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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE DESERT GOLD Author of ) COPYRIGHT '"HARPER AND CHAI'TKlt 1 - nt' r.ard Unlit, mivon turcr, In Cauda, Mt-xii an border town, meets fH-orjtc Hnirr'' lieutenant In the Ninth cavulry, old colieK- friend. Thome telln OhIo he 1h thero to tnvo Morcoden Caatariuda, Spunluli girl, hla affianced Wife, from Hojas, Mexican bandit, CHAPTER Il.-Onlc "roUKhhouses" Tlojaa and his sang', with tho help of two American cowboys, and ho, Mercedes nnd Thome escape. A bUKlo call from the fort orders Thorne to his regiment, lie leaves Mercedes under Dale's pro tection. CHAPTER III A Flight Into the Desert. Unonsy nnd stnrtlcd, Gale turned his car to the soft wind. Presently ho henrd, or Imagined ho heard, low beats. In n moment he was certain the sounds were the pndllke stops of j hoofs In yielding snnd. The regular! trnmp wns not thnt of grassing horses. In the Instnnt, mndo cautious and stealthy by alarm, Gale drew Mer-! cedes deeper Into the gloom of the , shrubbery. Tho sounds of hoofbents . grow louder. Gnlo mndo out a dark ' moving mass against a background of dull gray. There wns n lino of horses. IIo could not discern whether or not all the horses carried riders. The murmur of n voice strucrc his ear then n low lunch. It made him tingle, for It sounded American. Eagerly he listened. I "It shore wns, Lnddy, It shore was," came a volco out of the darkness. "Itough house I Lnddy, slnco wire fences drove us out of Texas we nln't seen the like of thnt. An' wo nover hnd such n call." "Call? It wns n burnln' ronst," re plied another voice. "I felt low down. He vnmooscd some sudden, an' I hope ho an' his friends shook the dust of Caslta. That's a rotten town, Jim." Gale Jumped up In Joy. What luck I The sponkors were none other thnn tho two cowboys whom he hnd accost ed In tho Mexlcnn hotel. "Hold on, fellows," he cnllod, nnd strode Into the road. Tho horses snorted nnd stamped. Then followed swift rustling sounds n clinking of spurs, then silence. Tho figures loomed clearer In tho gloom. Gale, saw five or six horses, two with riders, and ono other, nt least, carry ing a pack. When Galo got within fifteen feet of the group tho foremost horseman wild: "I reckon Hint's close enough, stranger." Something In tho cowboy's hand glinted darkly bright In the stnrllght. "You'd recognize me, if It wnsn't so dnrk," replied Gnlo. halting. "I spoke to you a llttlb whllo ago In the sa loon bnck there." i "Come over an' let's see you," said the cowboy, curtly. Galo ndvanccd till ho was close to tho horse. The cowboy leaned over tho saddle and peered Into Gnlo's face. Then, without n word, he sheathed tho gun and held out his hand. Gnle mot n grip of steel that wanned his Wood. Tho other cow-, boy got off his nervous, spirited horse nnd threw tho bridle. He, too, peered closely Into Gale's face. , "My mine's Ladd," ho said. "Reckon Tin some glad to meet you agnln." i Gale felt another grip (is hard and strong aa tho other had boon. He realized ho had found friends who belonged to a class of men whom he, had despaired of ever knowing. j "Galo Dick Gale Is my name," he! twgan, swiftly. "I dropped Into Caslta tonight hardly knowing where I wnB.', A boy took mo to that hotel. Tloro I ! met an old friend whom I had not seen for years. Ho belongs to the cavalry stationed here. Ho had be friended n Spanish girl fallen In lovo with her. Rojns hnd killed this girl's1 father tried to abduct her. . , .' You know what tool: plnco at tho ho-, tel. Gentlemen, if It's over possible, I'll show you how I nppreclnto what' you did for mo there. I got nwuy, found my friend with the girl. We hurried out here beyond the eilgo of town. Then Thome had to make a break for camp. Wo hoard buglo calls, shots, and ho was away without loave.1 Thnt loft tho girl with mo. I don't! know what to do. Thorno swears Cn-I slta Is no plnco for Mercodos at night." "Tho girl ain't no peon, no common Grouser?" Interrupted Ladd. "NO. Hor name Is Castaneda.' Sho, belongs to an old Spanish family, once rich jmd influential." "Iteckoned ns much," replied the cowboy. I hero s moro than Rojas' wnntln' to kidnap a protty girl. Shore he docs that ovory day or so. Must be, soitethln' political or foolln' ngalnst clasa. Well Caslta, ain't no place for your friend's girl at night or day, or any time. Shoro, thoro's Americans who'd take her in an' fight for her, If necessary. But It ain't wlso to risk thnt. Lnsh, what do you say?" "It's been gcttln' hotter round this Greaser corral for some, weeks," re plied the .otlicr cowboy. "If thg two-bit ef garrison iitirrendsrf, UiStP's II? JoiUn' wJiat'U hnppeu, .an.' by Kidera of the Purple 3 age. wildfii'Cttd. Illustrations by Irwin Myers BROTHER beln' across the U. S. line n few Inches or so don't make no h 1 of u difference. My advice Is, don't let Miss Castnneda ever set foot In Caslta again." , t "Looks like you've shore spoko ; Sense," said Ladd. "I reckon, Gale, you nn' the girl ought to come with us. We know peoplo who'll take care of the senorlta till your friend can come for her." j Dick warmly spoke his gratefulness, nnd, Inexpressibly relieved nnd happy for Mercedes, he went toward the j clump of cactus where he had left her. She stood erect, wnltihg. nnd. ' dnrk ns it was, he could tell she hnd i lost' the terror which had so shaken her. : He led her Into the road up to the I cowboys, who now stood bareheaded i In the stnrllght. They seemed shy, nnd Lnsh was silent while Lndd mndo 1 tiiiuiu uinatu, iiiiiiuuilIKlIIIU reply lO Mercedes' thanks. There were five horses two saddled, 1 A.t.l.n nMn nr.n.1 ....I..,.. Ill 1 . two packed and the remaining ono carried only n blnnket. Lndd short- She Stood Erect, Waltlno, and, Dark as It Was, He Could Tell She Had Lost the Terror That Had So Shaken Her. ened the stlrrlps on his mount, and helped Mercedes up Into the saddle. From the way she settled herself and took the few restive prances of tho mettlesome horse Gale Judged that sho could ride. Lash urged Gale to take his horse. But this Gale refused to do. "I'll walk," he said. "I'm used to walking. I know cowboys aro not." Once started with protection assured for the girl and n real .objective point In view, Gale relaxed from the tenso strain he had been laboring under. How glnd he would have been to ac quaint Thorno with their good for tune! Lnter, of course, thero would be Bnino way to get word to tho cav alryman. But till then what tor ments his friend would suffer! It seemed to Dick that a vory long time hnd elapsed since ho stepped oft tho train; nnd one by ono ho wont over every detail of Incident which lmd occurred between that arrival and the present moment. His meeting with Thorne; the wonderful black eyes of a Spanish girl; her appeal to him; the hate inspired by ltojas. and tho rush, tho blow, the action; sight of Thorne nnd Mercedes hurrying snfely awav ; the tilrl's hands pressing his to her heaving breast; the sweet fire of her kiss; the fact of her being alone with him, dependent upon him all these things Gnle turned over, nnd over In his mind, only to fall of any doflnlto conclusion ns to which hnd nffected him so romnrknbly, or to toll what had ronlly happened to him. Had ho fallen In love with Tlioine'j sweetheart? Tho Idea enmo In a flash. Wns he, nil In an Instant, and by ne of those Incomprehensible reversal' of character, Jealous of his frloinl? 1 U was almost afraid to look up at r cedos. Still ho forcod himself to "o so, nnd ns It chanced Mercodos looking down nt htm. With n qui ':. graceful tmnulslvenofs sho put 1 hand upon his shoulder. Like hor n ponrnnce. the notion wns new, strani'i'. striuing to unio; nut it nrougur. nom suddonly to htm the nuturo of gratl tude and affection In a girl of hot blood. It was swoot and ststorly. na know then that ho lmd not fallen In lovo with hor. The feeling that was nkln to Jealousy seemed to bo of the benutlful something for which Mor code? stood In Thorno's llfo. Gak then grasped tho bowlldorlng possi bilities, tho Infinite wonder of whal n girl could mean to n man. Tho desert began to lighten. Gray openings In tlio liorilor 6? shrubby growths changed to paler hue. In the east n white plow grew brighter rind brighter, reaching up to n line ol cloud, defined sluirply below by n rugged notched range. "Senor, I am cold," said Mercodos. Dick had been' carrying his coal upon his arm. He stopped the liorsf nnd rained the coat up, and helped Mercedes put' It on. "I should hnvo thought of you,' hi said. "l!ut I seemed to feel wnrm. , , . The coat's n little large; we might wrap It around you twice." Mercedes smiled nnd lightly thanked him In Spanish. He was nbout to start when ho observed that I.add hnd halt ed and wns peering nhend In evident cnutlon. Mercedes' horse began to stnmp Impatiently, raised his oars and head, nnd acted as If he was nbout to nolgb. A warning "hist" from Lndd bad' "Senor, Chapparejos and , I Are Not Strangers," She Said. Dick pin a quieting hand on the horse. Lash came noiselessly forwnrd to Join his companion. The two then listened and watched. Presently Lnsh went to the rear nd Ladd started ahead. The prog ress now, however, wns considerably Tower, not owing to a bad road for Mint became better-but probably ow-1 ing to caution exercised by the cow- boy guide. At the end of n hnlf hour , Jils mnrked deliberation changed, and j the horses followed Ladd's at a gait , hat put Gule to his best walking , paces. His steps were halted by Ladd's no tions. The cowboy reined in his horse, ! listened n moment, then swung down ' out of thO saddle. He raised a cau tioning hand to the others, then slipped into tho gloom nnd dlsap- peared. Gnle marked that the halt j had been made In a ridged and cut-ui pnss between Inw mesas. To the right, up under the ledges some distance , nway, stood two square black objects, I too uniform, he thought, to be rocks, i Willie he was peering at them, uncer- tain what to think, the shrill whistle of n horso pealed out, to be followed j by the rattling of hoofs on hard stone, j Then a dog bnrkeiS At the same i moment that Ladd hurriedly ap peared in the road a light shone out and danced before one of the square blaek objects. "Keep close an' don't make no noise," he whispered, and led his horso at right angles off the road. Gale followed, leading Mercedes horse. As ho turned he observed that Lash also had dismounted. To keep closely nt Ladd's heels without brushing the cactus or stum bling over rocks nnd depressions wns a tnsk Gale found Impossible. It was no easy matter to lead a spirited horse through tho dark, winding lanes wnlled by thorns. Dick saw that the travel was fast, but toy no means noiseless. The 'pack animals nt times crashed nnd ripped through the narrow plnccs.It seemed to Gale that anyone within a mile tould have henrd these sounds. Presently Ladd led out Into a wider lane that appeared to run smi.giu. cowooy mounted ms m?"!, T"? t.ivj .inn iftiit-u imirk iu iiiv iimu. The march proceeded then once more at a good, steady, silent walk. When Dick consulted his watch he was amnzed to boo tho hour wns still cnrly. He asked Mercedes If she was cold, . and she answered that she was, speak-, ing especially of her feet, which were helped down To walk awhile. At flrst i she was cold and tame, and accepted the helping hand Dick proffered After I little, howovor, sho recovered and I wont on without assistance. They had reached the summit of what was evidently n high rldgo sloped with much greater steepness on tho far sldo. It was only after a few more forward steps, however, that Dick could see down the slope. Then full In view Unshed a bright camnflre around which clustered n group of I A consont potltlon presented to tho dark figures. They were encamped In bonrtt of cmmty commissioners to lo a wide arroyo, where horses could be ; a4o ,..,, nm,nTW,n i , 'qn,l(i,. i , seen Krarlnjr In black lmtehes of grass between clusters of tree. A second 1 look at the campors told Gale thoy were Mexicans. At this moment Lash enmo forward to Join Lndd, and tho two spent long, uninterrupted mo mont studying tho nrroyo. A hoarse laugh, faint yet distinct, floated upon tho cool wind. "Well. Lnddy, what 'r you makln' of thnt outfit?'' Inquired Lnsh, speaking softly, "Same as any of thorn rnldor out fits," replied Lndd. "They're ncross the lino for beef. But they'll run off uny Rood Htock. As hoss thluvcs these rebels have got 'oin all bent. Thnt outfit Is wultln' till It's lute. Nothln' to It but head south for the HIo For lorn. It's on the border line, but It's country where these rebels nln't been yet." "It's n hike to Beldln's ranch. An' If we get there In daylight some Greaser will see the girl before Boldln' can hide her. It'll get talked about. The news 'II travel to Caslta like sage balls before the wind." "Shore we don't ride . Into IUo For lorn In tho daytime. Let's slip the packs, Jim. We can bide them off In the cactus tin' come bnck after them. With the young man rldln' we-j-" The whispering was Interrupted by a loud ringing neigh that whistled up from the arroyo. One of the horses ' ven'pd the travelers on the ridge top. The Indifference of the! Mexicans changed to attention. Ladd and Lnsh turned back and led the horses Into the first opening on the south side of the road. The packs were slipped, securely tied und hidden In n mesqulto clump. Ladd strapped a blanket around ono of the horses. Ills next move was to take off his chaps. "Gale, you're wearln' boots, an by llftln your feet you can beat the cac tus," he whispered. "But the the Miss Castaneda, she'll be torn all to pieces unless she puts these on. Please tell her an' hurry." Dick took the chaps, and, going up to Mercedes, he explained the situa tion. She laughed, evidently nt his embnrrnssed earnestness, nnd slipped out of the saddle. "Senor, chapparejos and I are not strangers," she said. Deftly and promptly she equipped i herself, nnd then Gnle helped her into the snddle, called to her horse, and started off. Lnsh dlreted Gale to mount the other saddled horse nnd go next. Dick hnd not ridden n hundred ynrds behind the trotting lenders be fore he hnd sundry painful encoun ters with reaching cactus arms. The horse missed these by a narrow mar gin. Dick's knees appeared to be In line, and It became necessary for him to lift them high nnd let his boots i tnke the onslaught of the spikes. Lndd pursued n sdgzng course south- I wnrd across the desert, trotting down tho aisles, cnnterlng In wide, bare patches, walking through the clumps J cnctl-, ,bocfunc cUnf t0 th UU1IC, llllll 1113 ClUllll'B tR'lC lllUlll IlllU cold. His knees smarted from tho wounds of the poisoned thorns, nnd his right hand wns either swollen stiff or too numb to move. Moreover, he wns tiring. Mercedes must be mnde of' steel, ho thought, to stnnd nil thnt she had been subjected to and yet, when the stars were paling and dawn J perhaps not ' far away, stay In the saddle. So Dick Gale rode on, drowsier for each mile, nnd more nnd more giving , the horse a choice of ground. Once when he, thinking to fight, his weari ness, raised his head, he saw that one ' of the horses In the lead was riderless. Lndd was carrying Mercedes. It seemed that hours passed, though j ho knew only little time had elapsed, when once mora he threw off the spell of weariness, HeT heard a dog bark. Tall trees lined the open lane down j which he wns riding. Presently In the gray gloom he sow low, square houses with flat roofs. Ladd rode on for J perhaps a quarter of a mile, though It seemed Interminably long to Dick. ' A grove of trees loomed dork In the i gray of morning. Ladd entered it nnd ' was lost In the shnde. Dick rode on among the trees. Presently he heard j voices, and soon nnother house, low and flat like the others, but so long ) he could not see the farther end, stood , up blacker thnn the trees. As ho dls-1 mounted, cramped and sore, he could j senrcely stand. Lnsh enme nlongslde. ! IIo spoke, and someone with a big, hearty voice replied to him. Then It seemed to Dick thnt he wns led Into blackness like pitch, where, presently, he felt blankets thrown on him, nnd then ids drowsy faculties fnded. CONTINUED EXTENSION 110AD NO. 37 To whom it may concorn: A consent petition presented to the board of county commissioners to lo cate a road commencing nt the South west corner of Section nlno (9) and Itlio Southonst corner of Section eight (8) Town Thirtcon (13) Rango Thirty fo.,r f34" to-ennnont with rnnrt Vn. 213. All objections thereto or claims nJBt 1,0 lod ,tho Coun" ty ClorkB otflco on or boforo noon on tl,e 2ntl (ln' of January, A. D. 1923 or such road will bo established with- uiib iuiuiuui;u Liiui uiu. i Said road to bo GG feet wldo. A. S. ALLEN County Clerk EXTENSION ROAD "NO. 247 To whom It may concorn; , , . ., , . 14, North of Rango 31 wost of tho Gth P. M. and running Uienco North on section lino to tho Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. All objections thereto or claims for damago must bo filed in tho County Clork's otfico on or boforo noon of tho 2nd day of January A. D. 1923 or such road will be established ' without roforonco thoroto. Said road to bo GG feet wide, A. S. ALLEN County Clerk Special price on beof by the quarter and on dressed hogs. CROW & CROW. Phono 70S. !)H. II A HOLD II. WALKER Practice limited to Eye. Enr, Xose and Throat Office1 over McDonald Hank Phono U.'iO lR. L. A. SJfAVELV DentlM ,X-ftny Dlnunohls Oxygen und Gnx Anesthesia for Extractions. Ovur Union Statu Bank Phono 25G y El) KIEKIG Auctioneer For dates and terms call at First Nnttonal Bank North Platte, Nob. Office 340 House 481- DR. . I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasiti North PlatU 1K. JI. B. IJOIDEX Goitre Specialist Write for Appointment or Information Grand lslnnd, Nebraska Offlco Phone 241 Res. Phone 21 L. C. DROST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgerj and Obstetrics Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130 Residence 116 DOUCET MUSIC STUDIO Trevlyn E. Doucot Teacher of Violin and Cornet FURS WANTED Good demand. Better than last year. HIDES L. LITSniTZ When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar Everything first class nnd prices reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific Station. DR. M. B. STATES Chiropractor Humus 5 6, 7 Building & Loan Bldg Office Phono 70 Res. Phone 1242 John S. Twinem, M. D. (Homeopath) Medicine, siirgory and obstetrics North PIntto, Nobr. (Drug room with drugs for acute and chronic dlsoases.) VACATION OF ROADS NO. 120 & 1G1 To whom It may concorn: Tho commissioner appointed to vn Cftto roads Numbor 120 nnd 1G1. Road No. 120 commencing on li section lino betwoon sections 8 and o Town 14, Rango 33, thonco in a Northeast erly direction, parallel with the south bank of tho North Platto river, and terminating on tho section lino be tween sections 9 and 10 Town 14 Rango 33. And road No. 161, commencing on section line bctweon Sections 9 and 10 Town 14, Rango 33, thonco run ning in a Southeasterly direction to the section lino bctweon sections 10 and 11 in Town 14, Rango 33, Wost has roportod in favor of tho vacation thereof and fill objections thorcto must be filed In tho county clerk's offlco on or boforo noon on tho 2nd day of January, 1922 or such ronds will bo fracatod without roforonoo thoreto. A. S. ALLEN County Clerk UNION PACIFIC TDfE TABLE... Westbound No. 1 4:45 p. re No. 3 .1:45 a. m No. 7 , 4:25 p. m No. 11 2:04 p, m. No. 13 8:10 a. m. No. 15 ..12:40 a. in. No. 17 G:25 p. m j So. 19 9:10 a. ni. j No. 53 S:50 a. m. ; No. 25 7:00 p. m. Knstbound No. 2 . 12:20 p. No. 4 . 11:00 p. No. 8 - 12:05 p. No. 10 2:25 p. No. 12 11:30 p. No. 14 ,6:55 p. No. 1G 8:55 a. No, 18 , 1:15 p. No. 20 7:20 p. No. '54 10:10' p. No. 2G 5:40 a. m. mi. m. m m. m. m. m. m. m. ni. FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM W. T. l'MTCHAItD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Govornmont Veterinarian and er assistant deputy State Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vine Street. Phones. Hospital G33 Result-nee G3S UK. HAltOLD FKAVEK Osteopath Over Hirschfeld's Offlco Phone 332 Res. Phone 1020 OTIS It. PLATT, M. I). Plijslclan und Surgeon X-Ray DIagnoss and Treament" Over Union State Bank Office Phone 29GW House Phone 2D6R DEKKYDERRr & FOKRES Licensed Embnlmers Undertakers and Funeral Director Day Phone 41 Night Phone Black SaK JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attention Given to i Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 38 DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obtetricinn, Sunremi X-Hay Calls promptly answered Night or Da? Phones. Office 642 Residence 676 SHERIFF'S SALE Ey virtue of an ordor of salo Issued from .tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebr., npon a docreo of fore closure rendered In said Court whoreln David H. Corbett 13 plaintiff, ind W. L. Frlflto. ot nl am rlofonilnTifn and to me directod, I will on the 9th day of Decombor 1922, at 2 o'clock P. M., at tho east front door of the Court Houao In North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska soil at Public Auc tion to tho hlghost bidder for cash, to satisfy said decreo, lntorost and costs, tho following doscrlbed nroner. ty, to-wlt: Wost half of tho southwest quarter (Wof SW&) of soctlon thirty-flvo (35) in township cloven (11) north of rango thlrty-ono (31) wost of the 6th P; M. Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nobr, Nov. 4, 1922. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Boolor, Crosby and Basking Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1913 of Robert A. Mc Knight doceaBOd in the county court of Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credit ors of Bald ostato will take notlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said ostato is March 8th, 1923, and for settle ment of said ostato is Novombor 3, 1923; that I will sit at tho county oourt room in said county on Docom bor 8 1923, at 10 o'clock a, m. and on March 8, 1923 at 10 o'clock a. m. to re colve, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated Novombor 3, 1922. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, County Judge Seal J. O. Hollman, Attorney NOTJCE TO CREDITORS 13atato No- 1916 of William S. Dopuy docoasod in the County Court ot Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credit ors of ?a'l eetato will tnko notice that tho time limited for presentation nnd flllug of claims against said Estate is March 12th, 1923, and for settlement of said Estato is Nov. 7th, 1923; that I will sit at tho county court room In said County on Decombor 12th. 1922, nt 10 o'clock r. m., and on Mnrch 12th, 1923 at 10 o'clock n. in., to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed- Dated Novombor 7th, 1922. Win. II. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. Seal