THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE FOREIGN FAIWI SCHOOLS TEACH 'NEW KXTEJU'IMSK FOJl LINCOLN A HE A PLAN OF ERADICATING MIPFBKEXT SOIL CONDITIONS IN- HOME ECONOMICS TO GIRLS Belgium Is showing especial Inter cat In hpine-economlcs teaching farm l'A RENT-'f E A CH E RS ASSOCIATION CA'JTTLE TUHERCULOSIS SUCCESSFUL The Parent Tonchor Association of tho Lincoln school will hold a bnko The efforts bolng made to free doflnlto nroas of cattle tuborculosls,: FLUENCE NIGHT AIR TEMPERATURES LOCAL Ajfl) PERSONAL Miss Edith Howlnnd left Friday for Los Angeles, Calif, whoro sho Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott spent Thursday In Omaha with their son,. Fred Elliott and family, For tho refined Xmas gift select ono of tho tasty parchments at Dixon's. . . . 1 1 .1 l. j. t m r C tl(H1nlt Tnstrtm I . t i I girls, according to ti roprosoiunuvo u. .....u.,, u..u.- mch COUntIes, In all partB of tho anu u onsuing minimum tempera- Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Cathors of Mr. and Mrs. John Andorson of A relation has boon shown to exist, will make her future homo. hotwoon tho temperature of tho soil Clintons for eyo glasses. of tho United States Department of her D. The sale will be held In tho meeting with sue- ture of tl,c B,r ' '""edlately above 0nlaha spent Thanksgiving day at Gothenburg visited In tho city a few Agrlculturo who visited several wmuow m . ru.mtu.u Dlu u, Jn nanry overy 1n9tnnC0( nccord. says tuo woatiier uuroau or tno united tho Harry Brodbeck home. European countries this summor for J"fit around the comer oast of tho the purposo of studying the progress First National Bank. All kinds of of agricultural and homo-oconomlos homo mado bakory goods and articles work fnr women abroad. sultablo for gifts wll bo on sale. Tho ri i i T . i . i ft t a Ing to reports being rocolved con- ouues onrimeni 01 gricuuure. tlnunlly by the United Statos Do-' Low nlght-alr tcmporaturcs in gar-! partmont of Agrlculturo. Much of , den Qr truck farms mW otien be Pre' j this succoss has been brought about; vntoa by selection of 'soil In days last week. ...Ill i !.-. .l 11... till In tho nubile schools attended by Procoous win go 10 ueip uuvuncu me, wllIch ls ft -ndy comDonent. a3 fral gFlg tho rkl called ngrlcul-- work of the assoctlon and tho In-, ntorogl01 poronB , Ul(J communlJ sand and sandy loams generally store "tural homo economics, and la CBpo-.-if0 or tno Lincoln acnooi. m owncP8 but butfl.,up more heat during tho day than do dally designed to meet tho needs of 1 ONE WAY TO GETAN EDUCATION" ' noss mon, particularly bankers. most othor "0,ls nnd Bivo ott moro the farm homo nnd nlso to mako farm; . , During a campaign recently put oni1" tho nlS,,ttlm5 oV conduction to tho Tite nitrnctlvo by allowing lla.advan-1 gome tlmo ago, writes a Milorlborin" r ,mu nu n,n ti,rG0 Mp above, thus tllmlnlsMng lh6 pro- tagos and national Importance. to Tho Youth's" Companion, I Was ; bankg of tho county JoInC(1 ln adm. bebllity of critical temperatures and. Aside from tho regular school foi1 traveling in Etlrflpo with a young tsIng ,n tl)e-iocai paper their Indorse- th0 formation of damaging frosts, j girls of all ages, thoro aro also travel- lady who lived In n small town way mcnt of tho tuberculin test, under ' Thc lnni1 ln ue shoultl 1)0 wel1 drn,ncd lng schools that offer short cOtlrBOS Down East In Maine, and who was the hoa(1ng "Tuberculin tost In-. of surplus moisture, ns wet soils aro In homo economics, nnd each province ' moro generally Informed ln tho hist- dorHedt- they mado the following Invariably cold soils and moro sus has its "home-economics councilor," ory, literature, art nnd music of tho Htnf(,mpntj f Tim enmnaien that has, centiblo to frost damage. Any soil,; who works among tho girls and .countries wo visited than those who bocn gtnrte(1 ,n LcmM Cmmly by tho' whether It bo sand loam or clay, is. women. had lived ln and had tho advantages Burenn of Animal Industry at the warmer wnen u is ciean anu iree Tho most Important of the higher j of a large city. "Where were yon UnUc(1 gtate9 and I(all0 stMo Depart- from wceds 'and unnecessary vegeta schools in this field ls tho Superior , educated?1' I asked. "I was brought mcnl of Agriculture toward the con- ,Uon- Normal Institute of 'Agricultural ! up in my homo town and on Tho trol and orfltucaton of cattlo tuber-1 Pr08t may fom ,n ono 8,do of th" Homo Economics, near Brussels. The 1 Youth's Companion," wns her reply.! cu1ob9 that mlght exist In herds stroet nnd not on thc othor' or ,n ono largo tract of land In which tho school And this snmo liberal education Is In j w,tMn LcmlI County has the fullest section of a level farm and not ln an Btands wns presented by tho king nnd Tho Companion for nnyono who will in(lorscm0nt of tho undersigned banks othor' for onc or moro of several rea lncludcs a farm as woll as woods and . seek it. Try it for a year and see. of th(J county , sons, such ns difference ln soils, slight gardens. Tho pupils at this school Tho 52 issues of 1923 will bo crowd- )nnkcr Jg nlwnyg a strQng ,n. difference- ln elevation, In moisture, who aro mostly Belgium farm girls, ,cd with serial stories, Bhort stories, nenco in a community and Buch sup- or in kind or extent of surface cover do tho work of the place, except tho editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Sub-1 port hag much to (lo wlth tho succega ing, or the amount of insolation re heavy field work, dividing their tlmo 'scribe now and receive: m of nn undertaklng such as tho testing ; ce,vod' Frost may nppcar ,n sectln8 between theoretical instruction tail. The Youth's Companion 52 Issues of nH Ul(J catUo ln a unty. When whIch ,,ave wct' cold B0,ls covcre(1 household sciences and practical, in iu3. ;the campaign In Lomhl.county got iun.rav, veptuuuii or uimmuva work, such as cooking, laundry work, ; 2. All the remaining Issues of 1U22. houso cleaning, sowing, caro of Btock, butter and cheese mnklng, gnrdonlng, and caro of farm and household equipment. In order to mako tho conditions Blmlllar to thoso on ordinary farms, 3. Tho Companion Homo Calendar for 1023. All for $2.50. 4. Or Include McCall's Magazlno, tho monthly authority" on fashions. Both publications only $3.00. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION tho hours of work aro long nnd thoro , Commonwealth Ave, & St. Paul St., is much less time for recreation than Boaton, Mass. In schools ln this country. Pains nro taken to havo tho equipment slmllnr -to thnt likely to bo available on tho usual Belgium fnrm. Each of tho bed rooms ln the dormitory has a dif ferent typo of furnlturo nnd decora tion, and tho girls chango rooms overy few weoks, so that by tho tlmo thoy have finished tho courso thoy know from porsonal experience tho advan tages nnd disadvantages of tho var ious types. Tho graduatos of this school aro oxpected to return to their fnrm homes wth n deeper appreciation of tho possibilities nnd attractions of country Hfo, a love of tho farm and In Bplto of Its" many arduous dutios, and a bettor- knowledge of tho mnnngo ment of thalr own homes and of community activities. Subscriptions rocolved nt this office. underway tho first week In November , """" practically every owner of a range or sa meteorological cpndlt Ions dairy herd was ready to havo hlg t does ot form on othor ground closo cattlo tested. All tho cattlo by whero the soil Is relatively dry, warm and clean. :o: Clintons for spectacles. Tho funeral services of the lato Mrs. Walter Iteckard were held Sun day from the Christian church with' Frod Mnrtl left Sunday for Sid ney whoro ho accompanied his dau ghters Hazel and Marjory who nttond Bchool thoro. Ho will bo accompani ed homo by his daughter Mrs. Itltton houso who will spend Boveral wooka hero. Beautiful candle holders with mirror back ground that "will attract anyone's oyo. Dlxon.'s Oift Room. Allison Yost returned Sunday from Sidney after visiting Boveral days with friends. Miss Myrtlo Wilcox returned yes terday from Lincoln after spending soveral days with friends. R. J. Ross, general agent for tho Now York Central lines transacted business in tho city yesterday. .HI., Q I PIANO AT A SACRIFICE I mm a Gift j ' thatlbe I VAUDEVILLE AT THE KEITH THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday. STAFFORD COMEDY TRIO. Three young and talented Vocalist and Comedians. Who aro noted for their ready with and who havo voices that harmonize and they sing with clear articulation tho songs wo all love to remember. BENARD AND MARSH, 4 In "The Pupil" Comedy song and dance, everything from trie waltz to the old fashion Clog. HARRY DAVIS Davis is one of the clever English acts who are Invading the U. S. and Is making good. He, Is considered one of the foremost English Black Face Comedlens. He Is very clever. UPSIDE DOWN STANLEY CO. An athletic young man and female assistant who go through life upside down, doing many daring gymnastic feats. That they will entertain you handsomely is a forgoing conclusion' that all will admit after seeing their performance. Also a good five reel feature will be shown. For quick disposal will mako big sacrifice in price. ThlB is n high grade make loft on our hands ln North Platte, Write nt onco for spoclal price, terms and particulars to tho Denver MubIo Co., Denver, Colo. i B i j.: H I 8 DID THE 8 ti Rates Raise?! Or nro thoy going to? jj Protect your pocket book and i buy 100 Old Lino Llfo Insur anco on any plan. Soo or phono ft SEBASTIAN FIRST jj U HHimwwMHMKHHHHHHHHMMUWMK flU V S Com a nionih 1 vl 1thMrtadrlnfc Ij FOR Bervlco, for Ink ca pacity, for all around satisfaction give a Dunn Pen. It hns no rubber sac, and therefore holds soveral times more ink than any rubber sac pen of tho same size. You pump tho Dunn-Pen full with 'tho little Red Pump-Handle; it cleans as it fills and holds ink for thousands and thousands of words. No seams to leak, nothing to go wrong. 27 styles with hard rubber nnd transparent Uskelite barrels, as illustrated, $2.7S and ut. An unlimited eusrentee of perfect satisfaction eoes with each Dunn-Pen. Buy one to day and end your fountain pen troubles. Stono's Pharm acy. McDonald Bunk Building. woro teBted, a total of nearly 35,000 head, 90 per cent of them In range herds. Special chutes were built for hand ling tho range animals. ro: fMm futini-nl nt Mm Into .Tnmdfl HVi w. V . . v. " - " " ..... --j t,.. n , 11. I Shaw was held Sunday afternoon , 1 VB omcmiing. iiunai was, v,nQ n.,ni with tt v. niado In th0 local cemetery. Hess of the Methodist church offlclat- ing. The funeral was In charge of 2KSHSOga02e2HQ the American Legion, iiunai was made ln the Fort McPherson Nation al cemetery. The funeral of John BJorkland who died Saturday was held Sunday at 1:30 from the home with Itev. H. E. Hess officiating. Burial -"'was made In the locnl cemetery. When buying a bag why not buy a genuine Cordova Bag. Their qual ity cannot be denied and their style la everlasting . Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Can Money ROSE ELLEN MATERNITY HOME For You. A private home before and during confinement. Bnbles adopted Into ' good homes. Confidential. Grand Island. Nebraska1 -:o.- NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate. No. 1857 of Edward P. Rob-1 i .i ' . i J -. . i. r . . r-f 1 1 of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested ln said Estato take notico thnt tho Administratrix has filed a final account and report of her administration and a petition for fin- nl anltlnmnnl nnil illsplinrirn nR Rlich. which havo been Bet for hearing be- S foro said court on December 26, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., when you may nppoar and contest tho samo. Dated December 1st, 1922. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst County Judge Although practically every Manufac turer in the country is today boost ing prices, we can help you make money by supplying you with warm clothes for the winter at prices far below today's market. "Vibration" is the Ruling Factor in the Universe Universal forcos oporato on tho law of vibration. In tho humjui body tho mental Impulses (mental forces) de livered from tho brnin to ovory part of tho body are simply mental vibrations. . ' 100 ls considered by us all as tho perfect degree. When tho mental forces aro hindered, do not vibrato at least 100, we havo dlB-oaBCd body tho coll structure ceases to function normally' Adjusting tho subluxatod vortobra, in tho spinal column assures 100 norvoua flow of enorgy vibration is not hindered. CONSULTATION AND ANALYSIS FREE BATCHELDER & BATCHELDER, CIIIKOntACTORS Over Star Clothing House Phono 109 North Tlntto, Nob. Don't Stop to Think this over but come right away and let us prove this. K John B. Edwards Co E3E E3EE THE JEWELRY GIFT SHOP. DIAMONDS. WRIST WATCHES. GENTS WATCHES. PEARLS. AUSTINS JEWELRY STORE. Keith Theatre Bldg. V .( t t sc. E3E mi 3