Hi THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ( nnmr il you fiiVE M TOO tTASV II 7 -THAT'S YM TROUBLB. 1 7 6000 E95 (S"RAIOUS AUaTT II ? YES - BUT VOU I pi We Wish You AH A Happy and Prosperous New Year. CLINTON & SON, Sign of Tho Big Ring. PLATTE VALLKV SCHOOL SEWS I'oarl Strolberg v.ib back in school I after hor slcknoss. Platte Valley school Is having one ' wcok of vacation. One of tho flower bulbs has a fine blossom. Miss Cady.'s mother of Horshey was DR. 0. II. CKESSLER GRADUATE DENTIST Office ovor tho McDonald State Dank. 55 WEATHER CONDITIONS CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Urvol Fowler of Maxwoll was a business visitor In tho city Saturday. Charles Llston of Wallaco waB a business visitor In the city Saturday. Real Estate Mortgages bought and sold. T. 0. Patterson. Thos. Groen returned Saturday from Omaha after transacting business for several days. Ilalph Claubaugh arrived homo from Omaha Saturday to spend tho holidays In tho city with homo folks. J. A. Condlt returned to Choycnno this morning after visiting In tho city with relatives for fl'ovoral days. Mrs. Emma Ilosoncrants and son, of Cozad, spont yesterday In tho city nt tho J, W. Rosencrants homo. I Mrs. F. J. Collins and children left' Saturday for Onin'jn, whor. 'ioy will visit rolattvos for sovorsl days. Mrs. C. 0. Thomas, daughter Estollo of Parnoll, Mo., aro spondlng tho holi days nt tho R. L. Murdock homo. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Nolan loft Satur day evening for Omaha whoro thoy spent Christmas with tho lattor's par ents. Clinton's for' Spcctaclos. . Mrs. H. Murdock of Pnrnoll, Mo., arrived in tho city Saturday to spond tho holidays at tho R, L. Murdock homo. Ernest Ruby returned tho Inst of tho week from Omaha whoro ho has been receiving medical nttontion for fcovornl weeks, - IMnnUMs and Comforts at prcntly re duced prices nt tho Leader Mercantile Co. ROSE ELLEN MATERNITY HOME A prlvato homo boforo and during confinement. Babies adopted luto good Jiomos. Confidential. Grand Island, Nebraska FURS WANTED Good demand. Better than last yoar, HIDES L. Lll'SIHTZ '"V" DOUCET MUSIC STUDIO Trovlyn E. Doucot Teacher of Violin and Cornot WheninNorthPlatte COME AND SEE US j Hotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar Everything first elasa aad prices reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific Station. December 21, 1922 Editor, Tribune: Mayor Evans, in his letter, takes oxcoption to my statement, that of ficers of tho city of North Platte, had violated tho law prohibiting any such offlcors, having any interest, direct or" indirect, in any contracts of tho city. I mado that statement advisedly and know whereof I wrote. Sec. 40G9 of Comp. St. of Nobr., for 1922 reads in part ns follows: "No officer of any city shall be In terested, directly or Indirectly, In any contract to which tho corporation, or any ono for Its benefit, Is1 a party; and such interests in any such con tract shall void tho obligation thereof on tho part of such corporation.' I repeat that this statute has been violated by city officers, during tho past yoar, Tho violation occurred when certain members of tho city council sold mntorlals for use In paving tho streets of our city. I ncod mention. no names at this tlmo. I know tho facts hovvover and I fool suro tho. mayor does also. These matorials wore not sold direct to tho city, but tho contrac tor nnd if ono will rend tho nbovo statement of tho law, It will bo noted that this Is a violation thorcof. I am not charging that tho city was robbed In those sales, but I do say this law was vlolatod. Tho object of j such law Is plain. To what point Its i violation will lead, no ono can toll, j It would bo n hard matter for a mem-1 bor of a city council, or oven his fol-, low councilman to condemn any mn-j torlal sold by a councilman to tho city or ono holding n coutrnct with it. Lot mo submit a concrete illustra-; tlon. No mombors of tho Bchool board soils coal. But supposo ono of them did and ho mndo n contract, elthor dir ect or Indirect, to furnish nil tho coal for tho city schools. Wore ho so mind ed, would It not bo caslor for him to soli Inferior coal at high prices, than It would bo for an ontlro strangor? Personally, bo far as I know, tho paving of our streets has boon credit ably dono, and also within both tho estimated and contract prlco. I sln- corcJy wish that as much could bo said concerning tho Court-house. Lot us put tho best of tho ability, energy and intolligonco of our citizens into a "clcan-upM of our county af fairs. It is' not North Platto's prob lem nlono. It is tho problem of tho ontlro county. Tho officers who aro mostly under flro, or suspicion, enmo moro largoly from parts of tho county outsldo of North Platto. But that makes no dlfforonco. It nppoars that tho affairs of all good citizens of tho county, Bhould bo Joined togothor to put tho affairs of tho county In onion Aro wo equal to tho task? Sincoroly yours, "VM. ID. SHUMAN. :o: Roland Locko who is attending tho University of Lincoln arrived. Friday ovonlng to spond tho holidays in tho city with IiIb pnronts, Mr, and Mrs A. M. Locko. Donald Newton who iB attondlng tho (University of Nobraska nt Lincoln corao homo Friday to Bpond tho holi days 'with Ms parents Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Newton. Mrs. G. S. Thompson roturncd Satur day evening from a two months visit Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Mon day wero delightful winter days, seem ing moro liko fall or Bprlng days. Tho temperature ranged between 50 and GO. Lullaby Forecast for North Platte and Vicinity Recitatloiv i a visitor at school Thursday. j The Riddle family left last Wed-! I nesday for Dlllor where thoy spent ! j tliolr Christmas vacation. I Roy Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. , Waltor Wilson left school Thursday December 21 to go to Lincoln where ho will spend his Christmas vacation. Santa Clnus was at tho Platto Valley schoolhouso last Friday evening. The program which started at eight-thirty was as follows. Song School Welcomo Paul Strolberg Dialogue Mother Gooso Vocal Solo Rosie Strolberg Tho Christmas Tree Fuge Kuroki Piano .Solo Margaret Bostwlck. Throo Primary Girls. Hazel Wilson Fair tonight and Wednesday; some what colder to-night. Highest tem perature yesterday GO, a year ago 41, 20. to- lowest last night 3G, a year ago Sunset today 5:21 p. m., sunrise morrow 8:07 a. m. LIVESTOCK MARKETS Tho following quotations were the opening markets at South Omaha this morning and wero received hero by celegraph at 10 a. m. Cattlo Bottor grades beef steefs and Bho Piano Duet Elizabeth Scharmann and Margaret Bostwick. ' Drill Six Girls Monologue Eunice Olson Recitation Elizabeth Scharmann Piano Solo Elcyne Haught Pantomime "Sally's Sad Christmas" Dialogue Intermediate Room Song School. :o: THE BEST GIFT Christmas for the Boy I Christmas for the Girl! Christmas for tho Fathers I Christmas for the Mothers! stock strong. Steers about steady. Best Christmas for ono and all bound up I yearlings Included nt $10.00. Weighty In tho 52 weekly Issues of The Youth's steers $9.25. All other classes'' fully stoadly. , ! Hogs ' Mostly 15 to 20 cents higher. Bulk packing grades $7.25 to $7.G0. Bulk butcher hogs $7.75 to $8.15. Top $8.20 :o: TownBond Dent, who attends the Medical department of tho University at Omaha Is spending tho holidays In tho city with Ills parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Dent. Miss Helen Bonner who attends the University at Lincoln arrived home Saturday to spend tho holidays with i hor mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bonner. John S. Twinem, ML D. (Homeopath) Medicine, surgery and obstetrics North Pluttp, Ncbr. I Happ y New Yea Year." Sioux Fiour Start the New Year By Resolving: . Because It Bakes Easy. I will buy Sioux Lookout Flour. Because It has the Real Flavor, Nutrity on wholcsomeness and Quality and Pleases all the Fam ily. ALL GROCERS. Nek aska evator Co. Companion for 1923. No other period ical can take tho place of Tho Com panion at the family fireside no other reflects so truly the homo spirit. The 52 lsu3 of 1U23 will contain from eight to a dozen serial stories, nearly two hundred short stories, be sides sketches, specinl matter for tho boys, tho girls, the domestic circle. Tho Children's Pago and tho Doctor's Corner will, as they havo for years, prove indespensablo features of the paper. Subscribe now and receive- 1. Tho Youth's Companion 52 is sues in 1923. 2. All tho remaining issues of 1922. 3: Tho Companion Homo Calendar for 1923. All for $2.50. 4. Or include'McCall's Magazine, tho monthly authority on fashions. Both publications, only $3.00. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth' Ave. and St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. Subscriptions received at this offico. 1 "BakerGuns (Drug room with drugs for acute and chronic dlsonscs.) :o:- Grent Reductions on nil Winter Goods at tho Lender Mercantile Co. , For fifty years known to the trade as the best for service BATAVIA LEADER, Price $40.00 If yoar dealer cannot supply you we will send, trans portation charges paid, upon receipt of price. Send for BAKER ' BOOKLET describing the entire line. Baker Gun Company 253 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. McQ UAY-NO PISTON RIN Lengthen the life of your motor 'Automobiles, trucks, tractors, engines and pumps that work in the dust of country roads and fields depreciate faster than motors operated in cities. Dust wears down piston rings and lets gas and oil work past them. By preventing oil and gas from leaking past a motor's pistons, McQuay-Norris Piston Rings increase its power, decrease carbon troubles, and usually save enough fuel and oil to pay for themselves. No matter where you plan to have your car overhauled, it will pay you well to order them. Ask for the genuine McQuay-Norris rings. We Carry a Complete Service Stock J. S. Davis Auto Co. North Platte, Mebr. C1 OK Itmoaf cm exclusive C? - P I two-piece design, prevent. P fl Per Rlna mu..i..ir... sure at ell points on cylinder walls. For all piston grooves except top, which should have tiupcreigC. Each rir.s packed in a parch, tnent container. SupsroYt - Keeps lubrica ting oil out of combustion Per ang 0n on eac, down ltroke of piston and empties on each up stroke, which ordinary grooved rings cannot do. Bach rins packed in n parchment container. E2A JlFFY.CRIP a one-piece -JnJ' tjng. Non-butting joint, which Per R..:3 can be fitted closer than ordi nary step cut velvet finish quick seating. "Seats in a jiffy." To keep them clean and free from rust, each ring is packed Iri an indiviciuol glassine envelope. Snap Rings or the highest grade. Raised above the average by McQuay Norris manufacturing methods. Their use insures all the satisfaction possible for you to get from a plain snap ring. They are packed twelve rings to the carton and rolled in waxed paper. M3T!Qa ftnTrp MjiXisi1, lilMlin McQUAY-NORRIS PISTON RING.. McQUAY-NORRIS STIP CUT SNAP RINGS CONCBNTBIC m 3i nnnnnniTJiiinffi C-DR9 with rolntlvos in Philadelphia.