The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 15, 1922, Image 1

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j3f i0 lit
No. 93
POOR v i
The following communication from
W. E. Shuman Is printed as received
from him. Hetakes the responsibility
lor the statements made a d does not
hesitate to sign lis nrme.
Worth Platte, Nobr.
Dec. 14. 1922
To the Tribune:
"There Is something rotten in Den
mark." Worso than that as far as wo arc
concerned, there Is something rotten
in Lincoln county, and in North
Its time to investigate.
Our now court house is a scandal.
Its simply awful.
Hardly a step taken in connection
-with It is legal.
Contracts have been lot without
lawful advertising or competitive
The peoplos money lias been spent
without any regard to tho require
ments of tho law.
Enough money was yoted and rais-
Tho directors of the Associated j.
.'hurmitf held a meeting this week
and accepted the offer of two rooms 1
upstairs over the Rexall Drug storoi
a headquarters for the relief work.! 'TK.MS OF INTEREST
itose rooms were offnrod free to the'
"Jiarities by Keith Noville. A soc-i
utary will be appointed in a short
P ) and active work will bogln in'
ovlng distress among tho worthy!
,-oor of tho city. The recent cold
weather has shown tho need for this
work and somo rollof has already boon
ndministorcd by tho committee.
The local Kiwnnfs club held an in-! At a meeting of the district council
teresting meeting at tho Vineyard, 'of the Roy Scouts of meric held at
( utiunesoBj- noon ana ejected ameers j uw nmmermsn vineyard, Wodnesday
for the coming year as follows: W. 1C. noon the following officers were oloct-' . . .
.IMOUT KB. 'Starr. tiroahlanL: TP. T,. n-nmni- Mi fnr n, 1... ' , A. S. ALLEN GAVE UP KEYS LAST
. . , ... , , uv.iiiS joui iu, ik. uarr,
' nrenldnlll It. A. TtrnnVi trAiaatiw.' tMtilnnl W(l.. m..i . ......
, uv..o, iiunnuini v. . . , ttuauil lirSt VJC0"
, 0. H. Tlioelecko. district trustee! 13 J president In plinrim nf i,i,un,.. n- 1
l Seebergor, E. N. Ogier and Ii. V
Cooper, directors for two yours. Tho
vllle Johnson, second vico-prosldont in 1
oimrgo of troop organisation; Rich-!
j.unuuu,) is oieciou uy 1110 directors. 1 menu J.nrgc, third vico-prosldont in
mo dates for tho exhibition to tfo. The election followed n spirited con-i charge or camping activities' Rev 1 At a moet,ng of tho county commis
givon by tho Platto Valloy Poultry tost when a fako set of officers woro 1 Franklin Koch, fourth vico-prosldont1 s,onor9 loA Tho- Low, county
Association have boon sot for January, oloctod by thoso who woro in tho ' in charge of Iondorshlp training- Wal rk lect' wns formnll oi'Polnted
--b. Compotont judges front away Sohomo amid tho chargos Of lrrogular-l tor O'Connor,, fifth vico-nroslW n ' olorlc to fl11 tho ""Plrod term of
UIIVU UCOIl BOCUrCII nnil nil nnf nno III.. I... 11 . . i . . ' A. H ATlnti .1ir 1,...,.1,1 t. i
io; , . . . iiiN ii uiuBu who wcro not wiso to rgo ot civio sorvico: C harlna Tom-i ' uvui uia wya
SEMOIt JUGH P,UEXT.TJ3ACHEIt I point to a good show. tho nrogroin. Two reading wr rir. nlo. sixth viP.mD. . . . 1 lnst nisht following his arrest on tho
ASSOCIATION HOLD INTER- Tho dftto fop h Q I on by Miss Elder. W. V. Iloagland was tho Court of Honor; Marshall Scott I ,C!'nrg f cmb02ZlJn county funds.
fcSriNG .MEETING ' rollment In tlm wlnfr I charge of tho program. seventh vico-nresidont in i'Mp' Lowo waa expected to tako office
--- huwi , vuuiDU
- - v vuuarv t
The membors of tho senior hich at Curtis School of Agrlculturo is' lll'lUl c run 1111 iii-ii.......
.n-.. Ij.mnnrv 1 OH, A Hm ft ,, , ' " u" AHAllliAll
imi uiib'icauiiui a usmjuiuiiuu 11U1U u' " I..., muu umun
very interesting meeting Wednesday
afternoon in tho Senior high school
A business meeting was hold and tho
Ing year
man. Tho other mombers of tho
committee arc Mrs. LeDloyt and Mr.
Klllian. It was planned to announce
tho program for each meeting ono
ment for the x regular second semes
ter will also begin. Tribuno readers '
who aro interested in oithcr of thoso
Tho following announcement Jins
ss meeting was noiu anu me j iiuoiu iu uuuur oi iiiuao i '"uumiig uuuuuuuuiiiuih iins
was announced for tho com- "courses should write Superintendent j boon mno regarding tho annual of
wlth Mrs. Leon as chair- Chas K- Morso, Curtis, Nobr., for for,"S of medals by tho local D. A. R.
i- -ii i . .. fllrHmi. InfriT-inoflni. I SlnilY Tlnlfnilf Plinntni rf n.,
Sioux Lookout Chapter of tho Dauch
1 tors of tho Amorican novnluMnn
wireless station ns again offorcd a medal to tho boy
Tho Kovernmont
hero has boon broadcastlnc tho flht-'or girl from a rnrnl nnlinnl In T.ln
month in advance. After tho busl-l. B' iva"Sas uuy and maha mar" i . " (J0Unly carn,nE Ul bcBt a(1
noss meeting a piano solo was ren-!T reports avo Umoa a da. sending', n mo oigutli grado county oxamlna
dored by Miss Ruth Duncaitf. A ! the,n out ln c0lle 80 thoy could itoi ia tmy rxoxt spring. Another
very interesting health talk was jtaken up, by wlrcl088 Olograph sta- modal is given to tho 'boy or girl from
made by Supt. Braham followed by I iou,s, ,n th,is rritory. It is planned ""e of the town schools m Lincoln
a talk by Miss Walter on "Debating to dlsco this service tho last County earning tho best grado in tho
,,.,, ti.- ww. 4 01 month if there is not somo B""10 l"sy examination.
finances, nnnnrfa nf n, . ,Jnt onco- To nrrcst of Mr. Allen fol-
dono by tho officers nno commltteos ' T04 U, ,UnB f CharS0S by County
during tho past yoar woro mado and ' Att,"loy J' T' Kcofo charging him
ccontcd. Thnso rnnnr i,.i I aml Cftrl Gouchor of Omaha with cm-
ofnt.fini ! oozziomont. Tho comnlnlnt wna wrt
stantlnl progress and a hoalthv enn
dltiou at presont in tho scout work.
ed to build a fine modern, court ;nowly appointed debating coach for Icspons to lts ronuost for informa- J ZuTtJy ,', contC8t,lft r"
bo. ' ! the comIns ycar. The ograrn was j 1 .n' . Tho "quest is that anyone in ,.T?"m..,n tt"
It is about all spont and wo havo .'closed with a discussion lead by Mr
only tho outside of tho building-
Killlan "Is It worth while to cohtinuo
just tho walls, floors, roof and a parent-teachers meetings In tho Sen
ior high school." Thoro wero thirty
mothers present. The next meeting
a county,.rwiIl bo Held January 10 witn two
'topics for discussion. "How to Study"
and the second semester courses.
heating plant. Wo are told it will
take $100,000.00 m6ro to finish it
How can an officer of
city, school district or village profit
hv nnv r.nntrnnt. Riit1i nfflpfir mnlfns?
" 1
Tho law provides that no such officer ;
can have any interest either direct
or indirect, in any such contract.
That law has been violated fre
quently during tho last t'wbye'ars by
officers of the county, of the city of
North Platte, and of other govern
ment subdivisions.
If tho truth is found out, several
Mrs. Olllo Salisbury, chairman of tho
general conimlttoo of tho North Platto
Woman's club to look after tho
Christmas baskots for tho worthy poor
announced yesterday that tho don-, coin county did then ami n.nm frn,i.
ton In tho following words "Arthur
S. Allon and Carl Gouchor on or nbout
tho 20th day or Nov. A. D.( 1022, in
tho county aforesaid, Arthur S. Allen,
being thou and thoro tho duly elected,
acting and qualified county clerk of
Lincoln county, Nebraska and charged
with tho collection, receipt, safo keep
ing, transfer and disbursement of part
of tho public money belonging to L1n-
ntions will bo rccoivod at tho library
basomont on Friday of next week. Tho
bnBkots will bo mado up on Saturday
morning land delivered ourlnc tho
nftornooii. Tho first donation was by
v 111 - - - UUiiiiLiiJil Y iltt II V
this territory who Is taking up those - of oIKhth grade history and it is j tho Ideal Uakory which volunteorod
. i i. i ... hDtierl Mint, tivnil m nrn mi.illn it. Ml rrni. lnm.1My..l 1 rt .
iuiuiiH mm who wianos mem con- ..m wuw, .muui iuvua 01 urcaii. Aiiout apu pnrticlpato in the fraudulent co
tinued should write1 in and lot it bo "I)art ,n thls contest this ycar than i that number of baskets will bo glvon ; version of said public money' by sn
knotivn. If tho broadcasting in code ovor boforo- , I out. Mrs. Salisbury will bo glad to! Arthur S. Allon in tho sum of $2,32".
does not meet a need it will bo dis
Real Estate Mortgages bought and
sold. T. C. Patterson.
Miss Zota Doneganwlll arrive .homo
tills week from Omaha whore she has
been doing Chautauqua work. She will
visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Christmas stationery. Rlncker
peopio in North Platto will find that Drug Co.
tho climate of South America suits How wouiq a Thermos Lunch Kit
their health better. j jje as a suggestion for his Christmas
The law also provides that whoro Gift? Clinton & Son, Gifts that Last,
any contract is let by a county in ' -..- T nn f lint- fllnvna fnr
l i 1 1 a o 11. n..lMt.n -v C I
r 01 ""V'T in" Z tlrS9 or strect wear- llued and unl,n- mado by tho Midland college team
1 1 1 .
anu no juugement can do renaereu wo havo over Bil0Wn. Price? ?1.00 to
Wo havo a beautiful Huo of Hand
Tooled Leather Goods in Bags; Bill
Folds and Cigar Cases. Clinton & Son,
Gifts that Last
You tro Invited to attend our dem
onstration of electric wafflo irons
today and tomorrow. Nortli Platto
lj Light & Power Co. . .
A picture of tho Midland oollego
football team appeared ln tho Omaha
World-Herald last Tuesday and of
the eighteen men in the picture two
were former North Platto high school
. " it . . u J- 1 ilUUlllt
son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Adams ' bo choson. Nino teams havo joined
and Chas. Yost, son of Mr. and Mrs. , 1,10 district dobating league this
G. C. Yost both families boinc woll-''car-
known to North Platto neonle.
land -college won tho championship Woman V Benefit Assoclatior
. n . .i, - I of tho Maccabees held a very Interest
m. I ing meeting Saturday aftornoon, at
O - . . . V. j ....l . l V. I. . . J
ing on tho training they received
under Coach Novlllo and aro making
good as Is shcjwn by tho fine record
This applies to all contracts for tho
Court house.
As a tax-payer, I demand that not
another dollar bo paid out on tho
Court house until wo havo a com
plete auditing of tho affairs of every
county office connected with it.
Lets investigate. How shall wo
proceed? Shall wo call a meeting
of tho taxpayers of tho county and
mako arrangements for a complete
audit of books, papers and accounts
and go to tho bottom of things?
$4.00. John B. Edwards Company.
When you consldor buying a phono
graph bo sure to soo tho new Edison.
Prices aro right. New models, plays
all makes of records. Dixon Music
As tho Tribuno goes to press, news
comes of a reduction In price on Hud
son and Essex cars. Roy V. Busklrk
local agent will toll about It in tho
next issue of tho Tribune or you can
moo lilm nersonally at any tlmo..
' Framed Mottoes. Rlncker Drug Co.
! Monoy to loan on farms. Soo Gone
' Crook.
which time Doputy Supremo Com
mander, Mrs. ICato Swan mado hor
official visit and gave a very in
structive talk. Annual election of of
ficers was hold with tho following
ladies as leaders for 1923. Mrs. Jos
slo Mathleson, commander, Mrs. Era
roy Wo loach, lieutenant commander;
Mrs. Sarah Murphy, past commander;
Mrs. Mary Elder, Junlorcommandor;
Mrs. Crota Lemon, record koopor; Mrs
The store whose slogan is "Live Better for Less','
which means they sell Quality Groceries cheaper than any
other Store in North Platte. Do all your trading at this
store and it truly will enablo you to "Live Better for Less"
Call 212, they will deliver free of charge.
Special for
Saturday and Monday.
Prince Albert or Lucy Strike tobacco, 2 cans for 25c
Camel Cigarettes, 2 packages for 25c
Sugar. 8 pounds for -G0c
Walnuts, per pound 25c
P & G Soap per bar 5c
Rice, per pound, fancy 8c
Campbells Pork and Beans, can : 10c
White Soap, per bar 1 4c
K. C- Baking Powder, 25 cent size for ' 20c
Macaroni, package 6c
Peaches, large can 19c
Preserves, largo jar ' ' 23c
Peanut Brittle Candy, per pound 12ioC
DeForesi Cash Grocery,
An assembly was hold in tho sen
ior high school Wednesday afternoon
for tho purposo of arousing enthus
iasm for tho coming debate season.
Miss Gibson tho last years coach
gave a very good talk followed by a rota bomon' rcconl lcooI,or: Mrs'
short talk by Miss Walter tho newly I T, Tm ,1 ScrBOa,lt; Mrs' Blancuo
appointed coach for this ycar. The ""C,lto1', Btress-at-nrms; Mrs. Rose
members of last years debating team , watah; Mrs. Mary Bton-
, . " son, outsldo watch; Mrs. Magnolia IC
woro called upon and gayo very In- n of tcam
teresting talks on tho work dono last - convontlon will bo hold ,n Grnml Is.
year. After school a meeting was.lon(lf Mnrch 29th( 1923 to wh,cn Umo
held for all thoso who aro interested ' 0 gonoral InvltatIon ls oxtoildod to
in dobating and thirty students re- nll membor8 to ntt0nd. Tho North
sponded. A tryout for tho team will ! Platte nevlow drill team has boon
be held somo day in tho near futuro j nBlml to put on their fancy drill at
at which tho team for tho year will tho convention.
hoar of any other froo-wlll donations
to this cause. Mrs. Fred Rector is
chairman of tho committco to sccuro
names of familios deserving of bas
kots and sho asks that anyono know
ing of such should send hor, tho name
and accurate city address.
:o: .
Lot' us figuro with you on it OiainQnd
.for Xmas Jewolry Gift Shop.
Just received a now shipmoutof
piano rolls. Como in and hear them.
Dixon Music Shop.
Mrs. Jack Carroll and children loft
this morning for Fromont whoro thoy
will visit at tho homo of tho former's
mother Mrs. Winkolmen.
Wo carry a full lino of high grado
pianos, ranging in prico from ?3C0
to $850. Our specialty is tho Ho
bart M. Cablo. Dixon Music Shop.
u'lontly, unlawfully 'and foloniously
convert to tho uso of Carl Gouchor
tho sum of $2,327.72 and him the said
Carl Gouchor thon and thoro, being
did thon and thoro, unlawfully, will
fully and felonously ndvtso and aid
and pnrtlclpato in the fraudulent con-
Upon receipt of tho inforniuiton a
galnst Mr. Allen, tho commissioners at
onco omployod A. B. Hoagland, an ac
countant of this city, to mako a chock
ing of tho books ot tho clerk's office
for tho past fivo yoars. Mr. Hoagland
is now at work. Mr. Gouchor, Is tho
representative of tho Omaha Printing
Co. and has, boon a regular caller at
tho court hrfuso for somo tlmo. Ho was
arrosted last night. Both Mr. Allen
and Mr. Gouchor wero taken boforo
Judgo Woodhurst, whero thoy pleaded
not guilty and thoir preliminary trial
was sot for Saturday aftornoon at
t o'clock. Each was put under $2,500
bonds which woro furnished for v Mr.
Allon by F. R. Elliott and A. P. Kolly.
DoMolay Emblems, rings, bolts
and cuff links. Dixon, tho Jowelor,
Gifts that last.
Big Windows. Big Store,
lore Room,
Hoys and Girls Books
Christinas Cards
Grokinolo Hoards
rainina Dolls
Tool balls
' Toys
Subscriptions to any niagnzlnos taken
C. M. Newton.
E. R. Goodman
N. E. Buckley
Secy. Treas.
Capital $50,000.00
.''"c- ,. ,' North Platto, Nebraska.
We suggoat the transfer of your funds received from
Victory Bonds duo today into a first Mortgage Real Es
tate Bond.
We can supply you in denominations from $50.00 and
up. Tho bonds are tax free to State and municipal taxes
and bear G and 7 per cent annual interest.
Airedale Puppies
Champion Registered Stock.
Weaned, wormed and inoculated for distemper.
l In 1
Protection for the Children, Auto and Homo.
And they mako a
that will mako 'em all happy .(oven tho pup).
Wo will deliver them Christmas Eve.
Two litters to choose from at prices to fit your purse.
Females from $5 to $15. Males from $10 to 25.
Tho Homo of Good Airedales.
1520 E. 1th St. mono G28J