NOltTII PLATTE SEMT-WBBKLT TR20UNE (5J Something to Think About By V. A. WALKER 1SEWA1112 OF SHADOWS TO MAKIS one's self hnppy. to keop on the sunlit trallH, to go nbotit the day's duties with u light licnrt ami a willing Imntl, one inimt keep conslnntly In the splendent, null ant rays from the worlds above. It Ih not easy to wear n smile when troubles hover near, but by continued effort In the right spirit. It rw be done, i Many of our annoying perplexities nro of our own making, consequently tbey can be avoided by turning from them when they first knock at the door of our hearts for admission, and abutting the door In their fticcs. We are Inclined to brood over some fancied wrong until It becomes a formidable ghostly thing that haunts our life from day to day. We are prone to forget that we are rational beings possessed of spiritual powers capable of turning night Into day by a grain or two of faith, which In our moments of despondency we frequent ly overlook, or cast aside In quest of n balm of our own. We art not willing to accept the juicrcd promises given to us by the iMaster of Men, simply because we prefer the slmdows or doubt rather (than the glorious sunlight or endur ing trulli. so we continue to stumble Hind fall In the darkness of our crea Itlon and blame the Fates for our mis ierable plight. Human vanity and an exalted Idea of our prowess are In Imofit cases responsible for the sor rows, tears and disappointments that luHiially beset us. Wo make pitiable Jobs of our work Itmt we stubbornly refuse to change our methods even though they bring jus nothing but regret and pain. And generally we rest fairly con tent with (Mir failures, .for we keep (multiplying them and courtln,; their company when we know In our hearts 1C that we should pursue a contrary course. We wish to be assured of brighter days, but in our blind eagerness to find them, we deliberately turn our bucks upon the paths that take to the hills anil choose the rougher ronds thnt carry us down to the dark valleys. if we would not wnsto our years In Ignorance, we must lift our eyes up to the light of Wisdom, plnce our hands confidently In her nlways friend ly palm and be content to be guided by her kindly counsel and Illuminat ing smile, for there Is no other way by which we enn hope to overcome Impeding obstacles and reach the heights. (9 br MoOlure Newspaper flyndlcnt.) Has Anyone Laughed At You Because Britnt, ft. PKYSUR You 8ay Your PrayersT If bo, take the laughtw lightly and show them to what your -ay-era liavo really amounted. Not by boasting or lecturing, but by kindliness. For those who never pray are very often sunk when the "ship" Is tottering, 'hlle you hnvo the " Kock o.' Agea" to cling to. There Is no truer say ing than "actions speak, louder than words" and If you act like n regulnr fellow and do not Htay apart from people, others will pretty soon understand why you pray and maybe they will ' ecln to Kay their prnyers, trt SO Your Get-away hero Is: Let your acts so shine that everyone you come up against feels better. (O br McClr Newpper Srsdlentp.'l MS News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. f& I SCHOOL DAqS & Ward J. Smith, n farmer living near Florence on the Wnshlhgton highway, was electrocuted from contact with a barbed wire fence, which had become short-circuited with electric power lines. John Llnderman of Lexington was seriously burned when an oil stove was upset In his room and set the bed clothes, furniture and papers about the room afire. The "Forgei-Me-Not" Drive at Omn- rm last week yielded a fund of close to $5,000. The monoy will be used for relief nnd welfare of Uie wonnded and disabled soldiers. Henry llohrens of Boomer, repub lican nnd progressive, retired farmer, applied on election day for seat No. 13 In the state senate. It was as signed to him on faith. Thru the efforts of Iter. Ralph M. Fngan, pastor of the Methodist church, FIGHTING BARBERRY PLAGUE. Urge Congress to Appropriate Half Million Dollars to Aid in Eradication. Lincoln, Neb. II. D. Lute, secretary the Stats Farm Bureau Federation and Dr. George A. Peltier, plant patholo gist at the Experiment Station, havo returned from St. Paul where Uioy at tended tlie second annual meeting of the Conference for the Prevention of Grain Rust. The Nebraska delegates cast their rotes for n resolution urging Congress to appropriate $."00,000 for barberry eradication next year and recommend ing additional participator In the cam paign on the part of the spring wheat states most directly interested. The resolution wan unanimously adopted by 75 delegates from thirteen north central slates. The principal speakers were John R. Hownrd, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation and Dr. H. C Stakmnn of the United States depart ment of ncrrlculture. Mr. IToward des cribed barberry eradication as one of the most important activities on the Farm Bureau program. Dr. Stnkman who has Just returned from abroad, reported thnt TSnropo hns succeeded In Wolbach Is soon to hnve one of the controlling black stem rust by tlie er- state traveling libraries, consisting of ndication of the barberries. more than two hundred books. Fire which destroyed the .T. P. Gib bons elevator at Kenrnoy cuused n loss of $70,000. Spontaneous combus tion resulted In an explosion which tore the roof from tlie elevator. rfoMMBoofc : i I iensyo No limn linn ,a rlKlit to luitvo the world rh ho foil lid It, 1 Id imiHt utlil Homcthlns 'to It; cltlicr I in mtiHt inako ILh people hot .'lor, or Imjiplor, or liu must itm'Ku tlui fnco (of tbo world moro lieinillfiil or falror to look lit. I'Mwiiitl Holt. WAYS WITH MEATS fpillfl main dish or the meal Is very Important, and Variety Is the aim f f most cooks. There are but a Hin ted number of meats, but by combina tions nnd various ways of serving we may mako them different and multiply the number of dishes we servo, Veal Cutlet. Cut a veal cutlet Into pieces two by three Inches, then (hit ten well with ,1)10 palm of the hand. Dip In egg, (then In bread crumbs, and fry n gold en brown In deep fat. Then place In (tbo oven for twenty minutes to llnlsli cooking. Drain the fat from the pan. ndd two tablespoonfuls of (lour, brown quickly and add one cupful of water. Cook for live minutes, add salt nnd paprika, one table-spoonful of grated onion, two tablespoonfuls of minced green pepper. Lift the meat to n warm platter nnd pour the sauce nrouud the outlets. Stuffed Calf's Heart. Cut open the (icitrt and remove tbo tubes. Wash In plenty of cold wnter and (111 with any well-seasoned stuff ing. Sew to hold In shnpo, then tie In n cheese cloth nnd steam until ten der. Place in a baking pan, rub well with butter, .cover with broad crumbs nnd brown In n hot oven. Calf's henrt cut In slices and sauted In a hot frying pan with butter, makes a tasty dish. Cook well on both sides and serve well seasoned. ((!. Weatern Newspaper Uqton.) THANKSGIVING i a i u & :tiv C 4 1 IE Sense b?Ae ii o By WILL M. MAUPIN T THANK Thee, Lord, that through the year Rich blessings have around me spread ; That though some days seemed dark and drear The sun some gleams sf upleador shed. thank Thee, Lend, for strengtfa of arm To toll for those wtthla my care; For Thy great love that uaved from harm And blessings gave la richest share. For ull Thy blessings on life's way thunk Thee this Thanksgiving Day. CHARLES W. POOL Former Secretary of State, who was chosen by the Democrats at the re cent election to again fill thaf posl tlon. ' Anton Lundeen, n former Nebras kan, Is one of two missionaries re ported held by Chinese bandits in Ho- nan province, according to a dispatch to the State department at Washing ton. The Stnte Tuberculosis association announces that 10,000,000 Christmas seals have been placed on sale to col lect funds to prevent tuberculosis and In the Interest of public health, generally. Judge R. W. Hobart has sent to Gov ernor McKelvIe his resignation, effec L. II. Flood of Carson Is dead from bloVd poisoning resulting from a boll. It Is estimated that $100,000 ex changed hands In election bets hi Omaha. The Madison Woman's club cele brated its twenty-llftti anniversary November 2. " John Seltr, veteran snilor of tho civil dead at Sutton at the uge of ninety-two years. Fire starting in a coal bin destroyed tho Presbyterian church at Hebron, causing a loss of $4,000. McCook Elks will initiate a class of ono hundred December 7. Mnklng the membership of this lodge over -100. Arthur W. Billing, native of Pawnee county, missionary at Foochow, China, for tho pant fifteen years, has been visiting old friends at Table Rock. Clarence Swannon, captain of the 1021 Cornhuskors and assistant conch at the state University was operated upon for appendicitis and is rapidily roepvering. A small cyclone struck the farm of W. .7. Furse, near Alma, Saturday afternoon. The house was unroofed, windmill torn down and other build ings demolished. Eight silver loving cups will be among the trophies offered at tlie an mini Piatt Valley Poultry and pet Stock association's show at Columbus December 5 and G. A very' heavy wind on Uie Missouri river caused tlie sinking of the "Fon tcnelle," the ferry boat operating he tween Decatur nnd Onawo, and also the sinking of a large motor boat Sunday baseball in Hamilton county was defeated In a referendum by sixty four votes. Outside of tho city of Aurora, a considerable majority of tlie electors voted lor. Sunday base ball. A special school bond election has been cnllod for Doeewber 12 for tho issuance of $175,000 additional school live December 81. He hns been on the bond- for tl.e construction of a $320 . I l. l I. 4..,atti .11. 1 ' ; KE521 YOUR TEMPER A MAN can acqulru courage In an hour. It has been often done on buttloflclds. He can team self-possession In a But It takes many years of Inteu filvo training to teach him to keep Ids (temper. Yet these years are well spent, Un less you are certain that your temper is Irrltution-proof, you can never bo uuro of yourself. At some time, on some occasion, you may lose all control of yourself and do something that you will regret for tho remainder of your life. It la useful to teach hoys boxing, not only because It develops their innscles and enables them to dorcml themselves In case of necessity, but because it Is the best lesson in tem per-keeping. No man, without training, can en dure sudden pain, inflicted by another raun without a temporary lit of anger. Doubtless you have Bomctlmes wuljced along a path In tho woods be hind a companion and been smitten smartly In the face by a branch ,ho released as ho passed. If you didn't 'loso your temper you were hardly human. Learn to avoid sudden anger, which Is very different from the slow de liberate kind which you ought to feel in the face of u great wrong or eyll. For, If moved to quick wrath, tho ,Mood files to your head, your judg linent depurts, and for a few minutes ior a few seconds you are no better ttban a maniac You muy not resort to blows, but! vnn urn lllri'lv to resort to hot words (that are more dangerous than blows, jifor Uiov will bo longer remembered. Nothing worth while wua ever ac complished In a fury. No vlilon, see ing red, ever saw clearly. No brain, (lushed with blood, was ever able to think. It Is right that you should be angry at evil, that you should be Indignant when you sec, for example, a man beat ing it horse or u child. But your power to redre-is such n wrong, even to suvo the victim, doparts If you are moved to violent rage. Lnirn to keep your temper. It will take a long hard "ourae of lessons, but they will pay. (Copfrlfiht by Jaho HUhr.) O Dentistry an Ancient Art. Romun dentists tilled teeth gold as early us 000 B. C. O with I thank The, Lrd, as one by rau The days sped to eternity, Each evening's low descending auu Left loved ones here to welcome me. thank Thee, Lord, whea day's Trk o'er And footsteps turned to home nod rent, Thnt childish welcoraea at Uie door Mndo ov'ry passing moment blest. For nil these Joys I gladly pay My tributes this Thanksgiving Day. I thank Thee, Lord, that eacfa day's dawn Was UBhered In .with hope and cheer; That each day's mm could shine upon Life's path dovold of thorn or tr. I thank Thee, Lord, for soft caress Of childish fingers on my face; For love that loft, through storm and stress, Around my hoard n vacant place. For blessings spread about my way I praise Thee this Thanksgiving Day. I thank Thee, Lord, for all the friends Whoso cheery wclcoxnos make Ilfo sweet ; For love thnt nil my way attends, And mako my happiness complete. I thank Thee. Lord, for bunds stretched out To clasp my own In friendship warm ; For hope that puts to flight each doubt And haven gives in ev'ry storm. For all Thy goodness on life's wny I praise Thee this Thanksgiving Day. . (O by Will U. Uula.) o Formaldehyde as Disinfectant. Tho efficacy of this disinfectant de pends largely upon temperature nnd humidity. In ordinary summer weath er It la an excellent surface disin fectant. When the thermometer or hydrometer Is below 05 tlie power of formaldehyde la reduced. In the win ter time the room should bo warmed artificially and the humidity raised by opening a steam radlnttr w by boiling a kettle of water Im it. irict ever since Its organization 10 rears ago. Ill health i6 tlie cause of his resignation. The postoiuce at Georgetown has been discontinued by the government after having been In operation for more than 40 years. Tho discon tinuance will work a hardship on many of the patrons who will have to go to Broken Bow, a distance of 20 miles, for their mail. New high rocords in production of Grand Island. Complaint has been made to pollco that milk bottJo thieves havts been opertlng systematically in Fremont, inking the bottles of milk left on the doorsteps of patrona of. the early mora Ing dairymen. George B, OoHins, 23, successful contestant on the democratic ticket against Sam Hoff, republican for a sent in the lower house of the Nebraska leg. lslature, will bo the ytmngeet repre is gugnr beets per acre have been reached Untattve In thnt body, In thn'Mnrli PIrH-a Tfllli-ir thin Tour. I ... ........ J V " m.. nJ I ln n i -Annr,ln nf flu. WW ni.-ui Grent Westorn Sugar company. An vernge yeild of 12.77 tor.o to the acre In the district compricod by Scotts bluff. Bayard, Goring and Mitchell factories Is reported. In 101.5, when Uie previous high tonngo mark wns set, the acre yield was 11.95 tons, That Nebraska's club boys and girls and refrigerator care for potatoes halting tho marketing of crops at Hemlngford. Considerable wltcnt coming in and the local elevators are. being fined to capnclty Twenty-six denominations or sects are represented among tho studontfl of the state University nccordlng to enn hold their own in national contests nurvoy mado by Registrar Florence T Is again demonstrated with the news McGahey from Uie presonal cards niiefl coming from Slirevenort. La., thnt t y students wnen regiatcnng. Fred Grau, corn club boy of Bennlng ton, won sacond prize on yellow dent corn at Uie Nttlonal Com Club Show held thore October 10 to 20. The win nlng of second plnce In this National Show In competition with exhibits from many states Is a matter of real pride to Nebrasknns. Tlie contract of the board of educa tlon with tlie stnte board of vocational training to place the Columbus high school homo economics courso under the Smith-Hughs vocntlonat training act on the part tlmo basis has been approved. Burglars attempted to rob the Stan dard Oil company station nt Ncbraskn City Sunday, but were frightened away after they had Jimmied tho front door, and rolled the safe to the door, preparatory to hauling It away on a wheelbarrow that was left standing at tho door, with tho safe in the door way. "Dad's day," n now tradition nt the University of Nebraska, will be In augurated November 18, when every itudent in tho university hns been asked to Invito his father to visit Lincoln to attend the Nebraska-Kansas Aggies football game scheduled for that day. Mr. nnd Mrs. John II. Blevins, ro- ildlng nenr Central City, celebrated their fiftieth wedding nnnlversary last week. All the children Including four gons and one daughter were present, as were all the grand children. Mr. Blevins Is eighty-one years of age while his wife Is slxey-olgtiL Aspirin Say "Bayer" and Insistl Unless you sco Uie name "Bayer- on package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over tweuty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbng Earache RhcumaUsra Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accopt "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 nnd 100. Asperin Is Uie trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mononcetlcncidestcr ol Salicyllcacid. Advertisement. Invention Tests Air. The Paris-London air service hai nn Ingenious Instrument for nueasur Ing the depth of fog above the start ing place at Croydon or Abbeville and so to determine whether there ii clear, dry weather c few hundred fee up. Tlie Instrument, which Is baset on the property of human hair of con tracting sharply on passing from wet to dry air, consists of a hair attnehec" to a trigger thnt holds a rlug. Thi instrument Is sent aloft with toy bal loons on a string ; as soon as It roachei dry nlr tho hair contracts, pulls the trigger, and down comes tho ring on the string. Youth's Companion. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from droggisti who are constantly in direct touch vritk the public, there is one preparation tha has been very successful ia overcoming these conditions. The mild ad healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root if soon realized. It stands tba highest foi its remarkable record of aueocaa. An examining physician for one of th prominent Life Insurance Companies, ir an interview on the subject, mado tho as tarnishing statement that ona reason wh) fo many applicants for insurance aro re jected is because kidney trouble ia w common to the American people, and tJw largo majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that the have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottle of two sizes, medium and large. However, If you wish first to teat thi (treat preparation send ten cents to Dr, Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing bo sure oai mention this piper. Advertisement. The Boomerang. My most embarrassing moment wa at a family gathering where a lot of cousins, stepsisters and balf-sisten wera present. We had not met In sev eral years nnd .here was a tittle jeal ousy among us. I heard them mention the aanu Mario several times, so linnlly asked: "Who is Marie? Is that Mary, with her namo styled up to Marie?" A sarcastic old aunt replied: "Xem, Maggie, Just as yours Is styled up t Marguerite." Chicago Tribuae. FREEDOM FROM LAXATIVES The average producHou of uU birds In the third Nebraska nnUonal egg lay. Ing contest, which ended October 31 was 161.08 eggs per bird for the year, according to a report Just Issued by the specialists In chnrgu at the state University Agricultural college. Last year, the average was 154 eggs per bird. The infant son of Harold Harper of Stratton suffered a serious injury when he fell from a piano stool, Uie skull being fractured. Rains of the post few days hav caused small gram planted early In the fall In ninny parts of the stato to sprout. Farmers now fear thnt what wheat does come up will lie winter killed. The pumpkin pack of the Otoe Food Products company at Nebraska City has Just been finished, and was much larger Uinu at Hrst supposed. The factory will run practically all winter, as It packs pork and beans. Leander Herron, of St Paul, a resi dent of Nebraska for forty-seven years, was the one mnn In Nebraska to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor and tho only guest of the government from Uils stato at the burial of the unknown soldiers lu Washington. Mrs. C. O. Borland of Nebraska City may lose her right hand, as Uie result of an accident while working with an electric washing machine, when she caught her hand In ono of the cogs, and It was seriously bruised and mangled before she could turn off the power. Discovery by Scientists Has Replaced Them. Pills and snlts give temporary re lief from constipation only at the ex pense of permanent Injury, suya aa eminent medical authority. Science has found a newer, better way a means as simple as Nature Itself. In perfect health a natural lubricant keeps Uie food waste soft and moving. But when constipation exists this nat ural lubricant is not sulllclenL Medi cal authorities have found that tho gentle lubricating action of Nujol most closely resembles that of Nature's own lubricant. As Nujol Is not a lnxaUvo It cannot gripe. It Is in no sense a medicine. And like pure water It 1b harmless and pleasant, Nujol Is prescribed by physicians; nsed In lending hospitals. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Advertise ment. That Should Hold Him. He (cxcItedly)--Where Is my cap? nns anyone seen my cap? Who The Missus (coolly) It's hanging there on Urn gns Jet. Ho (still more excitedly) Of course, on the gas Jet! Could anyone think of n more Idiotic plnce tp put It? The Missus (very Icily) Yes; your head, perhaps. 7 For your daughter's sake, use Red Cross Ball Blue In the laundry. She will then have thnt dainty, well-groomed appearance Umt girls admire. Ad vertisement. Character ts tho Inside decoration' of man; reputation ts Uie whitewash on tho outside.