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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1922)
THlfl NORTH PLATTIB SlEMf-WIDlDKLV TItIB UNI2 it 'ft W !1 It t ScmMHccklu fflribuitc. "":',6" 01 ," train to visit ub. Of course they wcnj IVfT.WllV' I'lll'T L'.lli... .....I ll.,l,lM,. " " '" ' ""linnri. , ,!,,, . .tit.... Entered at tHu North Platte. Nebraska l'lfl00' wu'"'l 1,nvo loori"M happy and would Imvo noted tho snmo. Wo ad in ir tho spirit of the people of Goth enburg nud hopo It will tost our mettle Ono PostofCloo iln Sueoiid (Mann Mutter .siJHSifmriao.N imm:ki Yuri, 1$ advuiitv. .- ..j'. TUKSOAY, NOYKMIItilt 7, 132-.J MHTOKIAL for many years to como with North I'latto winning ovory doserved vict ory. W nro for North I'latto all the time hut admire the sportsmanship of thin frlondly rival. Solomon sald-"Tho blessing of tho Tllp foiling i.'cnp0(l rrom (ho Ixird, it -makoth rich and he nddeth janm-., fohlo) paper which was no sorrow with ItWrovorbH 10:22- ,mndwl t0 ug thR W((ok Kbv cW w paator of tho Prosbjtorlan Hoo3ovolt said "Americanism is a question of spirit, convletion and pur pose, not of creed or birthplace" church here for several years and he and Mr. Curry havo many mends liors who will be sorrv tn.lanrn nf Thflro was coneldurablo criticism uialr lowr of h sldowalk Blxtm which wore Stanford Curry, ajw 30, son or paun-d about tho main streets Just Uov. j, jL Cm,ry( paHtor of tho before, tho Gothenburg game. Somo Fol.08t Avenue 1'roBbytorian church f-xciifwd it on the grounds that it dlocT-In a sanitarium in Pittsburg was just boy's fun but others-thought ttl 5 o'clock Thursday ovoning. Ho n would havo beon bottor If tho boys ha(1 h9W 9frorIlt(? from a erVou8 lind roplpd after their oldors who bronk-dowi for tho past two years, fxfcndrd n welcome to Gothenburg Mr Cllrry was a mombel. of tll0 in friendly rivalry. Many' business Prosbytorlan church and bosldos m.-n r? Just itblo to tolerate tho , 1)urent. is survived by his wid. Bldrwnlk painting now and any abuso ow nml one son Tho boy Jg 8pond. ol 11 win uring anout uie anoiisnmont of fin- privilege. Ing tlie wlntor with Uov. J. II. Curry of this city. Ono sister, Mrs. J. It. fMlund of Kansas City, Mo., and ono brother, Ralph of DallaH, Texas, also ,'survfv. Tho funoral will bo hold in Dallas, Monday. Ilev. and Mrs. Curry loft for Pitts- vburg last night, but Mrs. Curry will Want Ads LIVE STOCK MARKETS Clinton's for 'Bpactaqloe. Hiss Alburta Oalldhdor of Sarboa WANTEL- -Corn shuokors. Hofior. Phono 786F3. Lou I 'FOR. SAL,B Grcon peppers and celo " ry. li. I. Luckor. Phono 09S.I'.' .WANTED Horsos Tor winter range. . 8 miles north, suction 22-15-30"f J. A. Homo. FOH SALROno section of lund.S miles north of town. All utlfl'or foncv. Phono 114CJ. " LOST Pockotboolc containing money and papers. Itaturu to Tribune of . fide. . FOR SALK Nalivo rod cedar at the old stock yards. Will oll 'at nua- 1.. It 1 1 I . . . I ut n ! u T,i0 foUow!ne Quotations were the, mnl Uw WOflk 6hd In tlio city vlsir- Lninn d ""Jnlng markets at South Omaha this' lnPc Uor pn?onls t$. and Mrs. B. 0. dimensions, fence posts, largo build- morning and were rocelyed here by cUIendor uum iu in iiwi JUIlfci . ,.l......i. . in ... .. - Cuttle Beaf steors slow, about steady. ?10.85 paid. She. stock Btoady to stronger. .Otlior classes of stock gen erally' steady. f-lugb Active, stoutly to stronir. Bulk nack- 1 Chnrlos Yost camo Friday from ng grades $7.25 to $7.50. Bulk 200 to Tlint ls almost Human Fromoh't to spend tho Wdek end with 300 pound butchors $8.00 to $S.1C. IUK parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Yost. Top $S.20. IMchnrd Noskey returned yostoi'- :o: day ironv Lexington after transacting busiuow Tor several days Mrs. Mary Grimes returned Sun day rrom nuenellvilll3, Ind. whero she has spent several weeks visiting extra heavy gate posts, and a num- bor of,..lnrgo gates, kindling wood, feed , lUnks etc. Sale called for t tV0mtor lCtli, 1922, jit ono o'clock lmrt). .1 " JOHN BUUKH. Owner to: , ,n . The Manualo ' Tho Player-Plnno - Mrs. Warren Lanning of Hershoy visited with frlonds in the city yester day. William Homer of Wallace spent yastordny In tho city visiting with m WANTED Girl ,for general house- 1,er hvoth(!V- Su lo'lvrs 8horU' f Mams. work! Mds. G. Ji. Dent G20 West po,lU8 in Colorado to visit for a few Mrs A Fn,t returned to her homo 4th St. FOR SALE Apples at EOc to $1.G0 bushol. Gleuburnlo Fruit farm. Sutherland. weeks loavlng tho fjrst of tho year jn Koystono this morning after visit- tor California whre she will spend ng with friends in the city for a few tho remainder of the winter. days. Tho Amorlcan Loglon nt Cozad hold n mooting last Friday night and by unanimous voto repudiated a state ment thnt it hud endorsed any candi date for any of Ilea.. In making this nriTifttitinnmntif tlwi nfflnfa unv "fnr the present and future tho American , "Uttnn SfttUrd' wh 0 her huM Legion is 100 per cent American hut is M,,;1 Grry. will continue to Dallas non-politlcal on all matters pertaining' wU 1 l b0 ,f hlH fl011' Dr- C,lrr to candidates for public ofdee." Tlio 1 ,robably wl" bo ?0"0 10 cl's or I l WO WtilJKH. j . :o: Tribuno congratulates Dawson County Post No. 77 for Its stand. As long ns tlio Amorlcan Loglon will keep out. of pnlltlcs, it w!!l lmv tho rospect and con flil on co of tho rest of tho people. LOCAL AND PEKSONAL II. Miles of Pax ton was a busi ness vUltor In the city Thursday. Edward -Downs of Hershoy visited with frlonds In the city Saturday, W. L. Larson of Maywood trans acted business In the city yesterday. Mrs. Ed Walker returned Sunday from Hastings nnd Hartford whoro she has beon visiting tho past week. A girl' was born to Mr. and Mrs. In our last Issue we ran a front page head under tho caption, "Can you Pre dict?" nnd gave tho names of tho can didates for tho most Important offices with Bjjaco'for our readers to write In tUt irmcif of those who thoy thought vrtl' be olected today. Tho schenro ,w.e Intended for tho pleasure of the subscribers nnd ,wns so taken ' by many. Howovr sovoral took tho William Selbold at the I'latto Valley v'hentcn Hn football, he would rather hospital Saturday. It to us, in sovoral coses disguising Mrs. Pat Shields of Kearney came tho handwriting Those who took the Saturday to attoud tho funeral or time to write out their predictions, the late James Snyder. will enjoy comparing them, with the . ' ... . . ., , .. . .. n. ., , ,, Mr. and Mrs. Avory Duvall visited results of tho election. with friends In Cozad. for a fow days Mrs. Axlell was plncrd on tho pro- wooIc giflpslvo hallo't for cbmmlBsioner of H. II. Rogers of Nesblt,-Ncbr. was public lands, and buildings wljhout a buslnemf .visitor In tho city Satur her knowledge and as a compliment day. , to her as n pfogresslvo 1-ndbr. ' She MvH. cimrloi Howlson of Valyrang only know of it through tho news- v,Hlt0(1 wtll rrloi.Uf) ln tho clty Snt- paper reports. She nsKeu tnom to tak lior name-from the list but when they told her tholr reasons for putting hr on the bnllot sho gave In r wn'Pnt td tho use of Jior name. It t a complimont to Lincoln county and to Mrs. Axtell to havo beon nam ed for rtn Importnnt stato offlco by n j.roifp of nion who were very much in vnrnoRt. As far us tho Tribuno editor 1s cod corned, If North Platto had to bo healton In football, ho would rnthorr Hol'-'GQthtnburg do It than any othor team vo play this year. This neigh bor has mado horolc attempts In the past to win at North Platto nnd tlmo and again has failed but has never lost heart. No othor team thought i urday. Mrs. Wmdi McKInn of Gothenburg was a business visitor ln tho city 1 yesterday. R. L. Cockran loft Saturday for , Scotttvoluff whero ho will transact business for sovoral days. j Miss Ida Ross rotuVned to hor homo in Lowollon Friday after visit-' i Ing with fri6nds in thee ity for a 1 fow days. NOTICE -I havo bought a corn aholler and am roady to shell any quantity , at any timo. Chester Masters, phone 782F11, North Platto. NOTICE Somo magazines and clubs nro rnislng In price, November 10, Phono your order now. Mrs. Fred G. Roctor. Phono 537. FOR SALE Gearhart Knitting Ma fr' chlno. In perfect condition, with 1 four cylinders. Will give instruc-1 tion. Phono 907W. . jKOR SALE Improved section farm lnnd, 125 acres Ono four room house, ono three room house, three ' ' wells. Prico $10,000. 2 miles south- oust of Somerset. M. J. Ilaaonnuer, Somerset, Nebr. JWANTED Men nnd women demon ' 8tratora to Introduce, tako ordors, , mako' dollvorles, 150 household no- cosslties. Food products, spices, f extracts, toilet articles, etc. Now used by 20 million consumers. - Largest company, most useful pro ., ducts. Largo profits. Our system ; gots tho business. Np capital ro- quired. W. T. Itawlelgh" Co. 44 ' Llborty Streot, Freoport, 111. Qmharst Farm eor s AT PUBLIC AUCTION Farnum, Nebr. Thursday, November 23. , , . , , i . 1 , i n, i - 35 Head of Registered Cattle Highest class registered Shorthorns, 8 bulls and 27 cows and heifers. WHY SHORTHORNS? England, the homo of. the Shorthorn cow that furnishes 90 per cent of the milk consumed in Loudon. Wo bollevo truo dual typo docs not sacrifice beef making on tho alter of milk production. , TERMS Cash unless .othor arrangements have beon mado with the nlorif lwrnrn thn cnln It- E. W. Crossgrove & Sons. A. W. Thompson, W.-, II. Btc?c, C. A. Hudson, O. II. Peterson (Aucti6neQp, S. F. Parker, Clerk. Tell Brother. to ln1le his chums over to-night The Manual o will entertain them with their old i ' ' collego songs. . ". L- ; 1 , ' Any one of tho boys ' ! can play (not operate ' ' ''"',' the Manualo , ; I ' IV. i It responds " 1 v to pedaling j i as tho piano responds ' ) i to the touch I of tho pianist. 1 t - Como in play it yourself. Piano Tuning Piano case reflnishlng Holley Music House MM Convince Yourself. You will be satisfied our godS are right and our prices lower. k , i PEER'S STORE. NORTH SIDE. Where You Buy High Grade Merchandise at Lower Prices. I)K. O. H. CIlliSSLER UHAHUATE DENTIST Office over tho McDonald State Flank. Continuing Our 10 Day Opening Sale. All our prices are lower all the time. We are (looting below a few of our extia ial Bargains. Get acquainted witri this store now and save yourself inonev. 1 pec- 1 "lot ludles silk ho3e regular $1.50 values alo price . - j; 98c f COMBINATION AUCTION i I will sell ftt public auction on my farm, "Alfalfa Dreamland" throe miles south and ono mllo oast of Maxwell, ono-half mllo west of tho National comotcry, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 10th. Free Lunch, nt.Noon. Sale Immediately I'olhAilm; NINE HEAD OF HORSES Ono team bay maroB nine- yoara old, weight 2200; ono toam Shet land ponies, both bay, weight 400 each; flvo colts two and throo years old. TWELVE HEAD OF CATTLE Two milch cows, ono fresh tho other fresh In thirty dayu; three 2 year old holfora; flvo stoor calves. 130 PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE HOGS Weighing all tho way from 40 to COO pounds; 35 Purebred stows ready for breeding; bIjc purebred sows with plga; aoven purobrod boara weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, FARM MACHINERY One 12 ft. disc grain drill; ono 14 rt. disc harrow; ona G ft. Doaring mower, nearly new. TEKMS OF SALECa8h, or alx montha thno on baakablo noto boarlng ten per cent intorost from dato of solo. No proporty romovod nntll settloment 1b madd Scott Shaner & R. A. BeaucKamp, Owners. CoL T. A. Dfttld, AuctlOBOor. Marwell StAlo Bank, Clerk 40 Inch Canton Crepe, pdro silk, best quality, colors black, brown and Navy, $1.25 value, sale prlco. $3.10 yard 40 Inch, oxtra heavy Charmeuse Satin In dark dress colors, special value per yard ' $3.10 yard 36 Inch fluo plush sorgo in Navy, brown and maroon, an oxtra value at 85c 40 Inch fine French sorgo, all wool, colors Navy, Brown, maroon, spo-. ciftl price $1.26 81x90 full standard shoots, goal weight nnd quality, salo price .' M $1.19 Special ladles uno whito floe cod union suits, long uJogtvoh, .short sleoves or no sleeves, salo pr!co $J.15 Suit Special Sale of Linens for Thanksgiving These are unusual values on Sale, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. Ono lot men's and young men's suits', some with two pants, all now ' fall styles and checked patterns. -Values up to $30.00 going in this lot at $19.00 Ono lot, men's high grado dress trousers", Including values to $6.00 Special prico at ! ., $4.98 s One lot men's fleeca lined union suits, special price, $1.19 Special, men's 2 pocket knit Bweater Jackets for dross wear, sale price $4.98 Special, men's 4 pocket fancy knit awoater coats special prico $8.98 Special, men's heavy worsted work sox special . - . 19c Ono lot men's cotton socks ln black and brown, Bale price 9c pair 72 inch, all pure linen table da mask, new quality,, finest patterns salo price $2.1 9 yard 72 inch, all pure linen table da . mask, an 'exceptional 'valuo on sale at $1.98 yard 72 inch, bleached mercerized table damask, regular $1.45 valuo, salo prico 98c yard 72 Inch, bluo stripe Curfow mor corlzed damask, going at $1.19 yard Ono " lot SMaderia napkins, puro linln quality regular $5.00 value going in this Bale at $2.89 doz. One lot jMaderla napkins, very flno $4.00 quality, Balo prico $1.98 dozen One lot Hnon luncheon sots, flno hand embroidery 13 pieces' to set, regular $5.00 valuo going special ln this salo at $2.48 set Ono lot puro linen napkins, reg ular $4.50 valuo, special at! $2.98 dozen One lot 25c valuo bleached crash, towllng all linen special 19c yard WE SELL Peters Diamond Brand Shoes for Men, Women and Children. High in quality, low in price. We are well stocked witfy a wide range o! styles in oxfords, straps and boots at very unusual prices. Pizer's Store, North Side 1 I'