The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 08, 1922, Image 1

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No. 96
Miss Ida Lamplnugh, the second
: daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Lamp-
lnugn, living ai jjiu uuuai ohbh
The mothers of tho team men of
the high Bchool football squad enter
tained tho boys nnd their coachos at
club 1
Tho North Platto Womnnfe dull
will again mako up nnd distribute
rChrlstmas baskets to tho desorvinc
i iniibii, ii.ii.c .... . 1 --- ..vv ..,. ,, itpirm'i'li' ivn VII
Idled at 2 o'clock yesterday morning' a banquet last night in tho basomcnt "'' UWL, lAimuiiv. au J-.i"ilK)or families of tho city. Mrs. Ollio
of dlpthcria after an Illness of a few j of the Episcopal church. Tho letter, I'CATIONAL 0HGAN1ZA- 'Salisbury Is chairman of Welfare
days. She was eighteen years old and mon nnd tho reserves wero present , Work and nt tho mooting of tho club
' has always lived here. Sho attended and made n jolly bunch as they cheor
I tho local high schqol nnd has been od, tho mothers and snug somo of
I employed nt tho Memorial hospital for j their dressing room songs. Supt. Brn-
tho past three months. Besides her . ham was toastmaster nnd introduced
"Hickory Geno" Sullivan has been
selected to roprosont the,Nobrnska
Farm Bureau at tho meetings of tho
Lincoln county Farm uurcau to bo
Iiold on Dec. 15. Tho meeting will bo
hold in the Firemen's hall In North
Platte and will open at 1:30.
noxt Tuesday nftornoon sho will an-,
nouneo tho commlttoos and tho plans
for the distribution. It is announced i
Tho following statement from Jonn timt Mry- Dorsoy Loypoldt will havo
' . . , . . ... .. If 'Plrrnrf TTnlfn.l Stntno Pm,i m Iflfllnnnr . , . ... . . " "-""B Uli local COUnCU
parents sho leaves lour Bisiors dud uio speauers as iouows: -rep - uon-,- vllurs9 (U soliciting uio inings 10 do 0f rjoy Scouts hold Woclnomlnv nnnn
... . ...... ... ., .. , nt Pflnnntlmi. nvnlnlna n nntlnnnl ...... i J otuuis iiuiu L(iueaun noon
three brothers to mourn her untlmoly aid Russell, "Signals" Floyd Morris,
decease. A private funeral was hold ! "Forward Passes" Denver Wilson, mov
Education, explains a national ,put ln tho bnskots whllo M, Fml--? " nccmt-Z
cment which W importance to,Roclor ,nnlt0 up tUo llst ot fnm. . JJ . c ccop tho e p n
this morniug at 10:30 with Father Mc
Dald officiating at tho grnvo
Touch Back" George Dent, "Substl-i cal Pplo in ovory community InjlUog. Anyono knowing of any such!c, to comprise four counties
It. I. Scott was arrested at a local
rooming house this week and Is hold
in the county jail charged with steal
ing a watch and ?20 in money.
Andy Wessbofg is now engineer and
janitor at tho court house, W. R.
Iloyso having given up tho position
as Janitor this week.
tutes" Beelcr Scott, "Ninety Yards" j Lincoln county
" j Dale Stroup, "Safety" William Snyflor, ! rwo years ago Dr. P. P. Clnxton,
and Bodkcr. "All American" Vic Hnlligan. "Noisy" former Commissioner of Education, ln-
C. H. Yost, Theo. Lowe, T. M. Co- payo Yearsloy,' "Memories" Darrell stltutcd tho observance of tho first
hngon, Henry Coker nnd E. II. Spring-, IIoaley( ..Touci1(own" Gcorgo Shnnor,' weok In Deccmbor as "Education
"Scorca"' Keith Neville. Ono of tho Week". Tho American Legion last
year becamo 'interested in tho porpet
uation of such a weok and took to
InHlntlvo ln Inviting tho Nntionnl Ed-
fnmillos will do well to lot Mrs. Rec-;pirt of tll0 stnto. Tho counUob
or attended tho meeting of County
Clerks and Commissioners at Omaha
this week. They report a largo at
tendance and a meeting filled with
value to officials. The meeting next
year will bo held In Omaha.
tor know tho names.
slblllty of organizing n district coun-
ln this
Lincoln, Dawson, Keith and Perkins.
This plan Is In accord with tho re
commendations of tho Nntionnl Coun-
'cll upon tho rocommondatlon of tho
features of the ovcnlng wns a guess
ing contest. A giant cako was crown
ed with a mlnlturo footbnll which con
tained a number of pieces of candy.
Tho boys wero asked to guess tho
The bazaar given at the Lutheran ' nuhibor. Tho guesses ran all tho .way
church Wednesday afternoon by tho 'from six to five hundred fifty. The
T.n,na Ai.i tho itIHb club and thQ ! number wns five hundred twenty and
Deputy Sheriff Roy Wilson left this, weU nttcmled Cftk0S( fancy ! tho candy went to Fayo Yearsloy who
morning for Lincoln where ho took , , lmmn made caudv and Christ- nlso claimed tho cako. Much credit Rational Educational Association ln
wurr .lonnson, boiuuuwu iu i.uiu uuu mM novoWeB wer0 sold. Tho ladles xor tno ianq.uei is iiud 10 w. u. uoe- inviting every American organization,, bcst toamg Bent m,t b H , , , of tho nominating committee wns read
i district supervisor. It Is plannod to
Tho first basket ball gamo of tho ' fitart tho "ow organization with tho
season will bo played tomorrow oven- j now "criri Scout Executive Stophens
lur In tho nudltnrltnn wliin im lnnni has mndo a preliminary survov of tlm
ucationnl iModatlon nnd other or- Lns1ot toggcrs m(jot tho fnst Suthcr J conditions nnd made ono short trip
land team. North Platto has a good i ,nto Keith county. Ho was rocolvod
team this year, with, several of horw,tn enthusiasm at Ogalalla, Paxton,
old mon back. A captain "will not bo ', Koystono other points nnd has
choson until nftor tho first ot tho',lluI cncournglng reports from plnccs
year. Tho team Is conched by Mr. I ilx uotl1 Dawson and Perkins county.
Roettgcr, who promlsos ono of tho At tho meeting Wodnosdny tho report
ganizatlons to co-oporato In tho ob-
sorvnnco ot "American Education
Week... This year tho United States
Bureau of Education Is co-oporating
iWlth tho American Legion and tho
to seven years ln the state reform
atory and Layton Loughroy to servo
the same length at tho penltentlnry.
Both were convicted of stealing.
Tho first meeting of tho N. P. club
for the year was held Tuesday after-
Among those who loft this morn
ing for Kearney to attend tho Lincoln
Kearney football gamo were: Mrs. H.
A. Lawhead, Allen Lawhead, Miko
.l i,. v.1!n,..r.n. nfflnnra worn TTnvrm. R. (1. Lancford. R. D. HaS-
UUUll .will 1.11V. iwilw ... t " ..... ,
elected for tlie coming year Denver , mussen, R. R. Dickey, Ed Dickey, Dr.
Wilson, president; Fayo Yearsley, ' Yost, Darrell Healoy, C B. McComb,
vice-president; Dale Stroup, secretary Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swope, Perry Car--teasurer.
Tho new members taken son, Keith Neville, Jay Smith, Edwin
in nt this meeting wero Weber, ToutrBarraclaugh, Mrs. Otto Weber, Mrs.
... i. i i .1 1 .. .. e i.ti.1.
aid served a twenty-five cent luncu t. " l l"u "
during tho afternoon. scllo1 who was tho pushing Influonco
wiricn sont u across so oig. '
G. C. Yost and Allison Yost.
emu, ciiurcn, uuuuui, iiuwbii.iiiui , iiiub- , gchool
nzlno, throatro and, Individual and bod-
los of ovory-'dcscrlption to participate! n. o. Hopport. prunlnc oxnort with! od: E.J3. Cnrr. Dr. .T. s. Twinom. n t.
! nnd accopted and tho following mom-
j bors of tho District council woro olect-
ha real nation-wide revival of educa
tional enthusiasm.
The Americanism Commission of tho
North Plattes Exclusive.
Holeproof Hosiery Store
She knows is best
Holeproof jjf
flasierg 11
the one present that never
fails to delight a woman.
Word wns received here last weok
of tho election of Miss Sylvia Watts
as county superintendent of Yellow-; American Legion called upon tho Com
stono county, Montana. She ran on tho mtsslonor of Education to Invito Pros
Republican ticket and had tho largest Idcnt Harding to Issue a Proclamation
majority of any of the candidates for tho observance of this week. Tho
elected. Miss Watts is tho daughter-of , President has given nssuranco ot his
Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Watts, former- desire and willingness to do this,
ly of this city, now living nt Billings, Tho Bureau of Education has ar
Sho was a teacher in tho North Platto ranged with, tho Interdopnrtmont Ad
schools for a number of years. j vlsory Committee on Govornment
1 Radio Broadcasting to uso tho Govern-
A copy of the Topeka, (Kansas) ( ment's broadcasting stations twlco a
Dally Call was received hero yestor-uiny throughout tho week for tho pro-
day telling of the death In Topeka of mulgatlon of educational radio mat
Bert R. Fletcher, formerly of this; erlal, ln connection with tho week's
city. Mr. Fletcher was 41 years ottcnmpnlgn.
ago and an omployeo of tho Santa Fo -Tho Commissioner, of Education
railroad at tho time ot his death. Ho J called upon Will H. Hays, president
is survived by three daughters, Marion j of tho Motion Plcturo Producors nnd
Fletcher, Oklahoma City, Lucille and Distributors of America, to discover
Doris of Independence, Mo. and one to what extent tho motion picture
brother Alfred Fletcher of Zalzetz, houses of America would cooperate.
making tho weok, December 3 9, tho Unlvorsity Extension department' Johnson, J. C. Hollmnn, W. J. Brnham,
spent two dnys In Lincoln county giv- Ira L. Baro, Dr. Clnudo Solby, F. F.
lng demonstrations of pruning, graft-' Overman. J. A. Peters, N. E. Buclcloy,
Ing and cnrlng for fruit nnd shndo R. D Blrge. W. .7. O'Connor, John B.
trees. Tho largest attendance wns at Edward i, W. R. Malpnoy, Wilson
tho D. E. McDonnld farm wore tho Tout. J. E. Sebastian, Rov. N. P. Pat
agrlculturo class from tho Maxwdll Waon, Rov. Paul Shonk ,Rov. II. E.
high school took In tho lemonstrn- Hess, Rev. P. McDaid, Chas. F. Temple,
tion. For typeoplo attended thoro. ' W. J. Hendy. It, Is planned to visit
There woro twenty-ftvo at tho Albort cach ot the following places nnd glvo
Johnson farm Tuesday afternoon and any nsslstanco required In order to
ten each at tho demonstrations on tho orgnnizo nnd .maintain offlciont boy
MIddloton and Piper places. Count- scout troops Keystone, Ognlalln, Tax
ing tho cold weather this was highly ' ton, Sutherland, Moxwoll, Horshoy,
satisfactory to tho department offlc- Brady, Gothonburg, Lexington, Cozad,
Ms- Wnllaco, Sarbon, Grnnt, Madrid, Brulo
:o: i and othor places. Each trooD oreanlz-
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Forstoadt re
turned the first of tho week from Mln
ataro, Nobr. after visiting. with rel
atives. . Miss Margaret Harlngton of Bridge
port visited ln tho city with Miss Ev
elyn Leypoldt while enrouto to Omaha
where she will attend Boyles Busi
ness College.
Mr. Hays was very generous and en
thusiastic and has doflnltoly arranged
for the working out of a program ln
Framed Mottoes. Rinckor Drug Co. I d In tho district Is to bo ropreBontcd
which tho facilities ot tho moving pic- state commlsloners of Education hnvo
ment ltfTohnlr ' 5r"odiicailbnrTfiotn .tho-cminy b7-thiJM:hnrmtOT.-l-tH
newspapers and pross generally havo tr00p comml"G nnd ono or tho local
been Invited to 1ssuo special educa- m,nlBtcrfl of thnt placo' Tho oxPenso
tional editions If possible, and if this!18 to 1)0 nPPr"nd that each
Is not possible, to emphasize educa- community represented by scouting
tlon during those dnys by editorials, wHI bonr Its Just Proportion of tho
special articles, and In such other Xp.80,
ways as they find possible
At tho presont writing a very largo
number of State Superintendents and
turo houses may bo used effectively
during American Education Week.
All governors, mayors and others In
plnccs of executive authority aro ex
pected and Invited to lssuo procla
mations nnd otherwlso promote
general observance of this great move-
Ladies Finest cfuallty Silk and
Wool hoso In all tho popular
colors. Hand ombrold- &) QC
ered Clocks. Per Pair
Ladles Fino Quality Silk and
Wool Hose, drop stitch with
Ribbed Top. Wonder- . O Of?
Jul values. Per Pair
' Ladles. Silk and Wool Hoso In
all 'tho popular shades with
Persian Clocks. Price, 1 AC
Per Pair lUO
Ladles Silk faced hoso with
Rlbbol top. Looks like Aff
Silk, Per" pair JJ
Ladles extra heavy puro silk
Hoso, full fashlonea. O A
Per Pair, tl
Ladles heavy thread silk hoso
with ribbod top. Our greatest
solving Hose. Per j QC
Ladies puro silk hoso with
Ribbed top, wonderful 1 CP?
value. Per pair
Ladles Silk and Wool Hoso all
tho popular shades drop stitch
and Plain. Prico per 1 fiC
Men's Holeproof Silk nnd Wool
hoso ln newest novelty. Patterns
hand embroidered. Poi g QQ
Men's Holeproof Silk and Wool
hoso in all tho now colors with
Persian clocks. Prico 1 OC
Per Pair A'
Men's Holeproof, Extra Heavy
Silk Hoso, Black and O. Att
Brown, only. Per Pair
Men's Holeproof silk Hoso In
Black, Brown, Groy Champagno
and White. Prico Pei -I QCS
Pair 1.J70
North Platte;s Exclusive Holeproof Hosiery Store.
$1.50 La Bohero Faco Powder .98
1.25 Wary Garden Faco Powder -89
1.00 Jardln do LIlos Faco Powdor l .09
.75 Day Dream Face Powder .49
GO DJcr Kiss Face Powder .42
.50 Molba Faco Powdor .33
.35 Pond's Vanishing Cream .27
.70 Pond's Vanishing Cream . .52
.60 Hinds Honey and Almond Cream .37
.60 Mulsiflod Coconut Oil Shamplo ' . .37
.50 Wild Root Shampoo : .39
.50 Cutlcura Soap , .37
.25 Cutlcura Soap 1 .19
.25 Cashmero Bouquet Soap ' -.r .19
.15 Lux or Fab - .10
.25 Colgate Talc r .' r - -13
.CO Danderino 1 .47
.00 Sal Hopntica - .47
.00 California Syrup of Figs ' -47
' .00 Lysol .42
1.00 Endor Safety Razor .C7
1.00 Ever Ready Safety Razor .07
Camel Cigarettes, carton 1.00
North Side Drug Store,
Phone G54
YTo Dollvor
responded enthusiastically In endors
ing the observance of Amorlcnn Edu
cation Weok nnd nono havo oxpressod
opposition o.r Indifference Tho unity
of effort nnd Interest which has al
ready been displayed Is but nn earn
est and ovldonco that this bids fair to
bo tho greatest campaign for educa
tion that has over been mndo ln tho
United States.
Everett Wilson, nicknamed 'Pork',
was oloctod captain of noxt year's
football team by tho letter mon of
tho squad at a meeting hold yestordny.
Wilson Is tho only four year man
,who will bo on tho team noxt yoar
and his election comcB ns a reward for
long service and consistent playing
on tho team. Ho Is tho son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Wilson of this city.
Free Delivery to any part of thotity.
Every Week show more and more that the Housewives of
North Platte and Vicinity roallze what a big saving
it is to trade at this Cash Grocery.
Saturday and Monday ,
Fresh and Snapp.
2 lbs for 25c.
No. 2 solid Pack.
Per can 10c.
Electric Spark SOAP,
White, extra large bars
10 bars for 44c.
Tomatoe Soup,
Per can 10c-
Fig Bars, per lb rP2c
Shredded wheat plcg12&c
Nut Margarine, lb -2Gc
Peanut Butter Candy.
per lb 10c
Castile Hand Soap,
3 bars for 25c
Mixed Cookies, lb 15c
Sugared Dates, lb 21c
Fancy Hominy, No. 3
can 15c
Sweet Corn, can 10c
5 lb. sack rolled oats 25c
Climax and Horseshoe,
Tobacco, lb 78c
4 pkgs. Macaroni or
Spaghetti for 25c
Our Quality Brand Coffee, fully guaranteed
3 lbs for $1.00, 1 lb. for
Wo soil Sioux Lookout, Jersey Cream and
David Harum Flour.