The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1922, Image 7

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    m .nn' in in nr i ittttt ii
TpIMK TUEK VALLEY, I must tell
u- .you, 1b ono of the nicest parts of
arrogvllle, nnd OTcry frog that cnres nt
oil nbont where lie Utcs tries to find a
home In thut valley.
When It became known In Pine Treo
rVnlley that Miss Jennlo Frog was to bo
married there was groat eicltement.
Mrs. Field Mouse read tho notice In
the paper, tho Pino Tree Jottings, and
hurried to the. phone.
"Hqucnlc, squeak t Give me Miss
Cricket, please I" said Mrs. Mouse.
When at last Miss Cricket answered,
(Mrs. Mouse said:
"I have Just road In Pine Tree Jot
tings that Jennlo Frog Is to be mar
ried to Billy Frog. Do you suppose
we'll be Invited?"
j "Of course wo will I" replied Miss
lOrickct. "Ws nro all such old frleuds,
Jennie Leaning n Her Father's Arm.
nd I Just heard that It will tnke place
tinder tho pine treo and Parson Beetle
will marry them."
"Well, I do hope my Invitation comes
Jioon," cnld Mrs. Mouse, "for I must
have n now dress, and I will have to
nsk Grandma Rat .to stay with the
chlldron, and If you hear any more
bout It do let me know I Qood-by."
Tho guests were bolng seated by the
ushers, the young Frogs, who were all
dressed In their best green suits nnd
white waistcoats "and, of course, each
llad on white .'gloves and a white flow
Facts about your nanit; Us history
meaning; whence II teas derived;
a significance; your lucky day
, and lucky Jewel
"t'AELIA is a name of curiously con
Hiding history. There ure sev
eral origins from which she might
huve sprung. In England, she up
iPvars most frequently as a con
venient contraction for the dignity of
Cordelia. Tho truly Irish flavor of
Redclla and the popularity of Delia
In that country might give rise to
tke contention that the latter name
Is the diminutive of the old song fa
vorite. But Delia, according to the best
etymological authorities, Is a separate
nnd independent numo which lias its
source In no less an exulted realm
t&an the mythology of ancient Greece.
It was Artemis or Diana, the moon
goddess, who, being born at Dclos,
caused the place of hor nativity- to be
Immortalized in Greek mythological
In honor of the goddess, the fem
inine nume Delia wus evolved from
Delos and sprung to instant fame In
Axcudlun poetry. Lovely shepherd
ejises who figure In those ancient pas
torals, bore tho name nnd It reached
England by the literary route. The
sound of It .wns good to Irish ears,
nttd It was straightway adopted by
that country.
Since Artemis was the moon god
dess, It is fitting that Delia's talis
manic gem should bo the moonstone.
It will bring its wearer good fortune,
ntid will prove un exceptionally lucky
Jowol If It is u gift from a sweetheart.
It is Bald that lovers can read the fu
ture by looking into its depths when
tint moon is full. Monday Is Delia's
lucky day, nnd 4 her lucky number.
by the Wheeler Syndicate. Inc.)
1 I . J
j v.
The Friendly
Walter I. Robinion
"These travel farthest vrhp don't know
W.ere thoy are going."
PI-UtUAPS so. Also perhaps they
flnd rough pathways and frequent
ly find little when they reach the end
of their unchartered trail.
Kut there Is some soundness to this
philosophy opined by Sir Oliver Crom
wed. Too many complain of the dlfll
cchles they Imagine they are likely to
enoounter, or else arc so fearful of
meeting trouble that they never innko
n i'h I r Ktuct to get anywhere. -A
day or two ago we were passing
through a crowd on tho rldewnlk ami
n blustering pedestrian rushed past
ni d crashed Into an unfortunate hlhid
inwii, Tho hurrying tne was terribly
er on his coat, and handsomer ushers
It would have been hard to llnd.
Mr. Jar Fly begun tuning up and
soon tho orchestra burst forth with
the wedding march and two lovely
yellow butterflies flew lightly over the
bank by the pond and began to sprinkle
tiny flowers for the bride to walk ou.
Then cnino pretty little Sally Frog,
tho maid of honor, nnd at last Jenny
Frog, the bride, appeared leaning on
the arm of her father, Mr. B. Frog,
who was so puffed up with pride thut
tho guests werd afraid ho would burst
hlB white vest.
"Mrs. Darning Needle did know how
to nrrnngo Jeimy's veil," whispered
Miss Cricket to Mrs. Mouse. "1 was
afraid she would bo so okl fashioned
that she would spoil Jenny's costume."
Parson Beetle, with his black book
In hand, wns wultlng beneath the pine
tree for the wedding tmrty, and two
haudsomo youug frotfj held u big lily
pad pnrdsol over thein, so the rays of
the sun peeping through the tree
branches would not shine In their eyes.
"Don't begin yet," suddenly buzzed
a big bee, flying over the heads of
every ono aud behaving In u inunuer
most Impolite. "Hero comes old Mrs.
Snull, putting up the hill. She will
miss the wedding if you don't wait."
No one wanted to have old Mrs.
Snail miss anything, so tho Ant boys
rushed nwny in their wugon to bring
her the rest of tho wuy.
"That is the ilrst time I ever knew
that nosy Bee fellow to do anything
sensible," buzzed Miss Wasp, who nev
er failed to use her shurp tongue.
"Ills mother should touch him better
The wedding gifts were numerous
nnd of many kinds, though, as Miss
Wasp said, "Why anyone guye Jenny
Frog n silk umbrella slie could not
think, when Jenny did npt mind the
wuter nnd, in fact, would ruther be
wet thnn not."
And then cume that wonderful sup
per when every one ate all they want
ed and a little more. 'But we hnd to
do something," said Miss Wasp, talk
ing it pver the nest day with some of
fT!r'he Right Thing
KAJ fa By mari
Right Time I Sf"-
TJTG MET her nt a dance, and when
she found out that he held some
important position In the training
schools of the telephone company,
she started In to nsk him why it wns
that some of the operators were so
Impertinent and stupid. "I should
think you would insist on their bolng
more attentive. I was kept wnitlng
almost five minutes the other flay on
my own telephone, and when the girl
did . come with her pert 'Number,
please,! 1 Just suld: 'Well, if you have
finished the chnpter of that book you
are so much interested in, I'll tell you.'
I think she got the -point," continued
the Boclety butterfly, "for she didn't
say a tldng, nnd I got the number In
u second."
The young telephone mnn hud heurd
virtually that same thing several
times before, and when the dance,
which was an informal early affair,
was over, he nsked the young girl's
escort if they would let him take
them In his motor to the nearest night
exehnnge. He thought the young girl
might be Interested to see the oper
ators reading their books and char
ting over their candy.
If you have ever seen n te'ophoDe
exchange with rows and rows of girls,
each one working Just about as stead
ily and calmly as girls could pos
sibly work, you know what they saw.
"Of course," commented tho tele
phone man," each girl has to say
'number,- please' about 1,000 times a
day. We try to teach them to say
it pleasantly, but sometimes It gets
a little metallic after u girl has been
on a busy board for several hours. It
looks as if they must have expected
sorry. The poor man without eyes,
with tho usual charity of the sightless,
excused the offender and stated, that
he linn ho business being blind. Then
he stumblid along with the aid of his
cane, while the other went on about
his business with regret stamped upon
his face.-
Thls is n characteristic experience
one may llnd all nlong the pnthway of
life if he keeps his eyes on thoso who
hurry onward without watching where
they are going. For more often when
one speeds thoughtlessly, others are
likely to ho Injured more than he Is
J,t anything will bring happiness with
Its accomplishment, It ought to make
people happy to engage In the work
necessary to bring accomplishment
about. True It moy be disappointing
and tiresome when progress Is slow,
aud apparently there are unsurmnunt
nhle troubles In the path ahead. But
nothing Is to he gained by bemoaning
the necessity of work, nor by fretting
over blistered feet.
it Is always well to work happily for
work Is what makes life worth while.
( by the Wheeler Vindicate, Ino )
Billie Dove
Bllllo Dovo is a native of New York.
After a short career as a model for
somo of the country's greatest Illus
trators she went on the stage. Recent.
ly she was engaged to appear at tho
head of distinguished casts in a special
series of photoplays. She Is but nine
teen years old. Her eyes are large and
expressive. She has light brown wavy
her friends, "for when that frog quar-
tet began to sing you could not hear a
word anyone said, so we Just had to
After supper there was a dance until
the sun hnd gone out of sight over tho
hill and one bright star peeped out of
the sky, and everybody voted It tho
nicest wedding they had ever attended
nnd said that Jenny Frog wus the pret
tiest bride.
"They always say that about tho
bride," snapped Miss Wasp as she
flew away.
"Poor Miss Wasp," snid gentle Mrs.
Cntcrplllar. "I was afraid we did uot
treat her kindly enough or Bhe would
never mnjee such stinging remarks,
( by McCIuro NewBpaper Syndicate.)
us," he laughed. '''They huve put their
novels out of sight."
"I'm sorry I made that sarcastic
speech," the society butterfly said,
with true contrition. ''I didnt know
how they worked."
"Don't let that worry you," said tho
guide. "The girls get used to It. It
sometimes rattles the now girls, espe
cially as they are not ullowed to 'an
swer back,' but it Is all In the day's
That Is the way usually with our
sarcastic remnrks thnt we think of
as brilliant nt the time we make them,
nnd worth repeating later 'on. But
ulmost never Is the sarcastic remark
really worth while.
by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
An Inventor has combined a small
cnliber automatic pistol with an elec
tric' flashlight of tin tubular type,
By John Kendrlck Bangs.
BAST, ye critics, blast away I
Blast by nleht and blast by day
Mine our Faiths, and counter
Question each nnd every line
With your analytic skill
Faith remains unshaken still
Sturdy, and forever true '
Splto of all your critic crew,
Safe beyond the reach of death
Simply for that It IS Faith. .
( by McClure Newepaper Syndicate )
K4 t---t..-Jt-....-t..t.,..,j.t..,,.ttt..
Has No Relation to Orange.
The usage orange tree Is native to
tho southwestern part of the United
States, and has no botanical rela
tlon to the true orange. It wus first
found near a village of Gauge Indlnns.
This, together with tho fact that It
has fruit fllinllur In appearance to the
orange, accounts for the name.
New Method Has Been Devised
by Department of
Results Obtained by Various Tests to
Be Used In Mating Sheep In At
tempt to Improve Fleeco of
Different Breeds.
(Frepared by the United States Department
ot- Agriculture.)
In order to compare the grease nnd
dirt contents of various wools and to
improvo wools in hcse respects, tho
United Stntes Der.rtment of Agrlcul
ture hus devised a now method for do
greasing nnd washing dirt from sam
ples. In tho course of this work It was
found that samples from the sldo of
tho fleece nre best for the purpose us
the contents of dirt und grease in this
part are closely related to the average
for tho entire fleece.
Washed With Gasoline.
In the method for determining
grease, as now used by the depart
ment, the samples are wa:hed three
times with gasoline, which Is drained
off through a filter paper that retains
all foreign matter. It has been found
thnt this treatment leaves only 0.17
per cent of grease In ItambouiU'et wool
and only 0.28 per cent in wool of the
crossbred sheep used.
Dirt Is tuken out of the samples by
washing with soap nnd wnter. The
wool Is cleaned well If the water is at
a temperature between 40 and 45 de
grees C, which Is not hot enough to
felt the wool.
Aim to Improve Fleeces.
Results obtained by testing various
samples of wool for grease and dirt
will be used in planning tho mating of
Wool Sorting Grading Fleeces.
Bheep in an nttempt to Improve the
fleece in these respects.
Details of this experimental work
have been published In Department
Bulletin 1100, A Method of Determin
ing Grease and Dirt in Wool, by D. A.
Spencer, J. I. Uardy and Mary J. Ilran
don. Copies may be obtained by ad
dressing the Department of Agricul
ture, Washington.
Should Possess as Many Desirable
Characteristics as Possible Some
Arc Enumerated.
A forage crop to be of most value
should possess as many desirable char
acteristics us possible, Including (1)
adaptability to soil and local climate,
(2) palatablllty. (B) heavy yield of
digestible matter, (4) narrow nutri
tive ratio, not wider than 1 :5, (r)
succulence, (G) long growing seasons
with "ability to 'endure tramping and
grazing, (7) permanency, (8) reason
able cost and tj'ase of seeding, (0)
capability of quick pasturage at any
time during the growing' season, (10)
leguminous" characteristics. .
Thousands of Farmers Have Intro
duced Various Crops Into Their
Cropping Systems.
Over SiiO.OOO furmcrs, nccordlng to
reports to the United Stntes Depart
ment of Agriculture. Introduced lo-
gumes, principally soy beans, oowpeas,
velvet beuns, and alfalfa, Into their
cropping system as n result of demon-
Btrntlons In the use of legumes In soil
Improvement given in 1021 by agricul
tural-extension agents.
Farmer Hap Little Knowledge as to
Cost of Production of Fowls
Sold for Meat.
Poultry moat Is u by-product on
most farms. The farm flock Is sup
posed to luy enough eggs to satisfy
tho family and provide u buhiuce to
help out with the grocery hill, but
when the birds ure sold as meat thev
nre turned off without much knowl
edge us to the cost or production. It
Is necessary to keep track of the feed
that the birds use and know If they
nro puylng u prollr. .There Is no rea
son why poultry meat nhould not-he
raised at a proUt the sniue as cattle
pud hogb.
Department of Agriculture Is
Extending Control Work.
Farmers Will Save More Hoga ant
Avoid Disastrous Losses If They
Do Not Delay In Reporting
Suspicious Cases.
(Prepared by the United Statea Department
of Agriculture,)
The United Stutes Department of
Agriculturo this year extended Its co
operative hog-cholera control work to
South Dnkota, Wusnlngton, New Mex
ico 'and West Vlrglnlu, making n total
of 84 states In which work Is being
dono In co-operation with stnto au
thorities. Co-operation among tho dif
ferent agencies Is now at Its best, nnd
is therefore more effective than ever,
Tio object of the work with the va
rious stntes is to prevent and control
One Way to Prevent Disease Among
Hogs Is to Provide Good Sanitary
Quarters Hog Cot In Use at Belts
vllle Farm.
outbreaks of ho,j cholera and to pr
vent tho spread of the Infection and to
reduce losses.
During the year, hog cholera has
been kept wel" upder control, but spe
cial care must be taken when there la
nn lncrenso In Its prevalence. l"arui
ers will snve more hogs und prevent
disastrous losses If they do not delay
1 reporting Immediately to tho stnto
, veterinarian, tho county agricultural
i agent, tho representative of the bureau
of anlmnl industry, or looal veterinary
( practitioner any suspicious cases of
sickness among their hogs. Hop
cholera serum Is not u cure, but n pro
j ventlve treatment, nnd should 'be ap
plied as soon as possible when the
1 disease appears in the herd or in tho
neighborhood. Tho preventive treat:
ment Is a good Insurance against
losses from hog cholera.
Organic Matter Is Atfded, as Is Nitre
, gen On Poor Land Turn Undor
an Entire- Crop.
Green manuring means turning
under suitable crops to enrich the soil.
Such crops may be turned under green
or when ripe.
Green manuring adds organic matter
and, directly or Indirectly, nitrogen to
the soil.
Leguminous crops nr most doslrn
blc for green manuring, since they add
to the soil nitrogen gathered from tho
air in nddltlon to the organic matter
which they carry.
Besides the nitrogen in the. legumes
turned under, an additional supply of
nitrogen Is fixed In the Roll by the
action of bacteria, using the carbon In
the organic mnttcr ns n source of en
ergy. Turning under an entire crop Is ad
vised only when the soil Is poor and
for the purpose of sturtlng u rotation.
' Turning under catch crops or winter
growing green crops Is an economical
and successful method of supplying
Hardened Grease Is Conveniently Fto
' moved by Scraping With Knife
Oil While Damp.
IInrnes8 should bo washed nnd
oiled when It becomes dirty or ex
tremely dry. For washing, use tepid
wnter, a neutral soup, such as castlle
or white toilet soup, and a sponge or
fairly stiff brush. Hardened grease
is very conveniently removed by scrap
ing with u dull knife. Ulnse In clean,
tepid wnter, and allow the harness to
stand In a warm place until it is no
longer wet but still damp. Then oil
It and leave It in a warm place for 21
hours before being used. Harness
should he oiled or greased while still
dump; otherwise, It mny take up so
much grease that It will pull out of
shape or take up sand und grit, which
will Injure It, ns well ns spoil its up.
penrancc. HnrncsH- should never look
or feel greasy.
More Attention to Proper Handling
Will Boost Price Dirt Is
Most Undesirable.
Potatoes nroncrlv urndnil hrimr
better price than the ungraded prod
uct. Whether stored or sold direct,
tho freer the crop from dirt the hut
tor. Provision should be mado for
lit tire of 45 to f0 derrppH In tlm un.
good ventilation und u steady temper
nt. -
ui;u tunur.
567&8 SHOES mtU
W. Ij. Daiiglnn hIiooh am i.otuatly !.
ninndcrt year aftr year by more pronto
than any oUicr mIioo in Uio world.
fr forty voara line been to
make the beet lio postible
fqr the price. Protection
agalnu uureaaonable profit!
I guarantee! by the price
tamped on erery pair
aud ttueetloKtbera.byekllleit
uoemaker, all working to
nake the brat ahoea for the
price that money can buy.
The quality U UMfurpaeeed.
The aoiart ttylei are the
lewlert In the fashion cen
ter! of America.
110 of our own utorei lu tha
largeoltlei and by thoedenl.
r.e?errwliere. Atk your
Iboe dealer to enow too w.L.
ItOYI Hllon
IV. U Doiifflnt mm
and portrait i tfu
bftt tnoun that
iiungiae tnoa Only by ei
Id. JtttantUjer
aid VI
Mil ttandhrd
amltitiig the in can you ap
preciate iueir Tame, iieruiia
iubttUutfta. Initial upon hav
ing W.UlHniguu iboer with
the retail price and the nama
Ul VOIlitilt toil.
nil allM
i ii
name and pnet U
plainly ilamptJ en
iiainpeti on me aoie. iue u mc ir ui n inrnuMt,
retail nrlcet are the tame tHc In utdM.
erery whoro. . jyj A
i.L.lMelnstl,ttntrt- PrrtlHtnt P
rTJ..ioiian flheeO.
IMitt fum-eeer tiae.
iuvirarn nirrrl
SrAt0. Ma,
Ono of the most Interesting balanc
ing nets on the American stage today
'.a the one where hogs slide down anil
huctin utnys up.
There's only one thing more pathctltf
than n boy with curls nnd that Is a
boy who will wear 'em without regis
tcrlug oiijectlnns.
According to n headline, Ycnl.cloft
quit Oroeiv secretly. From what ho
knows of European political habits he
probably thought thnt tho only way to
quit nllvc.
It mny ho true, as unofficial statisti
cians iiKsert, that there Is n fulling off
In divorces with the hill In price, hut
that will have to wait until the public
The man who looks for n long period
of business depression Is quite ns fool
Ish as the one who thought war profits
could lust forever.
Wheat and hogs may bo lower than
at any time In rocent yenrs, hut un
fortunately, the ultimate consumer cna
not eat wheat or hogs.
Tho kilee-longth skirt Is hut n pnsfv
lug fnd, according to the style author!,
ties, nnd will not bo generally ndopiod.
Somebody 1b always taking the Joy
out of life.
Baby Carriages &Fumitunt
Ask Your Local Dealer
for 32-Page
trated Booklet
The Lloyd Manufacturing Company
(itW-IM'Mf G.)
Dept. E
Menominee, Michigan (16)
Bit by Bit.
"The regimental riding school Isn't
proving much of a success."
"Not horses enough?"
''Oh, yes, but the pupils are fulling
off every day." American Legion
Weekly. i
Perhaps a woman wanls to chout
the custom house because jt might get?
a head start and cheat her.
A million dollars' rcwurd will neve'
bring hack lost time. !
Love In the real thing until the nevf'
ness begins to wear off.
Year's Wear
or a New Pair Frco
ThAt'o our guarantee of
rubber. Phot oho r Ilrnnt
uprlnn rive more, ouler J
r-ni liming treica and U v
ueTur ro. Ainaja coouor-M
joie. Hiuneaaars,-rootle
11 f re-sso. AeU Your Iealer, If be
ibein'tthem. fenddlreetatvlnsdetl.
Ir inuy.U farvuarat Trrplr.
n-Wj Streca 3eu4tr Co., Ufa.
Dept. F-tSll Ad rlan , Mich.
LlovdpTuS. I
$500 CASH
Thrives In Prosperity Booms In a Punlo.
Opunitos anywlmro twelve month per year
at 100 cash bakis. Investigate ut onco. '
IOJO ?weooorl Si. OMAHA. NEH.