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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1922)
THE NORTH PLAT TIC SAMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE II wSEA SHORT 3 OF In Honor of llor lourlh IllrUiilny. Faurlnon Newman, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mm. Lester New man, ( ni( rtalnrd fourteen -of her friends at a party In honor of hor fourth birthday. The aftornoon vrim npent In playing gamo aftar which a dollcous lunch was served. PEOPLE AND THINGS ti:ms oi' inthhust a'hult hk. ( Y.yv ii.utrmnus in this i CO.UJJ UNITY . Ifinlerlnln.s at a Card Vm-iy Miss Cecelia Balm ontortalnud at a cai'd party at the homo of Mrs. Jack McGraw Saturday vonlng. Bridge and five hundred woro play ed. A dulicioiiB two course luncli Tvaa served at the closo of the ovon-ing. School will bo dlnnilssod Thursday and Friday for a Thanksgiving vacation. Report from the bodsldo of A. A. Allen says ho is gutting along vory nlcoly after his recent operation for nppondicltia. In Honor of Mrs. Mary Gnlhc.rle.sH A number of friends surprlsod Mrs. Guthorless with a party Friday aftor noon. The occasion bolng hor sov-nty-Blxth birthday. Tho aftornoon was spent In a social way after which a delicious lunch was Bcrvcd. Mrs. GuthorlcsR received many beautiful and useful gifts. .The Buffalo Dill Gun Club is holding a turkey shoot this aftornoon at the ! grounds. Anothor shoot was hold last ! Sunday. Yostcrduy tho stock of the Itinckor Drug Co. wus moved from tho loca tion in tho Block building to tho Schmalzrled building until recently occupied by C. M. Newton. KnteilafiiH at Surprise Party. Tll Elka w,1 provide Thanksgiving A number nl friends surprised , Unnom for tho deserving poor fonri MLs Helen Sousor with a nartv laBt ! "on of North Platto this year. It is undorstood Uiat about sixty baskets I havo been arranged for to date. owning at tho Sousor home. Tho occasion being hor birthday. Tho evening was spent in playing Bunco A (vorco wa7T1ntc(l by JlMlg0 Hiw wmu uull luUB IU1.U..U.UUU. rrowon Saturday to Mrs. Bertha it. Trero served. Thoro wero eighteen Suosta present. MJca Sousor received many beautiful gifts. "War Mothers Moot Tho war mothers met Friday even tag at tho home of Mrs. Chas. Boguo. Pitts from hor husband, Chas. A. Pitts on tho grounds of desurtlon. Tho custody of the two children wns given to tho mother. Word was received hero to-day of the death of Alfred Plnkortonv or Mrs. F. T. Itodmond was in charge (Worchostor, Mass. Mr. Plnkerton or the cntoitalnmont which consisted i.wns past 0nuid s,ro of T 0 0 F of several readings by Mrs. M. J.'nn(i was tho ol(lcst membor of tho Forbes and Mildred Skinner, a piano jodd VcUowa lo(lg0 In tho Unlte(l hoIo by Elma Crano and a vocal i st!ltcSi IIo also wroto tll0 ;rUuaj oolo by Miss Esther Antonldes. All 1 0I ,iPr 0f tn0 j, q. O. F. tha presont officors wore retained. ' ,s The officers elected aro: Mrs. John ' Tho present term of district court Clabaugh, war mother; Mrs. J. J. will probably extend up to Decombor Ilalllgan, 1st vice war mother; Mrs. ,23 unless Judge Towoll 1s cnllcd to J. Itoddy, 2nd vlco war mother: Mrs. I hold court In nnothor district for a Chaa. Clinton, recording sec; Mrs. J week or two before Christmas. To Ray Langford, treasurer; Mrs. F. jdato about ono hundred cases havo Redmond and Mrs. E. Cool wero boon settled out of tho three hundred appointed to visit the sick; Mrs. C. on tho docket. -T T'orltlnn. wnn ntinnln'feil nress. cor- . . . ..,.. Judge Woodhurst fined Pete Wll- extended to all those who helped with Armistice Day banquot. At tho closo of tho evening delicious ro freshments wero served. Tho hos tosB was assisted In sorving by Mrs, J. Day, Mrs. J. Dorram and Mrs. P. M. Soronson. The noxt meeting will Imes llvo dollars and costs amount ing to $12.85 yesterday when ho pled i guuiy 10 uio cuargc or assault ami I buttery upon the person of Harry , Moses. Tho act took place about Nov. llO. Wlllmoa lives twelve miles south v'st of Sutherland. Smartly Dressed Women Appreciate Style and Comfort They also apreclate economy in buying. In tills stile your dollar will increase immensely in tho buy ing power. . On all Women's Suits, Coats and Furs wo are offeringyou special prices as follows: After you have made one purchase wo will give you 50 per cent discount of like amount on anything in this. line. Prices that challenge all competition. Plan now to take advantage of this marvelous sale. I r JKU "North Platte's" PremierFlour NORTH PLATTE'S BEST. Prof n value Is the foundation for sales of "North Platto's Best" A foundation that is strengthened by each purchase. North Platte Flour Mills WHAT IS IN A NAME? MAKE YOURS WIN Yl Here is a came the whole family may participate 5n at prolituble pa&tin.e or eerycne playing. FoIIoVj RULES: any one of or all the family may pluy so long as only one nji group us you um find your name therein. f Don't use any one letter more times than It appears In the ad. Makes n. Take a sheet ot paper large enough and write your full name, nddross, If you can't find the name of ono membor of tho fnmlly in tho nd of the tho Immodlate family and try It with their name. The larger your family th thoro will i no mistake and take to the merchant whose ad you have. In tli under tho condition you have accomplished tho matter of finding your ninoli gnmo is opon to ovcryono in the Hold whero this paper circulates. Tho only ( that firms ad In the grand prize to count in tho number 'ot misspelled words o Tho mlspellod word must nlso bo wrilton upon tho slip taken to tho morcn ?150.00 in CASH PRISMS $150.00 TI're 'ou ,iavo IU1 opportunity, in uddltj. with tho abovo Arms, to win ono ot these c'; First grand prize. $100.00- RULBS FOR GRAND PRIZES-On ay Second prriee 25.00 Issue of Nov. 21 you will find a sheet for yq Third prize .... . 15 m a complete record of all the-firms each w .. , instructions on this sheet. You may obtal fourth prize 10.00 timt dato by applying at tho office of tho Total 150 00another copy. It Is not necessary to bo a sj Xnias Time is ' bo hold tho first Friday in January In tho mattor of Bcauchamp vs. at tho homo of Mrs. J. J, Ilalllgan. Loypoldt, ot al, the Jury awarded a nominal damage of one dolar, Walt- Ten Series Ends Yesterday. or Honuchamp was suing Dorsoy Ley- Mrs. Geo. Austin, Miss Laura Mur-voht, James Abbott and Clarence ray, and Mrs. E. 1 Seoborger ontor-1 Mooro for liagoH In a caso ot long talned Saturday and Monday at a 1 standing. Tho Jury was out all Satur- sories or teas at tho Austin homo. !(lny "M'1- They repeated tho Saturday tea on i Jmlg0 Towoll w, uloBC (1,Htrlct Monday, only with a dlfteret guest oourt on Wednesday evening for the list. Mrs. Seobergor, Miss Murray, j Thanksgiving recess, ordering tho Jury Mrs. Schatz and Mrs. Jortorlcs or roturn for (luty on Monday( Dqc. 4. Omaha and Mrs. McQabo of Choyenno jTho Ju(lg0 wll, Hp0U(1 tho hondny with woro In tho recolvlng lino. Mrs. ( hIs fnmUy ln sldnoy whllo tho mom. Dixon poured tea and Mrs, Ray Lang- , bora of tll0 jury wll, bo cnnMcd to i ford pourod cofToo at both teas. Sat- Bnona- their Thanksgiving at homo j urday, Miss Esther AntonldcB- sang, Wlth their families. j Wiss Wallace rendered sevoral piano Boloa and llttlo Mary Nolsoh Nevillo ! A charity ball Is being planned for also played sevoral Bongs. On Sat- j Thursday, Dooomber 7 at the Lloyd urday and Monday Mlas Roxlo Erb'Pra ll0U80- Tll brotherhood ot , un.r nml MIHn v.lnlo Wnltemath on- Ainorlcan Yeoman ban agreed to take (Incorporated) Delivered a to where In the city. L. L. MUNGER, Manager Phone 200. Build the Home First Use Nothing But the Best We are always glad to give our se'rvises free Walrath & Sherwood Lumber Co. i 4 I lH lltili I HEB IIBz Drawing Nearer Now is tho tlmo to get the choicest selections and best bargains. Have them laid away for Xmas. Visit our Novelty and Art Balcony. W. R. Maloney Co. EKS3 North Platte, Neb. Phone 7. Elmer Coats, Mgr. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS IISOPPING EARLY SPECIAL VALUES LADIES' ADLtPkoOF HOSIERY You are suro to win if you bring your cream to the Ideal Dairy Co. pay tho highest poBlbh price for cream at all times. Ideal Dairy Co. North Platte, Phono 575 Midwest Electric Service Station Chevrolet Parts Electric Parts Wo repair all makeB of storage bat teries. "Wo specialize in tho ropalr of startors, generators, ignition systems, lights, horns and electric appliance. Wo wnsh and polish cars. Finest Quality Silk and Wool Hoso Hand embroidered clocks, ifo or all tho newest shades... $iJu Fine Quality Silk and Wool Hose Solid Colors and Heath-"1 q, or Mixtures $ L.Uu Fine Quality Silk and Wool Hose Drop Stitch and Fancy mi rr Mixturres tbl.Ui) 1 The Hose of Refinement Extra Heavy l'liro Silk Hose With Ribed Tip, ln all (tj-j ftC the Popular Shades pl.S?0 l'uro Thread Silk Hose wiiu ixtra atretcn kid- " bed Top, all shades Jpi.Du Pure Thread Silk OvCr FJnc Morcerizeu iabiq wun jvm Ribbed Top "C tertalned by giving readings and Mrs. C. J, PaBS sang pleasing vocal num bers. The color schomo was carried out In pink and yellow, beautiful pink and yollow chrysanthemums bolng UBcd. This schomo was oven carried out In tho refreshments. charge of tho dance and tho American ' "-'on hiB donated the use of tho hall. It 1s oxpectod that tho prlntors will donate tho advertising and printing and tho Muslslau3 Union tho music so tho entire prodcerts wflll go to charity. A mooting of thoao Interested In the The out or town guosts at mo ; AHBOclntott Charities was held last Monday tea wore Mrs. John Kollhor j Friday ovonlng and a commltteo of and Mrs. Goorgo Roborts of Maxwell, jnlno (ur0ctors was olected. Tho Mrs. W. C. Knight, Mrs. Carl Wick- j ,mmes of this committee could not be Btrom, MrB. Earl Brownfleld, Mrs. , ionrnod. Then a commlttoo of three, J. W. Abbott, Mrs. Earl Eshelman consisting of Miss Anna Krnmph, Dr. and Mrs. Babbitt, all or Horahoy, Mrs. : n. r, Mltcholl and M. E. Scott was ap Wra, Jofforlos and Mrs. Edwina j ,,0Intod to tako active charge ot tho Fchatz ot Omana and Mrs, McCabo or i work. It Is probablo that an cxccutlvo Cheyonne, Wyo . Mrs. Lawronco Wor- secretary will bo omployod to glvo nort ot KoarnoyAvas present at tho part tlmo to tho administration of tea given Saturday. :o:- A no,wa item carrlod ln theso col umns Bald Miss Francos Edwards had been solctcd a mombor of tho dobat Ing team at Hastings Collogo. Tho fact Is that Miss Edwards bolonga to a debating society ln Hastings Collogo and she was selected as ono of tho dobatlng team of this society. Tho collogo team will not bo soloctod un til later and It Is not certain yot vhothor Bho will try for that honor or not. Frances waB a mombor of thp toam whilo attending high school hero and won high pralso for hor ability. Lot flowers decorato your ThankB- giving tablo. Drop in and order to day. F. W. Danlol, tho down town ilorlst. A aplondld four ploco alitor tea eot at $10.00. Havo ono ot those laid away early for your Xmaa Hat. Dixon, the Jowolor. whatever funds may bo avallnblo. :ov Chas. Gorklns of Waljfloot waa a business visitor ln tho city ycBtorday. Miss Zlta Doncgan will arrlvo to morrow from Omaha to spond ThankB giving with hor parents Mr", and Mrs. J. H. Donogan. Miss Lcona Mutchlo loaves today for Cozad whero sho will spond Thanksgiving at tho G. C. Williams homo. Evorott Adams who is attending Midland Collogo at Fromont spent tho wook ond ln tho city with his paronts Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Adams. Mrs. Morton Holloy and mothor Mrs. Park loavo today for Carrollr Iowa whorp thoy will spend tho win tor xHth relatives. Mlsa Pearl Huntor has resumbd hor dut?oa at tho Freight offlco after a two -wcoks vacation. Sho visited with relatives ln Hastings. If ln ned of tires and tubes see Gener at Tire Co. 1 Right Prices and Sies Cords and Fabrics For tiro and tube ropalrlng we will glvo you best servlso at tho right price. 10 por cent discount on all tires. " " J -TIT !MiiW ill MTIHMI A Real Surprise in Bat tery Value . Quality Plates, Selected Cedar Wood Separators Willard Service Station Just North of Postoflice Fmp Hn;e t' OJi Refinement NORTH. PLATTE HOLEPROOF HOSI ERY STORE FOR MEN AND WOMEN What's Your Deniand of Clothes IS IT SUPER-STYLE, QUALITY OR VALUE? We ask because we have all three in one system. We haven't space to tell you much about them, but we'll be glad to demonstrate their many exclusive advanteges. Come in today and see the newest styles first. THE UNIVERSAL CAR COMPLETE SATISFACTION 25 discount on a 1 1 purchases suit this week. CLOTHES J "Bo suiter here 0X1OP and hereafter." Flguro out you every automobllo roqulremout and you will flnd it in a Ford, Sodan a family car of distinction and bcautya car of comfort and con venience a car' ot dependability and service a car that will glvo .you com plete satisfaction. Price $G95.00, F. O. B. Detroit, Mich. IIENDY-OGIER & CO. FORD, LINCOLN & FORDSON SALE SERVICE Phono 34 North Platte, Nobr. AUSTIN, The Jeweler Phone 131 Keith Theatre Building A choice selection of rings. Suitable for any of the family. 10 and 14 lit. green or white gold or plate- num mountings. Diamonds, 'Aquamarine, black onyx, Ruby, jade Lapis Lazuri, and emblem rings. ii discount off on all jewelry on second purchase this week Good Clean Coal NOTE We havo a big. fresfli stock of the Koal "with that smile on its face" on hand and are only waiting your in structings to send some of it your way, Field-Birge Co. Phones WeBt yard 17, Ea3t yard 5 Are You Lucky Aro tho letters of Your Nnmo in this Space. To first person who brings in their name found in this ad we will sell any floor lamp In the house at half price. . E3EE EE To all others finding their ti?nr 'i -:CA we will sell any floor lamp at 30 per cent discount. If you are lucky and want a floor lamp you ' tin save 10 to 15 dollars. Derry berry & Forbes. "5"