THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE DE SERT ithor of COPYRIGHT HARPEfl AND OHAITKIl I-rtiMmril iat. adven turer, In Caalta, Mexican border town, moets George 'i home, lieutenant In tlio Ninth cuvalry, old roller friend. Thorno tells Dale he In tlicrc to save Mercedes Caatanoda, Spnnlsh Klrl, his nfltanced wife, from Rojas, Mexican bandit. CIIAPT13U II.-Qale "roughhouscs" Rojas and IiIb gang, with the help of two American cowboys, and he, Mercedes and Thome cocape. A buclo call from the fort orders Thome to hl.i regiment He leaves Mercedes under dale's pro tectlon. CIIAPTEU III,-The pair, olded by the cowboys who hnd assisted Qalo In the escape, Charlie Ladd and Jim Lash, ar rive In safety at a ranch known as For 10m uivor. wen across uie boruer. ClIAPTEIl IV. The fucltivcs are at Tom Ueldlng's homo. lidding Is Imml- ition inspector, living witn mm are hln wife nnd stepdaughter. Nell Durton Qnlo, with Ladd and Lash, take service with Heldlng an rangers, Oalc telling Beldlng the causo of his being a wanderer, a misunderstanding with his father con cerning the son's business abilities. Chapter IV (Continued) )fWhat do you wnnt to do?" now." "I wnnt n innn's Job. I wnnt to do Holding fetched a pnll of water things with my hands. 1 want action. iul a un8i from the kitchen. Ills I want to be outdoors." ! wlfo followed him out, and, upon see- Holding nodded his head ns If lie ; K Dick's hnnd, wns nil solicitude, understood thnt, und be "began to j i1(,n dici i,enr( nBi,t, quick foot speak again, cut something short, then ( 8tei,S( hut he did not look up. went on, hesitatingly: i NCn this is Mr. Gule Dick Gale, "Gale you could go home again to the old man It'd be all right?" "Mr. Holding, there's nothing shady I In my past. The governor would be j glad to have me home. That's the , only consolation I've got. Hut I'm . not going. I'm broke. I won't be a tramp. And It's up to mo. to do something." "How'd you Hlco to bo n border rangc-i'?' asked Holding, laying a hnnd Dick felt that same strange, quick on Dick's knee. "Part of my Job , enlng heart throb, yet he hnd never hero Is United States Inspector of Im- ( been cooler In ills life. More than migration. I've got that boundary nnytlilng else In the world he waivtod lluo to patrol to keep out Chinks to look at Nell Burton; however, rfl nnd Japs. You'll not be hired by tho vinlng ' that tho situation might be U. S. You'll simply be my ranger, embarrasslnc to her. ho refrained snmo as Laddy and Jim, who Jiavo promised to work for me. I'll pay you well,, give, you a room here, fur nish everything down to guns, und the finest librae you over saw In your life, Your Job won't bo safe nnd healthy, 1 sometimes, but It'll be u man's Job don't mlstnkc mo I You can gnmblo on having things to do outdoors. Now, what do you say?" "I accept, und I thank you I can't say how much," replied Gale, ear nestly. I "Good I That's settled. Let's go out and tell Laddy nnd Jim." j Both boys expressed satisfaction at the turn of affairs, and then with j Holding they set out to take Gale i around tho ranch. Tho wide grounds j wore covered with luxurlont grass i and flowers nnd different kinds of trees. Heldlng explained that the luxuri ance of this desert place was owing to a few springs and tho dammed-up waters of tho Itlo Forlorn. "I've got one nover-fnlllng spring on my plnco," said Heldlng. "Fine, sweet water l You know what that! means in tho desert. I like this oasis, ' Tho longer I live here the better I like it. It's beautiful and healthy. , Forlorn and lonely, yes, especially for women like my wife and Nell; but I like it . . . And between you and .me, boys, I've got something up my sleeve. There's gold dust In tho nrroyos, and there's mineral up In tho mountains. If we only hud water I I There are possibilities, and I want you boys to stay with me and get In on the ground floor. I wish this rebel , war was over. . . . Well, hero nre the corrals and the Holds, Gale, take a look nt that bunch of horses 1" Holding's Inst remark was made ns be led his companions out of shady gardons into the open. Gale saw an adobe shed und a hugo pen formed by strangely twisted nnd contorted branches or trunks of mesqulte, and, beyond theso, wide, flat Holds, green a dark, rich green nnd dotted with beautiful horses. Thero were whites ' and blacks, nnd hays and grays. In his ndmlrutlon Gale searched ills memory to see if he could remember tho llko of these magnificent animals,. npi mm to uiimit uuu uie omy ones, ho could compare with them wore the Arublau steeds. "Shore I reckon 1 savvy why you don't slop nights," drawled Laddy. "I sco a Greaser out there no; it's an Indian." "Thut's my Pupugo herdsman. I keep watch over tho horses now dny nnd night. Lord, how I'd hate to hnvo Hojns or Suluzar any of thoso bandit rebels find my horsosl . . , Gnle, can you ride?" Dick modestly replied thut he could, according to the enstcm Idea ofi t0 )lor f0()t( horsemanship. j ! thank' you," Bald Gale, also rls- Tlio ringing of a bell, which Bel-j ing. With that Beldlng appeared in ding said wub n cull to supper, turned tho doorway, nnd, finding the opera tio men back toward tho house, It tlon concluded, culled them in to sup was not until they reached It and per. After tho meal, having n fnvor- wcro about to go In that Beldlni chanced to discover Galo's crippled hand. 'iVhnt nn awful' huwdj" hp ex. chjlnjejl, "Where .the. devil did you by ZANE -C3REY JttlOCrs or une jtui jfxu wwy-. Wildftie.EtC. Illustrations by DaOTHEBS. get tJlllt?" "I stove In my knuckles on Rojas," replied Dick. 'Ton did Hint In one punch? Say, I'm Rind It wasn't mo you hit I Why didn't you tell mc? That's o hnd hnnd. Those cuts nre full of dirt nnd sand. Inflammation's sotting In. It'H got to he dressed. NelU" he culled. Dick biiw u glimpse of golden halt and n white dress In the door. Hut they were not visible longer than a second. "Dad, what's the matter?" asked n voice thnt wns still as sweet at formerly, hut now rnthcr small nnd constrained. "Bring the ntrtlseptlcs, cotton, 'inn daces and things out here. Ifurry, who came with the boys last night," snld Holding. "IIo'b got an awful umd. Got it punching that Greaser Rojas. I want you to dress it. . . . Gale, this Is my stepdaughter, Nell Burton, of whom 1 spoke. She's some good when there's somebody Hick or i,urti shove out your list, my boy, nnd let her get ut It. Supper's nearly ready." from looking up. She begnn to Imtiio his injured knuckles. He noted the softness, tho deftness of her touch, and then It seemed her fingers were not quite ns stendy as they might lmve 1een. Still, In a moment they appeared to become surer In, their work. When she snt down beside him and rested . his injured hand In her lap as she cut bandages, she was so thrtlllngly nenr thnt he yielded to an irrepressible desire to look up. She had a sweet, fulr fnce wnrmly tinted with tlmt &imo healthy golden-brown sunburn. Her hair wns light gold and abundant, a waving mass. Her eyes were shaded by long, downcast lashes, yet through them he caught a glenm of blue. Despite the stir within him, Gale, Beelng sho wns now absorbed In her task, critically studied her with a see- She Was a Sweet, Wholesome, Joyous, Pretty Girl. oml ,.,.,.. ,,.,, shu Wll8 .. ,.. wholesome, Joyous, pretty girl. "Shore it mustn hurt?" Inquired Laddy, who sat an Intorosted specta tor. "Yes I confess It did," ropl. 1 Dick slowly, with his eyes on Noll 3 fnce. "But I didn't mind." ' Tho girl's lashes swept up swiftly in surprise ano uuu uiKcn ins worn literally. But tho dark-blue .eyes m-t his for only n lleetlpg second. Tlu-.i tho warm tint In her cheoks turnen ns red as her lips. Hurriedly slw Hnishod tvlm.' tho lmndniro nnd rose able opportunity when for n moment no ono wns nt hand, Dick wont out through tho yard, past the gardens nnd Holds, und climbed tho first knoll, Vestwnrd the setting jun glided a spiked, frost-colored, limitless ex- Ho tramped out, followed bywthe pansu of desert. It nwod Gale. Wlint j tnll cowboys, und then Dick was en a strange, pray, somber plneel There ablod to bring his letter to n close, wns a lighter strip of gray winding' Mercedes enme buck, nnd hor eyes down between dnrkcr hues. This he were shining. Dick, remembering realized presently wns the river bed. Holding's suggestion, decided to proflt nnd he snw now the pools of wntcr by It. narrowed nnd diminished In size till "Mny I trouble you to write nnother they lost themselves In gray snnd. for me?" naked Dick, ns he received This wns the rnlny sensou, nenr Its the letter from .Veil. end, and hero n little river struggled "It's no trouble, I'm sure I'd be hopelessly, forlornly to live In the pleased," she replied. desert. lie received n potent Impres- Tlmt wns altogether u wonderful slon of the nature of that blnsted nice- speech of hers, Dick thought, because worn wnste which he hud divined the words wore fho llrst coherent was to give him strength und work ones she bad spoken to him. nnd love. lie settled bnck nnd begun. CHAPTER V , A Desert Rose. , When Dick lay down thnt night ho' was dully conscious of pnln und head- ache that lie did not feel well. De spite this, and a mind thronging with memories nnd anticipations, he suc cumbed to wonrlness and soon fell asleep. It wns light when lie awoke, but a strange brightness seen through whnt seemed blurred eyes. A ind ent pnsscd before his mind worked clearly, and then ho had to mnke an effort to think. Ho was dizzy. When he essayed to lift his right nrm, nn excruciating pain mnde him desist. Then he discovered that his arm wns badly swollen, nnd the hnnd had burst Its bandages. The Injured mem ber was red, nngry, inflamed, nnd twice its normni size. He felt hot all over, und a raging henduche con. sumcd him. Heldlng came stamping Into the room. "Hello, Dick. Do you know t'a Into? How's tho busted fist this morning?" . j Dick tried to sit up, but his effort was n fnllure. He got about half up, then felt himself weakly sliding back. ! "I guess I'm pretty sick," lie said. ITn nu' Ttnl.ltm, tm.n m-o,'. him fool ' his fnce, nnd speak, und then every-: tiling seemed to drift, not Into dark- no tmt Intn ro.rlnn hi. had dim perceptions of gray moving: mote.- Then there curne nn Interval i when nil was blank. When he ngnin unclosed his eyes the room wns sunny, and cool with a fragrant breeze thnt blew through the open door. Dick felt better; but he had no particular desire to move or talk or eat. On the next dny he was very much improved. "Wo'vo been afraid of blood poi soning," said Beldlng. "But my wife thinks tho danger's past. You'll have to rest that nrm for a while." Ladd and Jim came peeping In at the door. "Coino in, boys. He can have com pany the more the better If It'll keep him content, ne mustn't move, that's all." Tho cowboys entered, slow, easy, cool, kind-voiced. "Shore it's tough," suld Ladd, after he had greeted Dick. "You look used tip." Jim Lasli wagged his half-bald, sunburned head. "Mustn been more'n tough for Rojns." "Gnle, Laddy tolls me one of our neighbors, fellow nnmed Cnrter. is going to Cnsltn," put in Beldlng. 'Hero's n chance to get word to your friend the soldier." "Oh, that will bo fine!" exclaimed Dick. "I declare I'd forgotten Thorno. . . . How Is Miss Cnsta neda? I hope " "Sho'8 nil right, Gnle. Been up and around tho patio for two days. Sho nnd Nell mnde friends at jmce. I'll call them in." Both girls came In, Mercedes lead ing. Like Nell, she wore white, and sho had a red rose In her hnnd. She wns swift, impulsive in her move ments to reach Dick's side. "Senor, I am so sorry you were 111 so hnppy you nre better." Dick greeted her, offering his left hand, gravely npologlzlivg for the fact that, owing to a late Infirmity, he could not offer the right. Her smllo exqulsllely combined sympathy, grntl- i tuue, udinirution. Then Dick spolce to Nell, Ukewiso offering his hnnd, j which she took shyly. Her reply was a murmured, unintelligible one; ltt 1 1 her eyes were glad, and the tint in 1 , her cheeks threatened to rival the hue of the rose she curried. Presently Dick remembered to spenk of tho matter of getting news to Thome. "Senor, mny I write to him? Will somcono tnke n letter? ... I shall hear from hlml" she said; nnd her white hands emphasized her words. "Assurodly. I guess poor Thome Is nlmost crazy. I'll write to him. . . . No, I can't with this crippled hnnd." "That'll be nil right, Gnle." snld Beldlng. "Noll will write for you. Sho writes nil my letters.'' So Beldlng arranged It; und Merce des How nwnv to her room to wrltn. , wh0 NoI1 ft)tclici, ,,cn nna ,mncP nm, seated hewlf beside Gnle's bed to 1 tftj0 j,s tictntIon. what with watching Nell and try- , mB to cntch hor glance, nnd llstonlng to Beldlng's talk with the cowboys. Dick was hard put to It to dictate nny kind of n credltnblo letter. Noll met his guzo once, then no more. Beldlng wns tnlklng over the risks In volved In n trip to Cnsltn. "I'll tell you, boys, I'll rldo In my self with Cnrter. There's business I enn see to, nnd I'm curious to know what tho rebels are doing. Gnle, I'm going to Cnsltn myself. Ought to got bnck tomorrow some time. I'll he ready to stnrt In nn hour. Hnvo your lottor roudy. And say If you wnnt to write homo It's n chajice. Sometimes we don't go to tho P. O. In n mouth." Presently Gale paused, partly, be-1 i cause of genuine emotion, and stole a look from under his hand at Nell. If she hnd In the very lenst been drawn to him Hut that was absurd" lm- possible 1 When Dick finished dictating, his eyes were upon Mercedes, who sat smilingly curious nnd sympathetic. How responsive she was I He looked nt Nell. Presently she rose, holding out his letter. He wns just In time to see u wuve of red recede from her face. She gave lilin one swift gaze, unconscious, searching, then averted It and turned nwoy. She left the room with Mercedes before he could express his thanks. Hut thn strange, spenklng flash of eyes remained to haunt and torment Gale. It wns Indescribably sweet, and provocntlve of thoughts that he believed were wild without warrant. It dawned upon him thnt for the brief Instant when Nell had met his gaze she hnd lost her shyness. It wns n woman's questioning eyes that hnd pierced through him. Next day Dick believed lie wns well enough to leave his room; but Mrs. Holding would not permit him to do so. She was kind, soft-hunded, moth erly, nnd she was always coining in to minister to his comfort; yet Gale felt that the friendliness so manifest ,n tlle "theiS Of tl)e household (11(1 IlOt extomJ, tH hr- llu wns conscious of something tlmt a little thought per- "Uttded Mill WUS antUgOllIsm. It SUr- Prised und hurt him. He reflected that there might come u time when 11 "u"m " "mie, mr nevunu any ground of everyday friendly klndll ness, to have Mrs. Heldlng be well disposed towurd him. So he thougnt about her, and pondered how to make her like him. It did not take very long for Dick to discover that ho liked her. Iler face, except when she smiled, was thoughtful and sad. But it seemed too strong, too Intense, too nobly lined. It was a face to make one serious. Like a haunting shadow, like n phantomof happier years, the sweetness of Nell's face was there, and Infinitely more of beauty than had been transmitted to the daugh ter. Dick believed Mrs. Beldlng's friendship and motherly love were worth much striving to win, entirely asldo from nny more selfish motive. He decided both would be hard to get. Toward evening Gale heard the tramp of horses nnd Beldlng's hearty voice. Presently the rancher strode in upon Gale, shaking the gray dust from his broad shoulders nnd waving a letter. CHATTER V. (Continued) Shaving sots, traveling sets, mili tary brushes and key cases will please the gontlemon this Christmas. Clin ton & Son, Gifts That FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulb t farmers prices ai PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM John S. Twinem, M. D. (Homeopath) Medicine, surgery and obstetrics Vorth Phittc, Ncbr. (Drug room with drugs for acuto and chronic diseases.) ' s 1 When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe aceoazaar Everythlnj first class and prices roasnnablo. Opposlto Union Pacific Stntlon. mi. UAltOLI) II. WALKER Practice limited to Eye, Enr, Noso nnd Thront Offices over McBonnld Ilnnk Phono Sod I) It. L. A. SNAVELY Dentist X-Rny Diagnosis Oxygen nnd Ota Anesthesia for Extractions. Ovor Union Stato Bank Phono 256 EI) KIEK1G Auctioneer For dates nnd terms call at First National Bank . North Platte, Nob. Office 340 Mouse 488 DR. V. I. S11A1TEK Osteopnth Physlclnn Over the Ousts North Plato W. T. PRITCIIARI Graduate Veterinarian 'Government Veterinarian nnd ex iBstHtant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Phonos. Hospital G33 Residence G3S mi. HA HOLD FEXXEH Osteopath Over Hlrschf eld's Ofrtce Phone 333 Res. Phone 102' OTIS K. I'LATT, 31. T). Physician and Surgeon X-Bnj DiagnoBS nnd Treament " Over Uuiou State Bauk Office Phone 2'JCW House Phono 26f ' ii r int v in: it it v k Foitnrcs LIcciiMcri Eutlmlmers Undertakers ami Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phone Black 54r JOHN S. SIMMS, M. 1). Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Offlco Phono 83 Residence 38 DM. REDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-IIay Calls promptly answered Night or Da' Phones. Offlco G42 Residence 676 Office Phone 241 Res. Phone 21 L. C. DltOST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building GEO. B. DENT Physician and. Surgeon Special Attontion Given to Surgerj and Obstetrics Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130 Residence 115 DOUCET MUSIC STUDIO Trevlyn E. Doucet Teacher of Violin and Cornet Die. 3JL R. STATES Chiropractor UnmiiP 5 6. 7 Building & Loan Bid? Office Phone 70 Res. Phono 1242 NOTICE Paving Assessments for the follow ing, districts may now bo paid at tht offlco of tho City Treasurer. Paving District 3 (East 4th Street) 4 (West 5th) 5 (West 4 to Oak) 0 (East 6th) Districts 3 and G havo been drawing intorest since October 6th, 1922, and districts 4 and 5 will begin drawing interest Deoember 6th, 1922. L. E. MEHLMANN City Troasuror NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that scaled bids will bo received for the' con struction of. Sower Lateral District No. 4 which consists of Blocks "B", 7, 8, and 9 of Cody's addition to tho city of North Platto, Nebraska and that part of tho Northwost Quarter of Southeast Quarter of Soction 32, Town ship 14, Rango 30, commencing at the main sower on Jackson Avenue where tho same Intersects tho center lino of tho alloy, thonco westerly along tho alloy lino through the nbovo doscribod property. Plans and specifications may bo had from tho City Engineor of tho city of North Platte, Nobraska. Said bids will ho received up to eight o'clock p. m., December 19th. 1922. Tho Council reserves the r! ht to roject any and all bids. Witness my hand this Cth day of Dccomber, 1922. O. E. ELDER City Clerk. Halllgan, Bettty & Halligan, Attys. NOTICE OP PETITION Estato No. 1919 of James R. Shaw, deceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To nil porsons Interested in said Estato tako notice that a petition has been filed for tho probate of an Instru ment purporting to bo tho last will nnd testament of said deceased, and for tho appointment of Mary B. Shaw as Executrix of said estato, which has been sot for hearing on Dec. 2G, 1922, at 10 o'elock a. m. Dated Dec. 4, 1922. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up b undersigned Block 33 and 34, Novlllo addition, County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska,' on tho 19 day of November 1922, 1 black gelding, 2 yoars old; 1 dun colored gelding coming 2 yoars old; 1 gray maro com ing 4 yrs. old.Unbroko and no brands. Dajod this 22 day of November 1922. Signed Geno Crook. 1 " 1 j NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Eatato No. 1857 of Edward P. Rob hnusau, doccasod In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraskn, to nil per sons lntorostod in said Estate tnko notice that tho Administratrix has filed a final account and report of hor administration and a petition for fin al sottlomont and dlschargo as such, which have been set for hearing be fore said court on December 2G, 1922, at 10 o !ock u. m., when you may appoar and contest tho same. Dated December 1st, 1922. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst County Judge J. C. Hollman, Attorney NOTICE TO-CREDITORS Estate No. 191G of William S. Depuy deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Credit ors of said cstato will tako notice that tho time limited for prosontation and tiling of claims against said Estate is March 12th, 1923, and for settlement of said Estato is Nov. 7th, 1923; that I will sit at tho county court room in said County ,on December 12th, 1922, it 10 o'clock a. m., and on March 12th) ij5 at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or ndjust all claims and objections duly (lied. Dntcd November 7th 1922. Wm. H. C. W ODMURST, - County Judge. Seal EXTENSION ROAD NO. 37 To whom It may concern: A consent petition presented to tho board of county commissioners to lo cate a road commencing nt the South west corner of Section nino (9) and the Southeast corner of Section eight (8) Town Thirteen (13) Rango Thirty four (34) to connect with road No. 213. All objections thereto or claims for damago must be filed in tho Coun ty Clerk's office on or beforo noon on the 2nd day of January, A. D. 1923 or such road will bo established with out reference thereto. Said road to bo 66 feet wide. A. S. ALLEN County Clerk EXTENSION ROAD NO. 247 To whom It may concern: A consent petition presented to tho board of county commissioners to lo cato a road commencing nt tho South west corner of Section 27, Township 14, North of Range 31 we3t of tho 6th P. M. and running thonco North on section lino to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. All objections thereto or claims for damage must bo filed in the County Clerk's offlco on or beforo noon of tho 2nd day of January A. D. 1923 or such road will be established without reforence thereto. Said road to be 66 feet .wide. A. S. ALLEN County Clerk SHERIFF'S SALE By virtuo of on order of sale issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebr., upon a decree of fore closure rendered in said Court wherein David H. Corbett is plaintiff, ind W. L. Fristo, ct al aro defendants, nnd to me directed, I will on the 9th day of Docembor 1922, at 2 o'clock P. M., at tho cast front door of the Court House in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska sell nt Public Auc tion to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Intorest and costs, tho following described proper ty, to-wit: West half of tho southwest quarter (WAof SW&) of section thirty-five (35) In township eleven (11) north of rango thlrty-ono (31) west of the 6th P. M. Lincoln County, Nobraska. Dated North Platte, Nebr, Nov. 4, 1922. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. VACATION OF ROADS NO. 120 & 161 To whom it may concern: Tho commissioner appointed to va cate roads Number 120 and 161. Road No. 120 commencing on the section lino between sections 8fcand 9 Town 14, Range 33, thonco in a Northeast erly direction, parallel with tho south bank of tho North Platto rivor, and terminating on tho section lino bo f"on sections 9 and 10 Town 14 go 33. ad road No. 101, commencing on ion line betwoen Sections 9 and Town 14, Rango 33, thonco run ' In r Southeasterly direction to section lino betwoen sections 10 11 in Town 14, Rango 33, West roportod In favor of tho vacation eot(, and all objections thereto : t be filed In tho county clerk's l io on or beforo noon on tho 2nd of January, 1922 or such roads U bo fvacatod without reference. ' f qto. A. S. ALLEN County Clerk