The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 08, 1922, Image 2

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Roubon Johnson traiiHsctwl buslnoss
in Gothenburg Wodnosdny. i
W. II. McDonald loft Wednesday for j
Lincoln where he wilt transact busi
ness for n few days. 1
Miss Clara Sorenson lias taken a
position with tho Clinton Jewolry
store during tlio Christmas rush.
Mrs. .1. II. Crocker and chlldron loft
yesterday for Daaco, 111. where they
will spond a few weeks visiting the
former's paronts. 1
Roycroft hand hammered copper
vases, book ends, and desk sets, offer i
the Xmas shoppers gifts of Individ- j
uallty. Dixon, the Jeweler. j
Miss Frances Duty has resumed her
dutlos as oporator for tho Union PacT j
Iflc after a vncatlon of ono wcok spent (
with relatives In Cheyenne.
Tells President of
Klan's Activities
system, boglnnlug at the main sower faithful performance of said contract.' Section 7. This ordlnnnco shall
on Jackson avenue, whore tho snmo. Section 6. To pay tho costs of tho take effect from and after Its passage,
Intersocts the center line of tho alloy Construction of tald sowor lateral, j approval and publication,
More and more difficult evory day
Is the choice of good roadlng tho
in part of the Northwest Quartor of
Southeast Quarter of Section 32, town-
k'nd that nouriehoa the young and ro- ship 14, Range SO. produced, thenco
freshes tho old. Ono way to avoid mis
takes Is to choose the book or period
ical that stands for something that
Is not evorlastlngly supplying the sen
sational and silly. Tho Youth's Corn-
west on centor line of alley in said
part of Northwost Quarter of South
oast Quarter of Section 32, Township
14, Rnngo 30, also Blocks "B", 7, 8,,
and 9 of Cody's addition to tho city of.
flush tanks, man hofos and appliances, j
a special assessment shall bo lovied
according to law aghlnst the lots and
land abutting on the line of said lateral.
Passed and approved this 21st day
of NovombarlOW.
Attost: 0. E. Eldor Mayor
City Clerk (SEAL)
' panlon has always been published by North Platte, Nebraska, to (h west
sldo of Block 9. of said Cody addition,
thoro to terminate.
Section 3. That the engineor of
Wo tako thjs method of expressing
our thanks to tho friends and nolgh- i
"bors for their kindness and sympathy
extended to us during tho Illness and (
death of our boloved lniBband and
father, also to tho minister and un-!
dcrtakor for tholr kind services and !
tho Baptist Indies for tho floral trlb-(
utcs. !
Mrs. BenJ. Masters,
children and grandchildren.
This picture of Gov. John Parker
of Louisiana was taken as he left
the White House after telling Pres
ident Harding of the Ku Klux
Klan's amazing growth in his state
and intentions to control through
political power.
8tatues on British Parliament Build
ings Unable to Stand Awful
Climate of London.
Rates Rrise?
Or are they goln'g to?
Protect your pocket book and it
buy 100 Old Lino LIfo Insur- ;
anco on any plan. Seo or phono if
The outer walls of the houses of
parliament In London ate crumbling.
Hundreds of carved Images, mostly of
Imaginary royal figures, have been un- DoBton, Mass.
nuie to witnstanu tne ravages oi me
weather, combined with the smoke
laden London atmosphere. They suffer
ulso from tho lack of respect shoyi
them by hundreds of pigeons which
roost on tho scepter and sharpen thoir
benks on tho noses of kings.
Scarcely a day passes but a mon
arch's hand or toe falls Into Palace
yard. Not long ago a king's head was
found In fragments on the terrnce.
During the recess scaffolding will
be erected and many workmen em
ployed, nt n cost of $55,000, picking off
the loose bit's. Thus may one man In
n day uncrown scores of kings.
Sir John Gllmour, who represents
i.t I the government department thnt looks
$ j after public buildings, Is of tho opinion
it i that none of the kings or other dlstln-
i gulshed folk will bo allowed to stick
i.t I it out much longer on tlie outer wulls
of parliament. "I think the day will
i.t come before long," ho says, "when nil
1-i , the statues will have to bo taken uway.
The situation does not ngreo with
men who folt a keen responsibility
to tholr roadors und thoy have hold
1 steadfast to ono purposo: to fnmlliar-
Izo Companion roadors with tho host said city at once prepare and file with
j things In tho world, and by moans of
! original articloa and stories to lllus-
trnte tho truth that the practice of
old, homely virtues brings the greatest
I satisfactions In life. Try It for a year
! and sec.
Tho 52 Isues of 1923 will bo crowd
ed with serial stories, editorials, short
stories, poetry, facts and fun. Sub
scribe now and recolvo:
1. Tho Youths Companion 52 issuos
in 1923.
2. All tho remaining Ibucs of 1922.
3. Tho Companion Homo Calendar , matl for saltl work that th contract
for 1923. I therefor bo entered Into by tho Mayor
AH for $2.50. of tno sald clty attested .by tho Clerk
4. Or include McCnlls Magazine, tho I with tho necessary provisions for tho
monthly nuthority on fashions. Both protection of the Interests of said city
publications, only $3.00 j aml uPn tllc contractor furnishing n
THE YOUTHS COMPANION ' uontl m a sufficient amount for tho
Commonwoalth Ave. & SU Paul St.,1 - "
the clerk of thoroof an ostlmatc of the,
costs of said proposed sower lateral
Section 4. That after said estimato
is made and filed as herein provided, I
tho Clork of said city shall proceed at ' -onco
to advortise in manner and form
ns required by . law for bids for tho ,
construction of said sowor Vilernl !
and appliances reserving to said city j
the right to reject any and all bids I
Section 5. If an approved bid be
won farmers
I -have opened an Army Store in North Platte at the
corner of Locust and Front streets with a large line of
the goods usually found in such stores. I intend to keep
this store here until June 1, 1923 and perhaps longer.
Come in and look us over.
John M. Thompson, Mgr.
Subscriptions received nt this Office.
, Blankets
Superior Values
Good weight cot-.
tos blankets j CI rr i mn
x74 lnchea. ... .751. ly
Heavy wool Un
laced blankets,
(all cotton) fl0jj2 93
.Extra weight
wool finished all
cotton blankets: fcO J ffe
00x80 laches... $O.HtU
All wool Scotch-
plaid blankets; Jf A A
00x80 inched. , . JpO.ifU
J. C. Penny Co.
Steam Plow, Traction Engine-, Tram
car, and Other Vehicles Have
Transported Bridal Parties.
An American bridegroom who mndo
Jils journey to the nltur yl.i a steam
plow has had many rivals In matri
monial carrlugcs.
It Is not long since u bridal couple
and their guests made a dramatic ap
pearance In a Kentish village on a
traction engine, and a procession of
trucks gayly decorated with flags, flow
ers and evergreens, says London An
swers. A wedding party drove up to St
Mark's church, Blnulnghnm, ono Eas
ter Sunday In mourning, the conches
nnd tho horses being Incongruously
adorned with white rosettes. A pret
tily decorated tramear wnstho chosen
vehicle of a Wolverhampton bridal
party, tho driver and conductor wear
ing white gloves and smart button
holes and tho Journey to thu church
being heralded by the explosion of
fog signals.
But perhaps tho most novel Journey
of all was that of a young Austrian
couple, whose wedding procession slid
An ordlnnnco providing for tho con
struction of sewor lateral district to
ba known ns Sowor Lateral No. 4 to
consist of BlockB "B" and Seven (7)
Eight (8), and Nino (0) of Cody's ad
dition to the city of North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, and part of
tho Northwest Quarter of Southeast
Quarter of Section 32, Township 14,
Rnngo 30, West Gth p. in., Lincoln
county, Nobrnska, also commencing
at tho main sower on Jackson avonuo
whero the samo Intersects tho center
lino of tho alloy In part of tho North
west Quartor of Southeast Quarter of
Soctlon 32, Township 14, Rango 30,
produced, thenco west on centor lino
of all6y 1n said part or Northwest
Quarter of Souyicast Quartor of Sec
tion 32, Township 14, Range 30: also
Blocks "IT. 7, 8, and 9 of Cody's Ad
dition to tho city of North Platte,
Nebraska, to tho west sldo of Block
Nino (9) of said Cody Addition thero
to tormlnnto. To bo constructed of 10
Inch sower plpo with proper flush
tdnks, manholes and proper npplianc
03; providing for un estimato of tho
costs thereof and for bids for making
contracts for said sower lntoral and
also providing for a levy against tho
abutting lots and lands along tho lino
of said sewer lateral to pay tho costs
of tho samo.
Bo It ordained by tho Mayor and
City Council of tho city of North
Platto, Nobraska:
Soctlon 1. That a sowor lateral!
district NS 00 formed and tho ,
samo Is hereby formed frpm Blocks
"B", 7, 8, and 9 of Cody's addition to
tho city of North Platto, Nebraska,
and part of tho Northwest Quarter of rw
Southeast Quarter of Section 32, -J
Saturday, Sunday & Monday. 1
PRICES 25c, 3Sc, 50c. - jS
I Keith
i. 0 la .
in. in Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Soctlon 2. That a sewor lateral" bo
constructed of 10 Inch sewer pipes
through Blocks "B", 7, 8, und 9, of
down a steep hill from tho bride's ' Cody's Addition to tho city of North
nonie to 1'n.vsnacK cnurcn on seven io-1 n iitto. NohrnRkn. nnd tmrt of tin
! boggnns decorated with pine branches , Nnr(invwit ounHor of RnnMmnW LK
i n ' - rti
nun miui-tn. ., nt cnntlnn 9 rn...,i,. l -non-n
30, west C p. m., Lincoln county,
Nobraska, at a proper depth and on a
lovol required by the present sowor
I have moved onto tho North Side to 117 W. 8th st.
Just west of Buick garage lower rent more floor space
and Hotter light. Enables mo to servo you better and cheap
er. I also havo an export plumber now, who will do your
work reasonably. I alBo do all kinds of Tin, Copper and
Sheet-metal work.
I can also save you money in tho following:
Hand Made Copper Boilers, Factory, Made Copper Boilers,
Oil cans, all sizes, Wash tubs, all sizes, Tin cups, Dippers,
Tin and Granlto Palls, Stovo Plpo and Elbows.
Come and sco mo if you want to save money.
Yours To rionso
Wm. Waldorf
Get an Oil Burner at Waldorf's that bums right and
tho Price Ih right.
Lengthen the life of your motor
Automobiles, trucks, tractors, engines and pumps that work
in the dust of country roads and fields depreciate faster than
motors operated in cities. Dust wears down piston rings
and lets gas and oil work past them.
By preventing oil and gas from leaking past a motor's
pistons, McQuay-Norris Piston Rings increase its power,
decrease carbon troubles; and usually save enough fuel and
oil to pay for themselves. No matter where you plan to
have your car overhauled, it wll pay you well to order
them. Ask for the genuine McQuay-Norris rings.
We Carry a Complete Service Stock
J. iS. Davis Auto Co. North Platte, Nebr.
CS- OCJ U?3ooii an cxcluttve
P two-piece deiign, prevent
n n Ins 'o of 8 and com
i er Kins prenlon. Qlvet equal pre
cure at all points on cylinder walls. For
til plsion groove except top, which should
have tuiptrcvC Bach ring packed in a perch
rnent container.
Supo-cvC Keeps lubrica
ting oil out of combustion
' cr "nB oil on each down stroke of
piston and empties on each up stroke,
which ordinary grooved rings cannot do.
Bach ring packed in a parchment container.
Ctfttr JlFFY-GRlP a one-piece
- V rlng. Non-butting Joint, which
Per Ring can be fitted closer than ordi
nary step cut velvet finish
Sulck seating. "Seats in o Jiffy." To keep
acra clean and free from rust, each ring
Is packed in an Individual glassine envelope.
Snap Rings of the hlfhcf nrade.
Raited above the average by MtQuay
Norris manufacturing methods. Their
use Insures all the satis faction possible for
you to get from a plain snap rtr?. They
ore packed twelve rings to the carton and
rolled In waxed paper.
"""'Mill' t 111""'""