The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 31, 1922, Image 5

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, Tho registration books will bo open
nt U16 office of tho City Clerk during
rill of tho month of October. All those
wishing to register cull there and do
. bo before NoTcmber 1st, 1922.
City Clerk.
E. 0. ELDER,
Clintons for cyo glasses.
L. & S. Groceteria.
Candidate for
yi County Commissioner,
Mr. Springer was, defeated in tho primary by a -combination of
some Republicans and tho Democrats and Progressives, thereby de
feating the Intent of tho Primary law. Ho enters tho raco a'galn1 only
on tho solicitation of his fronds over tho county, who urgo him to
pin and who have promlscdlifm their support.
"Your vote will bo appreciated.
Write tho above name on the ballot nnd place an (x) opposite it.
Cattle and Horses
At North Platte Stock Yards.
450 stockcrs and fcSe'derB of all kinds. Calves, yearling heifers, 2
7 ,l '
year old heifers, stock. cows and feeding cows. A good kind to take out
on a ranch or farm for breeding.
Wo always have a nlco lot of butcher stuff for the butchers. - A
handy place for them to get good stuff.
100 head of horses will sell to tho highest bidder at this sale,
November G, If you bavo any horses to sell get them In for this day.
We can soil them for you. There will be many eastern buyers here.
Ranch Live Stock Co.
Sale to Commence at 12:00 o'clock sharp.
C. A. OLSEN, Auctioneer
K Willi (Jrndc tih'e Parly.
Tho members of tho eighth ,grnrte
gave n Halloween party Saturday.
WAWMI VAITD 01 IP IMlTru . Ed. Dillon of Tryon was a bus!
1IH1U1 IUUIV drlLL VI!U now visitor In tho city Saturday.
Wednesday ,Nov. 8 the Public '
Halo of farm slock, mnchinoyry njul w
household goods nt tho A. M. Wld.
strand -farm? . 2U miles i
.nn it.. u-. r w,.m. Di... m. deceased In thef C6luitY Court of Lln-
J. T. Keefe, Atty.
les south and ,K?UU;sc- 1912 of John Leo M
i iiiniin nn "Sensed In thtf C6luity Court of
i Platloon the cMu county, Nobiy$a.
foro 12 o'clock noon of the 10th dav
( of November, 1922, or said road will
be allowed without reference thoroto.
Witness my hand' nnd official boa!
this 28th day of September 1922.
MSYnn,- - A. S. Alien? County Clerk
Andy Frnzlep. place. ThoStato flt Nebraska, ss: Creditors BXTBNSI0N ItOAI) NO. (10
ti.....,.i,. v.. 'n.i. !li 'df hl estate will .tnko notlco that thoj . -
Thursday. Nov. 0th Public sale ut,,no nmiMrfor ororfontntlon nnil'fll. V,U Sk;
evening at the Auditorium. Tho even- fin iltock, machinery and house- ing or 'claims ngalnat said Estato is . ' , T,!,Sr tt o.tiai.
lnir v ..i.onf I., ninvinn. ...a . ' IhiIiIb iroods ni dm if. m. .Tnimnsnn February 21. 1023. and for Boitlomont A consent petition for mo ostamiau-
" m l ...f bmuvn " , . . . . ' ' , - .
which rofreshmonts wore served.
Mnlh (Irnde lint? Parly.
Tho members of tho njnth
gave a masquerade party Friday
evening In the auditorium. Various
games were played after which re
freshments were served.
farm 2 miles wost of North Plntto on rWnTtt "f l23, Ul?1 ? '""V ,
. ,-. 1 w''l 8lt nt tho county court roojn In Commencing fnt west line of
. " .yauniy on KOTcmoor ai, iubs, at niiwf.n rmin'tv. Iih tho southoaut
:o: 10 o clock a. m., nnd on February 10, . ' . ,..
grade Fr08h Sauerkraut and Llmberger "23, at 10 o'clock n. m., to receive. oI 18 nd tho nor"1
'rlday cheese at Mnrtl's market. J' . lc' U. &UBt " 8t COr. f BeCttn 24
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lnning of
Hershoy shopped In tho city Saturday.
Mrs. Mattlo Woodhurst spent Sun-
Entcrlulii nt Halloween' Party. day in Kenrney visiting at tho Tolllf-
Tyrono Frnzicr and Lyra Cady son home.
clalmn and objections duly filed.
Hated October 17, 1022.
County Judge.
12, north of rango 20, west of tho
6th P. M. and running wost along said
section lino between socttons 24 aai
13, sections 14 nnd 2311 in township
12 rnngo 20, west of tho Cth P. M. and
terminating at tho southeast corner
of section 15 and northoast corner of
.entertained twenty of their friends Earl Stobbins of Gothenburg spent , To Whom It May Concorn
at a Halloween party Saturday oven-1 Sunday lu the city visiting wlth''r'o special commissioner appointed section 22 nil In township 12 rnngo
lng at tho Frazlor homo. The evening j friends.
was spent In playing gnmos. A doll- , . , , ., ,
clous two course lunch was served.' . v i n Gothenburg 8I,ont
Halloween decorations were used. h, ck cml ,n tho c,ty v,s,t,nB wUh
Lutherans flho llnllowccn Social. John Huhler of Omaha spont the
to locnto a public road as follows: 26. Anyono having objections thoroto
Commencing S. W Cornor ot Sec. lor claims for damage by tlfb ren'son ot
11 T 10 n 29 and oxtondlng two mlloB ,tho establishing of tho abovo described"
north to county line, hna reported In road must fllo snmo In tho offlco of the
favor thereof, any ono having objoc-i County Clork ot Lincoln county, No-'
, III ,r",1 n " f ?C ClUi m11 C?"nC!1 Wk hl tU? Vt,8!.llnS,rW!tJl ! b" rcaflon ot 11,0 establishing of tho on tho 10th day ot November 1922.
entertained tho mombcrs of tho church, parents Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hahlor. ntinVrt ,nanrlhn, rnn,, mllnf fltn onm ' w,,OBfl mv ,,,, nnrt Rpn, aeri.
nt a Halloween social Friday ovening Vrc Fllllon returned Sunday from
nbovo doscrlbod rond must fllo same , Witness my hand and seal Sep-
in tho office of the county clork of tcmbcr 28th 1922.
In the church basement. Ihc evening ,ln8tlngg aftor visiting with friends Lncoln county. Nebraska, on or bo-! A. S. ALLEN, County Olork
wns spent in playing games and in for a fow days. 1 . .
F. C. riKLSTICKEIt, Clerk
various contests. At the closo of tho
; evening refreshments wore served.
There were 150 guests present.
A very nulot weddinc took nlaco
I last evening nt tho Episcopal rectory
, when Miss Alice Hoagland wns wed
:.ried to Mr. i. D. Bowman of Brokon
I Bow. Tho ceremony was performed
j by ltov. W. H. Moore of tho Episcopnl
church in the presence of witnesses.
I Tho young conplu leavo todni' for Los
I Angoles where they will spend tho
, winter
Mrs. John Spclcher and son Jack
loft yesterday for Kearnoy after vlslt
j ing with relatives in tho city for
! sovoral days.
I ' Bit. II. 11. HOYDEN
j ' Goitre Specialist
' Wrlto for Appointment
I or Information
j Grand Island, Nebraska
Farm and Live Stock
I Telephone or wlro for dates at my
Halloween Party.
; Auxiliary to the American Legion
entertained at a Hallowe'en Party
last night at tho opera house In hon
or of the Legion men, thoir .families
and friends. A fine program wan Estato No. lOiC of William S. Depuj
given followed by dancing. At tho ! deceased 1n tho County Court ot Lin
close of tho evening refreshments "oln county, Nobrnska.
wore served. There wore two hund-; Tho, State of Nebraska. To all per
, . ons interested In said estato tako no-
red guests present. Tho hall wasltlco Umt nGtitIon has been tiled for
beautifully decorated in Hnllowe'en I tho oppolntmcnt of Jonnio M. Dopuy
colors. jns Administratrix of said estato,
which hos boon set for hearing herein
Tho following Horn was clipped
from tho Sutherland Courier:
Last Friday night about ono, hun
dred, and fifty people gathered at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. GcOrgeHosford
and family whore a rarewcll party
wns given in their homo us they nro
to leave this locality 1n a fdw.'days
and go to their new Home in North
on Nov. 7th, 1922 nt 10 o'clock n. in.
. Dated Oct. 14th. 1922.
County Judge.
i Mendelsshn's Wedding March , the
brldo nnd groom and their attendants
(took their places whom thomnrringo
j ceremony wns performed by tho Rev.
jw. H. Scolleld. EBthor Drlngman,
Platto. Tho ovening was indeed woll!a s1ator of 11,0 Broom wnB 11,0 hria9"
spent and enjoyed by all the participants.
Music, singing, games and delicious
mnld nnd Ray Mahor, brother of tho
brldo, tho best man. Mllma Moyon as
ring girl and Horcnco Lundgrhon
refreshments made up the evening's I sracefuly performed their parts in
Khmuinus Ilnvo Halloween Party.
Public Sale
1 will sell at public auction 2 miles west of North Platte, on A St.,
which iB known as tho Fnirviow Dairy Farm on
Thursday, November 9.
Salo commence at 1 o'clock.
Consisting of 25 hoad of good dairy cattle, some nro fresh and tho
others will bo frosh in the next G weeks, SO bond of calvoe somo ot
those arc yearlings.
1 team horsos wt. 2S00, 1 l?am coming 4 year old, wt. 2900, saddle
pony coming three years old.
26 Head of Shoots weighing from Seventy-five
Pounds to One Hundred Pounds
Mower, beet cultivator, 1-horso beet cultivator, 10-inch walking
plow, 14 Inch walking plow, disc, lumber wagon 3 Inch tiro, beet
bo . 2 buggies, grind ston, set of breeching work harness, light set of
work harness, Bet ot buggy harness, sot of slnglo harness, now
horso Nam 16x22 ft., Falrvlow Dairy truck body, gasolino engine,
silago cuttr with 00 foot belt, brooder, wagon with box and extra
boards, brand now wagon box, 2 sets of harness, brand new set of
work harness.
7 dozen chickens, 3 dozen rre pure bred Rhode Island Reds.
2 dining room tables, 8 dining room chairs, 2 dressers, dressing
table, library table, 2 center tables, sowing machines, 3 beds, sanitnry
cot, big leather arm chair, 2 rocking chairs, houso comfort cook stove,
base burner, heating stove, 3 holo oil stove, 8 milk cases, 3 five gallon
cream cans, ten gallon, cream can, 5 milk palls. Many articles too
numerous too mention.
ffjjjimg AH sums under $20 cash,' on sums over that amount, 0
onthfl time will bo given at tho rnto of 10 per cent interest, 2 per
cent discount for cash.
H. M. JOHANSEN, Owner.
the beautiful nnd impressive sorvlco.
Tho decorations nnd everything per-1
talnlng to tho g'rent ovent wero np-'
The members of tho Kiwanls club, proprlato and delightful. A bounto-;
! thoir wives and lady friends wore 1 ous feast was provided and fully np- j
entertained last evening at a Hoi-1 predated by all tho gucBts. Jlonrtyi
1 loweon suppor and party In the baso- and mony nro tho congratulations of j
mont of the Episcopal church. Dur- their many friends 'to this flno couple. 1
j lag the evening a program and several Mr. and Mrs. Drlngman aro among
! stunts wero given, tho important fen- the choicest of our young people, born 1
'turn being King Otto tho part played In this community mid attaining man-'
I by O. H. Thoelecko nnd queon Ike, tho hood and womanhood hero. Mr,
I part played by I. L. Stebblns. Thero , Diingmnii has a fjno position as olec-
ts present. Tho base- triclan in North v Platto whoro tho 1
I wore 100 guests
ment was beautifully
Halloween colors,
decorated In ' appy couple will make thoir homo.
Hotarians aro Entertained. .
About om hundred Rotarlans,
their ladies and guests woro present
at a dinnor at tho Presbyterian
1 church basement last ovonlng,nt 6.30
Tho menu was propared by tho ladl'
of the.
I courses.
tures Qf the different ltotarians
I wero shown vl(h tho aid of a lan-
W ; torn and a short program was given
which consisted of songs by Mls;3
Roxio Erb and Mr. Frasor, a reading
by Miss Sarah Kelly and an address
by Senator Qoorgo W. Npci'ls.' Thr
decorations wero In Hallowo'on colors
Chas. E. Allen
mm vrua propareu ny 1110 muK
church and was servedin two
s. Following the dinnor pic-
Their many friends wllPbo inter
ested in hearing of tho marriage of
MIbs Freda Schuman to Dr. J. R.
McKIrahan. Tho wedding took nlaco
last week In Grand Island nt tho
homo of tho, brides parents. Mrs. Republican primary nominee for tho
McKIrahan was formerly of this city offlco of Stato Senator for tho 30th
nnd was ono of tho city's most prom- Senatorial district, (Lincoln nnd Daw
Inont young ladles. Sho was employ-! son Counties,) Thirty three yoars in
ed at tho Tramp store until a few? Dawson county. I have novor been
months ago, Dr. McKlrahjan Jivas a candldato for offlco. ,
ono of tho city a prominent physic!
ans having practiced hero for tho
past fow years. Ho loft tho city last
week having accepted tho manage
ment of tho American hospital at
Oklahoma City.
I beliovo In tho revision of the Codo
bill, tho elimination ot nil wnsto and
oxtravagancc and tho most rigid
economy In tho management ot State
Tho following Horn was clipped from
tho Sutherland Courier:
Tuesday evening, October 24, about BOcUonB oC tho etato nnd this district
m a.. .ut.i.. k. At. 1
iony puraoHB woro ubuouiumu at luo,m,.,,, (lnrlvn thi rood from thla tax
Under capablo management I would
favor the continuation of tho good
roads program in ordor that other
homo ot Mr. and Mr& A. T. Danlolson
to witness the marriage of Raymond
A. Brlnghnm and Theresa O. Mahor.
At eight o'clock to tho strains of
and good roads. I thank you for tho
nomination and will appreciate your
voto November 7th.
Republican Candidate for County Treasurer.
Wednesday Only.
Barrel Jumpors.and chair balancing. This Is ono ot tho beat acts
of its kind hero this season.
In dlBpenBorp of mirth. Both former stars In musical comedy.
Comedy singing, dancing nnd talking?1
Tho singing fool with his everlasting smile. Also with an amuz
Ing rnngo of voice. Jack played lmportnnt.rolos in tho Folllos ot 1922
and tho Smiles of 1921. Ho is tho original tonor in tho original News
Boy Famous Qunrtctt. Ho 1b also tho writer of thut ramous song, "I
want to bo In Irolnnd tho day thoy set her freo.'i This Is a treat.
Presenting a rather pretentious novolty, singing and instrumental
novelty, nugmonted by beautiful doplctlng n scorns in Switzerland.
Ah singers nnd yodnlors the Song Birds always givu comploto satis
faction. Tills is an high class act.
Also a good flvo real feature will i)0 shown.
- W."VK
p .mi V
THIS clean, attractive, well
lighted cafeteria Is equipped
with crystal globe fixture.
Let one of our lighting ex
perts make a layout of yo"
place of business and sub
free estimate on better 1
Crystal Globe '
Store-Lighting F
are especially neat and goo''
taurant or other eating' :,
restful light welcomes
to an atmosphero
North Platte .