THIS NORTH TLATTIS SEiMI-WKEICLY TR.II3LTN1B DESERT GOLD COPYRIOHT "TOrC- HARPeR. AND Chapter VII Continued. Xou'vo been shot I . . . Mamrnn, bore's Lnddy, nnd bo's been shot. . . . 01), theso dreadful days we'ro having! I can't benr them I Forlorn River used to bo so safe nnd quiet. Nothing happened. But now I Jim comes homo with a bloody hole In him then Dick then Lnddy I . . . Oh, I'm nfrnld come day they'll nover come home." The morning was bright, still, and clear ns crystal. The bent waves had not yot begun to rise from the desert ' Noll sat perched high upon the top-) ,nr,Hf f H,n mrrnl rrnfo. Hick leaned bosldc her, now with his eyes on hor face, now gazing out Into tho I alfulfn nold whore Boldlng's thorough-: brcds grazed and prnnccd nnd romped and whistled. Nell watched tho ' horses. She loved them, never tired of vouching them. But her gazo wurf , too consciously averted from tho yearning eyes that tried to meet hers to bo altogether natural. A great fenced field of velvety green j alfalfa furnished n rich background for tho drovo of about twenty whlto horses. Blanco Diablo was tho only i ono In the Held thnt was not freelto ; roam and grazo whore ho listed. A stake and a hnltcr held him to ono , -cornor, whero he was severely let alone by tho other horses, no did not like tills Isolation. Blanco DInblo wns not happy unless ho was running, or fighting n rival. Of the two ho would rather fight. If anything white 'could roscinblo a devil, tills horse surely did. Ho had nothing beautiful about him, yet ho drew the gazo nnd hold It. Tho look of. him suggested dis content, anger, rovolt, vlclousness. When ho wns not grazing or prancing, , he held his long, lean bond lovel, point ing his nose nnd showing his teeth. Boldlng's favorite wns nlmost nil tho world to him, nnd ho sworo DInblo could stand, more heat and thirst and cactus than any other horse ho owned, nnd could run down and kill nny borso In tho Southwest, Tho cowboys ndmltted some of Bddlng'H claims for Diablo, but they gave loyn. and unshaknblo nlleglnnco to Blnnco Sol. As for Dick, ho hnd to fight himself to keep out of argu ments, for he sometimes Imagined ho was unreasonable nbout the horse. Though ho could not understnnd him self, ho knew ho loved Sol ns n mnn loved n friend, n brother. Free of homy Saddle nnd the clumsy leg shields, Blanco Sol wns somehow nil satisfying to the eyes of the rangers. The dazzling whiteness of tho desert sun shano from his wat; ho had tho flro and Rplrlt of tho dosort In his noble head, Its strength nnd power In bis gigantic frame. "Bcldlng swears Sol never bent DInblo," Dick wns saying. "He believes It," replied Nell. "Dad Is queer nbout that horse." Tvo often wondered how Bcldlng. ewir camo to give Blanco Sol to me," sold Dick. , "I think ho wanted to get rid of Sol." "Maybe. Ho surely has strange pns slon for horses. I think I understand bettor tlinn I used to. I owned n couple of rncors onco. They were Just animals to mo, I guess. But Blnnco Sol I" "Do yon love him?" nsked Nell; nnd now a warm, blue Ilnsh of oyos swept i his face. I "Do I? Well, rather." 1 "I'm glad. Sol hns been finer, n better horse since you owned him. no loves you, Dick. Sol nlwnys hnted DInblo, and nover hnd much uso for Dod." Dick looked up at hor. "It'll be be pretty hard to leave Bol j when I go nwny," ' Nell snt perfectly' still. "Go away?" sho nsked, presently, , with Just tho faintest tremor In her voice. j "Yes. Sometimes when I get blue j as I nm todny I think I'll go. But In sober truth, Nell, It's not likely thnt I'M spend all my llfo hero." Thero was no answor to this. Dick put his hnnd softly over hers; nnd, despite box half-hearted strugglo to frco It, ho held on. rNell 1" Her color fled, no saw her lips part Then n henvy step on tho gravel, n cheerful, coraplnlnlng voice Inter rupted him, and made him relcaso Nell and draw back. Bcldlng strodo lntu vlow round the adobe shed. "Hey, Dick, that darned Ynqul In dian can't bo driven or hired or coaxed to lea Forlorn River, lie's well enough to travel. I offered him horse, gun, blanket, grub, But no go." "That's funny," replied Gnle, with jHmlle. "Lot him stayput htm H work." "It doesn't Btrlko mo funny, But VH Jell you what I think. Thnt poor, homeless, honrtbroken Indian baa JikcD a llUac to. you, PJcfc You plt&dcra of the Parol Saga . Wlldril'C, iLtC, i Illustrations by Irwin .Myertf OROTHBO. saved b!s HfeZ That 'sort of tiling counts big with nny Indlnn, even with nn Apache, With n Yaqul innybo It's of deep Blgnlflcance. I've heard a Ynqul say that with his trlbo no debt to friend or foe over went unpaid. Perhaps that's what alls this fellow." "Dick, don't laugh," said Nell. "I've noticed the Ynqul. It's pathetic the way his greut gloomy eyes follow you." "You'vo rande n friend," continued Bcldlng. "A Ynaul could bo a real frInd on this desert If he gets his Birungu. ouck iou u i service lo J, ln't mlstnko mo. IIo'S Welcome here. But you'ro responsible for him, nnd yonll bnvo trouble keeping him from mnssncrlng all tho Greasers In Forlorn River." Tho probability of n visit from tho raiders, nnd a dhsh bolder than usual on tho outskirts of a ranch, led Bold- Her Color Fled. He 8aw Her Llp8 Part. lng to build n now corral. It wns not sightly to the eye', but It wasOdgh nnd exceedingly strong. Tho gate wns u mnsslve nffnlr, swinging on huge hinges and fnstenlng with henvy chains and padlocks. At night Bcldlng locked his white horses in this corral. Tho l'npngo heVdsmen slept In the ndobo shed nd Joining. Bcldlng did not Imnglnc thnt nny wooden fence, however substnn tlnlly built, could keep determined raiders from breaking It down. They would bnvo to tnko time, however, nnd mnko considerable nolso; and Boldlng relied on these fncts. Holding did not bc!lec n bnnd of night raiders would hold out against a hot rifio fire. Lndd did not share Boldlng's sanguine hopes. One January morning Dick Gnle was nwnkonod by n shrill, menacing cry. He leaped up bewildered and frightened. Ho heard Boldlng's boom lng voice nnswerlng shouts, and rapid stops on llagstones. But theso bad not awakened him. Heavy breaths, almost sobs, seemed at his very door. In the cold and gray dawn Dick saw something white. Gun In hand, ho bounded ncross tho room, Just out side his door stood Blanco Sol. It wns not unusual for Sol to come poking his head In at Dick's door dur ing daylight. But now in the early down, when ho bad been locked In tho corral. It meant raiders no less. Dick cnlled softly to tho snorting horse; and, hurriedly getting Into clothe nnd boots, ho went out with n gun In each hand. Sol was quivering In every riyiscle. Liko a dog ho followed Dick around tho house. Hearing shouts In tho direction of tho corrals, Galo bent swift steps that way. IIo caught up with Jim Lash, who was nlso leading n whlto horse. I They reached the corral to find ! Belfllng shaking, roaring liko n uiHd- man. The, gnto was open, tho con-d wns empty. "Tom, whero's tho Pnpn go?" said Lndd. "no's gone, Lnddy gonol" "Doublo-crossed us, eh? I see benv n crowbar lyln' by tho gntepost. Th Indlnn fetched It from tho forge. It wns used to pry out tho bolts nn' steeples. Tom, I reckon thero wasn't much time lost forcln' that gate." Dnyllght made clear somo details of the raid. Tho cowboys found tracks of eight raiders coming up from tho river bed whoro their horses had boon left Evidently tho Papngo had boon falsa to his trust Ills few per sonal belongings were gone. Moro horses wcro found loose In tho Holds, Tho men soon rounded up eleven of tho whites, all moro or loss fright-.encd. I 111 Deldltiff w uncnnsolnblo. He cursed and railed, and finally declared ho was jrolnR to trail the rnidors. "Tom. you Jutt ain't iigoln' to do nothln' At the kind." said Lnddy. coolly. Holding groaned nnd bowed his bend. T.mlilv. voii'ro right." ho rnnllnd. presently. "i'vo got to stnnd it. i orty. But It's sure tough. I'm snro wny down deop, nnd nothln' but blood would ever satisfy mo."' "Lenvo thnt to ine nn' Jim," snld Lndd. "Whnt do you menn to dor'domnnd cd Bcldlng, starting up. "Shore I don't know yot , f. . Give mo n light for my pipe. An' Dick, go fetch out your Ynqul CHAPTER VIII The Running of Blanco Ool. Tho YaquI'. strungo glancu roved over the corral, the swinging gate with Us broken fastenings, the tracks In tho road, nnd then rested upop Bold lng. "Mnlo," he said, nnd Ida Spanish was clenr. "Shore, Ynqul, about eight bad men, an' n traitor Indlnn," said Ladd. "I think ho means my herder," add ed Bcldlng. "If he docs, that settles any doubt It might be decent to have Ynqul malo Papngo SI?" Tho Yaqul spreail wide his hnnds. Then he bent over the tracks in the rood. They led' every whither, but gradually he worked out of tho thick net to take tho trail that the cowboys had followed downUo the river. Bcld lng and tho rangers kept close nt his heels. IIo found a trampled spotwl.ere the raiders had left their horses. From this point a deeply defined narrow trail led ncross tho dry rlvor bed. Tho trail of the raiders took a southeasterly course over untrodden desert. Tho Ynqul spoke In his own tongue, then In Spanish. "Think ho means slow march," said Bcldlng. "Lnddy, from tho looks of that trail tho Greasers nro having trouble with the horses." "Tom, shore n boy could see thnt," replied Lnddy. "Ask Yaqul to toll us where tho raiders are houdln', an' If thero's water." It wns wonderful to see the Ynqul point. With a stick he traced n line In the sand, and then at the end of th u another lino nt right nngles. He mnde crosses and mnrks nnd holes, and as he drew the rude map he talked In Ynqul, In Spanish; with a word bore nnd there in English. Bcldlng trans lated as best he could. The raiders were heading southeast toward the railroad that ran from Nogales down Into Sonorn. It wns four days' travel, bad trail, good sure waterhole one daycout; then water not sure for two dnys. Raiders, not looking for pur suit, could bo bended and nmbushed thnt night nt tho first wnterhole, n uutural trap In n valley. The men returned to the ranch. Tho rangers ate and drank while mak ing hurried preparations for travel. Blanco Sol and tho cowboys' horses were fed, watered, nnd saddled. Ladd refused to rldo one of Beldlng's whites. He was quick and cold. "Get mo a long-range rllle nn' lots of shells. Itustlo, now," ho said. "I want a gun that'll outshoot the dinky little carbines an' muskets used by the rebels. Trot ono out an' be quick." "I'vo got n .403, a long-barreled heavy rllle that'll shoot a mile. I use it for mountain sheep. But Laddy, It'll break that bronch's back." "Ills back won't break so easy. . . . Dick, take plenty of shells for your Remington. An' don't forget your field glass." In less than an hour after tho tlmo of the raid tho throe rangers, heavily armed nnd superbly mounted on fresh horses, rode out on the trail. As Gale turned to look bnck from the far bank of Forlorn river, bo saw Nell waving n white senrf. no stood high in his stirrups and waved his sombrero. I Then the mesqulto hid the girl's slight I figure, and Gnle wheeled grim-faced ' to follow the rangers. I They rodo In single file with Lndd j in the icau. no tooK a nee-une course for tho whlto escarpment pointed out hy the Ynqul,; nnd nothing save deep washes and impassable patches of cactus or rocks mnde him sworvo from It At noon tho rangers got out of the thick enctus. The desert lloor Inclined porceptlbly upwnrd. When Gale got nn unobstructed vlow of the slope of the esenrpment ho located the raiders nnd horses. In another hour's travel the rangors could see with naked eyes a long, fnlnt moving streak of black-and-white dots. "They're hendln' for that yellow pass," said Ladd, pointing to a break In tho enstern end of tho escnrpraont. "When they get out of sight we'll rustle. I'm thlnkln' thnt wntorhote the Ynqul spoko of lnys In the pass." Tho rangors traveled swiftly over tho romalulng miles of level desert lending to the nscent of the esenrp ment. When they achieved tho gate way of tho pass tho sun was low In the west. Lndd gave the word to tie up horses and go forwnrd on foot. The narrow neck of the pass opened and descended Into a vnlloy half a mllo wide, perhaps twlco that In length. It hnd nppnrently unscnlnble slopes of weathered rock loading up to beetling wnlls, "Keep down, boys," snld Lndd. "There's tho wnterhole, nn' bosses hnve sharp eyes. Shoro tho Yaqul flggored this place. I never seen Its like for a trap," Both whlto nnd black horses showed against the green, and n thin curling column of blue smoke roso lazily from nmld the mesqultes, "I reckon we'd bettor wait till dark, or mebby daylight" snld Jim Lnsh. "Lot me flgfer some. CloTf, what do you mnko of tho outlet to this hole? Looks rough to me." With bis glass Gnle studied the nar row construction of Walls and rough ened rising floor. "Lnddy. It's hnrder to get out nt thnt end thnn here," he replied. "Shore that's bnrd enough. Lot me have n look. . . . Well, boys, It don't take no flggerln for this Job. .Jim, I'll Want you at the other end blockln' tho pass when we're rendy to stnrt." "When 'II thnt be?" Inquired Jim. "Soon ns It's light enough In the mornln'. Thnt Greaser outfit will hang till tomorrow. Thore's no sure water nhend for two. days, you remember." Tho rangers stole bnck from tho vnntnge point nnd returned to their horsffl. which they untied nnd left farther round nmong broken sections of cliff. For the horses It wns n dry, hungry enmp, but the rangers built a fire nnd had their short though strengthening meal. Jim Lash rolled In his saddle blanket his feet nenr.the fire, nnd went to sleep. Ladd told Gnle to do llkewlso while he kept tho fire up hnd waited until It was Into enough for Jim to undertake circling round the raiders. When Gnle nwakened. Jim was up saddling his horse, and Ladd wns talking low. With Lndd loading, they moved away Into the gloom. Advance was exceedingly slow, careful, silent Final ly tho trail showed pnlc In the gloom, and eastern stars twinkled between tho lofty rnmpnrts of tho pass. Ladd halted and stood silent n mo mont "Luck ng&lnt" be whispered. "Tho wind's' In your fnce, Jim. The horses won't scent you. Try to got up ns high ns this at the other end. Walt till dnyllght before rlskln' n loose slope. I'll bo rldin' the Job early. Thut's nil." Lndd's cool, easy speech wns scarce ly significant of the perilous under taking. Lash moved very slowly nway, leading his horse. Then Lndd touched Dick's arm, and turned back up the trail. Togethor they picked a way back through the winding recesses of cliff. The campflre was smoldurhig. Ladd replenished It and lay down to get a few hours' sleep, while Gale kept wntch. The after pnrt of tic night wore on till the paling of stars, the thickening of gloom Indicated the dark hour before dawn. Ladd awoke before the falntan gray appeared. Tho rangers nto and drank. When tho black did lighten to gray they sad dled the horses and led them out to the pass and down to tho point whore they had parted with Lash. Here they awaited daylight. The valley grew clear of gray shadow except under lennlng wnlls on tho eastern side. Then a straight col umn of smoke rose from among the mesqultes. Manifestly this was what Ladd had been awaiting, no took the long .405 from Its sheath and tried the lover. Then ho lifted a cartridge belt from the pominol of his saddle. Every ring held a shell and theso shells were four Inches long. He buckled the belt round him. "Come on, Dick." Lndd led the way down the slope until he reached u position that com manded the rising of tho trail from a level. It was tho only place a man or horse could leave the valley for thev pass. "Dick", here's your stand. If any raider rides In range take a crack at him. . . . Now I want tho lend o your boss." "Blanco Soil" exclaimed Gale, more "Dick, Here'a Your Stand. If Any Raider Rides !.T Range Take a Crack at Him." In amaze that Ladd should ask for the horso thnn In reluctance to lend him. "Will you let me have blm?" Ladd repeated, almost curtly. "Certainly, Laddy." A smllo momentarily chased tho dark, cold gloom that had set upon ranger's lean race. CONTINUED DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Over Hlrschfeld's Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020 GEO. II. DENT Physician nnd Surgeon Special Attention Given to 9urg).s and Obstetrics Offlco: Building & Loan BuiWltit, Phones: Office 130 Roeidsnce 11 Office 340 House 48S DK. W. I. SIIAITEK Osteopath Physician Oror the OaslB North Piatt mi. RE I) FIE LI) Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeoii X-Iiny Culls promptly answered Night or Dai Phones. Offlco C42 Resldeuco G7C IV. T. PiaTCHAlll) Grndnnto Vetrlnnrlnn Ex-Governmont Veterinarian aud ex assistant deputy State VcterinarlaL Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Phonos. Hospital 633 Residence CSS Offlco Phone 241 Res. Phone 21 L. C. DKOST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. KI KIEHIG Auctioneer For dates and terms call at First National Bank North Platte, Neb. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by undorslgned Block 33 and 34, Novlllo addition, County of Lincoln, State of Nobrnska; on tho 19 day of November 1922, 1 black gelding, 2 years old; 1 dun colored gelding coming 2 years old; 1 gray maro com ing 4 yrs. old. Unbroko and no brands. Dated this 22 day of November 1922. Signed Geno Crook. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 37 To whom It may concern: A consent petition presented to tho board of county commissioners to lo cate a road commencing at tho South Woat corner of Section nine (9) and tho Southeast corner of Section eight (8) Town Thirteen (13) Rango Thirty four (34) to connect with road No. 213. All objoctlons thereto or claims for damage must bo filed fn the Coun ty Clerk's offlco on or boforo noon on tho 2nd day of January, A. D. 1923 or such road will bo established with out reference thereto. Said road to bo GG feet wide. A. S. ALLEN County Clerk EXTENSION ROAD NO. 247 To whom It may concern: A consent potltion presented to the board of county commissioners to lo cate a road commencing at tho South west cornor of Section 27, Township 14, North of Rango 31 west of tho Gth P. XI. and running Uionco North on section lino to tho Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. All objoctlons thereto or claims for damage must bo filed in tho County Clerk's offlco on o'r before noon of tho 2nd day of January A. D. 1923 or such road will be oatoblishod without roforonoo thorcto. Said rood to bo GG feet wide. A. S. ALLEN " County Clerk NOTICE OF PAVING ASSESSMENT Notico is heroby given that the City Council of tho city or North Platte, Nebraska, will sit as a Board of Equalization on January 2nd, 1923 at 8 p ,m., for tho purposo of equalizing and assessing tho cost of construction of pavement in Paving District No. 9, holng West 4th Street and in Paving District No. 11, being West 9th Street against tho abutting property owners. All thoso having objections to such equalization and assessment will bo present at tho council chamber on said date for the purposo of prosenting to tho council all objoctlons. Vltnes3 my band this 19th day of Docembor, 1922 . O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. VACATION OF ROADS NO. 120 & 1G1 To whom it may concern: Tho commissioner appointed to va cate roads Number 120 and 1G1. Road No. 120 commencing on the section lino betwoon sections 8 and 9 Town 14, Rango 33, thenco in a Northeast erly dlroction, parallol with tho Bouth bank of the North Platto rivor, and terminating on tho section lino bo tweon sections 9 and 10 Town 14 Rango 33. And road No. 161, commencing on section lino between Sections 9 and 10, Town 14, Rango 33, thonco run ning in a Southeasterly dlroction to tho soction lino between sections 10 and 11 in Town 14, Rango 33, Wost was reported In favor of tho vacation theroof, and all objections thereto must bo filed in tho county clerk's offlco on or boforo noon on tho 2nd day of January, 1923 or such roads will bo vacated without roforenco thereto. A. S. ALLEN County Clork J)If. M. U. STATES Chiropractor Runme 8. 8, 7 Uulldlng & Loan Ulda Office Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242 Bit. HAROLD II. WALKER Pirncttc llmNed to Eye, Ear, Xose mid Thront Offices over JIcDonnld Bnnk Phono 3uG n EKR YB HKK V A; FOUNDS Licensed EuihnlmcrH Undertaker nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 41 Night Phono Black 538 DR. L. A. SKAVELY. Dentist X-Hiy Diagnosis Oxygen nnd Gn Anesthesia for Extractions. Over Union State Bank Phono 25G JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phono 83 Residence 38 OTIS Ii. PLATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon X-Kny Diagnoss and Troament Over Union Sto'to Bank Offlco Phono 29GW Houso Phono 2UBR NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1920 of Hattia M. Reckard, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nooraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in s-iid Estate take notico that a petition has been filed for tho probating of the will filed and tho appointment of E. H. Evans as executor of said estate, which has been sot for bearing heroin on January 2, 1923 at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated December 9th, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST County Judge. (SEAL) EXTENSION TO ROAD NO. 418 To whom it may concern: The special commissioner appointed fb locate a public road as follows: Boginning at tho Southeast corner of Section Twenty-nino and tho North east corner of Section Thirty-two, township eleven and rango thirty-two; thonco running west ono mllo between sections twenty-nine and thirty-two, along said soction line, thenco South between Sections thirty-ono and thir ty two to tho South lino of township oloven, thenco south between sections fivo and six and seven and elcbt. soventeon and e-ightcen to tho South lino Qf Section Soventoen, Uionco east about e'ghty rods between sections seventeen and twenty In townshln ten. rango thirty-two, all In Lincoln coun ty and Stato of Nebraska, tho above doscribod road to be GG ft. wide. Any or all parties having objections thereto or claims for damages by reason of tho establshment of tho said abovo described road must file Bame in tho office of tho County Cerk of Lin coln County, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 2Gth day of Feb. A. D. 1923. Dated at North Platto, Nebr., this 11th day of Nov. 1922. A. S. ALLEN County Clerk NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will ho rpivi nf Offlco of tho County Clerk of Lin coln County, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho Sth day of January, 1923, for the records blanks and supplies estimated as follows: CLASS "A" BOOKS 4-8 or. loose leaf nln - " M. UUW Uh printed heads. 4-8 qr. looso loaf nrlntnd henrl nnii pago records. 5 tax lists 2-4 qr; 2-G qr., 1-3 qr. Tho abovo records to bo made of tho best linen ledger paper, full bond oxtra ends, bands and fronts, with canvas covers. 40& school land receipts, triplicate. 12,200 tax receipts in duplicate. 2000 Redemption Certificates in duplicate. 4 dozen chattel files of 100 pages each. 49 assessors books, ledger paper. cloth bound, per book. 8000 assessors schedules In dupli cate. CLASS "B" Wholo sheet blanks, per 100. Half sheet blanks, per 100. Quarter sheet blanks, por 100. Envelopes, 3 1-2 x 6 1-2, per 1000. Envelopes 4 x 9 1-2, pen 1000. CLASS "C" Sanfords Writing Fluid, por quart. Spencerlan or Glucium pons, per gross. Pencils, per gross. Recor : Ribbons, per dozen. All 6' said supplies to bo first class and to bo furnlshel as requir ed by tho County Officers. Successful bidders to furnish bond to bo approved by tho County Bqard, each bidder to have printed on tho onvelopo "Bids for Printing." Tho Commissioners of Bald County resorvo tho right to roject any or all bids. Dated at North Platto, Nobraska, this 14th day of December, 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.