mm TUESDAY nnd FJUDAV- TUIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 3, 1922. "Not 8fT LINCOLN 10 FARMERS AXI) TOWN I'EOl'LK IKTKJtESTIil) IX CHICK 1 JIATCJIEItl' CAN YOU PREDICT? Foot Ball Today. It. II. Jnnjlebour Is putting up a building on tho 1500 block on east Fourth street 'for a chick hatchery. The plant is to be 24x30 and mado of hollow tile. This will bo the first unit of tho P. V. chick hatchery as the con- corn Is to bo called. The location is on the Lincoln Highway and it is con siilored strategic for that reason. Mr. Jandobour will bo remombored as the poultryman at tho Experimental Sub station up to Juno 1 of this year when ho resigned to enter into business for himself. Ho has ordered a Mammoth Buckeye Incubator with a capacity of 10,308 eggs at a time. It is only 8 feet squaro on tho baso and 7 feet high. Tho eggs aro put in lat tho top, ono third of tho capacity of tho incu bator at a time, and a week later these are lowered to tho second compart ment and ono third of tho capacity is put in nt tho top. Tho second week later both of these batches aro low wed and the last third is put in at the top. At the end of three weeks the chicks hatch at the bottom and another third is put in at the top. It is really an egg hatching machine. Mr. Jandebeur expects to have tho plant nt work about the middle of Decombm. In a conversation yester day Mr. .landobeur said ho would bo in the market for n lot of pure bred eggs after tho middle of December. I can pay above tho market for these ppks nnd would rather get them local ily than have to ship them in," he said. He expressed himself as cer 1ain the plant would bo worked to capacity as soon as it Is startodr This Is a now industry for North Platte anqlll "enlarge its influence in this part of the state. SlVECLAL TRAIN AK1) RAIS'I) TO ACCOMPANY (JOTJIKMUJKO TKAM TODAY A special train will leave Gothen burg at ono q'clock today nnd arrive hero about an hour later. Tho gamo ( starts nt 3:30. Tho train will leave North Platto at 8: 00 this evening. Tho faro for tho round trip Is two dollars. Tho team and coaches, tho second team, tho Gothenburg band and citi zens to tho number of more than two hundred havo already secured tickets. Q . WOMAN'S CLuV 1U: SOLUTION'S COMMITTEE MAKES CONVEN TION RKl'ORT Tho Trlbuno submits tho following sehomo to 11b readers as a dovico for rinding ml if tlioy can predict cloqtlon results with accuracy. After each set of candidates write tho ono Who will in your . judgment be elected. This docs. not moan tho ono who you vote for. Put it away and compare vlth Ilia result when thoy are finally annouucml. Sona'tor -.-.4&JiA4Ar--i-.. MRS. SCOTT SENDS LETTER Ofe APl'EECIATIOX TO WOMAN'S CLUB DAVS FURNITURE STORE NOW OPEN Howbll, Hitchcock or Roobo?.: Governor Randall, Bryan or Parniontor?, - til Simmons, Heal or Smith? . , , State if VonGoetz, Honloy.or Axtoll? , Allen or Ldwo? I fletminn 1 ' vyt To every mombcr of tho Woman's fllub I wtth to oxnross nnnrociatlnn , for tho loyal support nnd flno harmony ' and co-operation which made tho local, CHEYENNE work or the convention tho succoss our viiltors po kindly pronounced it Also each mombor of tho club wishes to thank tho following people ( for tho favors and nssiatnnco glvon dtinnjt convention: To the citizens wlio opened tholrjoponod for hunlneasjn nomas 10 iioiokiuob with truo hos- tnn iiniMtnv i..t ,tfriTia?rsriik xt... , , ...... . m ub " TM u v titw Dovfs is tho pro BUSINESS HOUSE MOVES TO KOJITH PLATTE THIS WEEK' Tho Davis Furhlturo Store has thViilnrring- pjtality Tha Chamber of Coinmorco and itn ional bank. Mr. I. prietor nnd manager. Ho lias been bsontnti .ijL,i....U ;oratnry Mr. llnro. who helped in so 'in Cheyenne for a number ofyears tilth X$ ' lmft,ly svmy' aml fun'"i5,1,'1 tlic fino but started out some Umo ago to find Olork Registb SCOUT TEAM TO TACKLE KEITH COUNTY FOOT HALL AGGREGATION Troop seven of the local boy scouts leave tomorrow for Chappell, Nebr., where they will play football in tho afternoon.' Tho team is coached by Dick Pitman. Tho team is composed of Mecomber, PlaUger, Barber, Trout, Atteberry, Brannon, Howard, Wick wire, Brower, Rose, Hunter, Haspel and Westphal. , In behalf of tho Nebraska Federa j tion of Woman's Clubs assembled in j twonty-seventh annual convention in J North Platte, the Courtesy Resolutions Committee hereby express its grateful and heartfelt appreciation. To the members of the Woman's and Alpha Delphian Clubs who have done all in tholr power to mako tho dele gates comfortable and happy and who havo proven themselves to bo such competent and gracious hostesses. To the Chamber of Commerce for tho .automobile rido and for other courtesies shown convention niombors. To tho Rotary and Kiwanis clubs for their geuerous hospitality which contributed to tho pleasuro and suc cess of tho convention. To tho officers of the Methodist church for the uso of tholr building or convention sessions. I To the florists of iWth Platto for I tho beautiful flowers which adorned j-ttif auditorium and also for roses given member.. , . To tho musicians of tho Hostess City who added much to the enjoy 'raent of tho program. To the press for all Convention Announcements and for publicity givon the dally sessions. To ono and all, who contributed In any way to the success of tho con , ventlon, and tho wolfaro of convention members, tho commltteo again ex press its sincere and hearty thanks. J Mrs. H. F. Hole, Fairbury. 1 Mrs. C. J..Stevons, Ansloy, ' Mrs. Waldo Wiuterstcen, Fremont, of Deeds Yost or Hanson? County aflTcanurcr Sduder, Larimoro or Payne? 'SlTdrlff Salisbury or Bortho? County Commissioner Eolls, Jnckson or Springer?.. 1 A .-a K-. Tkeith SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS ANNOUNCES THEITRST DRAMA OF THE SEASON FOR MONDAY rnuo nuo lor mo delegates. ,n 0w location and setUwl on NnrM. Tho Rotary and Klwnnls Clubs Platto becauso ho said it was a "llvo wJHch so royally ontortninod tho Stnlo ' town." Mr. Davis is handling now und nnd local boards at lunchooiiB. second hand furnlturo and in that way The Delphian Socioty which worked plans to cater to all classes of people hand In hand with us. Vhcn seen yestordny ho arild "I beliovo C. J. Pass, tho florist, who addod III fill VArllcltlf tifirif T Iirwa , " .wtttf. it iuiii x HUt V" UH sum ITEMS OK INTEREST AllOUT Manager Hawloy has secured a real for Lincoln county thentro goors j ior nexi nionuay nignt when "Tho jEmporor Jones," will bo presdntcd nt nnmnntiv nlnvo nt Mm J(?tllO Tlin rnmnnnv nlnvo nt Mirt .... wruAfa J v Vtl Vi Brandels in Omaha, tho Koith at North COMMUNITY .Platto and tho Broadway at Denver, nd makes no othor stops between. Tho play is built upon somowhut beauty and happiness to tho convon tion by presenting each lady with a, roso. Also for tho gift of a raro lily. Tho managers of tho Oasis who, ono wnrm afternoon, refreshed tho ladies of tho Convention by supplying ico cold punch. The North Platto Floral Company for a beautiful bashot of chrysanthe mums. W. It'. Maloney for tho uso of furni ture. Tho Trlbuno and Tologrnph for publicity. Our local muslcnl talont of whom wo wore so proud nnd many others. Scout Exccutivo Slovens and his ooi vico j roop wuo rciKiercu sucn valuable assistance. Tho Camp Flro Gorls who took part in tho inspiring pagoant. W. R. O. for1 tho uso of flags. Roy Cotteroll for valuablo sorvicos. and lotting peoplo luiow about my stock. Then when they" como in I will mako good on my advertisements and thoy will como again." His confldonco in North Plntlo and Ids policy of lot ting peoplo know about hlu goods are worthy of a llvo merchant and that la tho kind which build up a place. Oth or successful merchants in North Platto aro following tho samo plan and their business is n credit to tho city. LEXINGTON SCHOOL OFFICIALS ACCEPT PROOF AND FORFEIT GAME Jdlfforent linos than tho iimmi nm nf 11M utnernn church for tho uso of county Treasurer Soudor has issuedS lVrnmnn ntrn,.,ntra Tf , , J chnird. ,3G7 auto licenses this year. Thero', ,. ,,., ... ,....,., nun iviiun niu nuw licenses aro uucyyJfJnl A committee consisting o Messers Koefe, Bare and Thoelccke will go to , piunrtorcd uua luuinca ua mo xum oi mis monin to confer with tho Yeoman homo com mittee regarding tho location of tho man... porter, who fiees through': a denso forest to oscnpo tho vongennco of tho ignorant black natives ho has During tho action of tho play, tho Emperor passes through all tho numerous emotions, beginning in a humorous vein, tho scones grndunto flvn milllnn ilnllni" linmn nt M.tli Platte! reports hato th e rT" l Tho football gamo played October G between North Plutto and Loxlngton has been declared forfglt to' North I'latto boqauso Lexington played bov eral hoys who woro not'cllgiblo ac cording! to tho rules ot tho Nebraska High School Athletic Association. Theao players woro olthor too old or The' members of the Methodist' ,m1 not ftUo-n(lc(1 flcho1 aBt year tho roquircu lime, superintendent ura ham Wont to Lexington and talked It over with tho school authorities, there and submitted his proof. Sup erintendent Collott signed a statement acknowledging that ho did ,not know; of the rocord's of tho plnyors as it was his first year in tho school and ho had church for the, privilege ot holding the convention In their beautiful build ing. ' , And to all others who helped in nny way to mako tho convention a won derful memory and an inspiration for highor, hotter things in our communi ty, wo truly oxpross gratttudo. contest has been narrowod down iibout'four locations. to -:o: -:o: "William Dolan of Maxwell was a business visitor in tho city yesterday. Geo. 'Wiley was dismissed from tho Platto Valley hospital yesterday after receiving treatment for several weeks. Friday and Saturday special, ono . pound Puritan -link sausage. 25c. ! P. P. Murphy returned to his home j in Omaha tho first of tho week after visiting for several days at tho L. P. Jcpsen homo. bowlldormont, to tho depths of desper ation and despair. Mr. Gilpin's nro said to carry his audionco breathless and tense, throughout tho unfolding i of tho story. ' The presentation will ho mado in j this city with tho snino nttontlon given which he is managing director. Ho w," ' was spohklng in tho interests of R "m n,1 thf P!;ln.ceS3 T,'ealrrc' B. Howell for tho United States Sen ate. His address was on national is sues und along the lino advocated by tho Progressive party. Benjamin C. Marsh of Washington, D. C. spoke at tho court houso Wed nesday evening in tho 'interests of the Farmers' National Council of Let hb konn aiivn tUt. niri nn,n,lot 1,a(1 opportunity to study all ot pull together, work together for those I ;ho rccor,,s' Tho gamo was won by things which aro of real valuo In tho I Lox'Kto ,mt 'ms ,,con forfeited, gtv iivna nf i,nra n.i ' tB North Plntto a clean slnto so, far Now York and extended runs In Bos ton, Philadelphia and Ofilcago. and women. ' MRS. M. E. SCOTT, President Womnn's Club. :o: NORTH PLATTE TO PUT ON ARMISTICE DAY CET,E y IIRATION and making it a "contender for "tho stnto championship. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Freiburg .of I Donver aro vi3lllng at tho homo of NO i tholr aunt Mrs. Margaret Frazier,1 -:o:- There's A Difference Between Groceries Cheap and Cheap Groceries. Always linked with our low prices is quality, you can always buy Groceries Cheap, at this store but never Cheap Groceries. Specials For Saturday and Monday, lira BSSSBEKSKSSZ FRESH KCRISPY CRACKERS, 4 lb. box CQp and one Egg Beater. Jar Free. Por box P&GSOAP, 10 bars for 48c. TOMATOES, large size 14c, solid pack. SUGAR, 8 lbs. for 68c. CORN, Finest quality, Country Gentleman 15c. An organization called tho Nobr- aska Educational Lcaguo has been lli- A happy co-lncidenco in the election vcjitlgating candidates for tho State of school officers is tho candidacy of , Leglsluturo regarding their stand on a man and a woman for tho statoltho Simon law and Rerid-Norval law. ,. A . . . 1. . . . ... ' Itli. AMln(lnn H.a H T.. HfAM. - suponnienaoncy ana a man ana a wo- rno urst puis an scuoois, puuuc ori'" Ul " ui- muuiui u , Announcement Is mado this week that tho Amorlcjin Legion is nrt or pectlng to . put on a public celebration ot ArmiBtlco day. Tho Legion ls( planning a service for Sunday after-! noon, tho day following. On tho oven- man for tho same office In Lincoln , private under tho control of tho state county. Most peoplo do not think It and requires tho coursos of study to makes a bit of dlfforonco whether bo tho samo as that of tho Vublic the State and County superintendents school and approved by tho stato sup aro men or womon but they do think orlntendent. Tho Becond forbids tho it makes a difference abput their teaching ot a foreign language in any qualifications. Voters should Inform grade below tho eighth. In their llt themselves regarding the candidates eraturo they state that Victor Von- for this office and cast thoir ballots for tho beat ihteroats of tho Schools regardless of whether tho candidate Is a man or woman. Goctz is in favor of theso laws and Thos. Healey is against thorn. Scotl Reynolds is also In favor. Thos. Ax toll is not named in tho list. aro going to entertain tho Amorlcnn Legion men nt a party froni six to eight o'clock. Since Armistice day is on Saturday and thoro is no oxer-! clscs of any kind, tho Chamber of Commorco directors havo announced that -the stores will not close. It has ' boon arranged for each service manj "who Is omployed in a storo to get off! from six to eight so ho can nttond ' tho War Mothers party. j L. & S. Groceteria. 1 1 GOBLIN SOAP , 2 bars Red Sock SALMON, r - Cr. fnr rlii'tv hands. . . iui .w, j iari?e nizes Zc. JAM, pure large jar 21c I Carnation MILK, small Ass't Flavors. cans, 5 for 25c. Quanities Limited. None Sold to Dealers. Free Delivery to any part of the City. DeForest Cash Grocery, 77jc Ultona) Every Make of Record Plays on The Brunswick Come see this wonderful in. vention the Brunswick Ultona which brines alt artists on all makes of records into the home. Much of the widespread prefer- ence for the Brunswick is due to this exclusive feature. HOLLEY Music House. DRUG SPECIALS SATURDAY ,ou I'opsououi loom i-uhlu . .,,i..t--' .50 Gardon Qlo Cold Crcnm........., -..... .3.", .i ;ir 8 .13 .7fi Day Dream Faao Powder -.e-,'-, -t- ."j 1.25 Coty Fnco Powder ,..--;.ww,f,L, .25 Colgate Talc Powder -..-.-.1' -- la .25 B & B Baby Sflap .-...A'igi- .10 .40 Fletcher's Castoria - i&i!.j 21 .05 Vlcks Vapo Rub -lilJjJ. ... 25 1.00 Adloricka v 75 Camel Cigarettes i i .12 NORTH SIDE DRUG STORE "Live Better For Less.1 PHONE 212. Phono C54 Wo Dellror