i 'k fit-'' if- i ACTIVITIES OF THE MANY ORGANIZATIONS WHAT IS BEING DONE III THE DIFFERENT LODGES AND ' ' SOCIETIES PHILOS GUNA Will moot Friday afternoon with Mrs. Herbert Bakor. TO-NIGHT. Regular communication of Platta Valley Lodgo No. 32 A. F. & A. M. at 8 p. m. YOEMAN Regular slclal meeting at tho K. 0. hull Thursday evening Oct. 2G. Every body come. 1 ! PRESBYTERIAN Lcdles Aid will meet In the church parlors Thursday afternoon rit 3 o'clock. Thoso on tho entertaining committee, aro Mesdames Sharrah, Pattreson, Loomls and Chamborlaln. WOODMEN-ROYAL NEIGHBORS Tho Modern Woodmen and tho' Royal Nolghbors will each Initiate a largo clasB of candidates In their rcspqctlva halls on Wednesday ovdnlng at 8 o'clock. All candidates' and memborB of both orders aro urged "to" attend. Chicken supper will be served. 0. E. S. Will hold a regular meeting Thurs day October 20 at 7:30 p. m."' Tho Charter will bo draped in memorlum of sister Carrlo E. Wright, pastr grand matron. A special Invitation is ex tended to all members and visiting members. LUTHERAN The Womnns Missionary ' Society will meet Friday at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Chris. Brodbeck, 404 west 4 th St. Delegate, report of tho recent synodl cal convention will be given at this meeting. Members and friends; ex pected. - L WAR MOTHERS . Will hold meeting Friday night at tha homo of Mrs. C. S.- Clinton. Mrs. Halllgan will glvo a report of her trip Arrangements will bo completed for Armistice day A good attendance Is desired. :.: :.: .i.t 'i.i :.: :.t :.: j.t :.: :.: :.t :.: :.: j.: j.: :.: i.t t.t it i.t i.i i.: Big Reasons why this Store EC POSTIVELY oSn't of Winder UNDERWEAR In The City 43 DIFFERENT KINDS TO SELECT FROM if i.t 1 :.: i.t :.: ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft :.: ft ft ft ft ft ft :: ft ft j.t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft it ft ft A few Specials; Extra ncary "TIrgIn Wool" Union Suits sizes 3G QiQQ Chalmer8,, Fine Wool Worsted Un ion Suits, slzos 34 to 53 $3.85 FI110 Wool Ribbed Union Suits, sizes 34 to 4G gjj "Tuck Stitch" Wool Ribbed Union Suits J 45 North Platte's Fastest Growing Store. STOCK SHIPMENTS Tho following carloal shipments o livestock woro mado from tho North Platto station" oftho Union Pacific duri Ing tho wook ending cserdny Omaha Henry Lau, 3 cars cnttlo to Duncan, Nobr. Tom Donahuae, 3 cars cattlo to South'-Omaha. Thos.. ThlBwell, 1 car' cattle to Bariic8ville, Md. Hndorson Bros., 1 car cattlo to Gormantown, Md. : :o: . EUGENE If. PLUMMEIt Eugono R. Plummor waB born in Durbin County, Ind. on tho 14th day of February, 1854. When ho was an infant, ho moved with bin parents to Bureau county, Illinois, and when ho roachcll young manhood, camo to' York, Nebraska, whore ho roslded for a number of years. Whllo living at York, Nebraska, ho married Miss Anna Tracy, nnd from this union four cliildron were born, all of whom died in infancy. Mr.' nnd Mrs. Plummer camo to North Platto about 20 years ago, nnd were residing there at tho timo of his death, which occured on tho 18th day of October, 1922. As a young man ha became a member of tho Baptist church, later affiliating with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which ho was a faithful nrfd actlvo member for many years. Ho leaves to mourn his death, his wifo and brothers nnd sisters and thoy will mourn him, as only tho departure pi a loving and faithful Christian husband and relatlvo can bo mourned. A largo circle of acquaintances, to whom ho was a warm, loyal and trust ing friend, will deeply miss- his al ways hearty greetings, and advice, especially matters. Earth's loss gain. wise counsel in spiritual is Heaven's -.0:- Pcars! Pears! $1,65 bu. McMIchacl Grocery. CARD . OF THANKS ' To those, who so kindly assisted during tho illnesB and death of my husband, I wish to express my sincere thanks. Tho beautiful floral offerings and many "other acts of friendship and tribute are deeply appreciated. Mrs. E. R. Plummor. Goes ahead all the Time 'Chalmers" Henry Cotton Ribbed UDlon Suits, d or Blzos 34 to 52 $1.00 "Tryon aillls" Heavy Cotton Ribbed Un ion Suits, b!zo3 34 to 40 $1.35 "Sanlfnry Fleece" Heavy Union Suits, sizes 30 to 4G $1 25 Heavy Grey Cotton Union Suits Sizes 30 to 40 95c THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE PLATTE VALLEY SCHOOL NOTES Tho enrollment In tho prlmar?, ia't Bomowmu uccreaseu sinco wotbott work Btnrtoit. t Bomcwnni copier nnu winuy sununy. Tho nineth Krndo English cluss'Thhd Monday was Mso pleasant. Tho frfre story tolling Friday. Somo very inter- cast is: Fair to-night and Wednesday, estlng stories wero told. Cooler to-night. Poarle Strolborg of tho intermod- ato room has been absent several dnyB on account of sickness. Tho Intermediate room entertained J tho primary and high Bchool Friday with a fifteen minute program which! WaS Very gOOd. The primary room has been learn ing a Halloween song and will give a short program next Friday morning for opening exorcises. Public Bpenklng In schools is get- other products in carload lots hnvo ting moro attention every day. ' almost stopped. A fow days ago an At the teachers' convention last 1 ordor camo releasing six cars a day "on week, this wns ono of the main topics tho Wyoming division of .tho Union discussed. Prof. A. L. Phillips of tho! Tactile for shipping hay. This many IC S. T. C. said that tho graduate of cars could bo used each day for send any school should know tho essentials ing out tho local hay crop. Coal ship of public speaking. That 1b, ho should monts aro said to bo at a standstill be nblo to stand before m audience ' and olovators aro full of wheat whllo with conlldenco and say what ho has ono of tho local mlll3 closed down ono to say with good accurate thinking J day last week bocauso it could not got ability and no show of nervousness. , wheat. Tho situation is sorimis nn.1 This instruction should begin In the elpmentary grades. Many children possess this talent. Where are they going to find this out, If not nt school. Thoro aro sovoral alms in this work thnt wo wish to accomplish, namely 1. To aid the children In obtaining self-confidence before an audience. 2. In learning to dominate tho voice correctly. 3. In acquiring freo and easy move ments. 4. And learning to think rapidly nnd accurately. Wo feel thnt this is part of their education. CITY LIBRARIAN URGES A WIDER READING 01"' THE CLASSICS Miss Wheeler, city librarian is urg ing pntrons of the city library to give j some attontion to tho standard books of American literature. Tlio library has just received a twenty volume sot of selections from tho Eest English and American authors. Theso books include fiction, essays and speeches. In a statement yesterday she says, "Take ono of theso books with your light fiction; ono can tako too much fiction for mental health. .Don't uso all pre-dlgestcd mentnl food." - .. t :o: . Mro, Davis Holdson of Hershoy shopped in tho city Saturday. Bert Hudson of Staploton was a business visitor in tho city Saturday. State officers of tho Nebraskd Fed oration of Women's clubs together with tho local officers wero guests of the Rotary club at luncheon yester day and will bo tho guosts of tho Klwanls club today. At tho lunch con yesterday all of tho officers woro introduced nnd short addrosses woro made by Mrs. Penny, president; Mrs. Lees, vlco-prcsident nnd Mrs. Perry man, treasurer. :o: NOTICE Notice 1b hereby given J. B. Payne that I will sell on tho 7th day of No vember at 2 p. m. at public auction at tho York Feed Store, 17G folding chairs which have been left In stor age with mo. I now claim thoro is ?28 and tho costs of tho salo duo mo. j Dated this 23rd day of October, 1922. RILEY YORK. I HEBZ3EHl20EBESB0HHaBaHHHHBaraHHKBaHHaHHraHHmKillCa M S3 WEATHER CONDITIONS Saturday was an ideal day. turning v ... . ' ,j ; Mrs- Sarah Dlovlns ' jot 1 Staploton shoppod In tho olty yostorday. Mrs. F. A- Wulvorton of Dlckcna shqpped in tho city Saturday, Dr'. j. s. Twinom transacted pro- fnSHloiinl lilialnnqn In TTnralmv 3i,..,tn u uuvj hji.tiiiij Pears! Pears! $1.65 bu. McMIchacl Grocery. Thqro Is f such a Bhortago of cars that shipping of coal. hay. craln nnd business is being hold back by tho shortago. FOR SALE Choico lot of young Rod Poll built at farmors prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Stroot In Making Your Choice of a Vacum Cleaner .1 t nv'tfi tho famous Motor Drnvn Brush t r -I . W. R. Maloney Co. SO You liave been paying from $10.50 to $15.00 to get an inexperienced man to tack what is known as a "Ford Rubber" top on your car. This top re-cover could not be guaranteed and in most cases, you could put it on better yourself. Wo are going to sell you a "Genuine Badger" Ford Top and Back Curtain for the above price. Theso re-covers are extra fine, long grain, motor cloth in leather grain print. If any of theso tops go bad. we will give you a new one for It. All wo ask you to do is to tack it on, which you can do in less tlian one haW hour. Wo furnish you tacks and binding needed. We would put these tops on for you but we haven't tho room to work In. These tops aro worth $13.50 flhonest value) put on. Hero is your chance to get a good top and also save yourself $8.00 at least. The Platte Miss Lilllo Pclnnuor returned Co , after spondinjitho 'flek ond visiting ?M tlio O. A. Carlton home. " ; and Mrs. J. II. Doncgan. 1 Miss Mado' Loranscn returned tho 1 last of the week from .Lexington aftor visiting with rolntlvos for'sovcr , al days. , NOTICE OF SALE Notice is horeby given that I, Wes ley T. Wilcox, Administrator witli tho Will annexed of tho Estnto of Bridgot Jones, deceased, In pursunnco of tho authority granted tlio Executor in tho last Will and Testament of said de ceased, and duly admitted to probate in tV.o County Court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebrnslca, thoro will bo Bold at public salo to tho highest bidder for cash at tho east front door of the house located at 220 South Locust St., in tho city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nobraskn, which houso Ib located upon tho real estnto horoln aftor doscrlbcd, on tho Gth dny of No vember, 1922 nt tho hour of 1 o'clock P. M., tho following described real pstnto to-wlt: An undivided onc-hnlf lntorost In all or lots 1 nnd 2 in block 7, MlUors addition to tho City of North Plntto, Lincoln County, Ne braska, and tho following chnttcls to wit: 1 brass bedstoad with matross, 1 dresser with mirror, 1 basket of old tin waro, 1 Iron tub with two and ouo-half dozen fruit enna, coffoo pot, 2 grnnlto potB, 1 tea kottlo, 1 Iron tub containing kitchen ware, 3 small plo turcs In frames, 1 old carpet sweeper, 1 plcturo decorated cross, 1 trunk, 1 small plcturo In framo. Said salo will romaln open ono hour. Dated this 10th day of Odtobor, 1922. WESLEY T. WILCOX, Administrator with tho Will annexed, of tho ostnto of Bridget Jones, .Deceased. . mbs ZjttfyongiThrrlvo(nSaturday ffrdm arbM River,' Wyo.to) jjppnd ! tjororn'l day's visiting her parents, Mr. The best way is to select the particular machine that can do .what no other single Vacum, Cleaner can accom plish. , yu'me same time maKc is light enough in weight so down stairs easily. Electric Th( "Y 'ton iv. x weeper -Vac LS tfth totor Dnvon r Brush is light and powerful. It can he used as a Vacum clean er alone by simply turning a little lever which stops the motor driven brush, or as a Vacum-Sweeper, by using both Vacum and Brush at the same time. Have this machine demonstrated in your home. SO Auto Trim. Miss Mario SawTSr'ot Scdttsbluff lo vlsltlng, with relatives nt tho w. O. ijpld"homo for h Jew days. , "iTd. iuVownIieldT- Farm and Llvo Stock AUCTIONEER. Tolophono or wlro. for dntcs- at my Expense . t " nebrAsigl IIEUSHEY, DQIJGBT MUSIC STUDIO Trovlyn E. Doucot . '" i' Violin and Cornot " DR. H. It. HOYDEN Goitre Specialist Wrlto for Appointment or Information Grand Island, Nebraska Try a "TIMMERMAN SPECIAL" (Choico A No. 1 corn fed steer atenk) Wo also aorvo a "MERCHANT'S LUNOII" from 11 a, m. to 2 p. m. for 35o THCirERMAN CAFE WA.1NTTED SCRAP IROtf Cast Iron 1b worth most. Also Coppor and Brass. HIDES I am paying from 7 to 10c a pound now. L. LIPSHITZ sure mat tnc sucn a Cleaner, that it can he carried up and - ' 1