The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 31, 1922, Image 7

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The fact tlint farm boys and girls
nro making a substantial contribution
to tho agriculture and llfo of their
communities is being strongly em
phasized throughout tho exhibit In
iiddltlon to putting on exhibits and
demonstrations those, young farmers
and homo makers aro receiving practl"
cal instruction in better forming nnd
liomo making and in developing their
abilities for leadership.
Tjlin United States Department of
Agriculture co-operated this year with
tho State agricultural colleges and tho
fair association In tho installation of
a striking series of 12 booths in tho
special boys' and girls' club building,
exemplifying the leading lines of club
work, as follows: Illinois, corn; Iowa,
poultry; Kansas, plgB and sorghum;
Michigan, handicraft; Minnesota,
bread; Missouri, homo management;
Montana, clothing; Nebraska, radio;
North Dakota, food; Wisconsin, dairy
ing; Wyoming, canning.
which rcsutcd In an lntlro herd of
woll-bred profltablo animals, a practi
cal influence in tho couplo'B prosperi
ty and happiness. Gifts of good ltyo
stock, tho department points out, nro
not only accoptablo In ("themselves
but with proper handling multiply nnd
give pleasure, satisfaction and finan
cial benefits for an Indefinite poriod.
To Whom It May Concern:
minntlng at road No. 2926 nnd to bo
any width up to CC feet that is nocos-
nnrv tn make n cood road, hna ro- i
ported in favor thereof, anyone hnv-lA consent road as follows:
ling objections thereto or claims for mmoncin ni uw cornoni 10 sec-
damages by tho reason of tho cstab-!"0"8 0 nnu "M"P a, n0r ,
To emphaslzo tho need of food-con
trol laws, tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture calls attention to
tho great growth of food preparation
In factories. Not many decades ago
much of tho food consumed was pre
pared In tho homo or obtained In tho!
immediate neighborhood, and Blnco
tho consumer know about tho condi
tions of its preparation there was)
little need for food laws. Today much
of the food is produced and propared
a long way from those who consumQ
it, and as a consequence some sort of
Government control is necessary.
Tho groat volumo of comnierca in
foods is indicated in tho last census
report, for 1919, which shows that the
food-manufacturing Industry' as a
whole is moro than four times larger
In value than the next largest manu
facturing Industry, which is Iron and
steel. Meat packing alono represents
a greater value. The total value of
lishlng of tho nbovo described road
must file tho same In tho otflco of tho
County Clerk of Lincoln County,. No
hraska, on or before 12 noon of tho
10th day of November, 1922, or Bald
road will bo allowed wltnout reference
Witnoss my hand and official seal
the 28th day of September, 1922,
County Clork.
Wltnss my hand , and official boo!
this 28th day of Sptombor, 1922.
County Clork.
Estnte No. 1911 of August Sodlcot,
range 30, west of 6th P. M. running
5 and 8, and 6 and 7, two miles, to ,c,co"8ca ,n lh? ,County Court ot L,n"
connect with extension of road No. Cl,n Counly' Nrii8kiu
nie ainto oi iNournsxn, bs: urcu
ltors of Bald ostato will tnko notlco
To Whom It May Concern: 1
Tho special commissioner appointed (
to locato a public road as follows:
Commonclngg at tho Northwest
corner of section 1C, Township 1G,
uigo 26, and running thenco oast
along tho north lino of said section 1C,
42. Anyone having objections there
tn or rlnlmn for dnmnEron hv Ihn ren
son of tho establishing ot tho above thot th Umo ",n,lcd tor Potation
described road must ni0 same In tho nml fl,lK ot cm1mo nnlnst 8n,d CBtt)to
ofnc nf ihn Cotintv Clork of Lincoln February 17, 1923, and for sottle-
I County, Nebraska, on or before 12 ,ont ot tM Eatto 19 0ctober 10lh'
'o'clock nooa ot tho 10th day ot Nov. 1923' thnt 1 wlu 8,t nt Uie County
'1922 or snld road will bo nllowod count room ' 11,0 mM Coln on
I without reference thereto. November 17tl0 1922, ot 10 o'clock a.
1 Wltnew my hnnd and official seal ' on February 17th, 1923 at 10
tills 28th day of Soptombor 1922. o'clock a. m , to recolvo, oxamino.
A. S. ALLEN near, auow, or adjust an ciaims nnu
County Clerk, objections duly filed.
. Dated Oct. 10., 1922.
County Judge. ,
Licensed Kinbalmwa
I'tuliTtnkcrN nnd Funeral Director
tiny Phono 41 Night Phone Olack 5dB,
! Physician nnd Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgarr
and Obstetrics
Otflco: Building & Loan Dulldlng
Phones: Office 130 Residence 115
To Whom It May Concorn;
to a point approximately 20 rods or to Tno 8Pcc,ttl commissioner appointed,
tho edgo of tho tablo to a point np-!to locato a nubl,c rmA f1Iow8:
proximately 8p rods; thenco in a Beginning at tho southeast corner of
Northeasterly direction following tho 8CCtlon 29' and tho northeast corner ,
m.i trnti nnt tiu, hniLA of v.. ft.ot sccUn 32. township 11 and ran go ,
Brown; thenco Un a northeasterly , 32' thonco nniS west one milo bo-, 0mco Phono 29CW Houso Phono 2yfif
direction striking tho draw or canyon I twcon sccl,ona 29 nnd 32'J n,n& Bal(l
nonr lm -nnthwAnt nnrnor nf M, I BCCtlon llHO, thenCO BOUth DOtWOOn OfflCO PhOHO 241 ReS. l'llOnOi'l
otis n. WATT, m. n.
Physician mid Surgeon
Dlngnoss and Treament
Over Union State Bauk
Federal supervision of manufactur
ed food products la carried on at a
very low cost considering tho great
quantity of food inspected. Accord
Ing to tho United States Department
ot Agriculture, this cost has been less
than one-hundredth of 1 par cent of
the value of these products. That tho
job of looking nfter the conditions of
maufacture is a big one Is Indicated
by census figures, which show that in
1919 there were 67,453 establishments
engaged In the manufacture of food
products, with an annual output
valued at $13,391,914,000. These
figures include manufactured foods
only nnd do not tako Into account the
great volume of commerco In raw
foods such as milk, fresh fish, wheat,
corn, oats, fruits and vegetables. To
these large amounts must also bo tdd
ed the food products Imported, which
in 1919 amounted to $672,975,000.
In response to many requests for
receipts for making toilet soap on tho
farm, home economics specialists of
tho Agricultural College suggests the
Lard Soap: 1 can lye, 2 pints of
cold water, 6 pounds of fat, 2 cups
nmtvinnin. liA tnblesnoons borax Dis
solve the lye In the water In a stone
jar, then cnol to 70 degrees F. Next
melt the fat and bring to temperature
of 100 degrees F. Add the lye solution
to the greaso In a small steady stream
with slow, even stirring. Add am
monia and borax. Continue stirring
tho mixture until tho products id of ?
rather thick, syrupy consistency when
it is poured into the mold. Cover tho
mold with a blanket or carpet and set
in a warm room for several days.
Tallow soap: ,1 can lye, 2i pints
cold -water, 6 pounds -fat, cup am
mnn'.p. lVfe tablespoons borax. Follow
method given .in tho Hrd receipt, ex
cept thai the temperature of the lye
solution should be 90 degrees F. and
tho fat 130 degrees F Substitution of
lard for one pound of tho tallow will
improve a tallow soap. . r
In selecting birthday and Christmas
rirts for children in rural communi
ties, why not give n purr bred pig,
calf or other animal? This is the
sugggostlon of tho United States De
partment of Agriculture, whleli, wun
tho Agricultural College of tho State
TTnivnrsttv is conducting the "ucuer
Sires P.dtter Stock campaign. A
recent questionalro study of tho utility
value of purdbred live stock showeu
among other results, that home lntiu
once is aii Important factor governing
tho breeding of superior domestic
animals. In fact, it ranks in import
ance next to sales, fairs, and shows,
taken collectively. When parents
show their Interest in good stock tho
children 'ire moro likely to ao so.
One coaler told ot receiving some
pure-bred live stock as a wedding
gift from his father-in-law. That
beginning was an important influonco
manufactured food products for 1919 Knrthl,Mt nnrtf,r nf Rn-tlmi n I sections 31 nnd 32, to tho north lino
was $13,391,914,000, while automobiles : Township 1(5 Range 20, thenco fol-'of townshP 10 thonco soutn botwoon
producmcd In tho some year verojlow,ng the d'rftW m n northorly d, ' sections 5 and C and sections 7 and 8,
value,! at $2,387,833,000. boots and)rccUon Qn h h Scctlon (4) toWQ. 18 and 17 to tho south lino of section
shoes at. ?1,149,5G0,00 clothing nt 1ft nBn rt ,,,,. thn mn. 17, thence east about 80 rods between ,
$2,343,196,000, and foundry and ma-Load nl tho north ne ot gal(1 Mc.i sections 17 and 20, nil in Lincoln
chine 'shop products nt $2.321,129,000. 1 Uon 4 about 2Q r0(jD cast Q tn(J ! County Nebraska, tho nbovo described 1 Otflco 340
Among the fooaprouuctsuiaimaKo;BlorthwcBt cornoJ. of th(J norlboaBt rona is to oo oo ioui w.u,
upth o grand total, flour mill pro-j fir o ga,d acclon 4 townflblp ported In favor thereof, anyone lmv
ducts stand next to picklng-houso rnn hnB f ortod ,n favorilng objections thereto or claims for
products, tno ngurcs lor me year thorcof nny ono ,iav,ng obJectlon
Ing $2,193,007,000 as compared with ..,, llimnrp. hv
$3,995,977,000. Bakery products a-, boye descrlbod road mugt fl,0 snm0
Ostcopittliic Physician '
North phTtto, Nebraska
Knights ot' Columbus Building
Houso 488
damages by tho reason of the estab
lishing ot tho nbovo described road
must fllo tho samo in tho otflco ot tho
I) it. y. I. SHAFFER
O.stenpatli Physician
Over tho Oasis North Plnttt
Graduate Voterlnnrlnn
mounted to nearly $1,500,000,000 and1 fn offlcV ark oI L,nco,n CUnty Ornd.mto Veterinnrinn
sugar almost to $1,000,000,000. l'" ,C f ,,y Ci0 . , 7lnC0ln Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon , Ex-Government Veterinarian and ei
sugar almost tojoo lC."lty' " hct? 12 ;d0 n of the 10th day ot September 1922, or 'assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Otflco Phono 83 Residence 38
Physician, Obsttlrlclnn, Snrgcou .
Calls promptly nnawered -Nlglit or D.r
Phonos. Otflco C42 RoBldonco C76
Huoma 5 6. 7 Ilulldlng & Loan UIJ
Office Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242
X-Hny Diagnosis Oxygen nnd
Gnu Anesthesia for Extractions.
Over Union State Bank
Phono 29(1.
A" mash composed of ground grains "7"u "l . r
or their by-products and some form8a d road "o allowed without
of nnjnl protein is an essential part, uieroui. uoau. vo oo 0v
of a ration for both growing chickens , fc yIdc' , , - ....
ind laying hens, says tho poultry vvuneBB my nana aim seai uns zbui
.... . ilday of Sontomber 1922.
sneciailBts oi me suuu bh'"'"" " . . .
College nml the U. S. Dept. of Agri- A'SlAEI!:.:.Cl0.rkl
culture. Tho reason Is that birds put-; ELECTION PROCTjAMATION.
ting on growth or producing eggs can '
not assimilate enough nutriment from, ,n -nd 8 ho
whole or orncketi grains to suppiy injjaWB of tho stnto of Nobrasicn( L A
maximum need. When tho gmin Is s. Allen, county clerk of Lincoln
rround little wo-'t Is required of the county, state of Nebraska ,do hereby
gizzard and much more of the feed direct and proc'alm that a general
i ..c-,1 i nni,inr n,ii nr nirirq ,loctlon bo hold in tho Bovoral vot
can be used in making flesh or eggs. . ,. .,,. , . T .
The scratch grain part ot tne ra- tl t , f Nob,.akl, nn nup.a
tlon, however, is needed to glvo tho ! day, tho soventh day of November,
gizzard some thing to do in order to 1922,. during tho hours designated
keep tho birds in health. For laying j law. for the following purpose, to
hens the scratch grain thrown in tho w y . nnn .....
litter provides an incentive to needed states Senator.
exerciso. , ror tho eleeilon of ono Judge .of
it was onro thought that the mash the Supremo court for tho sixth
should hp fed wet to produce mo nosi i'iv"... uuuuu umuiui, us;
results but experiments have nrood stfto Qf Nobrtt8ku
thnt in spite of tho slightly better Vor tho 0iccUon oI ono congrosa.
nalatability of the wot feed, tho con- man from tko Sixth Congressional
venience of feeding it dry ovorbal- District in tho Btato of Nebraska.
ances any slight gain in production. Also for tho election ot ono Con-
ances any ant it b.i u i Krossnmn ln and for tho Slxth Con.
Feeding it dry is now tho usual meth- ,r0aoM, district , n vnPnitv
od. Digestibility is not increased by caused by tho death of Mosos P.
wetting ICInkald, the vote for said Congress.
Tho principal objection to the wet an o be taken on separato ballot,
,.,.,, , u ronulres too much h0 thtlt sald ,,tt; n'ay 1)0 caivvascd
mash Is that It requires too mucn ftnd relurnB th eo, mad(J ag provid.
labor. It must be moistened, then ed Hy nw
carried to the hens once n day. and (See Section 2250 of tho Complied
the trouglis cleaned after each feed- Statutes of 1922.)
Ing. Cleanliness is absolutely cssen- , Abo for tho election of tho fol-
l, , , - i ii .1 i uni.nn lowing Stato Officers, to-wlt:
tlal, because indigestion and diarrhea n onv(irnnr
said road will ho
reference thereto.
nllowod without , ' Hospital 315 South Vino Street.
Phonos. Hospital 633 Rosldonco G3S
Over Hlrschfeld'B
Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1f0
For dntcs and terms call at
FirBt Nntionnl Bank
North Platto, Nob.
will result from feeding in dirty
troughs. On the other hnnd the dry
mash hopper may be filled once a,
'week or oven less frequently, and
needs no further attention. Hens do
not ovcroat of dry mash as they some
times do of wet feed.
Hotel Palace
Palace Cafe
Ev.rythln lint cls ad price
reasonable Oppotlts Union Pacific
Ono Lieutenant Governor
Ono Secretary of Stato
Ono Auditor of Public Accounts
One Stato Treasurer.
One Attorney General
Ono Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings.
Ono Railway Commissioner
One Superintendent of Public In-struction.
For tho election of on3 State Sen-:
7T utor from th0 thirteenth Scultorlal I
To Whom It May Concern: District, as apportioned by tho Ses-
Tho special commissioner appointed slon Laws of 1921.
to locato a public road as follows: For tho election of ono Stato re
commencing nt road No. 205 at tho Piesontativo from tho Nliitk-ih re-j
northeast corner of section 29, town- nKiCtof a1S92Tn,0nCd I
ship 9 north R. 27, west, thence north At tbo 8am0 Urao nnd p,aco of
about 520 rods, on or near tho sec- holding tho said election there will
tion lino as practical,' thenco In a bo submitted fo r adoption or rojec-l
head of tho canyon and back to tho ll,0 under tho referendum, na pro.
kapMoii lino thenco north to tho vlded by tho constitution House Roll !
soctlon line, tlienco noun to 1110 No. 62, Houso Roll No. 193. Houso ,
north east corner of section 17, KoU No C17 nnd Sonlto FJi0 No
thonco ln a northwesterly dl- resentativo from tho Eighty-ninth
rectlon down a rldgo about 160 representative district, as apportion,
rods to' tho main canyon, thenco In a e1 bv tho Session Laws of lfBl.
northeasterly direction along the east aoJ.bSff
bank of tho canyon on section 8, to tno FortIeth nogulnr Session of th?
tho north lino of soctlon 8, about 20 Legislature of tho Sfa(o of Nebraska
rods west of tho northeast corner of; for 1921.
section 8. thonco in a northorly dl- Also the following county officers,
rectlon along tho oast bank of tho
I r
I 'BAiAwgppnE:
mAWmssmf m
n tiustutacsurmiFKiiuu
i .
X "FERE are some ways to get the most mileage
JlJL unci economy from your car:
liuvc your carburetor udjusted so that you will get d
lean mixture. You don't need a ricji mixture of Red
Crown oven in cold weather.
Do not idle the motor for long periods to keep it wann.
Red Crown Gasoline is quick-starting and you won't
drain out the buttery by any reasonable number ot
stops and starts per day.
Get into high gear as soon as possible after the car has
been started. Habitually running 50 or 100 feet in
"first" and "second" is aieedless waste of gasoline.
' If"'-
Road Map
Red Grown is an economical gasoline yyjien
used intelligently. We want you to get tlie most;;
out of it that you can.
There is a Red Grown Service Station in your
vicinity. You couldn't form a better habit than
to stop there regularly for your gasoline and
motor oil. You will receive courteous attention
and the little "extras" free air and water
when you need them.
ennyon on soctlon 5, to a point about
20 rods south of the northeast corner
of section C, thenco crossing canyon
and going north 2Q rods along the'
north sldo of tho canyon to tho north-1
Ono County Clerk.
One Register of Deeds.
Ono County Treasurer.
One County Sheriff.
One County Attorney ?
Ono County Surveyor
Ann f n,,nf ftm r f ti blnn C n r. n
east corner of Bectlon C, thence nortn , jistrict.
about 240 rods on tho west section Qno County Superintendent of Pu-
Hno of scctlon 33, townsnlp 10, rarigojhllc instruction.
27, west, thenco in a northonstorly , Also following Precinct officers:
direction around a head of a canyon 0" Precinct Assessor.
, . . . . . . Ono Justice of Peace for each pro-
to a point about 15 rods oast of the'clncti
northwest corner of section dd, tnenco ;
oast about 140 rods along or as
near as practical, the soctlon lino bo
twen sections 33 and scctlon 28, to
tho northenst corner of tho north
west quarter of section 33, township
10, north ot range 27, west of tho 6th
P. M. -Tho aboyo described r,oad ter-
Lct the Red Crown Sign be your protection
PoIIb open from 8 o'clock a. m.
to 8 o'clock p. m.
One Itoad Overseer for each road
Given under my hand and tho
seal of Lincoln county, stato of Ne
braska, this 29th day of Sept, 'A. D.,
'VOID Jtjunoo 'KaaiV 'S 'V