THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY T11TBUNE MKASAJTT VIEW ITEM? I Sunday ,inorniug to spand Jila Chrlt- Mra. j. a, Eamog ot Wallace was J LOCAL AND PERSONAL at I mas vticati on. Mlnnlo Johnson is spondlng tho buslnoss visitor In tho city yesterday. Mrs. George Finn loaves today for uvju4ioVii 10 oiiuiniiu tnu , iirs. uuurgs rmn loaves today fori an., Aiiita nun nuuu ifc 0 t.'". holidays with hor paronts Mr. and Donvor whoro shb will spend sovcral ' nosltloI as cashier at tho J. O, IPennoy ' city nt tho J. B. Murphy honio. ronvMrs. John Johnson- Sho will return to I days with frlonds. ? i Store , P " ' . . i Paul Ottonstoln returned th Gothonburg on Frldiy. Earl Loaf Is homo for Christmas. Joo Moore spont Christmas Gothenburg with homo folks. Earl doner's homo got out quarantino last week. . , Mrs. Tamest Peterson spont Christ inn tl nf TrnfmMftlf lt1l linmn Cntlfn i o Mb biiu jLuviio uiiuu b;uuuU i oily WCuuQSliHy lu,commhuyi,anDoter3.j,c;;;r;,;ra;,rt,crBoa .,2Sr v",lor" 11,0 r .i.v.. ,cuuuren irom near uomonuurg spent preached tho Christmas sermon last Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sunday. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kelso spont i Wo had a light rain Tuesday morn- n few days visiting at the W. A. Kelso Ing. Who can remember a Christmas like this? The weather Is warm, skies nro clear and roads are In tho best dnys with frlonds Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Eyerly of Hershoy wero buslnoss visitors In tho I takon n position ns .tlckot clork for tly U. P. during tho absence ot John Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Pylo returned Wednesday from Durchnrd, Nebraska nftor spondlng tho holidays with rel atives. Uso Kommoror Pea Coal, n high Thomas Connoally rBturnod to hla We soil oloam high grado coaj. V.pniQ In Croston, Iowa Wednesday J Tho Artificial loo and Cold Storago MJss Eulfi iligglna has InkVsn n , kite? spondlng sovoral days. In tho ' Co. Mr and Mrs. William" Baaktns' left tho first of tho wo'ok for. Milton,.. Ponn. whoro thoy will spond two months i I'nui uttonstoin routrnou uo nrst Casnor Knrthouso of Deatrlco has. of tho week from Washington D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper of Low ollen woro business visitors In tho city Wednesday. ClintonB for eyo glasses. home. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Roberts woro called to Eusals by tho death of Mrs. Roberts grandmother, Mrs.. David Kior. :o: , WILD HORSE VALLEY People are Btill shucking corn. Ed Isackson lost two cows in tho corn stalks lntoly. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson spent Christmas with relatives In North 'Platto; A number of valley peoplo havo at tended tho various Christmas pro grams given at Gothenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFato of Denver are spondlng the holidays with Mrs. McFato's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson. Tho schools are enjoying tlfelr Christmas vacation. Most of thom havo 'two weeks and none less than one in our neighborhood. Arthur Forsberg who has boon cm ployed at tho coal shutes at North Platto is spending Christmas with homo folks. Mr. and Mrs. Henning Anderson of North Platto were among tho guests at tho Christmas dinner at tho N. Bratten home. Nat Forsberg, now employed In tho U. P, tb visit his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. j visiting with relatives. ,mi f I . , Mr3- Fred Shaw vis tod in tho c ty Clintons Tor spectacles. ' . . . . . , , yoBtorday enrouto to her homo in Mrs. C. R. Bretomitz and son, Chas. , Adams, Nobrnska after visiting at tho loft yostordfty for Sat Lako City, , homo of hor brother W. P. Klllcn In Utah to visit tor sovornl weeks at tho Wallace homo of Mrs. Nollio Goff. ' Tho ,tUinory salo nt tho Whlttakor Mr, and Mrs. Frank Baldwin ro-, shop includes hats priced up to $8.00 turned to their homo in Calloway 1 for $1.00 and thoso from $10.00 to First grado coal for Rotort Heating stoves nnd hard Coal Stoves. Tho Artificial after snonding Christmas In tho city ! Slti.00 for $5.00. 500 Locust St.- Mrs.. Reuben Engstrom returned I ico ami Coi,i storago Co. at tho Stovo Baldwin homo. door north ot P. O. vvounostiny from Iioltlrcdgo nftor posslblo shape. Little Viola Hansen camo near to flrowning during tho cold spell wo1 laco business visitors In tho city had hero. Sho was playing outdoors for several days this week, near tho stock tanks and fell In. Hor j Miss Catherine Miles of Chicago is father was doing chores nearby and saw tho accident. Ho quickly got her out of tho water and into tho house whoro sho got a hot bath nnd dry clothing and was none tho worso for hor ducking. :o: 1 , spending Christmas with rolativcs. .... ,, , ., ,., Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Klllen of Wal- CITY AND COUNTY NEWS A (laughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Artz. R. B. Deavor of Omaha Is transact ing business Intho city this week. E. R. Buck of Omaha Is transacting business in the city for several days this week. Miss Lola Huntington of Maxwell spent yesterday in tho city visiting at the A. T. Johnson homo. Car of Clean Hanna Lump just received. Tho Artificial Ice and Cold Storago Co. Miss Bernlco Loutzenholsor of Goth enburg is visiting in tho city at the A. T. Johnson home. , Mrs. Burt Miller and son Jarred left yesterday for Arcadia to spend n week Shops at Omaha, camo homo with relatives. visiting in the city with her parents MUST BE SOLD Furniture and Household Goods, Residence of Mrs. M. H. Hull, 512 Ash. S?le to be held Friday & Saturday, December '9 and 30. Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry Miles. " Mrs. Tlieo. Funk nnd daughter of Wallace woro business visitors in tho city yesterday. ' Robert Hornor and daughter of Wallaco wero shoppers In tho city yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. Newman of Wallaco transacted business in tho city Wed nesday". Money to loan on farms. Soo Gono Crook. Mrs. A. B. Johnson of Gothonburg visited In tho city yesterday with rel atives. Rev. Herd of tho M. E. Church of Wallace was a business visitor in the city Wednesday. Miss Mary Trotter of Sarben Is vis iting in the city at tho home of Miss Alburta Callondor. Mrs. Francis Palmer of Sutherland is visiting in tho city at tho homo of her mother Mrs. J. H. Dlonor. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hayden of Wal laco were business visitors in tho city yesterday. Try Columino Lump Coal at $12.00 per ton, delivered. Tho Artificial Ico and Cold Storago Co. Dr. T. J. Kerr returned Wednosday from Akron, Ohio after spending Ch'ristmns with Mrs. Kerr. John Lincoln is enjoying a two weeks vacation from the Union Pac ific Ticket Office. Miss Lottie Oman has taken a pos ition at tho J. C. Penny store. Sho began work Monday. Wo havo had a BIG YEAR! For us it lias been a YEAR OF ACHIEVEMENT, toward which gratifying result YOU have .generously and loyally contributed. We thank you, good people of North Platto, and wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. NE1JKASKA MILL & ELEVATOR CO. :.: it it . i.t i,t i.t i.t it it j.t J.t i.t it :.t it :.: i.t J.t j.t j.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t j.t j j,t U a it j: j ry. h.: reettngs - We extend to all our patrons a hearty New Years greet ing, thanking you for your patronage, your courtesy, and good will during the closing year. We wish you all a happy and prosperous life in the New Year and the years to" follow. We wish also to announce that after January 1, 1923, and applicable to January and succeeding electric light bills a discount of onMialf cent per killoWathour will be al lowed on such bills paid on or before the lOtth of the suc ceeding month. This discount will not, however, apply on contract rates, power rates nor minimum charges. The discount actually amounts to a reduction of rates, and while present costs of production and consequent earnings, hardly warrant a reduction of rates, yet we are hopeful that it will result in greater use of electric light and power, and of electrical appliances in homes with benefits accruing to all of us. Greater volume of business means lower cost of production per killowatt hour, and this will in turn mean further reduction in rates. As tho city grows and prospers, so will our business grow and prosper, and you as well as wo will benefit there from. We are anxious to do our part in making 1923 a banner year, full of success and achievement for all. Sincerely yours, North Platte Light & Power Co. By C. R. MOREY, Manager. i jps Though stars In Heaven forget to shlno by night, Tho moon grow pale tho sunlight hide in shame, Our love shall be the everlasting light That warms tho world with its Eternal Flame. Sin ennnot touch- it with unholy breath, Nothing can match tho splendor ot Its utuno; Stronger than llfo and mightior than death, Lovo shall onduro Love, Tho Etornal Flnmo. BEAUTIFUL LOVABLE KISS ABLE SHE WHO THRILLED YOU IN "SMILING THROUGH" AGAIN COMES TO NORTH PLATTE IN THE A BRILLIANT SCINTILLATING DRAMA OF DAZZLING PASSION TUGGING AT THE HEART WITH ITS TEN DERNESS PULLING AT THE NERVES WITH ITS THRILLS. KEITH THEATRE, SATURDAY! SUNDAY! MONDAY! SUNDAY MATINEE 10c, 30c. 1 S3: uir PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c.