W. Taylor a Bro. Phina Drinto Latest patterns, at lilliria riinib Titus & Williams'. For Sale or Rent. The Shook land. If a reasonable payment is made, I will give time on balance to suit purchaser, and will sell in large or small tracts, For full par ticulars apply to F. L. Woodward, agent, Nemaha City. Hats at cost at Fairrank & Sheen's. J us. A. Titus returned from Omaha Saturday night, in time for the Wood- moii supper. Jim always manages to get around on time when there is any thing good to oat. Mr. Porter, Brownvlllo's marshal, and m. Rossell drove down to Ne maha Thursday, after a darkey who had assaulted a colored girl. Tlio feN low was caught near Bonnett's mill. Tho Shubort Dramatic Club will pre sent tho comedy drama, "To Oblige Benson," at the McGechio opera houso on Saturday evening, July 10th. It Is probablo tho company will also be here in a short liino. Stephen Cooper staited for Oregon Tuesday, and will spend somo time running arouud looking at tho country and if ho likes it will aottlo there. Stovo Is a good steady boy, and wo wisli him success whorovor ho may cortcludo to locate. Mrs. T. A. Lorance wont to Brown vllle last Saturday and visitod friends until Thursday. Sho returned to her home In Beatrice Friday. Wiilio and Nellie went with her, and will visit Grandpa and Grandma Berger for two or three weeks. Regular services nt St. John's Epis copal church next Sunday afternoon, Juno 20th, at !1 o'clock, with tho bub Usui of children. Will all those hav ing children ready for baptism bring them at that time. It. C. Talhot, Pastor. Clearing Out Sale of Hats at Mrs. Bourne's. GREAT EXCITEMENT. WAS CREATED, BUT WITH GOOD RESULTS. Last Monday afternoon Geo. Ring ling and Will Sully were driving to ward .Shubort, ar-d overtook another couulo going tho same way, and chal lenged them for a race to Shubert. As it afterward turned out, thoy had all read tho advertisement in The Adver tiser that a first class photograph gal lory had been opened In Shubert by J. A. LeRoy, and all who desired first class work in tho photographic line suould give him a call, as only first class work is made and satisfaction is guaranteed, and thoy wero going to have their pictures taken. The gallery is well equipped with fine back grounds and accessories, Opon all week, and on Sunday afternoon for the accommo dation of those who cannot coino (lur ing tho week, Copies made from old photographs, etc., and also fine largo tin typos are made if you are in a hur ry. NO CHEAP JOHN WORK IS MADE, BUT FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY. Samples at tho postolllce. The school for the MASSES. West orn Normal School, Lincoln, Neb. Wall Paper 2i?S55K8't at Taylor Bros. AT COST I Wo will sell lor the next :50 Days I our entire stock of flints at Cost. 5 FAIRBANK & SKEEN. Straw hats at Titus & Williams.' Buy your P ornate oE TltUB & Williams. Nob alJ Bib waste in cutting, uig line ot samples to seiect from, Call and see. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho firm of Chambers & Klttell has been dis solved by mutual consent, Wes II. Clark buying Geo. Klttell's interest. All accounts due the firm of Chambers & Kittell aro payable to the now firm. J.T. ClIAMRERS. Geo. Kittell, Wes. II. Clark. Biggest Qffei' IE NEW Ifll III! AND- THE ADVERTISER -BOTH ONE OZLSTILVX' $1.50- By special arrangements wo aro enabled to offer to all our subscrlbero when pay one year in advance The New York Weekly Tribune, probably the ablest edited paper in the United States. If you aro delinquent, pay up your subscription to date and and a year in advance, and we will sentli you tho weekly Tribune tor one yeai, free of coat. To New or Old Subscribers. Mrs. Snow wont to Shubort Monday J. 1). Poe, formerly B. & M. Agent nt Peru, has been transferred to Bennett, twenty miles oast of Lincoln. Mr. Bramble, of f, of Tecumseh, took charge J. . Hoberg was-.transferm Peru. from Bennett to Hardy, near Red Cloud. Johns Hoover and Jim Bennett aro losing hogs with cholera. During tho high water Bennett took hit hogs to Iloovor's farm, but did not put thorn in with tho hitter's hogs. Sinco Ben nett took his hogs away they have been dying at both places. Mrs. Wykes and children, of Syra. ciiHo, who havo boon visiting friends in Nemaha for the past ten days, went to Auburn Thursday, where thoy stopped with friends until Friday, and then went on to Lincoln, where they will visit for a day or two before returning home. Olive Camp No. 14, Woodmen of tho World, gave a supper last Saturday night, at tho opera house, to the mem bers and their families and invited guests. About one hundred and fifty partook of one of tho best suppers ever served in Nomuha City, and thero was. an abundance left. Last Sunday night a largo dog be longing to I. N. Cooper was left in tho church, and was not discovered until about noon tho next day Tho dog had scratched and chowed tho outside doors considerably, and also several of the window sashes, and broke four of tho window paues, in Ills endeavors to get out. Gilbert has just received a large in voice of seasonable goods. They will be sold cheap. Send us all your jewelry if you want it made to look like new and without any coat. Remember wo clean it free of charge. S. II. Avey & Co. Real Estate foi; Sale. A half section of land in Greoloy county, Kansas. It corners with Hor aco, a division town on tho Mo. Pacific 11. R. Also one mile from Tribune, the county seat. Prico,Sl,000. Terms: Purchaser either pay off or assume a mortgage of S500. Balance cash, or will take $300 in good mares fom years old or under. This is a bargain. Lays well and is finely located in tho banner wheat county In western Kansas, hav ing never had a failure in wheat in six years. Some parties paid for their land with last year's crop. Speak quick If you want this land, as it will not stand long. I will pay your railroad faro from Nemaha county to Horace and back If you buj. For particulars call on or address Casner Barnes, Howe, Neb. David Jauk, Julian, Neb., or I. B. Barnes, Coolidge, Kas. Yet Made! YEAH FOR- THE CELEBRATED'SOriOQLLAW SUIT DECIDED, Tho celebrated school,8uit4haB' at lhsf bsen decided by tho supreme court, and the decision la in favor of the school1 t,boimlf rtlld rover?tt3 JudR0 Jromly W ci8on( whlch yfM , f(lvor o Taylm.. Wo clip the following from the Lincoln' Journal of the 14th: "Bourne vs. Tho State, error from1 Nemaha county, lovorsed-and action dismissed. "The board of trustees of a high school has power to atlopt and enforce1 appropriate and reasonable rules and regulations for tho government and maniigemtnt of the schools under tholt control. 2. A rule which makes it tho duty of a teacher to keep a record of the stand ing of each pupil in the studies peruaed't by him. of his nMnndnnco nud depoft niont,. to send each month by the pupiK a written report of tho same to hLs pa ront or guardian, and which requires said parent or guardian to sign and re turn tho same to the teacher, la a reasonable-one.. About two weeks ago V. V. Peabo dy'a right knee began to trouble him, and in a short time the log -became badly swollen. lib came in town and saw Dr. Keeling about it, who' said he had boon bittonrprobably by a snake. For soTeral flays Mr, Peabody could not bear- his woight on tho leg, and symptoms of blood poisoning developed,, but he is now much bottor. WANTED To exchange carriage forstock.buggy' for lumber wagon, at tho livery barn.' Ladles, go to- Mrs. Hill's for good'. goode, latost styles and lowest prices. v Clearing Out Sale of Huts at Mrs; Bourne's. Sub3crIbo'for This Advertiser and New York. Tribune. Only 81.50 per Native Lumber f b?' Sale, Ihavoforaalo at Nernaha Oity u lot of firnt class, native lunibor. Givo mo a call whan you ueod lumber. J. ?, Hoover. I Take your blackstnlthing and tin 1 work l0 tl10 ew blacksmith Huu- tlngton's shop. Go to Head's reetuurant, north of I First Nutioual bank,. Auburn, for a good moul. Wo sell 20 pounds of best granulated ' sugar for SI. Remember, we uive-a dlscount-of 10 per cent on all goods purchased except groceries. Highest prices paid i-or butter, eggs,, etc. Titus' & Williams. Farmors, Schardt & Taylor, proprieV. tors of tho Auburn millsrone milo east', of Auburn, make a specialty of the oxy? change business. Take your giihts tot them. Satisfaction guaranteed. AW An old school in a new Western Normal College, Nebr, location. Lincoln, Wm-M LMi V.