The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 19, 1922, Image 7

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Interesting Information From Over the County Secured
From Our Special Correspondents
And The Newspapers. .
Chas. Qerken shelled corn "Thurs
day Jack Zciglers and Lcdbcttcra spent
Sunday nfternbon at John Biddies.
Mrs. Clara Ray is still on tho sick
list. Wo aro hoping sho Improves.
Hugh Campboll bought himsolf a
roadster tho other day.
George and Less Mayflold aro husk
ing corn for Chas. Jackson.
Jim Ledbettors shopped in North
Platto Saturday.
Clydo Cooper is visiting at Dell
Welch's. ,,
Clyde Cooper is visiting at Dell
Welch'-. Clyde Zolglor spent Wednes
day and Thursday at Wollfleot.
Joo Qroonwood and Walter Zelglcr
spent Sunday with Leo and Charley
Tho Ladies club aro to moot with
Mrs. Joo Koestor Wednesday, Dec. 20,
1922. ' - (
Tho Xadles club met with Mrs. j
Frank Votaw Wednesday December 0. !
There wore only seven in attendance
on account of it being such a dlsa.
groeablo day. ,, .
A surprlso party was given Wed
nesday evening In honor of J. L. Zeig
Ier's forty-fifth birthday. Fifty guests
wore present and tho evening was
spent in playing cards of which Earl
Greenwood recoived tho prizo for hav
ing won tho most games and Hugh
Campbello won tho booby. A three
courso lunch was served ana 'U de
parted wishing Mr. Zcigler many
more happy birthdays yet to come.
( by McClure Newapaper Syndicate.)
"Please stop this nonsense, Dick, il
don't love you. Why, lve known you
for simply ages, and I will not marry
you unless 1 love you. Tho man I
marry will be someone whom I will
meet and full In love with instantly."
Barbara's face was determination it
self, and tho word "Instantly" waa
very emphntlc.
"So you see, Alice," Dick finished
telling his sister, who was herself hap
pily married, und thereforo doubly in
terested in all lovo affairs, "whero I
am. I think sho loves me, and doesn't
know It. That sounds conceited, but I
believe It's true. She's tho only girl I'll
ever love,, and how I'm going to havo
her is beyond tne. Alice, sho won't
even let mo touch herl"
Dick's voice was hopeless and Indig
nant, all in one.
Alice's eyes sparkled in a way which
Dick well knew. It was a suro Blgn
that her brain was busily hatching
Eomo scheme. Alice hud never fulled
Dick, and this was to be no exception
to the rule.
"Listen, Dick, I hjivc it Fully guar
anteed. I'll have Alice down here for
the week-end. 1'ou are to come down
on the same train. I'll let you know
Just which one. Barbara has a wonder
ful new coat and you, my dear sir,
arc to foot the bill for a twin sister
to that sama coat, if I can possibly
find one liko it in tho city tomorrow.
Are you on?"
Dick nodded. Ills fueo was a study.
Ho wua striving to follow Allco, but his
face was so blank that Ills glster
laughed outright.
"Then, Dick, you ar to leave the
train only after you aro sure Bnrbara
gets off. Then, no matter who U at the
station, yoa hear, no matter If tho
President should bo holding a wedding
roceptlon at the very train steps you
arejp rush up and kiss. Barbara. She'll
Eat Brown's Popcor
Special Prices on Popcorn During
the Holidayi at Brown's Popcorn
Eat Browns Popcorn
They Say
and I "kTiSw you. AI53 TTul Is TOOTo lo
tho point, I know girls. Nothing ven
ture, Dick, nothing gain, you know."
The 5 :14 wus never quite so slow to
Dick ns It wns the following Friday. In
the car ahead he caught a glimpse of
Barbara, keeping himself, however,
well out of her sight. To Dick's
wrought-up nerves tho wheels seemed
to repent over and over, "Nothing ven
ture, nothing gain. Nothing venture,
nothing gain."
As the train stopped nt his station
JDlck braced himself. The tlmb to ven
turo wns at hand.
Three strides brought him closo to
.Barbara, and, forgetting his Instruc
tions and obeying only his natural Im
pulses, he caught her up in his arms.
It would have taxed the strongest im
agination to have called that kiss but
brotherly. For a moment Barbara was
stunned, and then her wrath was
poured upon Dick's defenseless head.
If Alice had not appeared hurriedly
upon the scene with exclumatlons of
surprise upon noting the likeness of
Barbara's coat to the ono she herself
was wearing, Dick would probably
have boarded tho train and gone on,
nof caring where li took htm.
"Of course Dick mistook you for mo.
Naturally ho would. My dear, where
did you gef a coat so liko mine?"
Dick breathed n sigh of relief.
TJmnks c to Jbe stars for n slstor like
Alice. But The end wns not yet.
Dick spent a wretched Jinlf-hour
waiting for the girls to come down to
dinner. Alice's husband had taken
himself off, for which Dick was do
"voutly thankful. Not that Bob wasn't
a nice enough chap, but this was no
time to talk politics, etc. In Dick's
opinion something more than the ato
of a nation was to-be settled within
the next few hours. He turned quick
ly upon henrlug the door of tho living
room open.
It was Barbara. "Allco will be down
in a few minutes." Barbara's eyes
evaded Dick's.
"I'm sorry, Barbara, for the mistake
I so stupidly made nt the station."
Dick's face was quite calm, and Bnr
bara could not know that he was se
cretly calling himself n liar.
Barbara's face flushed. It was n
long moment before she spoke, and
then her voice was very low.
"Yes, dear." Was he to win arftcr
all 7
"All those people at the station saw
you kiss me, and they do not know
you mistook me for Alice. What
what shall we do?"
"You know, dear" Dick was smil
ing now "people who are engaged to
each other sometimes kiss when they
meet. Why not become engaged to me
and thnt will give me the privilege of
" Dick stopped.
"Kissing mo again." Barbara fin
ished as Dick's arms closed about her.
Alice softly opened the door, beck
oned for her husband to peck, and as
softly closed it again.
Notlco is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received for tho con
struction of Sower Lateral District
No. 4 which consists of Blocks "D",
7, 8, nnd"b of Cody'a addition to tho
city of North Platto, Nebraska and
that part of tho Northwest Quarter of
Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Town
ship 14, Rango 30, commencing nt tho
main sower on Jackson Avonuo whoro
tho same intersects tho contor line of
tho alley, thenco westerly along tho
alloy lino through tho nbovo described
property. PlanB Jand opoclflcatlons
may be had from tho City Engineer of
tho city of North Platto, Nebraska.
Said bldB will bo received up to eight
o'clock p. m Dccomhor 10th, 1022.
Tho Council reserve tho right to
reject any and all bids;
Witness my hand thia 6th day of
December", 1022.
City Clerk.
It's Good.
be furious, or course, but you can cx
plnlu the mistake easily because of the
llkenuss of her coat and mine. 0. K.t"
Dick's face hntl brightened, but his
smile was soon succeeded by n frown.
"Alice, she'll nevtr speak to nio again
and then 111 be worse on than before.'
However, I'm gnme, and will do the
'Prince, wnke 'cm up act Barbara will
bo wild. You don't know her."
"I don't know herl I know Barbara
Woo In Flower Lnnnuane.
The language of "(lowers In tho Near
East Is no simple form of speech that
anyone mny understand. Long and
elubornte communications may be sent
by bouquet if tho lndy Is not too lazy
to lenrn n complicated code. Thore
Is, say those Turks who claim to un
derstand It, a direct and nn Indirect
form of flower message.
Tho Indirect message goes by words
that rhyme either with the name of
the flower or with the meaning of the
name of tho (lower. They go to
lengths in selecting and collecting
posies for bouquets to be sent singly
nnd In scries thnt would he qulto too
much trouble to the" average Ameri
can. To tho average Amerlcnn girl
It sounds too-complicated to Interest
anybody but n lndy shufup in a court
yard wlthdut a telephone.
Sealed bids will bo recoived at tho
Office of tho County Clerk of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, on or bofore
12 o'clock noon of tho 8th day of
January, 1923, for tho records,
blanks and supplies estimated as
follows: .
4-8 qr. loose leaf plain records,
printed heads.
4-8 qr. Ioobo loaf printed hoad and
page records.
5 tax lists 2-4 qr; 2-C qr., 1-3 qr.
The above records to be mado of
tho best linen ledger papor, full bond
extra ends, bands and fronts, with
canvas covers.
400 school land receipts, triplicate.
12,200 tax receipts in duplicate.
2000 Redemption Certificates in
4 dozen chattel files of 100 pages
40 assessors books, ledger paper,
cloth bound, per book.
8000 assessors schedules in dupli
cate, . CLASS "B"
Wholo sheet blanks, per' 100.
Half sheet blanks, per 100.
Quarter sheet blanks, per 100.
Envelopes, 3 1-2x6 1-2, per 1000.
Envelopes 4x9 1-2, per 1000.
Sanfords Writing Fluid, per quart.
Spencorlan or Glucium pens, por
Pencils, per gross.
Record Ribbons, per dozen.
All of said supplies to bo first
class and to bo furnlshel as requir
ed by tho County Officers.
Successful bidders to furnish
bond to be approved by tho County
Board, each bidder to havo printed
on tho envelope "Bids for Printing."
Tho Commissioners of said County
reserve the right to reject any or all
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
this 14th day of December, 1922.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
Store Open Evenings
Till Xmas
Men's Hose
Ideally suited to Gift Giving
Our stock represents the
best the market affords.
. y
Men's fino "Holeproof puro silk
hose, all tho newest 7C
shades at per pair iuC
Mon's Puro Fibor silk Holo
proof hoso. Wear liko sixty
.and looks liko silk. Eight
.1 1 Mm a. i t-i
Per pair OUC I
Mon's "Guaranteed" hoso. Six
pair guaranteed for six months
woar. Special prico mr
for box of 6 pair for jl.DU
Men's fast color hoso. Gooff
woarlng and good looking hoso
in beautiful holiday nn
box of C pair for $ I ,UU
Men's fino Bilk nnd wool hoso
in all tho novelty colors and
tho newest patterns cf
Special prico por pair,- 0UC
Men's extra heavy puro wool
hoso. Tho kind for cold
weather. Special c
prico por pair )DC
North Platte's Best Clothiers
For Men and Boys.
Store Open Evenings till Xraas.
Snntn Claus will havo a blggor load
than ovor. Ho buys !hia 'goods a;
AuBtlu'a Jowolry store.
Tho blue stationery cabinets filled
with nno bond envelopes and lottor
honds, printod as you say, mako fino
Ohrlstmns gifts. At tho Tribuno
office. !
What is homo without good muBlc?,
Tlioro is a corner waiting for ono of
our Now Edlsons. It will bo suro to
please tho wholo family. Somo now
features about this machine, Includ
ing tho" prico that will astound one.;
Dixon Muslo Shop. j
Substantial Increases in Trust Co.
resources both for tho Stato aud
Country arc shown by "Trust Com
panies of tho United States," Tho nn
nunl publication of tho United Stntos
Mortgago & Trust Company of Now
York, Just issued for 1922. Tho fig
ures aro of exceptional interest in
that 1922 marks tho 100 yea? of trust
company sorvlco in tho Unltod States.
Tho total resources for tho year end
ing Juno 30 woro $12,739,020,733 n
galnst $12,3232,430,513 last year and
aggregate doposlts for tho first timo
oxceeded $10,000,00.0,000.
Nobraska reported combined nssota
of $17,303,355, for a gain of over
President John W. Pntton of tho
Unltod Statos Mortgngo & Trust Co.
in clmmcnting on tho year's progress
"This, tho twentieth annual edition
of "Trust Companies of tho United
States:', is published during tho con
tonnlnl year of trust company activ
ities in this country, tho first grant of
fiduciary powors having been mado
In 1822.
"Tho position of tho trust compan
ies considered Tn tho light of thoir do-
Tho story is going around
that Dorothy Stuyvesant Lat
terbury, charmingly delicate
Now York girl, blushing and
smiling in a filmy wedding
gown, came daintily up the
aisle, her gossamqr veil float
ingalike mist about hor head.
According to an eye witness
she was any man's best bet for
an angel. At the alter sho
stubbed her toe on a potted
lily resting on the floor. She
said to the Minister, "That's a
hell of a place for a lily."
volopmont slnco that timo gives ovory
nromiso that thoir Influonco will con
tinue In increasing dogrco during tho
now contury.
'Trust Company rosourcos In tho
Unltod Statos for tho year ending
Juno 30, 1022 woro $12,730,020,733, thus
establishing a now high record, andtof-fectunlly-offsetting
tho loss shown in
1021 compnrcd with 1920. Tho total
oxeceds that of last year by ovor
$41G,000,000 pnd Is greater by
$237,743,000 than tho previous high
'mark of 1020."
Estato No. 1919 of James R. Shaw,
deccasod in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska. To all
porsons interested In said Estato
take notlco that o petition has btfon
filed for tho probato of an instru
ment purporting to bo tho last will
and testnmont of said deceased, and
for tho appointment of Mary B. Shaw
na Executrix of Bald estate, which
has boon sot for hearing on Dec. 20,
1922, at 10 o'clock n. m.
Dated Dec. 4, 1922.
(SEAL) County Judjjo
Estate No. 1857 of Edward P. Rob
liauacn, deceased-In tho County Court
of Lincoln County, NobrnBka.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, to nil por
sons intorostcd - In said Estato tako
notlco that tho Administratrix haB
filed n final account nnd report of hor
administration and a potltion for fln
al settlement and discharge as such,
which havo been sot for hearing bo
foro said court on Docombor 2G, 1922,
at 10 o'clock a. m., whon you may
nppoar .and contest tho samo.
Dated Docombor 1st, 1922.
Wm. H. C. Woodhurst
v County Judge
Wc Aro
Tho Mother of All Liying Itobort Kcablo
Northwest Bllndloss
On Tiptoe Stewart E. White
One of Ours Willa Cathera
Rough Hewn Dorothy Canfiold
Simon. Called Peter . Robert Keablo
Stepsons of Light i Rhodes
Shadow of the East E. M. Hull
This Freedom A. S. M. Hutchinson
West Chas. A. Seltzer
In tho Days of Poor Richard Irving Bacheller
Pour Square Grace S. Richmond
Flowing Gold . Rex Beach
Fair Harbor Jos. C. Lincoln
Tho Evil Shepherd E. Phillips Oppenhiem
December Love Robt. Richens
Cappy Ricks Retires Peter B. Kyne
Outline of History II. G. WellB
The Breaking Point Mary Robts. Rinehart
Tales of the Jazz Ago F. Scott Fitzgerald
Behind tho Mirrors
by tho author of Tho Mirrors of Washington
I'onplar Copyright Books 75c
Also Gift Books nnd Children's Books
Rincker Drug Co.
, Practice limited to .Kyc, Eur, Noso nnd
j Throat
Offices over McDonald Hnnlt
Phono JI.'O
Licenced Knibnlmers
Undertakers and Funeral Director
Buy Phono 41 Night Phono Black 538
DIt. L. a. snavely
X-Jtny Diagnosis Oxygon nnd
Gnu Anesthesia for Extractions.
Ovor Union Stato Bank
Phono 250
Special Attontlon Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Otflco Phono 83 Resldonce 88
L. & S. Groceteria.
The North Platte
Floral Co..
For Quality
and Service
. D
As A'ear to You
Your Phone
PHONE 1023.
JFw Mw V&w thyy 0W 4m&W njpw uafW W Pf