I THM NORTH PLATTE 8HMI-WE1BKLV TRIBUNE - 5 ? Mt . .1.1.' TT'A J9EmiaafltPKiy VUUUUMt; day, afternoon nnd another Invitation j - (o attend the Washington Parent-, WILSON TOUT. Editor and l'sbllnhcr Teacher AsocIatlon tn tho evening.) jjdHiiieHH engagements prevented ac- toiSliS?S,dpcSS 11,1,1 th,H wns r0KrettC(i; . . me more uocauso oi our imthuiuu j SUllSCItU'TION PRICK: Interest In tho Parent-Teachor movo- j wANTEDTo buy CO or GO turkoys. One Year, In advance $1.C0 tirnt. If the mothers and fathoiB of i,Cnvu address with Tribune. Want Ads OLD TIMERS CLUB -srv i,0yjj and girls In the schools would CITY AND COUNTY NEWS-' Clinton's for Spectacles. . II. D. Luto of Paxton transacted ' business In the city yetserday. 0ne of the 01d Timers ro are al- Chas. McClaln of Ilorshey transactel 'wayn glad to hear from Is 'Mrs. Mary business In tho city yostrday. 1 Worthly. She Is living with her son Money to loan on farms. See Gene ni 15,1 navor street, roruanu, ure., Crook. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1922 . . and Rends her best wishes See Whlttaker for Inexpensive BlftCr,e1"" her nl "hm(''' Frank England Is renewing to her EDITORIAL Solomon said "A merry heart docth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drleth the bones" Proverbs 17:22. Abraham Lincoln said "I would save tho Union. I would save It tho shortest way under the constitution 1 ,..,. mnlln pn.nrmr.it Inn FOIt SALE OllO Section Of land &U, bolweon the homes and tho schools miles north of town. All under , '.oMor, 500 Locust st. of North I'latto would Increase and fence. Phono 1140J. ' Good people, good music and a 11,,. i. iwi i ri wmilrf nroflt bv " , good floor make Dancoland overy the boys nnd glils would prom ,rf)U sALE Purebred Brown Leg- Saturday nlght. ,1, horn cockerels, also a few March I , ,t ' .... , , , :o: 1 i.i 1 . .11-1 , nr o.i Mrs. A. II. McMullen left, last i.LiAvirii.t!iifi(iiiim ivii! batched pulUts. 821 West 8th. , . . ' IJOY IMPIOIISONATHS SCOUIh AM) j , PsenlnK for Perry, Iowa, and Omaha TItllW TO COLIiKCT POlt SAL&--Washing mnchtrie, droH-.to visit with friends for a fow days. MONUV or, be'1 and springs, chllds bed, sinP ac quaintances hero In North Platte this week. About three years ago he moved to Edmonds, Washington, which li only a few miles north or Scuttle. He says It is a line placo to live with mild winters and rather cool sit minors. He was born In Lin- The sooner tho national authority can u mi(, wa8 colu.cUn(; for the boy he restored, tno nearer the union MQUta bul R wnH foniul he -Was col 'lectins for himself. In a statement 'There Is ono special time each year in an element of chance In eacli game when the scout council goes after but this cannot bo rolled unon. For monoy for scouting work but It does Inntaneo CnrtlB defeated Cambridge, ot pml hyR George Ilaue Ion yesterday for ins rnn ,.om.V in tho seventies and One or tho NoTth Platte scout- ' tol cftrt baw burnw' me " Kearney after visiting with Uvod hero llntll ho left for Edmonds. masters was stopped on tho streets 1 "f!"r 1275 friends In tho city several flays. 1Ie BllI, ownB pr01)erty here. the other dny and asked for monoy. WANTED Painting or paperhnndlng' Carl Hackers loft yosterday for poi-mer fronds of Mrs. Margaret I can do Inside or outside painting, , Keurneywhere ho will spend a few Knnpi, will be glad to learn of her tinting or furniture finishing. Rca-'days with friends. , as uving !lt jiarrisburg, Oregon. Sho sonablo prices. Call for Mr. Stov- chas. Justice leaves Monday for writes that she settled In North Torrlnglon, Wyo. whore lie will spend Platte on May 15, 187G. That makes the winter, h"r one of the real old timers. She Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jones "of Her- If her daughter was living she will be "the Union as It was." Ono of tne things which makes foot-. icd yesterday regarding the lnci- on8 at Phono 1153W ball worth whllo Is the real sport m!IU- ncmu which Is a part of evory game. There Then overy three Cambridge defeated Qothonburg and months ono of tho senior scouts Is . START YOUR OWN. BUSINESS FOR SALE Two pedigreed AJrdalo nuns) Vnrv rn.Ktnnnltln If tnlron nt once. Irving Wright. 203 S. Walnut '"hey spent yesterday in the city visit- would be all right. She has lived Phono 877W. 'B t -he D. M. Leypoldt home. i" Hnrrisburg during the past eight e..rs and the Tilbune Is a regular :o:- Gothefiburg defeated Curtis. Which cnt out with tho bills to make Iho Is the best team? quarterly collections. Anyone soucu- ' I Ing money for the scouts Is an Irapos-1 Tho Hvo Btock Industry In Lincoln ter." ' county will have a chanco to benellt If It takes advantagb of tho Short horn sale at Farnuni noxt Thursday. E. W. Crossgrove and sons aro offer ing eight high class bulls and twenty- seven rgws and heifers from their An tho ,ays of this wook havo been herd. Each is a puro-brod register- ico wnrm Uay8. Today js much cold Make more money! Good health food products, spices, flavors, medi cines, toilet preparations, etc. 140 every day necessities' used by A 111 colored boy will hand you a Better Bargain Bundle out of tho south window Saturday at . E. T. Tramp & Sons' Ready-to-Wear. The Dancoland Entertainers and wlcomo visitor there. "Just like a letter from home," Mrs. Knapp Writes. WEATHER CONDITIONS let E. R. Goodman tranracted business millions. Largest company ostab-1 Inst evening for Omaha where they ln Goring Wednesday. llshod 33 years. Favorably known havo accepted a contract to play at Mrg chrollne IIupfcr ,oft wednes all over America.. Products sold on the Rome hotel during tho winter. for 0akland Callf whore snc time lowest wholesale. No ex- Julius Plzer left yesterday for wm 8p3ml the winter. perienco and practically no capital Hastings where he will visit his son needed. Wo furnish everything j0o. Boforo returning ho will trans teach you to inanago your own por- act business In St. Louis. ed Shorthorn and among tho bcst'cr. Highest temperature yostesrdas of the class. Tho sale Is to bo put cg, a year ago 30. Lowest last night on in tho comfortable, heated sale ( no, a year ago 24. Tho forecast for pavilion In Farnum and Is attracting North Platte and vicinity 1b: Rain wide attention. Those flno animals mixed with snow tonight, probnbly should not be allowed to leavo Lin- clearing Saturday morning. coin county because they arc, needed Saturday. here to take the placo of some of tho . :o: scrub stuff that Is still boing boarded Give photographs for Chrlstmasi hi' our farmers and ranchmen. this year. You will find our special manont big paying business. $3,000 to $5,000 yearly. Particulars free; glvo ago, occupation,- references. W. T. Rawlelgh Co., Dept 44, Freo port, IU: Colder ' FOn RENT Furnished rooms, block south of courthouse. 209 Lo l cust St. -:o: bffer in this issuo. Brooks Studio. Ono of the organizations or this v, v. lloagland roiurned this! city which Is going ahead without morning from Omaha where ho trans- ru h unusual nolne about its work acted business for tho past fow days. I.-- 1 he IIl-Y. It Is- composed of about seventy boys of tho high school with Rev. N. P. Patterson- as lfeadoiv It has a noonday luncheon oyory Wednesday for which each boy pays 2fcc, the lueal being provided by a committee of the mothers. Some en tertainment feature Is provided each week. Last Wednesday Chas. A. Mussolman of Omaha, slalo secretary of the Y. M. C. A. was tho guest or honor and made a brief talk to tho boys. Other leaders havo spoken at th meetings from tlmo to tlnio and earh haw brought a message of up lift. Tho III-Y Is fun for the boys and exerts a clean wholesomo effect on the boy life of this community. Tho. editor acknowledges a person al Invitation to nttend tho Lincoln LIVE STOCK MARKETS The following' quotations were the opening markets at South Omaha this morning bud v. ere received here by ov the coat telegraph at 10 a. in Caltle All classes cattle generally steady. Warmed up steers slow. Best corn feds hero $10.50. flogs Fairly active. Steady to shado lower. Bulk, mixed-' and pack'ln'g grades $7.35 wto $7.S0, . Bulk medium and light butchers $7.90 to $8.05. Top $8.10. . Miss Viola Ranch left ljist evening for Perry, Io.va and Omaha where she will visit with friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Leypoldt left yosterday for Hershey where they spend a fow days visiting with lelatlves. Harry Young leaves the first of the week for Los Angeles and Long Beach where) he will spend the winter. Who will be the one to get the suit among the Better Bar- Saturday special, Omaha corn fed beef roasts 15 cent a pound. Cash Meat Market, 1. L. Stebblns. Phono 20. A marriage license was issued yes terday morning to Lloyd Owen Til son, 22 of Elwood, Nebr. and Mrs. Ha May-Ballhelm, 23 of Lexington. :o: ORDINANCE NO. 158 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A. SEWER LATERAL DISTRICT NUMBER 2, TO CONSIST OF BLOCKS THIRTEEN (13) and TWENTY (20) OF SOUTH PARK ADDITION TO THE. CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA: ALSO BEGINNING AT THE MAIN gain Bundles at E. T. Tramp & Sons' SEWER ON E. STREET WHERE THE Ready-to-Wear' SAME INTERSECTS THE CENTER LINE OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCKS Saturday special, .Omaha corn fed THIRTEEN AND TWENTY OF RESI beer roasts 15 cent a pound. Cash DENCE PARK SUBDIVISION PRO r( At.. 1 t. ai,wn Pimno DUCED. THENCE. SOUTH ON THE 26. TWENTY TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF UIX)CK TWENTY IN SAID SUB DIVISION THERE TO TERMINATH. TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF 10 INCH SEWER PIPE WITH PROPER FLUSH TANKS, MAN HOLES "AND PROPER APPLIANCES AND PROVIDING FOR AN ESTIMATE OF THE COSTS THEREOF AND FOR MAKING BIDS FOR SAID SEWER LATERAL AND ALSO PROVIDING- FOR A LEVY AGAINST THE ABUTTING LOTS ALONG THE LINE OF SAID SEWBR LATERAL TO PAY THE COST OF THE SAME. BE IT ORDAINED by tho Mayor nnd City Council of the City of North Platte, Nebraska: SECTION 1, That a sewer lateral District "2," bo formed and the samo is hereby fonriod from blocks thlrtoen and twenty of the South Park Addition to tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. That a sewer lateral bo constructed of 10 Inch sowor plpd thru said blocks 13 and 20, South Park Addition at a proper depth and on a level reqi'rod by the said sower sys tem of en i I City beginning at tho main sewe- 11 "E" street where tho same Inter;' cts the center lino on tho Alley In Blocks 13 and 20 of Resldonco Park Subdivision produced, thonco south on tho center line of tho alley in said blocks 13 and 20 to the south side of block 20, in said subdivision there to terminate. SECTION 3. That tho engineer of s- Id city at onco prepare and file with the clerk thoreof an estimate of tho costs of said proposed sower latoral. , SECTION 4. That after said estimate Is made and filed as herein provided, the Clerk of said City shall proceed at once to advertise. In manner and form nfi required by law for bids for the construction of said sower lateral and 1 appliances, reserving to said City the , right to reject any and all bids thorc- for. SECTION 5. If an approved bid bo mndo for said work that the contract therefor bo entered into by the Mayor of said City attested bv the Clerk with tho necessary provhloim for tho protection "of, tho intero?' t of s-Md city nnd upon tho contractor furnishing a bond in .1 sufficient amount for the faithful performance of said contract. SECTION G. To pay tho costs of 1 tho construction of said sower latoral, i (lush tanks, man-holes and appliances,. 1 a special assessment shall bo levied 1 according to law against the lots abut iting on the lino of said lateral. ! SECTION 7. This ordinance shall , take! effect from Tind after its passage, aporoval and ' publication. Passed aud approved this 8th day of November, 1922. I E. TT. EVANS. I tfi Mayor. ATTEST: : O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. ; (Seal) -:o:- & S. Groceteria. The Right Auctioneer Means Dollars to you. My specialty "is FARM SALES Sec mc or Phono.' I am busy but can book another one.- . if. BROWNFIELD Phone 74 Hershey, Neb. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Lundsford were callcd to Elm Creek by the serious Illness o't the former's father. : You will find useful and dainty gifts In the Whlttaker gift shop ranging in price from 25c to $10.00 I Edmund Dickey loft Wednesday I for Fromont, Nebr., where he will I Islt sovoral days jwith Everet Adams. R. A. Philips returned yesterday from Omaha whero ho transacted business for soveral days. Ross Stebblns of Los Angeles, Cal. Is visiting In the city at tho homo of Jils sister Mrs. John Bonner. CENTER LINE OF THE ALLEY OF SAID BLOCKS THIRTEEN AND Sl'KUlA'L FJ5ATlTRES WRITTEN IN COMIHXATION WITH STANDARD LIFE POLICIES Non-Cancellable Accident and Health Insurance, Double Indemnity Provisions. Specific Dismemberment Pryvlslous. " Disability Income Clause. Monthly Life Income Provisions. Pure and installment Income Endowment Provisions Premium Waiver Clause. Post Mortem Dividends. Full Participation to all Surplus. Automatic Non-forfeiture Clause. Insurance that Insures Protection that Protects Fidelity Reserve Company Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets. ' Public The unttorslgned will sell at Public Auction at hl,s farm 3 miles south and ono mile woat of North Platte, an Wednesday, November 22nd. Commencing at ono o,'clook 61 Head of Cattle 0 milch cows, somo fresh ln noxt two montlm, nil fresh by Fobruary. 7 big three year old stcors. 12 coming two year old steors. 24 stock cows. 0 head yearling holfora, 17 Head of Shoats 10 Bhoats weighing about 100 lbs. 7 shoats wolghlng about 50 lbs. C1IICKKNS 2 dozen Roso-Comb Brown Leghorn, pure brod pullets. 15 Roso-Comb Rhodo Island Red Cockorols, puro brod. 12 bronzo turkoyB, FARM JIACIUNKHV John Dooro two-row In good shapo. Flying Dutchman riding cultivator, six shovel. 2 corn stalk drills. Spring wagon. Broad tire wagon with bod.- Grind stono. Free Lunch at Noon TEIUIS $20 and uudor cash, C onths tlmo at 10 por cont intorcst will bo given on bankable notos. T. F. ZIMMERMAN, Owner. I North Platte, Neb. j I .Simla! Tho Nash sport modol In which Mr. nnd Mrs. 1L V. Co.v, oi North Platte, Nebr., traveled !I8S5 miles to Ann at a cost of $55.70 for gns and oil. Gas at samo places cost them 10 cents n gallon. If. M. JOIIANSEN, Auctioneer P. C. 1'IELSTICKER, Clerk. I ' I II I ! HI II ll'IIPI I I IIIH'HI Mr. and Mrs. 11. V. Cox, North atto, Nebr,, today wore delighted dtorsn Santa Anaso delighted, ., fact, that thoy havo settled there. '1 ' ey aro friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wil li in Getty, of this city. Tho visitors loft homo In their Nash sport modol July 20 and wend ed tholr way to Santa Ana by easy stages, making tiotours and visiting many poluts of Intorost on routo. Cox doclaros that ho Incurred no oxpeuso on tho trip for ropalrs to his car. The dlBtanco traveled was 3,885 miles and tho consumption of gaso line, which, at somo points cost 40, conts a gallon, was 1G8 gallons. Twou- ty three quarts of oil wore purchased at a cost of $9.50. Cox came over the Lincoln highway , to Choyenno, Wyo., and went Into the , Yollowstouo Park.- Coming ovor tho 1 Bluo mouutatns ho found tho road ln , vory bad condtlon. At ono point on ' I tho mountain road work was In prog-1 j ress ami It was nocessary to cover j , a distance of flfty-flvo milos at a rnto j of spoed not In oxcoss of fifteen miles i ( an hour. - Tho .nash negotiated tho ! long grade without sorlous troublo jand went through on Us own powor ftjyar a road on which, the day be i fq.ro, twonty four m.aohlne hud to bo ; nutated. Cox says It wis a common thing for him to pass cars on this bad section of road. Ho assorted that many mo torists dotourcd 200 miles ln order to avoid the Bluo mountain grade In Its present condition. Mrs. Cox has been managiug tho Elk's hotol at North Platto'and Cox 1ms ttaon following his profession, that of a stationary onglncer. "f I should buy, another car, It would bo n Nash," said Cox. "As a hill climber It Is tho equal of any car on tho market. My machine now has been drlvon more than C000 miles, and I, liave never had n wrench to tho'on glne or cloan n spark' plug." The Children's Hour That happy time when the day's lessons and play arc over but it's too early for bed this is the hour when you gather round The Brunswick. This hour of music is more than simply amusement it is invaluable training in the recognition of true tone, so important in a child's musical education. The jij-unswick Method of Reproduction is exclusive and insures' the highest artistic results. The Brunswick Method of Interpretation in the making of records is also exclusive and equally advanced. Heaf a Brunswick Record on a Brunswick Phonograph the highest type of phonographic achievement (Hi 1 1 1 I III! I mTTFBriiiPM5p Holley Music i I House. J.('