The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 03, 1922, Image 7

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(Thousands Have Kidnev
ImilhlA and Nat. rati
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
ZM JUUCiniT frnm rpnnrfa fmiVi tlmirrrtata
.nuu a cunsianuy m -direct toucn Wiut
thltqn nn.l!hVn. Tl. lt.l .-.I 1 1:
ftifliiAMA f TV- VII .J- O ii i "
GOD realized. It nbinrM thn hiBhit fnr
its remnrknliln rornnl nf
An examining physician for one of the
IT) mi TIP tlf. T.lfrt TnaiirnriPA Pntnnnnlna In
ftn interview On inn Riihinrf. mnrlrt iht as.
TATltBhlMM aV 1. 11. .X 1
r many apDiicantfl tor insurance arn rv
tAAtarl in T.I J L 1-
iku umiuiiLv or moan wnose annnrntiOTin
.. - tf
sir rnn Bifno mnnnitn nnii n w
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
sample Dottle. When writine bo euro and
mnntinn A -J ... k! x
Some Similarity.
Hewitt "The devil never takes n va
cation." Jewett "And Cupid always
wears his working clothes."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
tor infants nnd children, and see that It
Honrs thn
,f7, m
Signature of JU&4cZ&Zi4.
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Moro people have the gift of speech
than the gift of silence.
A young .mnn who practiced, medicino
in Pennsylvania bqcamo famous and
.was called in Consultation in many'
towns and cities because of bis suc
cess in the treatment of disease. This
was Dr. Pierce, who finally made up
his mind to placo some of his raedi-'
cines before tho public, and moving to
Buffalo, N. Y.. put up what he called
his "Favorite Prescription," and placed,
it with the druggists in every 6tato.
Dr.PiercePs Favorito Prescription' has
long been recognized as a tonic 'for
diseases peculiar to womankind.' After
suffering pain, feeling nervous; dizzy,
weak and dragged - down by weak
nesses of her sex a woman is quickly
restored to health by its use. . Thoir
aanda of women testify that Dr. Pierce's
Favorite 'Porsoription has 'entirely
eradicated their distressing ailments.
Moro recently that wonderful dis
covory of Dr. Pierce's, called An-urio.
(for kidneys and backache), has been;
successfully used by many thousands
who write Dr. Pierce of the benefits
received that their backache, rheu
matism, and other symptoms of urio
acid deposits in joints or muscfes have
teen completely conquered by its use.
Band lOo to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.,
for trial pkg. of any of his remedies, or
write for free medical advice.
Skin Eruptions
Are Usually Due to
When you are constipated,
not enough of Nature's
lubricating liquid is pro
duced in the bowel to keep
the food waste soft and
moving. Doctors prescribe
Nujol because it acta like
this natural lubricant and
thus replaces it.
JN uj oi is a
lubricant not
a medicine or
laxative bo
cannot gripe.
Try it today.
For Visitors Only.
The prlmnry teacher naked the class
for u dellnltlon of the word "bless
ing." None of the pupils seemed to
know. Finally Johnny's hand. went up.
"What Is It, Johnny?" said the
"Papa soys the blessing every time
wo have company."
Baby's little dresses will Just simply
dazzle If Red Cross Ball Blue Is used
In the laundry. Try It and see for your
self. At all good grocers. Advertise
ment i
Feminine Determination.
Alice "Do you renlly know what
you want?" Virginia -"I'm rather un
decided. But I know that I want It."
Look to Your Eyes
Beautiful Eyes, like fine
Teeth. are the result of Contunt
Cere. The dally uie of Murine
make Erea Clear and Radiant,
Enjoyable. Hannleiij Sold and
Recommended by All Dmtpta.
An Important Branch of
the State University.
A Complete 8choot and Hospital
Operated for the Benefit of tha
Entire State Now Has ah
Enrollment of Over
300 Students.
(By Montague Tancock.)
When Nebraska went Into the medi
cal business by voting an appropria
tion for tho University College of
Medicine and University Hospltnl
combined value ?G41,250. the hospltnlH
operated at n cost of 100.000 a year
there may have been some doubt
as to the outcome. There isn't any
Last year In ono department 1,700
operations were performed for Ne
braska people- from -nil counties.
These operations wero done without
charge. If paid for they would havo
cost nearly twice $100,000.
This disposes of the cost of oper
ating tho Institution for tho year.
Hero's what Nebraska gets as "velvet"
on its Investment. In tho five years
that the hospital has been located In
Omaha S.823 patients have been treat
ed and cared for without charge.
This treatment has been given by men
and women trained In the Institutions
under supervision of tho best phy
sicians, surgeons and Instructors In
this part of the country.
As a result of this care many people
who were formerly public charges,
maintained at the expense of the
country, hnve been cured nnd sent
back to their communities capablo of
providing for themsclvoB assets In
stead of liabilities.
Many of Nebraska's future citizens
receive 'their first service from the
State at this Institution. A children's
ward Is maintained, where little ones
aro ushered Into tho world and cared
for until they and their mothers are
strong and well. The children's wnrd
la always, filled and Is ono of the
brightest spots In tho hospltnl.
Tho University maintains a dis
pensary In which 20.000 cases wero
treated last year. Thoro Is no charge
for this service except for those who
are able to pay for tho medicine used.
Aside from Its humanitarian value
this dispensary does much to check
contagion and to safeguard the health
of tho community.
All these services make a good deal
of "velvet," but great as they ure,
they aro merely by-products of tho
great work of the Nebraska Medical
The primary purpose of the fhstltu
tlon Is education. It has grown from
one building with 08 students In 1013
until it now has an - enrollment of
817 students in medical courses. G5
In the Nurses' Training School nnd
four magnificent buildings housing two
laboratories, a hospital, a nurses'
home, carpenter shop and power plant.
The College of Medicine reached
the peak of Its enrollment in 1022
1023. It moots the requirements of
the most exacting stnte examinations
and licensing boards. Its diploma
grants the holder all privileges ac
corded graduates of any medical col
lego In the United States. Recogni
tion of Its high standing In England
places Its graduates on the same basis
as .graduates of English colleges.
The course of study covers 0 years
of 80 weeks each. Tho first four
years cover laboratory sciences, which
Famous Book Character.
Harriet Beecher Stowe drew from
the story of the life of Joslah nenson
her character of Uncle Tom In "Uncle
Tom's Cabin." Joslah Ilenson was
born a slave In Port Tobacco, Md.
ne endured remarkable hardships dur
ing his early life, hut In 1828 escnped
into Canada and became a Methodist
preacher at Dresden, Ont nenson
lectured throughout the United Stntes
and made three trips to England dur
ing the last years of his life. He
was entertained at Windsor castle by
Queen Victoria. E. It. It.
form tho basis of clinical Instruction
during the last two. ludcpendcnt and
thorough work Is required of each
Tho state pays tho salaries ot those
Instructors who aro regularly with
tho college. It pays nothing to many
of tho busy practitioners who glvo
clinical Instruction to tho students
during tho year. Theso Instructors,
leaders In their individual fields,
although busy with largo private
practices, glvo unstlntlngly of their
time during tho school year. They
serve for tho glory of serving and
teaching tho younger generation tho
nobleness of n Ufo of service.
The University has laboratory facili
ties for the study of anatomy, bio
chemistry, pharmacology, pathology,
bacteriology nnd physiology. Each
laboratory Is equipped with all tho
apparatus and appliances needed In
a thorough study of these subjects.
In addition to tho laboratories
where students gather their practical
experience, they havo tho advantage
of the. College medical library of
25,000 volumes and 1200 current peri
odicals. They also have tho privileges
of tho University library of 105,000
volumes ut Lincoln.
For men who must help thcmsolves
through school there are also advan
tages. The will of the late Clemen
tine C. Conkllng provides for tho
creation of a trust fund known ns tho
"Jotur Rlggs Conkllng and Jennie
Hanscom Conkllng Foundation," the
Income of which Is used by tho
regents of tho University of Nebraska
In providing scholarships for desorv
lng raedrcnl Btudents. The Omaha
Medical College foundation was cre
ated In 1021 chiefly through contribu
tions received from former professors
in the Omaha Medical College. Tho
foundation not only perpetuates tho
name of that pioneer collego but
stimulates an interest In the study
of medicine and scientific roscarch.
For students who must help them
selves to an cducntlon there nro oppor
tunities for work In Omaha. The
Y. M. C. A. and Omaha Chamber of
Commerce often help these students
llnd outsldo work.. The nverngo cx
penso of the student's school year,
Including books, Instruments and fees,
Is between $000 and $850.
In tho college all Is not class work.
Dr. Irving S. Cutter, dean of the
Medical College has encouraged an
Interest In athletics. Dean Cutter bo
Hoves that n healthy body makes a
healthy brain. As a consequence of
this encouragement nthletes represent
ing the medical college have long
ago established their worth on the
track, Held, basketball and tennis
The University Hospital forms the
largest and most Important unit of
the group t of buildings constituting
tho Collego of Medicine. It Is the
center around which practically all
the activities of tho College revolve,
making a close correlation of clinical
and laboratory teaching. Tho hospi
tal, modern In evory respect, contains
1.10 beds. Wide porches to the north
and south on all floors, provide out
door accommodations for ovor fifty
patients. The hospital Is a compete
teaching unit with every convenience
for tho comfort and safety of tho
pntlents. This building hasn't a dark
corner In all Its construction. Tho
neatness of tho Interior Is remarkable.
Sunlight streaming In from the num
erous windows brings out every do
tall of cleanliness.
The Nurses' Training School1 nt the
College furnishes a three-year course
to young women wishing to enter
this profession. It equips thdm for
service In any hospltnl or for private
duty. The students receive u liberal
education In professional as well as
cultural training.
Tile new nurses' home under con
struction will furnish accommodations
for 80 and the school will bo enlarged
In its scope. Practical knowledge of
tho profession Is gnlned through con
tact with hospital activities.
All these activities are locatod on
the campus of the College of Medl
cine. Visitors to these Institutions
arc welcomed at nil times. They are
conducted through the buildings by
guides who will give, out all desired
Magnified Trifle.
Trifles that amount to little are too
frequently magnified and those which
really should receive attention are lg
nored. This Is because too many men
and women lack ability properly to es
tlraate tho vnluo of things. Ability to
appraise Is at a premium nowadays.
Prescription Free to All.
There are many troubles which you
cannot cure by tho Bible and the
hymn-book, but which you can cure
by n good perspiration and a breath
of fresh air. Beecher,
Dut, If True, Thla Young Lady la Very
Evidently Not In the Class of
Modern "Flappers."
A country correspondent of nn Indi
ana weekly newspaper, who disclaimed
being either a pessimist or reformer,
recently wroto ns follows: "Tho other
day n man nnd his dnughter from near
Danvlllo, Ky., passed through our town
on their way to n nenrby village. They
expected to bo met at tho train by n
relative, but ho was late, so they had
to wait for him for four or llvo hours.
Tho dnughter was n young woman of
seventeen, but still wore her hnlr In
curls. We wero especially Impressed
by tho natural glrllshncss and sweet
modesty of tho young woman. Sho
was refined, too, both tn manners nnd
dress. Her father apologized for her
bashfulncss. There's nothing else to
say about tills llttlo Incident except
that it is a raro nnd beautiful thing to
hear n father apologlzo for tho mod
esty of a daughter of seventeen sum
mers." Indianapolis News.
Each package of "Diamond Dyea" con
tains directions so simple that any woman
can dye or tint failed, shabby skirts,
dresses, waists, coats, sweaters, Block
ings, hangings, draperies, everything like
new. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other
kind then perfect homo dyeing is guaran
teed, even if you have never dyed before.
Tell your druggist whether tho material
you wish to dye is wool or silk, ,or whether
It is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Dia
mond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or
run. So easy to use. Advertisement.
Spoiled Diamonds.
Among tho crown Jewels of tho
Hupsburgs wero two large diamonds
of ruby tint which wero always re
garded us especially valuable and
whenovcr tho roynl Jewels wero placed
on exhibition these stones were under
spcclnl guard. It was necessary some
tlmo ago to dispose of tho Jewels, and
as they were being prepared for ex
hibition, prior to being offered for sale,
they wero put through n wash which
unfortunately removed tho color of tho
precious stones nnd left them perfect
ly white. Iifttcad of demanding a
fabulous price as ruby diamonds, they
were sold simply ns white stones.
Chicago Journal.
Canada's First Railroad.
The first railroad In Canada was
the one built between Lnpralrio nnd
St. Johns, Quebec, and opened for
traffic In July, 1830. This rallwny
line wns established by some promi
nent Montreal business men, nnd tho
railroad wns constructed of woodeu
rails, horsepower being employed dur
ing tho first year. In 1837 tho wood
en rails were replaced by Iron rails,
and tho horses by n steam engine
Tho railway was known as tho "Cham
plain and St Lawrence Railway com
pany." Tho Champlaln & St. Lawrence
Railway company received Its charter
lu 1832 ninety years ago.
Threat Considered a Favor.
Jodklns was nlwuys a dissatisfied
member of tho staff. His complaint
this time he considered a big ono nnd
ho told his work mates that he would
threaten to leuve.
"What did tho boss say about your
threat to leave?" ho was asked on be
ing seeil coming from tho chief's room.
"no didn't' take It as a threat," re
plied JodklnB. "ho thought I wns doing
tho firm a favor." London Tit-Bits.
Pleasure's Penalty.
It Is fine to recline ,In the bright sun
shfhe on tho sands, oh brothers nnd
sisters; but wo dhd, nlnsl when a few
hours pass that all Isn't bliss that
blisters. Boston Transcript.
Racers strip themselves that they
may outstrip others.
A stolm temperament Is to bo de
sired. It doesn't worry.
mm m i unj g&J IpW W
Postum comas in two forms: Instant
Postum (in tins) prepared Instantly
In the cup by the addition of boiling
water. Postum Cereal (In packages,
for those who prefer to make the
drink while the meal is being pre
pared) made by boiling fully 20
POStlllH FOR health 'There s a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. Sold by All Grocers
Healthy Housewife Happy Home
Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound Has Helped
Form Many
For tho ailing, half-sick houscwifo
such a union Is impossible. Often
times oven tho slightest form of
housework cannot be accomplished.
Yet tho work must be done.
Many women struggle along for
yean Buffering from some form of
female trouble that make their lives
miserable and their homes far from
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has helped thousands of
juat such women regain their health
and strength. Just gtvoyour thought
to tho following lotters and remem
ber that tho women who wrote theso
letters know how they felt hoforo
taking tho Vegotablo Compound and
again afterwards, lthelped them
let it help you.
Had Nervous Spclla
Horatio. Ark. "! had nervoua
spells and awful bad feelings. My
right side nnd my back hurt mo all
tho time and I had been going down
in health for six or Bovcn years. For
threo years I had not been able to do
my work without help, I weighed
only 95 pounds when my husband's"
mother persuaded mo to tako Lydia
E. Plnkl)am' s Vegotablo Compound.
Now I heartily recommend it to all
Buffering women, as 1 havo gained
weight and health. I can do all my
work, anything I wont to do." Mrs.
Jim ItEARiCK, Horatio, Arkansas.
Take a good dose
Parrot Got Busy.
Johnnuy played with IiIh llttlo
friends next door, where they had a
loquacious parrot
When mother wanted Johnny Bho
would telephono nnd the message
would bo shouted out tho back door,
s"Johnny, your mother wants you."
Whereupon the lad would, go home.
Ono day, hearing the familiar words,
tho boy trotted back to his own houso
nnd reported to mother. Imnglno his
surprise when sho said, "I didn't cull
Tho parrot had learned tho combina
tion, "Johnny, your mother wants you,"
and sent the boy home.
Har First Ball Game.
Betty, a demure llttlo miss of four,
who Is In Indlannpolls from Detroit
as tho guest of her Aunt Irene, saw
her first baseball game n few days
ago and while at the game picked up
a number of tho terms and expres
sions used by tho funs.
Sundny, Betty was sent to Sundny
school und on her return, home was
asked by her aunt to rclato the story
of the lesson. After telling the story,
sho added:
"That's all I can remember, but I
bellevo I've left out about two In
nings." Indianapolis News.
Norfolk island Ignores Cash.
Money is almost unknown on Nor
folk Island, In tho Pacific ocean', about
$25 being nil that Is handled by tho
entire population in tho course of a
Ono may go to tho dentist cheer
fully but not as cheerfully us ho
Fcnr keeps ono's mouth shut ns ef -
fechmlly as wisdom.
m m.. nil r .ttc.jb i l
Why, sign notes at
the dining table ?
TP vour mealtime cud of coffee leads vou into
l V
midnight wakefulness and mid-afternoon
drowsiness (as so often happens) why not stop
giving the promise to pay?
It is so easy to keep out of debt by turning
to Postum.
Postum is a satisfying, mealtime drink, rich in
flavor and aroma -and with no regretful settle
ments, afterward.
Why not try Postum instead of coffee today,
and pave the way to better health and happiness?
Rending, Po. "I wns a nervoua
wreck and could hardly do my house
work. I always had to havo help or I
would never have got it done.
Through tho advice of friends I hava
been taking Lydin E. Pinkham'a
Vegotablo Compound for my, nerves
and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood McdL
cine for my blood and I am feelincr
fino and doing my work all alone. I
can recommend theso medicines to
any ono, for they certainly helped
mo. I suffered for five years and
Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines pulled
mo through. " Mrs. WALTER U.
Btoyek, 1218 Mulberry St., Reading,
Pa. j.
Recommends the Vegetable I
Now Orleans, La. "I havo found
relief from my troubles by taking t
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com
pound and I praiso it wherever I go.
I could not do my work as it should
be done for I would sometimes hava
to Ho down bocauBo of the pains I had.
A friend induced mo to tako your
Vegetable Compound and I havo got
great results from it I keep housa
nnd am able to do nil my own work.
I recommend your Vegotablo Com
pound tomyfriendswhohavo troubles
Bimllar to mine." Mrs. T. Foeck
ler, 1916 N. Derbigny St, Now Or
leans, La.
of Carter's tittle liver Pills
then take z or 3 for a few nlglits atter. I hey restore
tho organs to their proper functions and Headache
and the causes of it pass away.
ilSa'tu't" yrCcC SnU Pill s Snull Do.e; Small Pries
Under the Circumstances, There Can
Be Llttlo Doubt Sambo Was Sin
cero in'HIa Supplication.
Reprcscntntlvo Chrlstopherson ot
South Dakota tells a good story about
n darky who was short of meat nt
homo and selected his pastor's smoke
houso ns a likely place to get a nicer
ham. As ho was leaving with a hie
ono under his arm tho pastor sudden
ly appeared beforo him und said :
"Why, Sninbo, whnt arc you doing In
my smokchouso at this time ot night?"
To which tho trembling darky re
plied: "Ah, suh, Ah Just come In to
pray, suh."
Whereupon the pastor said : "If that
is tho purposo of this visit here. thou,
you Just get down nnd pray."
Thereupon tho darky sank on his
knees, raised his eyes und hands to
heaven and offered up this prayW:
"Oh, Lord, I pray that you now
promptly dismiss us so Umt we may;
depart In peace." Exchnnge. (
Always fn Style.
They were going through. the furnl
turo factory, and Mrs. Smith was;
amazed at tho great proportion, ot
"Well, ma'am," responded the In
genious attendant, "you see, it's tha
dull season, and most of our furniture
Is out of style, but scttln' never really
goes out of fashion."
Some people hopo for tho best only
under protest and are disappointed
when It happens.
1 Why docs money usually get rattled
when It coiyversos?