THE NORTH PLATT13 STOM.-WI3IflKl.iY TltlllUNE f VOTE FOR L. L. BERTH E Democratic and Progressive Candidate for SHERIFF. Believes in enforcement of all laws. Two terms is long enough for any man to hold an office. WILD HOIISB VALLEV T A VOTE FOR . 1 1, i i i i - i I. I. ll S. A LL E Republican Candidate FOR COUNTY CLERK i Will Be Appreciated. Wohad cloudy wenthor .Sunday and Monday with a vory Ilttlo rain Sun-! day morning. ! A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. I Edwin llaiifon on Wednesday, Oct., !25th. I A good nutny of the nolKhhors are ;stlll working on tho roadB. Helming ,Andorson from North Platto Is doing' tho work. Tho Indies o the community met with Mrs. Prod Kratzonstoln, Thurs day afternoon of this week to make dross forms. ' II, M. Wells of tho extension sorvlco Igavo an Interesting tnlk on accredited. J farm flocks, at the itoht. Hendrlck-. , son home, Friday morning. Tho fine i floclt of S. C. llhodo Island Reds i proved Interesting as did also tho im ' proved poultry buildings. From hore, ;Mr. Wells and County Agent Kollogj went to Gandy to glvo another poultry talk In the afternoon. , llayhiond Ogler transacted. bualnwa 1 Roal Estato Mortgages bought nnd Freo dancing from 8:45 to 9:3 In Ognllala Wednesday. .old, T. C. rattorson. - I nt Dancoland ovory Saturday night no. 'CI T Ml'fHO STUDIO . . mi 15. Doucot c Vu mi and Cornet GBO. . DUST v rhyslclnn nnd Surgeon Special Attontlon Given to Sunetn and Obstetrics Office: Building &. Loan Hull.iiiu Phones: Office 1.10 Rosldence ilr. j m ii n vim: it it v FOiutri I liciiccd uilinlinorM riiilcrtiikcrv unit I'iium-iiI Director Day Phono 41 Night Phono Ulack 5JX HAVE YOU REGISTERED? It Not Do So and Vote for THEO. LOWE, JR. FOR COUNTY CLERK -:o: DEER" CREEK 1 CHARLES S. M. SOUDER, Republican Candidate for Couoiy Treasurer, DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER AND VOTE FOR C. W. YOST . FOR REGISTER SERVICE. "EFFICIENCY'.' OkiiliiAte f or . County Commissioner Tlie weather still continues dry and, dusty. ' Mr. and Mrd. fled. Barrett returned! from their eastern trip Wednesday. I. N. Dempsy wns down from North Platte Tuesday, W. S. McKnlght has his now barn1 almost completed. j Emil Shultz moved from tho A. D. Hill ranch last week. I Mrs. Frank Hand visited school lastj Thursday, j E. H. SprinKet1 ami U. D. Ells wero! In this part of I'ho county Thursday. Miss Vela Kuglcr spent tho week end with Edna Iloobs. Ernest Brown rcturlUKl to his homo In Eustlfl after ftpending tho last Iwg months In this Vicinity. Vtn. Stephen?, , rind llort WrtlRw VNmt to Fox Creek latter wttdi Tues day. Th.0 tfcafchcri and jMfofta of District! 48 wa qulto proud M a now organ uw le'ach'or's dfcslfc ViVbb Wtnn ttnUlin toruvnt TllMrndftV illllin v. u . u - ' "1""" - - - 'eS-enTfl Moorefleld to attend tftt cTttnlor-Senlor party.. Ytalph. Memnn;. ftft'd family IftoVod to Mooi-eflold to MrCkis 'chrrrifr of the '.telephone, fctuCo. line frm a 'brbkeK collar bono which sho recived -from an auto accident, jv tew dayVrigb. . (:- NOTICE OF FINAJ 'REPORT 1 EsWto No. 18SG of Bernard "WltikeU- welter, deceased w. tno uowniy wun . , TjnRAin bounty. Nobraako, , t i Tho State of. J6brastai, to all per-1 1 conn Interested in satd Kstato tako . notice that tho Administrator has nieui t. final account and report ot hlB ad ministration and Hi. petition for ilnai , settlement and rfftschargo as such, au- j minlstrator ivWIfli navo neon set iur hearing before said court on uccem ber 1st, 1D22, at 30 o'clock a. m., when you miay appear and contest tno same, - DatcQ 'Octobor 31, 1922. H. RANDALL WILL BE ELECTED GOVERNOR NEXT TUESDAY He has bcoji trusted in his home community for Jihit'ty-fivc' years. That trust' will grow ns Kanclall lias grown. I To has nover turned back nor has lie failed in any undertaking-, no matter how difficult. Ho lias iii mind but one determination to serve the people. ITc is not an orator oia x)olitician. He is thoroughly a man of the people. He knows the problems jo all classes of people. He started at the. bottom and through his own energy, thrift, indus try and economy won success, i.r- T-FZ'X"1" ftandall started life in Nebraska with a mulo team, breaking prairie. As a. farmer, he fought insect pests, dry weather, blizzards and the many othor 'liseouragehients so familiar to farmers. But he never gave up. He began his business career in the same way at tho bottom. No person knows better life nvnoniiTICfi IS UUUVUlUUs Ult liUIUUr IIUISI ua;uu uuui vnu mem oxiuciv, uiv- -w. that a farmer and small town banker Many a farmer in tho Randolph mUvv tnrlnv nrlmitc Hinf hf OWRS lllS lH'OSTlftritv to Cliai'lcS H. Randall S .. A x. .j v - RANDALL IS INDEPENDENT OV POLITICAL GROUPS AND BOSSES. THERE ARE NO' STRINGS ON HIM. HE STANDS SQUARE TOED ON EVERY ISSUE, ' RANDALL SAYS: i ' NeVev was the greater need $or rigid economy than at the present time. I shall demand &M " , . . .,,tf ' uTherG ean be no return t6 business conditions tt are fundamentally , sound mitil agrleuUu'fe is 'retecd to i prosperous basis by reinstating tne purcbasing mWW 'ol'tht? ifaimer.,, . Vhnll eTO'tilW reduced, bxit Hot dS6 the extent of crippling gov; ermn'elrM officieWby.pto state university ist be oy,,8?! a men bf Sie board of pai-d and paroles I M foitcrf erence tU Sentences ot the ccrtii upon those who violate the laws. I SS&Swwrf a systo ot.wl ndtt8 that will enable fhe towr to Jk,M Ws'hfttos .til the rnaAHt'S. able to absorb them with profit to the pi)ductff" .jiuiA 4-i i,.w nnd fjivnv such chances as 1 '1 boilevc in mc pvmuipiuui. vim. m - we Mv found rtesiraLlefto four years of expenonee nnnkVA'mir (nn' W Ill'SK'.T.H'.l'll 111 OttviW a Word that I sblvft scc'tliht this is done wherever possible. -"my W VU BeC'UKlU una m wut.v v,. . , nr i,rxn fiviif wiihrvw is irovernor, suuu uuaiuwo '""...w.- - vv'caintoi tnat ic ciui uuvw w - in building the 'udw' vent into it." mml. ii mtoii. T,mnoQToT.t tt? mvrTRTlR HIS ONLY BEST STOW SOT wmu l. 0 IN HIS rt, v ATJP.R OVER AND OVER OwN JillAa JJ i3LUJW.jXfc Jtt-MX ACrAlJN. hclp'i iti NrnbvnKkfLhv tllO An "oSnMrtber of the jrovcrmnem mu MnS Corporation, Mr. Randall worked four months withput pay Mr. i.v. ted 'lhifio 'r by u combination of Somo mwMliaii. and the DetffflhW WjProgreBBlTeB. thereby do featl ....,. ui,ii -V r , Primal lUw. ' W entcra tho race again only 0Q Zhclfatlon of his ftds'ovcrthe county, -ho urge him to n :nnuho hare promMctfHrm tlielr'Wttpport. tyour vote will bo aliprcciatcd. .....,. . "Win. II. C. WOODI1UHST, 'C6ltit'y 'Judge. im. 11. n. nitfiiiKSi 'Goitre "Spc&nilst "Write for Appointmiint or 'Information nr.mB Island, Nlibrftftlta V?-J-' ,,ail out in Nebraska. ffit.SVKS within seventy "days com increased "fioni tW v to forty-live cents a bushel, Other grains went up in proportion, t u itrai , wi s taken off of the banks, ...any. additional hnnk Mures were Wvted a k Koneral business conditions were improved umncasurably. The iS price" for grain alone were sufficient to more than pay off the loans. Vute for Charles H. Randall November 7. E. B. Perry, fj3ha,innan, Republican State uommiuee Write the aboTc'nSme on fha ballot and place an (x) opposite IL ((Jraufl Island, 8 IIU l rz-z. VOTE l-UK qSlahds For liw:.and Order and Clean Government EEMEUDEB S. Spillman . 1. M. Larimore, 0 Democratic Candidate tor County Treasurer. Pler. Nkr, HErUDUCAN NOMTNEK for Attorney General Pltdce minimum cxp In fond",ct.A' c.n.l.t.nt with .fftctlr. Iw .nf.rc roent and pnblle wlfre. Will dlipott of ptndln P"'"uAlon ?f r.pldly .1 poulble, coiulitrnt ith tlioroneh and efficient trial ( Will prT.nt dnpllcatl.n In d.pattmtnt and I retain .nlr nth competent a.iUtanU aa ncry. t nrlm mt Wtt. Gradnat Nebraska uiRmlt" School. Eip.rlenced l.w VI, FTDerlenced proeecutor. Former &rEAU.rr" Member ofnatltu. ' donal Conrention. uni Worthy of Your supput u ..king p" tLn for Chas. W. Bryan without any apology and believe in the rdduclion ol taxes as any public official should in these adverse times.. . II am not condeming any public officials, but merely competing lor office in a business method. I. promise service and a business M?0.;: administration. (, ' " I Will Appreciate Your Support. m . M,r-.-.MUliLClJLClClClCWlC i LKLhihHiHiHitiiTinisrind i j ij w w w i- - REPRESENTATIVE, 89 DISTRICT. ROGRESSIV O