I HE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SemMSJecklu. Srilnme. WILSON TOyT. Editor an.! rablinhcr. Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska PbstofTIco as Second Claaa Muttor. SUllSGMl'TION PRICK: Ono Voar, in advnnco .$1.B0 CertHlnly It Is not the reporters for tlio state datllM nor tlm lgcul nowf impori. North Platte pota TttHKlay wj.an 1L went to t1i polls ttntt II la , doubtful if there la another of Retting her opinion. . : That 1h North Ilntte. :o:- FltlDAY, NOVEMHElt JO, 1022 EVITORIAIj John Bald "Search tho scriptural)', Jot In thorn yo think yo have oternal life." John C:39. Woodrow Wilson said "Tho ono thing tho world cannot pormanontly resist Is tho moral forco of groat and triumphant cbnvictlons." WHO IS XOHTII PLATTIU. - A rocont ulltorini In ono of tha licJtlngton papora complained of tho way In which tho report of tho forfolt of tho Lexington game was reported frojfl North Platto to the World Hornhl. Tho' paper Is not at hand and wo do hot roniemher tho wording but tho Spirit of the editorial was censure of NOrth Platto because of the aftlclo In (juostloh." This Is a common error which wo are all likely to make and most of us do mako without thinking. . Who is North Platto? Is it tho City Council? The Cham ber of Commerce? The Woman's club? Tho Hoard of Education? The Central Labor Union? The Country olub? .The Loqal Scout Council? The Federated Churches, or somo other equally Im portant body? Who Ih North Platto anyway? It is certain that the item in q.cs tlon waH not submitted to any of theo groups and docs not rcllcct tho sentiment of any of them. The local corrspondent (for tho World-Herald Is unknown to us but wo will guaran tcgj.that he or alio sent In tho Item as his or hor own personal Version of th$ affair. jlocs this one person assume to epak for North Platto. Wo would not rXpoct hi mor hor-to take such a" sfrr.d ' liTo editor of this paper speaks for hl'msolf when ho prints his, opinions iri tho Tribune, and nothing but n signed artlclo by someone In position to speak or tho nssurtion that the artlclo Ih authorized by such person can be taken as the voice of North riatto. Who la Nortli Platto? M. A. Oherg. traveling passenger agent for tho C. N. & S. I, rallrond transacted business In tho city Wed nosday. Mr. and Mrs. Sain Souder .loft joe torilay for Missouri whero they ac companied tho remains of Mrs. Sourt orB mother, Mrs. Splokerman. MIhh QuhsIo Splckorman loft yestur day for Missouri. She will accompany tho remains of hor mother, Mrs. II. 0. Splckorman, Nick Logus loft yesterday for Koohetor, Minn., whero ho will re ceive,' medical troatmcnt at the Mayo Bros. Clinic. " Mrs. George .Wilson and daughtor lteua loft this morning for Columbus to attend tho football game this afternoon. Clon Walteinath loft yosterday for Columbus to attend the football game this afternoon. LIVESTOCK MARKETS The fbllowln (juotntlons woro tho aliening markets at South Omaha this Miomtilg and warn rocolvod" here by 'Olegruph at 10 a. in. Cattle Killer ciM about steady. No cholc bcBVM on aulo. Stockors and .feodei-n dull. llOKS Generally cloiitR. weak on padking kind. Bulk packing frados ?7.2G to 17.51). Uulk Dtltdiiors $8.00 to $8.1G ' Top $8.20. ' :o: Trnde with the Davis Furniture Co, and save monby. 207-0 Kant Gth SL Just around the cornor of tho First ' National Bank. Phone 19C. ; o ; M'-a. Audio Llkons of Paxton shop 'ped In tho city yesterday. U. L. Cochran left yostorday for Lincoln where ho will transact busi ness; for a few days. Mta. M. McLean left Wednesday morning for Glcnvill, Neb., whero she t will spend sovoral woks visiting her son, A. McLean. Want Aids ' WANTIfll Corn shuckora. Louis KOfiDf. Phono 785F3. FDIt 15ALB Green poppors and colsf ry L. L Luckcr. Phono G98.I. WANTED -ftorsos for winter ratigo. . 8 miles north, section 22-15-30. J. A. Horho. WATCH" YOUR SALE DATE m ov. a 3 Salo of registered sliort hqm cattle at Hlmhurst farms by K. Wj. CrosBrovo'& Sons. t 10 Farm solo by 11. M. Clem, en's at his place G1. nillos west ot North Platto. Col. I. D. nrownfield, Auctioneer. A hunting party consisting of Carl Da' kers, T. F. Crawford, and Ocorge Ratio of Kcarnoy loTt this morning for Lewollon. -:o Peels Spuds and Asks for Senate Vote r'roiu spud to Senate is ijuitc some hurdle, but the confident Mrs. Annie I). Olson, of .Minnesota, is not a i .tid to pose in kitchen irock in ask. rig the voters ot the state to send hci to.Cic U. S. Senate in place of I rani; H 'Kellog, the present Re publican Senator. Mrb. Olson docs not let her campaign interfere with housework, as one wide awake photographer found when he called at the home. Political wiseacres say .Mrs. Olson is piling VP hundreds of votes in her campaign. FOIl fllSNT- Flurnished rooms. 16 Ulbck south of court house. 209 Locust SU FOK 9AL13 One section of land 814 miles north ot town. All under fonco. Phono 1146 J. WANTED Girl ,for genefal house work. Mtls. G. Ii. Dent G20 West 1th St. FOR SALE Apples at 60c to $1.50 bushel. Gleuburnlo Fruit farm. Sutherland. FOR SALE Gearhort Knitting Ma chine. In perfect condition, with four cylinders. Will give instruc tion. Phono 907W. WANTED Painting or paperhundlng I can do lnsido or "outside painting, tinting or furniture finishing. Rea sonable prices. Call for Mr. Stev ens at Phone 1153W. WANTED Men and women demon strators to introduce, tako orders,! mako deliveries, 150 household ne cessities. Food products, spices, extracts, toilet articles, etc. Now used by. 20 million consumers. Largest company, most useful pro ducts. Largo profits. Our system gots tho business. No capital re quired. W. T. Rawlclgh Co. 44 Liberty Street, Freoport, 111. FOR SALE Native red cedar at the old stock yards. Will sellt at 'auc tion to the highest bidder for cash a lot of used lumbor, dlfferont dimensions, fence posts, large build ing posts, nine to ten feet long, extra heavy gato posts, and a num ber of large gates, kindling woqd.i feed bunks etc. Sale called for' November 16th, 1922, at ono o'clock Omar Hayos of Wnllaco'was a bual ness visitor In the city yostrday. Saturday special at the Cash Mark et. Fresh ham. Pork Roasts 20c lb Phono 2G, I. L. Stcbblns. Miss Helen Getty loaves this even ing for Greeley, Colo , whore she will visit Miss Avalon Hocknborgor far a few days. ' , Razor blades sharpened.. One crnl rent. Price is same t'or single or double edge. All work guaranteed. Stones Drug Store. When in North Platte CQME AND SEE US Hotel. Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar :jrythln.' firot class ohd prices reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific 3iutlon. Vis7 sharp. JOHN BURKE, Owner Mrs. Chappell of Brule was a busi ness visitor in the city yesterday. r- IL LET THERE BE WAR WITHOUT ARWIStlCE! November 11th we again commemo i tie 'tho slgrjlng of the AnrJlstlce which closed the World War. To make peace in the interest of .umanlty, to lay aside hatred and .lallce, is the part of great nations, if great people. There are greater dangers, however, '.ban war or Invasion. One is a mode of living which Inevitably turns life's reedom Into a harr.issed existence. Against extravagance, public and private, let there be war without armistice! Unchecked it can from "Wltlirn-destroy-awhole nations. The Platte Valley State Bank ?.w.wvav.w.,.w.v,'.v,vwiw; 3 mi 'Bi I !( .1... ovetnber the 11th. Men's Overalls & a good grade $1,181, Jour hast Opportunity. Men's Work ShirtSi SEE THEM 69C Never at These Prices. A Great Part of this Stock at Less than Whole-Sale. Everything Goes Nothing Reserved. Si K ft vr ii mm. I NOW 'Or I WINTER WEIGHT RQh I I 1 g H Women's Hose I BLACK CAT. I 19c and 25c. I It Will Pay You Big in $ $ To Be Here Saturday, November 11th. SHOES Women's Keady-To-Wear MEN'S DRESS SHOES $2.98 WOMEN'S SHOES AND PUMPS (1 QO Value to $7.60 P JUSJO BOYS SCHOOL AND OQ DRESS SHOES ni.OJ .MEN'S SWEATERS $1.43. BOY'S SWEATERS $1.19. MEN'S HOSIERY ALL REDUCED. Wonderful Values COATS $9.45 and up. SUITS One lot (fcliQE excellent $lfc.tl values DRESSES Dresses $9.95 See them Dry Goods "Wow iVs Corrsets $1.50 & up Won.,n'8 IIoubo Dresses .70 Won.m'8 llloomors - .98 Mlssc Flnnnol Qowns .98 Wonu-.i h Swontors 2.29 Women's Dlack Cat Hoso .19 Children's 40c Hoso .23 Women's Union Suits .89 Women's Vanity Uoxos., 1.79 Women's Hats 1.00 1 1 Wilcox Department Store 27-inch Gingham Hc 36-inch all wool Serge 89c Stamped Towels 29c 32-inch Gingham 21c AH Dry Goods Marked To Sell. - Get Our Prices on Munsiag Wea y Blankets and Comforts Marked for Quick Sajes.