THE NORTH PLATTE SrBn-WEETCTiY TRTBUNR. Try these Bakers' Raisin Pies save baking at home THERE arc luscious rais in pics just around the corner, at your grocer's or a bake shop. Baked to a turn a flaky crust filled with tender, tempting raisins, the rich juice forming a delicious sauce. Once try tnese pies that master bakers bake fresh daily in your city and you'll never take the trouble afterwards to make raisin pies at home. Get a pic now and let your men folks taste it. Made with tender.thln-sklnned, meaty, seeded Sun-Maid Raisins. Raitins furnish 1560 calories of energising nutriment per pound in practically prcdigested form. Also a fine content of food Iron good food for the blood. Use raisins frequently, there fore, which are both good and good for you, in puddings cakes, cookies, etc. You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun-Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know Is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun-Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon for free book of tested Sun-Maid recipes. Learn what you can do with luscious raisins. . SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin Your retailer should sell you Sun Maid Raisins for not more than tho following prices: SesJod (in IS si. Hut pit.) 20d Seedless (in 15 n.tii fx.) 18c Seeded or Seedless (11 .. IBe CUT THIS OPT AND SEND IT I Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, I Dept. N-560-7, Fresno, California Please send me copy of your free book, "Recipes with Raisins." NAME- Blue Package I Street j City -Statk American Miners Outdig Russians. American coal miners, thrown out of work by tho Ore months' strlko In the United States, have been drifting Into the pits of tho Donctz buslu In Russia. The Bolshevik government at Mos cow nnnounced the other day tlint 32 Americans In the Yusowlkl mine had established a record by digging In one day two nnd one-half times ns much coal ns did the same number of Rus sian miners. It Is understood tbnt more American miners are on 'their way to Russia. A FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally reel secure when yeu know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pore aad contains no harmful or habit producing drugs Gueh a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Siramp Reet, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The tame stamdard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained i every bot tle ef Swamp-Root. It is scientifically cempounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspeenful dotes. It is not recommended for every thins;. It is nature's great helper in relisving nd overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores In bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BinRhamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writlnj be sure nd mention this paper, Advertisement. j The mother of u large family no doubt wonders at times whether she Is a mother or a referee. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION IMD1GESTKW rX.rwf 6 Bell-ans SS) I it -x j. ELL-ANS 254 and 75$ Packages. Everywhere Ladies Keep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum PARKER'S uAtm n A T ciAM RemoYMDwaraa-ftlnpiUilrXalllnrl Restores Color nnd I Beauty tc Grey end Faded Katri niwoi Chun. Wk.'atrhocuo,?.T HINDERCORNS It.raor. tv-rns, CU loatrs. tic. stnps. all pain, f mures comfort to (be feel, makes watklnr . by mall or t Orusj. Sits. llltcox Cbeiuleal Works, fatcliorue.K Tt, W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 45-1922. Truly an Optimist, lie was an optimist, ami had Just moved Into new lodgings with his wife. On the north of them dwelt a gas company. Chemicals wereuiude In tho east. A glue factory perfumed tho south. The west wufted weird soup bolllng cflluvla. But, bless you, he wus un optimist 1 "Of course, dear," he murmured, holding his nose, "It Is a little trying sometimes. Still there's an advantage In the arrangement. At least, we don't need to buy n weathercock to tell the wuy the wind Is blowing." Lon don Tit-Bits. Our Patriots. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts was discussing ofllce seekers. They are the bane of- a legislator's exist ence," he cried, nddlng, "and most of them seem to think that government positions are nothing but graft. It never seems to occur to them that It takes uble workers to carry on the machinery of the greatest government In the world. "Why, the other day, In talking to a candidate for a really Important po sition requiring a good all-round edu cation, I discovered that the fellow actually thought that South Bend was n morning exercise." Selfish Parent. He was blonde and blue-eyed and seven years old at most, this young ster, who was complaining about the way his father treutcd him. "Oh, gosh, I hnte to go home. My father's so selfish. You cun't guess how selfish my father is." "Selfish?" said an old man, all ten derness In his tone. "Yes. selfish." said the lad. Why, he wouldn't ever think of lending me his wushrag or his toothbrush. Not over." New Book Ends Invented. Because book ends relying on their weight huve u tendency to slide apart on smooth tables an Inventor has pat ented a pair mounted on rollers and held together with a spring to keep them against books between them. Every department of housekeeping needs Red Bross Ball Blue. Equally good for kitchen towols, tablo linen, sheets nnd pillowcases, etci Adver tisement. Where Marks Are Faty. Depnrtlng New Yorker I'll he glad to get out of Jils topsy-turvy land. One of my chauffeurs has bought ft German castle. Cimpllclsslmus (Munich). The way of the average woman exas perates the avernge man. Never limit your mental exercises to Jumping to oonclur.lons. IUjiir,E Have Strong. Healthy fflESs M they Tire, Itch, Ton 3r2" Smart or Burn, if Sore, 5L. rrC Irritated, Inflamed ot YOUR tlLO Granulated, use Murine often. Soothes, Refreshes, Safe for Infant or Adult AtaliDruggistB. Write for Free Eye Book. Marias Eyi lUwedr Co., CMrtje 'Che. (Copy for This Department Supplied by the American Leclon News Service.) THE LEGION OATMEAL COOKIE I M It 43 jg Recipe Submttted by Mrs. Frederick Gehlman, Springfield, III., Wins International Contest Mrs. Frederick Gehlman of Spring field, 111., presents the national cookie to the country. Of the 400 recipes which hnve been pouring into na tional hendquar tefs of the Amer ican Legion Aux iliary during the past two months, tho Gehlman "Oat meal Cookie" has been selected to fill the Jars In military hospitals throughout the United States. Although no prize whatever was offered In this unique con test, recipes came In from every Mrs. Merbcrt Pin-8tn,te,ln th Un," neU nnd from Hnwnll, Alaska, Canada und Paris besides. So It was really an International contest, but the winner halls from our own Middle West. Tho Judges selected Mrs. Goldman's cookie recipe for UBe In the hospitals, be cause It best combines food value with little fat content. It makes u mighty good tasting cookie, too. Here it Is: 2 cupfuls sugar 1 cupful raisins 3 cupfuls flour (cut with scls- 1 tcaspoonful soda sors) 2 teaspoonfuls bnk- 1 cupful lard or InK powder butter 3 cupfuls rolled 1 cupful sour milk oats (ground) 1 egg (well beaten) Process: Flour the raisins. Cream the fat In n mixing bowl, adding the sugar gradually. Add the egg, then the in 11 k, then the dry Ingredients cfter sifting them together, then the onts, and lastly the lloured raisins. Using a teaspoon, put onto a greased and lloured baking sheet. Put into n fairly hot oven (350 degrees) nnd leave 10 to IB minutes. Mrs. W. J. Marks of Indlnnapolls, widely recognized domestic science ex pert, and the members of her "Hour" class ucted as Judges for the contest. They selected ns an alternate to the Gehlman hospital cookie, another ''oatmeal cookie" which they would recommend for general use. It con tains a larger percentage of fat and no milk. Mrs. A. O. Wlggln, Lima, Ohio, sent it in. The vote gave Mrs. Mary B. Snod grass of Highland Park, Mich., second ranking without a rival. She seut in nn "orange cookie" recipe. The Judges selected as the third ranking recipe a "cream cookie" with small fat content, sent in by Miss Mary B. Boblnson, Walla Walla, Wash ington. Mrs. Herbert PInnell of Indianapo lis is shown mixing the dough for the National Cookie. She was one of the class of Judges ancV secret she hasn't been mixing dough for Husband PIn nell so very long. OHIO LEGION MAN MISSING Clair A. Anthony la Being Sought by Toledo Poet No. 319 Hla Family Needs Him. Joseph Baker Post, No. 810, Toledo, O., is seeking the whereabouts of Olalr A. Anthony, who hns disappeared from his home in that city, and whose wife nnd children are in destitute circum stances. Anthony Is described ns tw en ty-nlne yenrs old, five feet six Inches In height, weight 180 pounds, ruddy complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. He walks with a left leg. Anyone having information concern ing Anthony is asked to communicate with Lcluud M. Beatley, commander of tho post, 4112 North Haven street, Toledo, O. 'PEP IN SCHOOL PLAYGROUND aaVLisBBBBBBBBY Clair A. Anthony, slight Ump In the Circumstantial Only. On the compluint of a farmer, old Ephralm had been haled Into court charged with chicken shooting. His lawyer had made a fairly good case for him and for n clincher had the plaintiff recalled, hoping to muke him contradict his own testimony. "See here," he snld, scowling sav ugely, "will you swear that It was Ephratm who shot your chicken?" "Wnl." said the farmer mildly, "I won't swear to It, but I suspect him." "That's not enough to convict n man. What makes you suspect him?" "Wnl, I saw him In the chicken yard with a gun, then I heard the gun go off, nnd then I saw hi in putting tho chicken into a bag and It didn't somehow seem sensible to Agger the bird committed suicide." American Legion Weekly. Authority Make Plea for Onmea That Are Characterized by Energy and Vim. "Jellyfish gymnastics, or stupid, silly games, played half heartedly, huvo lit tle place In tho proper physical devel opment of tho growing child," declares Dr. Iil. Blnncho Sterling, acting assist ant surgeon, United States public health service, In commenting on tho health of school children. In planning exercise with n view to tho promo tion of good posture, she suggests, they should bo simple nnd vigorous and pluy full of energy nnd vim. The posturo of school children can not, however, be said to depend chtelly on any one condition, she holds. De fective vision, ndonolds and bnd tonsils tend to have o bad effect on tho child's posture. Where hygienic conditions in a school aro not the best there Is an Increase of poor posturo. Good nutrition Is a contributing factor to good posture, but by no means an In dlspensnole condition. Condition of tho teeth, she claims, has no effect Doc tor Sterling's findings arc based on n study of three elementary schools at Bedford, Ind. Plan Wouldn't Work. A celebrated wine merchant re ceived a letter which ran: "Sir, I hnve not a centime to my name, but I adore champagne. Bo good enough to send roe a case of your delicious nectar. With Its help I liopo to forget my wretched poverty." He replied by return mall: "Sir, the Means wherewith you propose to for get your poverty will not avnll. The Incessant and persistent presentation of my account would remind yon every moment of your sad coudltlon." Bos ton Transcript. Shave With Cuticura Soap And double your razor efficiency ns well as promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irri tation even when shaved twice dally. One soap for all uses shaving bathing and shampooing. Advertisement. Camel's Peculiarity. The camel cannot swim. The moment It loses Its footing In running wntcr It turns on Us sldo and makes no effort to save Itself from drowning.,nnir.nfgl5TluidI)raoli m 5fS J 'v ftst tins CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria -3 PER OEKT. M.r.OIIQL AVciclaklYcparatlonrarAs- m BKimjwiijsa. i mm aw ruribdSmiF s .ir.iii?r-medvfor a 't?, richness anu ImSiiaatajof Signature Always . the or Ay of XWP jy Jv In ha Use Xj For Over Thirty Years IBSGASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CCKTAUn COMPANY. NtW VnniPcmf. DONT tHT THAT COUOII CONTINUE I Spofan's Distemper Compound will knock It tn very short time. At the first stun of s. couch or cold In your horse, ulve a few doses ot "SPOIIN'S." U Will sct on ths stands, eliminate the disease Kerm and prevent fur ther destYuctlon ot body by disease. "SPOIIN'S" has been the standard remedy for DIBTISMI'Elt, INFI.UKNZA, PINK UPTE). CATAIUlHALi PEVEIlt COUGHS and COLDS for over a quatter of a century. Sold In two slses at all drug stores. BrOllN MliUlCAL COMPANY GOyilKN, INDIANA Red Cross Ball Blue Is the finest product of Its kind in the world. Ev ery woman who has used It knows this statement to be troe, Advertise ment A Knockout Blx I see that a famous doctor has placed his O. K. on pie for breakfast. Dlx It would be a K-O for me. I CARTER'S d MiTTLE 1 CONSTIPATION Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a lew nights at ter.l hey cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to take as SUgar. Genuine bear itgnatute s&on&5ZC Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. 10 Cents Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lisigerie PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish. Rare Find in English Church. After three centuries of conceal ment behind plaster and rubbish, the remains of a Fourteenth century stalned-gluss window have been dis co vod at Chelsea (England) Old thurch. The old Klnss, which 1s of immense rnlue, was found between aj' erg of soft pluster behind u muss of old bricks. In one window only a frag ment of n border wns found, but In the ther n panel two feet bjr two wus brought to light. Tho punel is nearly complete, the head of the figure ap parently that of St. Lawrence or St. Stephen is missing. Tho glass socms to be of u date not later than the mid dle of the Fourteenth century. With the exception of Westminster abbey, there is no London church with Its own glass of so early a date. Literally. "I let the flutlroit full on my hus band's toes this morning." "Was he mad?" "Hopping." Don't grumble about the rough road la Ufo; help to mend It. IF TRUTH WERE INSISTED ON Some of the Remarks That Would Do Made About That Proudly Dis played Photograph. "This Isn't a very good picture of you, Helen. You don't usually look so wide-awake." "My, how this ftnttcrs you I A per son might be led to think you're real ly good looking, to Judgo from this." "If you had held that pose much longer you'd hnye had c nervous break down. Thnt photographer should have known better." "The man who took this picture ought to build up a heavy business. He cer tainly knows how to make age disap pear, doesn't net" "Why, do you always have your pic ture taken In profile? You've got a vory ordinary nose, to say the least." "Too bad you don't smile like this otherwise." "Take It away I" Kew Tors Sun. If you am in doubt delay. Do Dreams Come True? A southern Indiana man a few eve nlngB ago went Into n drug store In his town and bought u quart of red whisky, "tho kind wo used to get,' being fortunate In getting one of two quart's the druggist had. The latter usscrted he was going to keep tho sec ond quart for tils own use. The buyer stole away from the drug store with his package, mentally de bating whether ho should sharo hl prize with friends. After several mo ments of anxiety ho came to his deci sion. No one but himself should ever tnsto n drop of tho precious liquid. Then the buby cried and ho woke up. Indianapolis News. A Revealer of Undulations. "I thought you believed with Ollvle that the earth was flat." "I did until I had gone tiding Id Sprlngnlxe's second-hand cur." Judge. Yesterday Is gone; tomorrow majy never come ; do It today, Are you among tnese tnousands f THOUSANDS of people keep on trying, year after year, to build health from food that has been robbed of certain elements required for per fect nutrition. If your food doesn't contain the mineral properties that go to build up nerre,,tooth and bone structure, there is no other means by which you can Set these vital elements. This is one reason why so many well -informed people eat Grape-Nuts Get a package of Grape-Nuts from your grocer today, and give the family a help to health. the food that enriches the blood, and builds sound, healthy bodies. Grape-Nuts is made from whole wheat flour and malted barley baked for 20 hours, which develops the nat ural richness of the grains and makes for ready digestibility. And Grape-Nuts i9 perfectly deli ciousserved with milk or cream, or made into an appetizing pudding for dinner. Grape'Nuts the Body Builder Posturn Cereal Co. , Toe. BtttU Creek, Mich. cowiCHiftfr,