THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ACTIVITIES OF IHE ORGANIZATIONS -OS- WHAT IS HI2ING DONE BY Till'. DIFFERENT 'LODGES AND SOCIETIES Kdiiu JJnrljcr Enlcrfnlns Miss Edna Barber ontortalnod eight een of her frlendB nt n party at lier honio Wednesday ovenlng. The even ing was spent In dancing, after which la light luncheon was served. WwSl mcoi Tuesday afternoon with' "onor J "0?'Cr, Mrs. W. W. Andrews, 81G East Cth.l Tll a oIcctctl ff crs f tho All members and friends are Invited! Lady Maccabees surprised Mrs. Agnes to attond i T Eyr wlth n imrty nt hcr ,10m0 Wednosday nftomoon. The time was CHRISTIAN I spont In a social way after which 11:00 "A Drama In which you nro'ft delicious lunch was served. n Player". ' , 7:30 "What Is tho Cause or your; Unfcrtnlns nl a Party Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Pitman onter talned at a party last evening nt tholr hopio In honor of Wilbur Swan son, Mrs. Pitman's brother. Tho even ing was spont In playing gnmcq. Do HcIoub refreshments were served at tho close of tho ovonhig. Trouble." EPISCOPAL 11:00 Morning prayer and sermon. 7:30 Evening prayer and sermon, Thero will bo music appropriate to tho New Year. Tho Christmas musical will bo repeated. METHODIST 11:0Q "Turning A Now Leaf" A New Year's sermon. 7:30 "Now Year Hopos" Illustrated from Hutchinson's now novel "This Freedom.' LUTHERAN 11:00 "Emancipation from tho Past" I In tho ovenlng at 11 o'clock tho com munity Watch Night servlco will bo held, a servlco of unusual Interest to all. :o: Mrs. Vera Wlllet left Wedncs- Lunclicon Series this Wcclc jl HUM. J. V, I'liyilU iUHl 1V1IB. illUHUUI Wilcox ontortalnod Tuesday at a ono o'clock luncheon for Mrs. Welngand of Los Angolos. Decorations wcro carried out In holiday colors and cuti flowers wcro used. Mrs. Payno and j Mrs. Wilcox entertained at a sim ilar luncheon Wcdnosdny and will also havo a ono o'clock luncheon to-day and another Saturday. Pre-inventory Store Wide niiiiimiii ii iy mi i inn 1 1 1 niiHi i, in,,! iffliiamriTiniiinffli Eiwl 8 IteJ 1 L KDPflK IftfF ill tl MAftQAU I (7. W 3J rm miimiMi i ii mm in ' 'rmrmrrrrrTT'rTVirr-rnrrn-rT i miwmw 1 1 im'ii Sale Every Item in the Store ReducedC at a Saving a to You From K 'Percent to 50 i PER a mav mm mmwm m i is On Many Lines $1 Will Buy $2 Worth B Now! Is the Tnne to Do Your Buying! TO THE PUBLIC: S day for Sterling after spending sev oral dayo with her parents Mr, Mrs. Sam Clayton. I.. ll.l , !., Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Welngand nnd ovuu,"K u Bl"u,,um 1"UK'"1U """s'"", son Ted loft yesterday for Los Angeles ' whlch consisted of vocal solos by Mrs. , after visiting In tho city with relatives TraraP and Carylc Dorrybcrry, piano, fnr Rnvnrnl wnnkn. I Hol b Thelma Starr, cornet solo by Earl Stamp and soverai soiecteions Every item in this store will be priced so low By offering biggest values Sure to make business tempters. Giving the people an opportunity to buy their needs dln,nB and save real money on every item bought of us during sale. Newspaper space will not Members of the Khvnnls IJanqnctcd ! Tho members of tho KIwanIs club. and their friends wcro banqueted Tuesday ovonlng In tho now i 11... TT.i.l ti 1 ml. UI1U IUUM1 Ul U1U IJUtUl I'illilUU, AllUiU "UIU,tJ ' L ' 11 1.1 1 1. ll 1 11 li. lie guests in attendance. During tho m permu auvenisuig an uamaius--yuu musi cuiiie iu me saie anu see lor yourseii. Once here you will come back for more of the bargains we offer. Be sure to come early. Henry Fredrick returned Wednes day to his homo In Warsaw, Nobr. after spondlng tho holidays In tho city with frlonds. Mr. and Mrs. Claronco Garwood ro- by tho Klwanls Glee Club. At 1 tho closo of tho evening, F. C. I Ptclstlckor, tho rotlrlng president was . presented with a beautiful traveling bag. The gavel was turned over to turned Tuesday evening from Fremont w E starr( 1rcsIlont elect. and Hastings after visiting witn ror :o: atlves for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Carroll of Kan- Clintons for oyo servlco. Miss Anno o'Connoll left yesterday sas City aro visiting In tho city this 1 for Grand Island after spending sov- weok. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll woro former residents hero. Word was received In tho city yos terday from Yodor, Wyo. announcing tho birth of a daughter to Mr. -and Mrs. L. C. Jones on Christmas day. Mr. Jones was former ticket agent hero. EASY NOW TO VACCINATE HOGS Hog Cholera Can Bo Prevonted Surely And Inexpensively By Homo Vaccination. A prominent and wldoly known veterinarian has. written a book en titled "Tho Socrbts of' Vaccination", which any roador may havo froo of charge By following tho slmplo di rections In this book any farmer can vaccinate Iris own hogs with AMVETSC hog cholera serum, savo from twenty-flvo to fifty por cont. Herotoforo It has boon practically lmposBlblo to buy sorum at homo. How- ovor, slnco vaccinating Is mado so easy under this promlnont votorlnnrlan's suggestions and Instrucltons, Incor porated In this froo book, tho Stono's Pharmacy has doclded on this policy! as It will onablo fanners to vaccinate nt any time thoy wish and also Bavo a groat deal of monoy. j Thero can bo no bettor sorum than thoy supply bocauso It Is mado undor Govornmont supervision and then thoroughly tested undor actual flold conditions, making a doublo test sor um. ' Simply call or send you namo to Stono's Pharmacy, North Platto, Nobr. 1 and get and Interesting booklot on tho 1 prevention of hog cholera and special prlco list froo. Advortlsoment. i oral- days. In tho city with her parents Mr. and Mrs. w. II. O'Connoll. Miss Mylllo Kuply arrived from Don vcr Sunday to visit her Bister Mrs. Fred Walkor. Miss Kuply is onrouto to her homo at Milwaukee, Wis. Ike Woodrcd of Paxton, tho nowly olected county clerk of Keith county was a business, visitor In tho city yosterday. Mr. Woodred was n form' or resident here, A noto from Nick Lcgas who is at Rochcshtor, Minn, says ho will bo homo hero about January 25. Ho was recently operated upon for tubercu losis of tho spine on Nov. 20 and is gottlng along fine. 3 3 SI S3 For Now Years, something now, Hyacinths Just pooping through. Soo our display at tho Ideal Bakery tuo j window, or order direct from tho North aml i Platto Floral Co. Ail the Winter Coats, Suits . E. NELSON, Manager. and Dresses to Go. WOMEN'S COATS On sale in lots at $9.S5, $11.05, $18.05, $2l'.S5 Hotter Grades Priced For Quick Soiling IVOaiEN'S SUITS On sale in lots at $14.05, $19.05; $21.05; $31.05 Better Grades Triced For WOMEN'S DItESSES On sale in lots at $4.9S; $7.45; $9.85; $14,65 Better Grades Priced For Quick Selling Quick Selling PLUSH COATS On sale at 20 per cent to 50 per cent Discount a L5 S3 St H Every Item- in the Store Reduced in Pride S DltY GOODS llcduced All prices reduced on 'all Dry Goods. Not a single item hold back all subject to 10 to 30 per cent off. BLANKETS llcduced Just the time when needed. Save on Blankets. 1-5 to 1-3 off OYER SHOES Reduced Fit yourself and family out now during sale 1-5 to 1-3 off UNDERWEAR Reduced Just now when tho most needed. Selling at 1-5 to 1-3 off The Honest Values - we offer are True Economy WINER CAPS For Hon and Boys Reduced All go on sale at 1-5 to 1-3 off CLOTHING Mo ns Ss Boys Suits and Overcoats all on salo at big reductions oonoc n I0E30E ioao mmm m mutmm mmmmm m. w I iw i S to tone and stroncthon tho orcans of dlcostlon and S V .IImIkbIiah Imn.iui. .nnnllla M 1. .liwiif Al.piw.r HJ)lHMlu tm I stop sick hoadachoa, rollovo bll- f.) BHH louanoaa, correct conatlpatlon. w tsu. ITnov act promptly, pioaoaniiy, m mildly, yot thoroughly. S tij Tomorrow Alright I Cot a -y Your H 25C. DOX " HS Druttlat I NOLAN UHOS. ( 2 U FURS Reduced All ready at way down prices are being sold at 1-5 to 1-3 off i HOISERY Reduced Wo fit them all, Men Wo men and children. On sale at l- to 1-3 off LEATHER VESTS Reduced Throw away your old one buy a new one on sale at 1-5 to 1-3 off I Interesting News for the Frugal "Shopper -3 off SWEATERS Reduced Special low prices on all Mens and Boys sweaters. All on sale at 1-5 to 1-2 off They mo needed now Hon se Presses On sale at the most tempting prices. In most instances you cannot buy the mater ials for the money we sell at during sale. FELT SLIPPERS Reduced Special lot of childrens of all kinds and colors- Sizes 5 to 2. .at 79c, 98c, $1.17 & $1.39 552302 GLOVES AND MITTENS Reduced We fit them all, men, wo men and children. All on sale at at 1-5 to 1-3 off S3 C9 3 13 inery peg Every hat in the house to go and we are makina prices so low vou'll bnv vonr. 121 o i j I j style. SI 3 Today we aro happy in tho Uiought of tho confidenco of our friends, their faith in us as merchants and as individuals. Wo extend to all our sincere wiBhcs for a Happy Now Year. SMITH-JOHNSON DRUG Bargains the Biggest of the Year Will Be Found Here Now. W INCORPORATED , DRY GOODS WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR CLOTHING SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E. NELSON, MANAGER 1 s n I iOE30! aoraor zocaot W 1