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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SIOMl-WEfflKLY TRIBUNE UREAL MONEY. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE! id tfjnjoy n splendid evening as well as making it a w the rules carefully and play the game fair. iipme is used for ch.Ii pun' -iso. You n use as many of the ails in this f no (liffercnco wl tlier they are capitals or not. 33, your occupation, mi how long you have lived In or nir North l'latte. e firm whero you whh to make your pun-lr se ttv taking another ono of tlio greater your chances are to win. Pin the il on the sheet of pupor so this ad tho business fltm have vory llkoly offorod you a cnih discount 3 or Uio misspelled word that may he lurking! In tho ad somoplnco. Tho f'xaTUlon Is that no momher of tho buslnoss firm advertising may use or tho numbor of times their nnmo mny appear In tholr ad. cnant. .tjon to the cash discount you receive f ir0 00 JN CAgII PmSES $160.00 cash prizes. -iifother page of the Tribune of tho First grsndprlio..- $1011.00 yqu to fill out so that you may mako jjcond priwT 25.00 w)ok as you find them. Just fallow Tillril nrl71 ir.oo ai nn extra copv 0; tho Tribune of ,n . P , " ifrribuno, If at any time you desire I,ourth Vrlw 10-00 subscriber to ent t fils eonteet. Total lf0.00 Attractive Women Appreciate Smart Styles If it is bought at Blocks it is of the latest otyle. Wo nre offering this week a special inducement, an unheard of discount. For every purchase you make in our store until Nov. 2S, we will give you a discount of 50 per cent on like u tuount on your next purchase. ' , Lnclio- Jutnitin North PlattcNih lore w w liipcord Of Double Service Cloth Suits Young men who want up-to-dateness in their dress cannot fail to greatly appreciate' these smart auits in tho new, highly popular Hudson model. They excel not only from the standpoint of style hut also because of the superior character of tho fabric and workmanship. Among the Best Values We Have Ever Offered ! Made of all wool double service whipcord clolh in tho newest shades of tan, olive and grey, also two-tone effects in soft shades of tan and green. The Hudson Sport Model Illustrated makes up very effectively in this small, sorvlceablo cloth, assuring a stylish suit over tho longest span of time. As Bhown In the lUustratlons, It is a Beml-form-. fitting, three-button, single-breasted model with four patch pockets with flaps, three-quarter belt and yoko back. Buying for our hundreds of stores makes pos cible these exceptional suits srfc prices which afford important savings. $2-9-75 .to ,34:75 Highest Cash Price Paid for Poultry and Eggs Your patrorrge opicciated We expeclycur chickens, Stensvad Poultry Co. Oriental' Gifts That are dlstlntlve and pleublng can bo found in n wide variety and nt reasonable prices at the Hotel Palace Bazaar (Entrnncethrough hotel lobby) Iltuul-palnUd china cups and sau cers at all prices from 25c to $1.25 each. THE TRUE SPIRIT CHRISTMAS OF 3 if A photogrgaph of you ono that re Iloct3 your own personality will do mora to bring tho spirit of Christmas to distant friends than any other gift. Yo'ur photograph in ono of our hand carved frames, will mako au ideal Cliristmas gift. Wo will givo a 10 por cent discount on frames sold to custemors ho .find their name in this ad. BROOKS STUDIO Want Ads cini-H3crhly tribune. . , .III 11 pi . .'. WILSON TOUT. kMltnr Hiitf Plil.slir. Bntcrod at the North Plttftu. Ntraokn, Postoffico R Second ri Matter .... KOIt SALUV flood kitchen range with water back., ('. Sf. Vork. U0D I5.2nd. Mt WAT --Kurnlst'e,! hmmekccrln? rooma. Phone 1018. FOR KENT Hoom In tnoilern homo. 314 So. Vino. Km 9ALE One section or land 8V miles north of town. All undor fonco. Phono 1146J. ' FOR SALE Purebred llrown Leg horn cockerels, also a few March hatched pnlWs. S21 Weit 8th. WANTED Man to shuck corn .at five cents n bushol. Room and loard fur nished. Phono QIC. FOR SALE Cheap. Lot 10, block 2 In tho II. & S. nddltlon. Address Route 2, box 14, North. Platte, Nobr. FOR SALE Ono yoarllng thorough brod boar. 'Phono 788F3. Claus Anderson. FOR SALE Spring chlckons at 18c a pound. 022 East 2nd. St. Phono 9IG. WANTED Men to pick corn, largo quantity.. Good wages. A. Wood cock, three miles wckt of experi mental farm. FOR SALE Thorobred single comb whlto Leghorn cockorols, shand strain. $2. each. Mrs. Elmer Eck luiid. Ilorshey, Nebr. Rt. 2. FOR SALE Spotted Poland boar, September yearlings. Excellent breeding. Georgo Urownflolil, Hor shoy, Nobr. FOR SALE Underwood typowrltor No. 3. 12 inch carrier and stand, Practically now, priced to soil. II. & S. Agency FOR SALE At onco my household ; goods in fine condition. Mrs. C. S. Calhoun, Twinom Aptn. No. 1. Phonej i 1031.7. sudscjmption ruicKt Year. In rvlnnco .',.$! AO TUUSDAY, iVOVI.MIJHIt 28, 1922 KIMTOm.VI. lunlnh uld "Soek yo tho Lord whllo he may be found, call yo upon him while ho Is mar" Isaiah 5C-C. Rooievolt sald-"Unlcss domocracy Is basod on tho principle of sorvlcQ by ovoryono who claims tho enjoy mont of any right, It Is not truo de mocracy at all." ' Tho Trlbuno editor holds a certi ficate of deposit for ?1G0 In a North Plntto bank, to be paid out by check to tho four persons who win the Ihlghost placo In tho name-finding, cash- discount contest which appears on nnothor page In this Issue. Ono hundred dollars Is a lot of money and tho othor prizes are worth while. Anyone can ontor the contest without cost. All that Is required Is study and work. Rush Mercantile Company We wr.nt to ubo this opportunity to remind you of how close Thanksgiving is, as no doubt you want to prepare for tliis occasion, when quality and variety of eatables play so important i part. Our offerings will consist of fancy head and le; ettuce, radishes, fresh tomatoes, caullflour, paschal and self bleaching celery,' new crop nuts, dried fruits of all kinds, cider, citron orange arid lemon peal, cur rents, raisins, etc. ' t Thanksgiving Thursday, Nov. 30th will not be complete without Flowers. C. J. PASS, Florest Phone 274. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS No. 1 Walnuts, per lb. ?.29 Poanutn, per lb. .10 Dates, per pkg. -13 Celery, per bunch .10 Cranberries, per pound .14 No.-l skinned hams,. por lh-T-rv.?,:. . Host cream cheese, por lb. .29 O. K. flour, per 48 lb. sack l.5 Bananas, por lb -- -M Free Delivery LAMB'S CASH STORE 71C-718 If. Locust For itching scalpes or falling hair nothing can bo better nor produce quicker results than our remarkable Oil and Violet Ray Scalp Treatments. it Follow Round Curl, with a shampoo and a Marcel or Water wavo and then finish with a becoming hair dress, you will, derive great relief and satisfaction. Rolng distinctively dressed is more a mattor. of kpolng. what to cIioobo than having great deal to spend. Even small aumTcun liurchase distinc tion. You will find style and quality combined witlumost reasonable prices at this llttlo shop. OUR HOLIDAY LINK ON DISPLAY . AF'ITR DECEMBER FIItST. A most ELABORATE showing of gifts and combination sets of Toilet Articles and Face Powders. Vour Inspection Is Invited. SMITH-JOHNSON DRUG CO. Hotol McCubo Blag. KB Tho Pilgrims knelt on Plymoth Rock to offer thanks to Providence. Wo Jiavo moro to bo thankful for than they. Let your Thanksgiving dinner bo bounteous nnd good. SIOUX LOOKOUT Flour makes the best past erit'H. bred and cakes. NEBRASKA MILL & ELE. CO. WANTED To rent, a good truck farm with hog raising accommodations or good sized jrraln farm with hog raising accommodations. 'At my reliability refer you to Ray G. Lang ford of the First National bank or Georgo Kellogg, County Agotit. AUSTIN S. GREGG Phone 784F5; Motor Route A :o: LOCAL AM) VEKSOXAL TIRE ACCESSORIES TIRES, Kelly Springfield nnd Flak ALL WORK GUARANTEED Ferd Streitz Vulcantzing Co. Look for our mlspelled word Phono 525W North Plattev Nobr. H. L. JAC0BS0N, Pluming & Heating.1 Sanitary plumbing iu your homo moans more than comfort. When done by expert mechanises, beauty and safety are yours. North Side Drug Store. Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a, Stock Tonic, Hog Worm Powder, Dip and Disinfectant. XTRA SPECIAL "Society Brand" SUITS AND OVERCOATS "Curlce Brand" Clothing wiih a national reputation that you know is' wright. This week only we will allow you a SPECIAL 10 PERCENT DISCOUNT to those finding their name in our ad. $16.50 TO $35.00 Harry Samuelson The Quality Store The Quality Store 3BSS Davis Iloatson of Ilcrshcy was a business visitoi1 In the city yesterday. Mrs. E. S. Saltsidor of Dickons shopped In tho city yesterday. Albert Rlchlger of Maxwell was a business visitor in tho city yestorday. Miss Harrlotto Murrln spent Sun day in Chappell ivlth frlondB. C. E. Soulier of Goring spent Sun day in tho city with his family. A. C. Tllloy transacted business In Ognllala yestorday. Mrs. Amos Ellsworth of Hershoy i shopped In the city yesterday. Thon. Hajwley of Hershoy was a J business visitor in tho city Saturday. 1 John Fowlor of O'Fallons was a business visitor In tho city Saturday. A son was born Sunday to Mr. and I Mrs. Pedro Helndnndoz. I II. II. Sochi of Lomoyne was a business vlBltor In tho city Friday. i 't.Jrs. E. E. Kenler of Stapleon shop- led In tho city Saturday. Tho jewolry gift shop, everything In the Jewelry lino. Austins. A son was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Garner. Paul Harrington of Denver Is visiting In the city with friends. Harry Stevens transacted business in Ogallala yestorday. Tho Jewelry gift shop let us help you solec tho Xmas gift. Austins. W. J. Draham transacted business In Grand Island yesterday. Miss Florence Wilcox loaves to morrow for-Lincoln whoro sho will attond tho football gamo Thanksgiving. J. n. McDonald leaves tomorrow for I ncoln to witness tho N'jbraska Notro jJamo football game. Richard Noskoy loft tho last of tho week for Lexington whoro ho will visit with friends for two weeks. Diamonds of rare duality and at exceptionally attractlvo prices aro on display in our storo for your Inspec tion. Dixon, the Jowelor. Wo are proparcd for your Christ mas chopping with a storo filled with beautiful and lasting gifts. Clinton !& &Son. Gifts That Last. Darroll Ilealoy, Louis Troxlor, Rus bcI Overman, Philip Tomplo and Win Davis leavo for Lincoln whoro they Tho second Blx-wcok period of school hns passed and now tho pupils aro starting on tho third and last slx weoks period of tho semester. Al ready n numbor of high school pupils havo flunked out nnd more will do so boforo tho end ot tho somostor. Tho causos are various but most ot thorn arc tho fault of tho parents. Rarely Is a boy or girl responsible in full for mlluro In school. Tho crowds ot young- stors on tho stroots each ovonlng, crowding tho places of amusement and business anil wnndorlng about In search of amusement or oxcltemont aro testimony ot tho dosorted homes. The parents aro ofton at tho club or. Boclul event, whllo tho children run riot How can thoy bo oxpocted to keep an Interest In tholr school work. Whllo a numbor havo no fehnnco to mako tholr grade In this semester there are many who could got through " in fair shapo In thoy had di(To"nnt nnr- ents from those thoy havo. If mothor . would stay at home on school nights nnd If father would take an Intorost In the school work, things might be different nov than tho boys and girls of former generations wore but par ents havo changed. Formerly parents woro Bolf-sacrlflclng nnd founded tho family on the homo; now many of them nro pleasure loving nnd tho fnmlly Is Wised on tho question "Whoro do wo go to-night?" There aro some good homos nnd some good parents 1n North Platto and thoy nre exerting n, good Influence but tholr number Is not so largo as It should bo. Lot's hopo for more of them. :o; - i LOCAL AVn T'EKSOVAL ' -a Mrs. C. S. Padgett of Wallaco waB a business visitor In tho city Satur-, day. ' Chrysanthemums tho real Thanks-, giving flower, we havo them at tho F, W. Danlql down town florist shop. Mrs. Robert Arnold was severoly scalded Friday afternoon while cleaning a pressure cooker, work for tho past eight years. Mrs. Ed Osborne and dnughtor shopped In the city Friday. Mrs. Joslo Rhone of Lexington has talcon a position at the Dr. Wilson Dental office. Ralph Hitchcock of Omaha Is transacting buslnoss in tho city for a fow days. Frod FUllon wJH loavo tomorrow for Hastings where ho will spond Thanksgiving with friends. J. E. Sobnstian .loft yesterday. for Omaha where ho will spond tho wock ransactlng buslnoss. riieo. Isdoll returned Friday from Donvor whore ho transacted buslnoss for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Corvtes of Maxwell spent Sunday li .tho city at the Elinor Coatcs home. . Harold Coatcs ot Sutherland spent" BiMiday In tho city with his 'ststdi- .N'evita. ndrow llennott of Lemoyno Ih transacting business In tho city for a fow days. Luther Tucker returned yesterday from Ogallala whoro ho has boon transacting business for soveral days. Mrs. Goorgo Roberts of Maxwell shopped In the city yesterday. Sho attended tho tea at tlio Austin home. Mrs. W. C. Knight of Hershoy was a visitor in tho city yesterday Bhe attonded tho tea at tho Austin homo. O. A. Anderson returned to Lima, Colo, this morning after transacting business in tho city for a fow days. Donald YoBt returned this morn- will attend the Nobraska-Notro Damo ing from Grceloy, Colo., after vl3it- jgj j football gamo on Thauksglvlng. lug with friends for soveral days.