The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 17, 1922, Image 4

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Dili 0. H. OltESSLHH
Office ovor the McDonald '
State Hunk.
H. B. Snyder of Lilac, Nobr., was t(jm
a business visitor In tho city Wed-1
Bruce Wilson loft Wednesday for '
Paxton to visit with frlonds for n
few days,
Mrs. ChaB. FredricI loft yesterday ,
for Elm Crock whero alio will visit
her sister Mrs. J. Cox. , Mr Graves Entertains.
Miss Jennie Weekly of Dickens' Mrs, It. L. Graves ntortalnod a
visited with friends in tho city rorTnumber of frlonds at a dlnnor Sat
a few days tho past week. ; urday evening at tho Vineyard.
Miss Lauru Harvey of Sutherland j Smiles Onlld Give Party.
underwent an operation at tho Mora
The following carloal shipments o
Saturday and Sunday were pleasant "'wtock were made from tho North
days for North Platte. Monday was 1 iauo 8iauon 01 1,10 un,0Q i,ac"lc ""
cloudy and disagreeable. Tho lowest ' ,n& tnc week cndln& CBcrday
temporaturc last night was 10. Tho 1 0mana
forecast for North Platte is: Fair Cy Eckloff, 1 car caitle to South
to-night and Wednesday, with rising' Omaha.
Casper Itauch, 1 car cattle to Key.
cattlo to
cattle to
Kntoitalns in Honor of .Mrs. Hnlligaii
Mrs. Honry Waltcmath assisted by
Miss Alma and Mrs. Chas. Dixon en
tertained Saturday in honor of Mrs.
riolfo Halllgan who Is visiting rcla-'
tlvcs in tho city.
Tottenhoff Bros.,1 car cattlo ,to
South Omaha.
Tottenhoff Bros., 1 car hogs to
G. G. Fisher, 2 cars
Maplcton, Iowa.
Casper Itauch, 1 car
Uarnesvlllo, Maryland.
J. It. Spurrier, 1 car cattlo to
Gormantown, Maryland.
:o: '
You can buy your now Fall suit
now at 1-5 to l- off at Blocks Store.
Farm and Llvo Stock
Telephone or wiro for dateB at my
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tuo of a Chattel Mortgago, dated on
orlal hospital Tuesday.
All Fall suits at 1-G to 1-3 off at
Mrs. Jack McGraW left Wednes
day for Omaha whore she will trans
act business for several days.
A. fi. Howard returned Wednesday I I:ntc, tjl,ns 'or Sirs. Graves.
from Grand Island whero ho spent Mrs-0. II. Shrlver entertained Fri-;
fiovoral day's visiting Mb mother. idoy evening at a Thcatro party in
, . . . , i honor of Mrs. Graves who loft this
Ml. Doris Slllasen of Keystone is fm California.
n t s L VedUlCalr0 dCHC,US 1U"ch 18 day of February, 1D22 and dufv
Cora Todd is expected homo tho ',,cd "i'J,10 f of tho
last of the week from Callaway A very pretty and quiet wedding Coly G1"k oI L,4nc,0,,n Co,Unty- Nob'
whorq eho haa been visiting Mrs. was performed Sunday afternoon at ska ,and f cu,tcd by ,Vivla1n
Frank Baldwin. Ernest tiradley homo when their DBE to to V0 EIrdam, to se-
Mrs NollleDudor return., Monda,
from her European trip and stopped i Aiontgomerj. Iho ceremony was ,7Kn nnv nn(1 . ' wM . .
off ,n Chicago to attend Marinello a of ZlTor l-
choot and graduated 1n that line of " n ho presence from dato J
work. Mm. Dudor will reopen her J mmod ate families and a twmwmt dofaillt hovng madQPln
Elmor Holmou living ton miles i " urau
northwest of town waa sovoroly hurt
tho payment of said sum, therefore, I
will soli tho property therein do
Mrs. Ernest Bradloy,
tho local high school and has boon
yesterday when tho car ho was driv
ing turned turtlq dislocating his Hip,
bcsldnH nllinr Inlnrlnn. Tin wnn
taken to tho Platto Valley hospital ! mp'oycd by tho telephone company
iui mo pnai iow montns. Air. Mont
gomery is employed by tho U. P.
ley of Maxwell. Mrs. Montgomery n i . n u.i , l ,
...... ,, . , .. . .famv.ijf acrlbed at Public Auction at the Hln-
in mo uiuest uaugiucr or iir. and
man Tloomlnr' Honso. 1081,4 East
Sho attended Front strcot( North piattc, Nebraska,
on tho 23d, day of October, 1922 at 1
o'clock P. M. of said day, which pro
perty Is described as follows:
One Black Walnut bed room suit)
T)nMHnn.l n m.- . .
,"""u"u young coupio win of thron ,,loeoa t1tln Walnut nod room
make their .homo at C03 East 4th gultC( thrco pioceS ono Solld 0ak Lib
rary Table, one Lcathor Davenport,
two Genuine Leather Rockors,
for treatment.
Mrs. Albert Kaash of Scottsbluff
upont a day or two in North Platto
this week visiting at tho homo ot
Mrs. J. A. Wheeler. Mrs. Kaash Is
enrouto to tho national mooting of
tho Woman's Homo Missionary
which Is to bo held at Pittsburg next . ! ' S lthcrla,ld( 1 0 "P0, "J nors- ono 0ak Bu"ot' 9,x
Teok , wlt' her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Oalc Lcathor bottom Chairs, one Solid
, , Cokcr. , Oak Pedestal Dining Room Table, one
TtrtiMtn .luitavv noATiH .' Plenty tnonov to lnnn on lmnrovmi Oak Library Table, ono kitchen Cab-
15 Puro bred Duroc JorBoy Boara for
sale, weighing from 200 to 300 lbs,
Blood lines unexcelled.
J. E. Qulnn, 220 13. 3rd St.
Phono No. 1204.
Wltma Cokor who is attending Oak Pedestal, two Lcathor Foot Rests,
M.nmi. Ith" ,ocal n,Bh Bch001 ft Wednesday ono Japanoso Screen, two Lcathor
' Plenty money to loan on Improved ,0ak. Library Table,
jivTrms. J.' F, Clabaugh, Gls'lJowoy Inet'two RockerF.
SI root.
MIhh Mario Sclmtz and inothor
Mrs. Dora Schatz will leave Monday
for Denver -whero they will visit at
tho homo of tho lattors daughter
Alia. Cawkor.
two Chairs, four
large Velvet Rugs, flvo Hand Painted
Pictures, eight Medium Blzed Rugs',
ono Cabinet Sewing Machine, ono
largo Electric Ilcator.
Dated September 23 1922
e, does hereby foreclose said persons into.eeted aro hereby nnUflo.
o and will on tho 9th day of! to pp-nr and show cause, If an? whr
or boforo 12 o'clock noon ot tho 10th unscourc,
.. . . M-i, .. m'ci i! r.mml 2otlon and assessment
win do niiowcu wiuiout rorerenco ' wovemoer, in uuu uuu i. - ,
thereto. ' - of Bald dato, will sell at public auc- should not bo jnado, on or boforo th
n... . . . fi, n.ic.uirif 17th dav of October, 1923 at c'gUC
viiuuoa my imnu anu OlUCiai SCai uuu ut iho uiu(,v- ul , - ;
this 28th day of Septembor 1922.
County Clerk.
Sealed bids will bo received by Mr.
I. E. Ware, Sec'y Platto Valley Ir
rigation District at Hershey, Nebras
ka until 10:00 a. m. of October 27,
1922 for furnishing all labor and ma
torlal necessary to construct a sheet
piling dam two hundred and seventy
rnmnnnv 91 k p.nnt viftli street, o'clock p. m.
North Platto, Nebraska, to tho high- Witness my hand and tho seal oC
ost bidder for cash tho one Ford Racer , said city this 25th day of September,
Motor No. Lincoln Conty No. 83 to ' 1922. .
B.nflHfv nndl plnltn In tho amount Of r"
eighty-three and 25-100 ($83.25) dol- Seal
lars and the cost horeln accrued.
City Clork.
Estato No. 1875 of William Graves,
deceased in tho County Court ot Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho State of Nobraska, to all por-
sald Estato take
Notice is horcby Klven that tho
flVO f2751 foot lnnc n tlm Nnrlh Mnvnr nml r.ltv PniinHI nf Un oitv SOHS Interested In
Platte river near Glcnburnlc, Nebr., In of North Platto, Nobraska, will on tho.! notlco that tho Administratrix naa
accordanco with tho plans adopted 17th day of October 1922, bctweon the filed a final account and report of hU
and now on file with tho Secretary. ' hours of 8 and 9 o'clock p. m. of said administration and a petition for final
Bids will o opened by tho Board of day and so much longer as may bo settlement and discharge as such Ad
Directors in Hershey, Nobr., at 10:00 nccossary to transact said business, mlnistatrix, which havo been set for
a. m. Octobor 27th, 1922. sit as a Board of Equalization for the hearing before said court on Oct. 2t
Tho right is reserved to reject any purposo ot equalizing and assessing 1922, nt 10 o clock a. m. whon you
or all bids.
I. E. WARE, .
Sec'y, Horshey, Nebr.
nilnst abutting and adjacent prop- may appear ana contest me. saniu.
e:y owners, tho cost of paving In Dated Oct. 2, 1922.
Pa-'lLg Districts No. 4 nnd 5 as the Wm. II. C. Woodhurst,
Fnn.c aro r.sw organized. And all i County Judge.
Estato No. 1911 of August Sodlcot, J
deceased In tho County Court of Lin-!
coin County, Nebraska. 1
Tho State of Nebraska, as: Crcd-'
itors of said estato will tako notlco
thot tho tlmo limited for presentation
and filing of claims against said estato
Is Februry 17, 1923, and for settle- 1
ment of said Estato is Octobor 10th, I
1923; that I will sit at tho County
count room In tho said County on 1
November 17th, 1922, ot 10 o'clock a.
m., and on February 17th, 1923 at 10
o'clock a. m, to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
Dated Oct. 10., 1922.
County Judge.
Friday and Saturday Night. 10c Dance.
Feature Nights Good Music Dancing at 9:00
Mrs. Martha Lau returned to hor
homo In Sutherland Tuosdav ovciHiTl'
after Bpondlng aovcral days in tho To wllom 11 Mliy Concern:
L. & S. Oroccterin.
city visiting at tho Confor and Ver
non homes.
Mrs. T. Harvey returned to hor
Tho Bpocial commissioner appointed
to locato a public road as follows:
' Commencing nt tho termination of
tho laid out road which terminates on
homo in Sutherland Tuesday after , tUo soctlon Uno botwcon Bcction 2G-14-
vlHltlng hor dnughtcr who is r'ocolv.
Ing medical treatment In tho Mem
orial hospital.
34 and. soctlon 30-14-33 at tho Union
Pacific Company's rlgnt-of-way, and
extending said road from said Union
Whereas G. R. Hoover, mortgagor,
did on tho 11th day of August, 1922,
oxecuto and deliver his certain prom
issory note 'to Roy V. Busklrk, and -did
on tho samo dato to Becuro; the
payment of said note, execute and de
liver to tho said Roy V. Busklrk, a&
mortgagee, a first mortgago on one
Ford Racer, Motor No. Lincoln Coun.
ty No. 83. That said mortgago was
given to secure tho amount of Eighty
otio and 90-100 ($81.90) dollars with
interest at 10 por cent from date, of
which nmount twenty-seven and 30-1
100 (527.30) dollars became duo on
September 15, 1922. Said mortgage
Was duly recorded in tlTe office of the
County Clork of Lincoln county, Ne
braska on. said dato. That said mort-
p-nirn nrnvfilno Hmf If rtnrnnH tn' .
r"0 l' u ' -J blillV .1. UV.UUik JO lil'lll
In tho payment ot any part of said'
debt when duo, or If said property Ib
abandon, then tho whole amount shall
bocomo duo and the mortgagee shall
soil t'io name, and !
Whereas default has been made In ,
tho payment duo September 15, 1922
and tho said G. R. Hoover, the mortg-'
agor, having abandon said property
and tho said Roy V. Busklrk, feeling.
Wednesday Only.
Singing, violin and zylophono oddity. Miss Esmeralda plays ev
erything from Jazz to classical. Mr. Webb possesses a very sweet
Irlst tenor volco
Presenting a cheerful liar. Written by Will M. Creasy, who haa
toured tho Orpheum circuit for tho last twonty. years and promises to
bo somo entertainment.
Presenting nifty nonsense. Talking, singing and dancing; Miss
Park and Mr. Murry havo Just finished a successful season with tho
Dunbar Light Opera Co. Miss Park dancing into tho hearts of all as
solo dancer in the ballet and Mr! Murry singing all tho tenor leads.
Comedy acrobats bring tho bill to a close. Tho women In this
act aro undoubtedly the best female acrobats to bo seen tills season.
Their stunts aro difficult and executed in good manner. They offer
entertainment above tho average.
Also a good five reel feature plcturo will bo shown.
All Fall suits at 1-5 to 1-3 off at Pacific Railroad Company's rlght-of-Blocks.
way on tho section lino between sec- '
Mra. L, O. Thompson 6t Paxton !t!on 25-14-34 nnd Boctton 30-14-33
shopped in tho city yeatcrday.
Dlt. 11. 11. HOYDEN
Goitre Specialist
Wrlto for Appointment
or Information
('rand Island, Nebraska
I north to tho Lincoln Highway, said i
road to bo 40 foot wldo, has reported
In favor thereof, anyono having ob
jections thcroto or claims for damagos
by tho reason of tho establishing of
tho above described road must file
tho samo In tho offlco of tho County
Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on
The Heating Pad
should be pnrt
of your
"Medicine Chest"
Nearly every family
Itebps Blmplo remedies
on hand for tho relief of
numerous little aches
and pains. A heating
pad should be included
In tills equipment. It
brings warmth and com
fort and a healthy stimu
lation of circulation to
1 sick and well.
New Heating Pads
just in $10.00
Tflioy'ro Boft, flexible, of
handy alzo, with floeoy warm
covers and throo-hoat regula
tion. Special for this wook.
North Platte Light &
Power Co.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 23d, 1922.
A North Piattc Stock Yards,
Consisting of feeders of medium weights, light weights,
yearling steers, heifers, feeding cows, calves, butcher stuff
and milch cows. Wo always havo a good line up. Can fit you
out with any kind of cattlo you may want. They aro a
good kind that will make money. A good many of these
cattle sell freight paid to river.
We Can Sell Cattle
For you Monday Oct. 23. Got them in for that dato. De
mand 1b good. Beet fanners are wanting cattlo to eat up
tholr beet tops.
Rauch Live Stock Co.
MB '
III ?v'" -
Proper Up-keep is Essential to
Satisfactory Telephone Service
Every foot of telephone wiro and every piece of I
apparatus, both in town and along the country roads;f
must be constantly watched, tested and kept in proper .
condition. t
Constant expenditure for the up-keep of the
telephone plant is essential if satisfactory service is
provided. . .,,
. "
The public can be well served only by a prosperous
telephone company, whose'income is sufficient to provide
for the upkeep and operation of its pro i.ty and for tho
replacement of equipment when required.
Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
I '"Mn,"l,ll-M 1 " ii rui i i I WW I 1 1 I lllli lil iilffl