THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE llWUl.i 7.m'UmV. mlutiiB at the last Qoimly fair, on a LOCAL AND PERSONAL SEHU'llMEEhly UUlluE. nno horse and some pure bred hogs. - - There were four premiums iu ail.1 Wntcli our windows ror Xinna sug- w IL80N TOUT. Editor nnti i'lbllsher m8 premium check' was mailed to I Kestlons, Dixon, The Jeweler. tnterod at the North Matte, Nebraska Postoftlce' a Second Clam Matter. Onu simsujtirTiON pmrEj car. In advunce $l.f0 FJUDAY, NOVJiMHEIt 21, HDITOItlAL 1022 him tlio same as the others. lie OponliiK night at the Danlql Floral returned IJ- with a note that ho did Shop tomorrow night, 108 Locust. ho "In order to holp the fair." It Dancoland greetH you every Sattir. would not take many such public day night. spirited pooillo Jn Lincoln couiUy Mr8 Gcorge Uoberls ot naxwcU to put the Lincoln county fair on its ,lopi,od ln t)l0 clty Wednesday. Want Ads 78GF12. David said "Tho Lord Is my shop htrd; 1 shall not want." Psalms 23:1. Archbishop Ireland said "Nest to .oit fsountry and next to religion 1 patriotism." .Vrt financially tho same as tno pun- 11a uttltiltswl - have pu It on Its fee. as a great " -Puna. agricultural exhibition. 1 "m' 2" Stcbbhl8- Joe Schwalgi-r left yustorday for Thoro Is an organization of Doy.Oniaha whero ho will transact-busl-Scouts ln this city which has not yctneB for a few days. . , been given as much recognition s it Mp amJ K Fnn.ol of Wftl. deserves, tuo group h caueu mu vui oran Sorvlco Troop. It Is troop No. 1 nml In order to bo" ollclblo for mem bership a scout must bo a first class Mrs- l'"k Yearsley accompanied root nan leam to Sidney litis morning Mrs. E. FOR SALl-Ono section of lnnfl;8 miles north of town. All under fonco. Phone 1146J. . Saturdays special at Gash. Market FOIt SALE-Purebrcd Drown Leg horn cockorels, also a few March' Wo desire tq get 1n touch with a fow "WANTED Cost men. Due to tho de velopment ot our presont business, there Is an Increasing ilomamRby ; tho manufacturers for men who arc qualified In the following' branches i of cost work, compiling and sum marizing cost records, handling cost systems. Positions. In this field pay $2,500 a yoaf' upwards. WEATHER, CONDITIONS .nop visited In tho city with friends , yesterday. In our list of Htudcnts at the llnl- x..i ,.,.,. t nn.1 mutit l.n nvAi flftnnn vnfird the in a recent Issue wo unintentionally of age. Those cllglblo at the present and carolcsBly onimltted at least two time are Ralph Wickwlro, Francis names. They aro Miss Wllma Coatos, Rose, Molvln Yates, Darroll Trout, ilaughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Edward Uoyd, Joo Heeler, Ralph Lc Contcs and Loicc 13. Patterson, son of pack, Linn Twlnem, Chas. Tucker, II. Yates and Miss Irma hatched pullets. 821 West 8th. WANTED Man to shuck corn at five cents a bush'61'.''Room and board fur nished. Phono 915. i FOR SALE Cheap. Lot 10, block 2P'ln tho H. & S. addition. Address Route 2, box 14, North Platte,. Nobr. FOR SALE Goodwin Corsots at 10 j discount during November. Phono i 1153J. 115 EasfSth St. 1 men. with or without experience, who wish .to get Into this kind of work through training under the direction of exports. Training will not Interfere with present position. This Is nn opportunity for the man Pr-one 70S who is ambitious for something more than just a Job. Write, giving experiences iu confidence, and tele phono number. Address 421 Tribune. ,Tuesday, Wednesday nntl Thursday wero all.'- splendid days for North Platte and vicinity." Tlio bulletin re port says wo will havd fair weather with slowly, rising temperature to night and Saturday. Tho lowost tem perature Inst night was 23 and a year ago 23. Spoclal price on hoof by the qunrtor nil ou dressed hogs. Crow and Crow. CROW'fc CROW. LISTEN! -:o:- Mrs. E. L. Mason returned Wcd- Itev. and Mrs. N. P. Patterson. These ( Heeler Scott, Louis Louden, Galen names give n total of twenty-nlno Loftls and John Horrod, This troop North Platto young people at tho Unl- takes up advanced work In scouting varsity of Nebraska this year. Other nnd tho members aro given training In additions and correcll&ns will bospocIal phases of tho work so thoy pratofuly rccelvod. ! can assist ln teaching younger scouts. :o:- Lincoln county does have a Red Monoy to loan on farms. See Gono Cross chaptor and It 1s actlva In sever-crook. al lines. It is hampered in its work J j, nnuigan wns a business visit by not having funds ttf work with. to Cozful ye8icr(iny. Thoso funds cart bo obtained if chough memberships nro taken out by tho! s,lvcr candl Ht,cks for Xmas e,Ws people of this county. Fifty cents. 3-00 l,cr l'n,p UP to 12'00 ,lt Dixon's, out of each dollar is sent to tho Na- Mrs. Cheater Williams and daugh tlonal Red Cross for carrying on its! tor Bernlco left this morning for wonderful work in disaster relief and Sidney to attend tho football game, other lines anil fifty cents Is retained Mrs, Elmer Dcdker and Florence hero at homo. Any man or womau ( Weber loft for Sidney to witness tho can bo proud ot tho llttlo whlto button1 football game this afternoon, with ftp red cross upon It and will Mi. mmn ms morn, feel belter for haying helped tho fop , , , f(J0tb game this afternoon. :o i In considering the possibilities of' It. L. Hinds returnod yesterday the new Yoonian children's homo ono from Omaha after transacting busl ns to know that St. Louis is ono of ness for a few days. : , , Qie chief contenders for tho location.- , ,,., a ' ,.,,, f3o nnxloitR Is that cltv tn tret tho do- . . t & , ' , , for omaiia wnoro sue wni T " J. V, T V , r wvoral weeks v.sltlug.rolatlves. m flri:nr ii tinlillo liolliinv Tnr Hio . 5? '. ' - f..i:..iin -m'i. i;.n Jl.l,. frmilo city should tho matter bo do- " ''b aidfd In Its favor. If it Is worth for sldno' whero 5,1,0 w, attend th thrtfinuch to St. Louis, what wouldMt;rPW s'un0 ''WKifr-.? bt worth "to North Platte. If ovory Order your Christmas Carda-from bliipmlrig citizen of this part of the our beautiful line cf samples. Clln cpnntry doesn't get back of the plans ton & Son. Gifts that" Last. 6r;tho local commltteo, he or sho Is! Mg olon Sc, a wlll tfavo nqt. worthy of the fespect of our : - . w.n . ... IIUAb 11 UCU 1UI UllllllllU 11 U MMVi If ill Rarraclough loft this morninB or j WANTED Men to pick corn, large fr KnnBn Glt' where sh! Sidney to attend the football game; (iuunt1ty QoQl m A Wo0dJh becn vls,,ln r0,ativea tins atteinoon. cock( Hroe mJlcg wcgt q cxper,.i a beautiful watch Tor rather prill Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Anderson and mental farm. (make his Christmas a most happy daughter left this morning for Den- '. 'one. We have a very complete line several spend people. Jim Wilson, president of tho Lin coln County .Fair called our attention visit Miss Ilornodotta Connor for sev eral days. ' $5 Coats, ?10 Coats, ?15 Coats, yesterday to a little matter which going on Saturday from 2 p. m. to w- thought was pretty flno. It 0 p. in. nt E. T. Tramp & Sons Rcady tifoins that S. .M.Souder took pre- to-Wear. ver whero they will "spend days visiting friends. Mrs. M. McLean returned Wednes day evening after visiting her son A. McLean at Glcnylll, Nebr., for sev eral weeks. Your family and your friends wlll i appreciate and cherish a Gift that ( Lasts, purchased from our store. ! Clinton & Son. Gifts That Last. Come In. Inspect our real coat 1 values. Wc aro going to sell coats at $5, $10, and $15 for four hours, Saturday only. E. T. Tramp & Sons j Rcady-to-Wear. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coates and son Elmer, Dorrls Stevens, Chas.. Brcternltz left this morning by auto j FOR SALE Ducks for Thanksgiving for Sidney whore they will attend ' $1.00 each. Also a fow Dlnck Mln the football game this afternoon. orca cockerels. $1.50 each, Phono FOR SALE Fancy dressed spring of thln mo(1el, whlto and green gold cnicuens nna luricevK. ucuvereu . u-niniine mint r. nn niria day before Thanksgiving, Mrs. Geo. Masters, Phone 782F11. . FOR SALE Thorobred single comb white Leghorn cockerels, shandj strain. $2. each. Mrs. Elmer Eck- hind. Horshoy. Nebr. RL 2. " t LOST One dozen oyster forks In plnkj case tied with blue ribbon. Liberal I reward. Mrs. J. .1. Halllgan, 304 West 2nd. , FOR SALE Spotted Poland boar, September yearlings. Excellent breeding. George Ilrownfiold, Iler shoy, Nohr. That Last. Twont- five dents oft" on all shoo and hari'i ss, work Saturday and Mon day. All work guaranteed or money back. Also havo n few men's over coats at $10.50 oach. J. C. WALTERS, Workman. IsL Door So. of McMlchael's Grocery E. KEITH THEATRE NEXT' TUESDAY NIGHT. SKATS ON SALli SAITHAY A'OVEMBIIH 2Sttu J. Carpentor Prosonts tho Sinnshiiig Musical Comedy nnw v. a, .si i ?0 THANKSGIVING The day of all days, when new linens will be needed. Now, while stock is complete and priced reasonable, is the time of all timesl tomy them. - v v. Heavyweight', good, widtly, .mercerized Damask jl00 per yd . .f - Extra Quality Mercerized1'' Damask, a cfotlt you g J QA will appreciate, per yd, v S2 SO All Linen Damask, good weight, per yd u All Linen Damask, extra line and heavy quality RQ 75 beautiful patterns per yd . Good Weight Mercerized Napkins line J OO for every day use, per doz. $2.50 and tyJ.JJ All Linen Napkins to match the patterns G ( we carry in Table Damask, per doz. $S & w.UV Wilcox Department Store DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING EARLY. ca&tt I'll 3L., Postiyely'- the best SUIT and OVERCOAT values in North Platte $17 to $50. Special Silk ShirtjOfferings 4.9! Genuine Broad Cloth Silk Shirts, all Sizes ' . lleadquartcrs Holiday Presents ' For,.Men and Buys. PRICES 75ct &l and la few at $1.50 plus tax Dig Flapper Boauty Chorus At The Sun, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Wondorful Romance of tho Great Northwest "The Son of the Wolf" His remarkable and Uniquo Combination of his two thrilling stories. Thrillingly depicting life in tho raw beyond tho last frontiers of civilization among hostile Indians Wilder ness maddened men vast snows a wild rough domain twhero might makes right and men nro quick to use their 'fists. A big pulsing story stralgltt from tho heart of a man jYho fought in the thick of life's battle. "A I c K v 3 Always Ready Always Safe Tho men and women who ubo chock ing accounts in transacting their husl .ne8s havo a distinct advantage ovor thoso who uso cash. Chocking accounts savo tlmo, guard against Iosb nnd provide rocolpts auto matically. A checking account a tho Platte Vallov Stato bank moons that your monoy Is always safe and always available. Our otflcora will bo glad to explain to you how simply It la to opon an ac count and how advantageous it la to maintain one. The Platte Valley State Bank Oil euy tn -i of tho Lorain Red V Meeliriveii you a u oire u( n iiirwun-n anu ran- 'Tiyklndof bakuitf, Let Lorain be your Chef Thanksgiving Day '"THANKSGIVING, the day of the world's i- greatest "at home" party! while you're This year let's go to the morn ing football game. But how can wc all go? Must not someone remain behind in the hot kitchen to prepare the great spread for the family Roast Turkey and all the other "good things?" NOl This year we all can go, for "Lorain" will be our chef Thanksgiving Day. The Lorain Oven Heat Regulator will cook your dinner as perfectly as any TBWEf Ij Tho boked-on flnUh of tfaeM rmnea ire than luitrous, durable aurfaca tint U as ciy to keep dean a it Jiiood master chef miles away You can place all the good things in the oven, turn the RedWheel to 250 degrees and Roaway fpr four or five hours, when you return, everything will be deliclously done and ready to serve. Come in and see how easy all this is done .in a gas range equipped with the 'Lorain". Ask .us to explain its many re markable advantages. JVi0lLit-i,iAU-,Vyl construction pro. Wats brenktns. Many pleasing series nd convenient ua to choojj tSxS. North Platte Light & Power Co. ZovtiViiUiiViiViwiViiVi'aVi:i