The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 17, 1922, Image 3

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Tho following story appeared In last
wreck's Lltorary Digest. It la ho woll
written and so Interesting to North
Platto pcoplo who know Nool Bullock
that It is printed entire.
"A Ncbrasko youth, baroly turned
Toting age, lately carved hlmsolf a
niche In tho automobile Hull ot Famo
by winning tho Pike's Peak climb, of
ficially tho fourth annual world's
championship hill-climbing contest.
Tho papers carried tins much of tho
nowis, Including tho name of tho young
man, which 1s Nool Bullock. They did
not mention that ho turned tho trick,
.which included boatlna u field num
bering many of tho highest priced cars
turned out of automobile, factories of
Amorica, in a "home-browed flivver,"
assembled out of junk, at an approxl-1
mate Cost of $400. Mr. Bullock haiti
from North Platto, writes J. B. Day,
tn tho New York Evoning World, giv
ing cedlt where credit is duo:
Ho's an automobile mechanic by
profession; an optimist by nature, and
ha nurses an 'tch'' to writo Ills
namo alonsssldo those of Barnoy Old
fiold, tho Ohevrolot brother Ralph
Mulford and tho host i Speed do-.
iiions who have mhd&i Vftclng history.
For several yQars Bullock has en-.
Joyed considerable ot a reputation tin
n dirt tfack driver in tho immediate
Vicinity of his homo town, but the
LaW Day race was his first dip 'nto
tho "blg-timo" gami. That the suc
cess ho achieved "with his nondescript
distance annlhilator augurs woll for
tho realization of hlB ambition goes
without Baying.
Tho notability of his feit was en
hanced by tho fact that ho was pitted
against many seasoned race drivers.
Several of the pilots lm(I participated
in each ot tho climbs since tho classic
was established, whereas Bullock had
driven the course but onco and was.
only vaguely familiar with the many
dangerous turns and switchbacks on
the cloud-ridden boulevard.
Tho component parts of Bullock's
mount camo from an automobile
graveyard in North Platto. Ths en
gine block cost him $50 and was the
most expensive single part compris
ing the machine. The frame was 'hat
of a light delivery truck which bad
outlived its usefulness, supposedly,
when tho North Platte grocer who
owned the truck sold It to the dealer
In automobile junk from whom Bul
lock bought it. Tho radiator wa
from a junked car likewise.
"I got mo a set of wiro wheels and
four new tires," said Bullock, describ
ing tho assembling of hi3 brain child,
"becase I knew I couldn't get any
where 1n the raco unless my wheels
stood up. Tho wheels and tires, in
tho aggregate, rost mo more than all
th0 rest of tho machine, but no single
wheel or tiro host me as much as the
engine block."
.On the engine block Bullock rigged
up an eight-cylinder motor oflsprJng
of his gonitis as a major mechanic.
Tho contraption was finished a week
before the day of the race. Since ho
didn't ..havo the necessary money to
ship tho machine by train, Bullock
drovp it overland to Colorado Springs
at tho base of the famous pqak up
which tho raco com so winds.
"The engine needed Umbering lift,
anyway" the blond youth explained
"and tho trip across the plains and
mountains between North Platto and
Colorado Springs gave mo an op
portunity to get a good lino on in-'
what my machine would do." y
"When Bulock drove into Colorado
Springs on Saturday arlornoon, Sep
tobor 2, and pulled up in front of tho
garage where most of the entries for
tho raco wero quartered, race en
thusiasts and pilots wero hard put to
suppress smiles of derision. Bullock
sensed the spirit of ridicule in tho
spirit of tho crowd which gathered
about tho latest arrival' but he
smiled and said nothing.
Ranged alongside of tho big, power
ful, beautifully finished cars that were
entered for tho event, representing j
somo o' tho most expensive ones man- j
ufacturd in Araoricn, tho unpainted,
hoodies burlosquo of an automobile
horded by tho unassuming Nebraska
To "Whom It May Concern:
A consent road as follows:
Commencing at tho corners to sec
tions 4, 5, 8 and 9, township 12, north
rango 30, west of Cth P. M. running
thence west on lino between sections
C and 8, and C and 7, two miles, to
connect with oxtonslon of road No.
42. Anyone having objections there
to or claims for damages by tho rea
son of tho establishing ot tho above
described road must fllo same in tho
offico of the County Clerk ot Lincoln
Qounty, Nebraska, on or beforo 12
o'clock noon ot tho 10th day of Nov.
1922 or said road will bo allowed
without reference thereto.
"Witness my hnnd and official seal
this. 28th day of Septo'mDer 1922.
County Clerk.
lad, looked, as ono spectator expressed
it, Hko "a cross between a kiddlo
kar and a pushmoblle." However,
Mr. Bullock let thorn havo their little
jokes and oven Joined in their humor,
He bad gathered an idea, on tho way
over to Clolrado Springs, of what ho
driving over tho motor highway is
what might bo tcrmod "ttdkllsh busi
ness." Racing at topspcod around
tho hairpin curves and lettor "S"
turns is calculated to tuako tho stout
est heart flutter.
' It had rained and snowed, alternate-
could expect from his collection of 1y, on tho summit Sunday afternoon
Junk. Evon a brier acquaintance in- i nnd night, with tho result that when
creased hla respect for tho car ho had raco time arrived tho last throo miles
concocted. It amused lilm, also, to ,ot tho coursd wero almost ankle-deep
leavo it looking rough and uncouth on In soft slush, making fast driving
the outside, lilto tho cxtcmporlzod ma-J particularly precarious. Predictions
chino It was. It was pleasant tojworo made that tho pilots would not
know that howovor his car might look bo ablo to approach the recordf ot
and sho certainly looked bad 18.24.7, inndo by Ralph Mulfonl ,ln n
enough lnsldo sho wns tho equal of .Hudson hi 1910.
tho most expensive and well-groomed j When W. S. Hnluos, veteran pilot
machine driven by his competitors. and first starter, flashed up tho peak
Therefore, with a cortaln amount of! in 20.31, tho wiseacres evinced sur-
J confidence, as Mr. Day continues his I prlso and the chances ot Bullock's
Saturday night Bullock slept in tho
machine, Ho had two good reason?,
tor his choice of a lodging place; One
was that ho didn't wnnt to get very
far away from his machine ; tho othef
that ho, was not overburdened with
Suiiiiuy' k'fe took "Old Liz," as ho
cail& It, over tho racp course, for the
dual purposo. ot testing its climbing
ability on a real hill and familiarizing
himself with tho road.
Bright and early Monday morning
ho was at tho starting-point Crystal
Creek Brldgo, botwoon mllo-posts 5
and 0 on tho highway. Ho greeted
raco officials with a broad smllo and
a hearty "Howdy!" and proceeded to
talk shop with the pilots who had pre
ceded him to tho starting tape. .
With tho starting-time of tho first
machine but a few minutes away, one
of tho officials noticed Bullock had
no number on his "bus."
"Whore's, your number?'' He de
manded. "Haven't been given a number yet,"
was the embryo spend king's comeback.
road must fllo samo in tho office of ntor from tho thirteenth Scnlt.orlal
tho County Clerk of Lincoln Co,'m. 'District, ns apportioned by tho Ses
Nobraska, on or beforo 12 o'clock noon 8,0,1 LftWS ot 1921,
on tho 10th day of November Iff or i For tho olcctlon of on Stnto Rcp
on , e ,u aZ , ml,or or rosontatlvo from tho Elghty-uinth
sntd road will bo allowed without jr0prosontatlvo district, aa apportion
roferenco thereto. 0d by tho Session Laws of 1921.
Wltnoss my hand nnd official seal I For tho election of ono Stato ro
Soptembor 28th 1922. pronentntlvo from tho Nlntloth ro-
a q attvm ominiw Ptn.t, 1 proson t atlvo district, as apportioned
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. ho gosglon ,awg 'f 102
i At tho same, tlmo nnd plnco of
holding tho said olcctlon thero will
Water rent la now duo
In section Uo submitted lo r adoption or rojec-
C. north of Union Pncllic right of u," "nuVF ino 7.? .,2 H
I i'tlnfi twr tim nnnalltliitlnn Tin lion iTnll
way and south ot Burlington right of lNl, non No. IlmiB0
way, west of Locust St., nnd becomes
delinquent Oct. 20. All consumers in
Roll No. 617, nnd Sonato Fllo No.
305, said blllB having boon passed by
gnsrgargllng contrlvanco scorned to
vanish in thin air. But Bullock never
milt smiling Ills faith in his home
made racer did not falter.
Harold Bflnker, piloting tho ma
chino Whleh hiada tho third best show
ing In tho tlmo trlnls which wore
held the day before Bullock arrived In
Colorado Springs, "hurdled the hill"
In 20 minutes and 45 4-5 seconds.
King Rhilcy, last year's winner took
his car to tho top In 0 minutes 5 sec
onds. P. M. Abbott went up in 20
minutes 7 oeconds, and
Noel Bullock, tow-headed "kid"
from North Platte, Nebraska, a rank
outsider, counted out Iby tho wise
guys beforo tho race, crouched over
tho wheel of what hlf rivals called a
"tin-can" flashed ovor tho tape in 19
minutes and 50 4-C seconds after one
ot tho most hair-raising exhibitions
over seen on any race-course.
f Ho waa still smiling whon ho
clambered out of the improvised seat
of hla improvised flivver. Ho had
reason to smllo, for he had shown his
tall, figuratively speaking, to tho ellto
of tho automobile unlverso; ho was
.king of tho hill-climbers, owner of
The official consulted his list and .WW Bimoiwma
ascertained that Bullock was listed to wont with his vlctory-and proud pes
start as No 24 scssor. for a year at least, of tho Pon-
Bul'lock poked around in his tool- roso trophy, a cup fashioned of Colo
rado sliver anu goui, hiuiuuuj, to
inches high and reputed to be tho
thnt illslrlof. nlnnnn tinv hrtfnrn Hint I tho Fortieth Rogular Session ot tho
,., Legislature of tho Stato of Nebraska
Ul-. -i tint
I Also tho following county officers,
Your best girl wants a diamond Ono County Clork
ring. Lot us flguro with you. Austin 1
'Keith Theatre- building, I
Water Commissioner.
Practice Limited to Disease ot
Women nnd Surgery
Over Itexnll Drug Store
Offico 127 Residonco 650
Ono Register of Deeds.
Ono County Treasuror.
Ono County Sheriff.
Ono County Attornoy
Ono County Surveyor
Ono. County Commissioner, second
By vlrturo of tho authority vested ninlrlet.
in mo by tho constitution find tho ( o0 County Superintendent of Pu
laws of tho stato of Nobraskn. I. A. iiiin instruction.
S. Alleh, county clork of Lincoln Also following Precinct officers:
county, state of Nobraska ,do horeby f ono Precinct Assessor,
direct and proclaim that a genernl ono JuBtlco -of Peace for each pre
election bo hold in tho several vot- 1 clnct.
lng places within tho county of Lin-1 p0lla open from 8 o'clock a. m.
coin, tho stato of Nobraska. on Tuca-,n r n'oioek n. m.
day, tho sovonth day of Novombor, j ono Road Ovorscer for each road
1922, during tno noura designated District.
Given under my hand and mo
seal of Lincoln county, Btnto ot No
braska, this 29th day of Sept, A. D.,
Physician nnd Surgeon
Special Attoutlun OlVon to Surgery
nnd Obstetrics
Offico: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offico 130 Residonco 11G
I'lijslcliin and Surgeon
Dlngnoss nnd Troamont
Over Union State Bank
Offico Phono 29Q,V House Phono 2'JGR
richest trophy ever offered for an
box and brought out a small can of
black enamel. Ho dipt a forefinger
Into tho fluid and scrawled a none too
symmetrical "24" on either side of automobile raco.
tljQ cow, j' Bullock's exhibition or driving was
..n..J M,n-n ,in i,n remarked a., catalogued by spectators who wore on
he stept back to survey his work.
And then tho raco started. Tliert-
tlio course at previous races as the
most startling they nad seen. Ho
i.nltnok tho danKorous curves
was more or iuas uAuia-uimu no uw , -
mnrml jiwjiv from t ic lUiroiuo wm uip .
racing cars
tape at flve-minuto intervals to the
accopanlment of cheers, 'whistling;
and handclapping, hi: tiiere was ono
person in tho vast throng who
evinced no sign ot surging blood or
tingling nerves.
That person was Noel Bullock.
"Hopo I get in tho money," he
confided to an assistant starter. "If I
don't I'll have to bo borrowin' money
to cat on."
Tho Pike's Peak auto highway runs
from tho picturesque little town of
Cascade in TJto Pas3, to tho very tip-
toiii of America's most famous moun
tain. It is eighteen milcB in length
and tho race starting at a point be
tween mile-posts 5 and C, covors a
span of 124 miles in which thero are
147 curves. The average grade 1s 7
per cent, and the maximum grade 10
por cent. r
i Tho summit of Pake's Pwik 'is 14,109
feet above sea level and there la
! scarcely a day in the year that does
not see either rain, snow or sloet--
'frequently all throo on tho vast
stretches abovo tlmberlinc. Ordinary
ing like a battery ot machine-guns,
once ho camo within an ace of disaster
possible" dcath-nvhen his machino
skidded to tho outer edge of the course
and his- left hind wheel dropt ovor tho
sido. But tho transmission housing
stopt tho threatened plunge, tho tiro
on tho right rear wheel bit into the
gravel roadway and got him back on
tho course.
"I wouldn't want, to drive it after
dark," was his laconic comment ou
tho hazards attending tile raco up tho
world's highest automobile boulovard.
by law, for tho following purpose, to
For tho election of ono United
Stntea Senator.
For tho election of ono Judgo of
tho Supremo court for tho sixth
Supremo Court Judlclnl District, as
provided by tho constitution of tho
Stato of Nebruska.
For tho election of ono CongreBa.
man from tho Sixth Congressional
District in tho stato of Nobraska.
Also for tho election of ono Con
gressman in and for tho Sixth Con
gressional District to fill vacancy
caused by the death of Mosoo P.
Kinkald, tho vote for said Congress
man to bo taken on soparato ballot,
so that said vto may bo canvasod
and returns th'eof made aa provid
ed by law. ,
(Seo Section 2250 of tho Complied
Statutes of 1922.)
Also for tho election of tho fol
lowing Stato Officers, to-wit:
Ono Governor '
Ono Lieutenant Governor
Ono Secretary of Stato
Ono Auditor ot Public Accounis
Ono Stato Treasurer,
nnn Aftnrnnv General
Ono Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings.
One Railway Commissioner
Ono Superintendent of Public In
struction. I
For tho election ot ona Stato Sen-'
Ottlco Phono 241 Res. Phono 217
Osteopnihlc Physician :
North Platto, Nebrnakn
Knights ot Columbus Building
Mnkos or Repairs anything nindo of
Tin or Sheet Motal.
510 Locust Under General Hospital
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
U. 1.. A. SNAVK1.V
X.Kny DIuiruosN Oxytron ;iml
UiiN A nostliuslii for l", amnions.
Over Union Stnto think
Phone 290.
1 lrenPtl liiiilmliuois
Undprtiilu'rx mid rum-nil Hirei-tuf
Day Phone 11 N'Uh l'honr Mii K 1
Ovor HlwlW''' 1
Oiflpo Phnn 3!i
Offico 310 House 488
PH. W. I. SlfAFFlJIt
Ostcupath PlijNlcIiui
Over tho Oasis ' North Plntt
. 1)11. E. C. LYNCH
Eyo Enr Noso nnd Throat
, Glasses fitted accurately
, Over Dixon's Storo
( liiropractor
noumH 8. fl, 7 llulldlng & Loan Uldg,
Ortlco Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242
Hex l'lort m
. Aii'Honei i'
Voi 'In nnd tonn " i'
Plrst Nntioyal lnniK
North IMiiUn. voli.
. W. T. ritlTCHAlU)
(irndiuile Veterlnnrlun
Kx.Govorn'meiit Veterinarian and ox
iHHiHtnnt deputy Stnto Votorlnarlan,
(inoiilUil 215 South Vino Stroot
''rt. llonpltul 033 Rouldonce 635
... limited to Kjc, Eur, Nose and
Oi'i'k'i's oi er McDonald Hank .
Phono nr.c
To Whom It May Concern:
The special commissioner appointed
to locato a public road as follows:
Commencing at tho termination of
road No. 210 near tho north lino of
section 36 township 12 range 28 run
ning thence cast across tho canyon
and continueing on cast sido of can
yon in a southerly direction through
soctlon 3G, township 12, rango 28 and
through sections 1 211-13-14-24-25-36,
township 11, rango 28. Road to fol
low east fork of canyon, which forks
aout 200 yards north ot south line
of section 3G, township 11, rango 28,
in a southeasterly direction through
northeast corner of section 1 town
ship 10, rango 28 and through north
section G, township 10, rango 27,
crossing dlvido noar lino Dotwoon
north and south halves of section 6,
township 10 rango 27, and contlnuo-
inc in an easterly direction through
soctlon 6, township 10, rango 27, con
nocting with road 299, near Ha inter
section of lino between sections 5 and
6, township 10, rango 27 terminating
there. Proposed road to bo 70 foot
wide, has reported Jn favor thoroof,
anyone having objections thereto or
claims for damages by reason of tho
establishing of tho abovo doscribed
road must fllo tho samo in tho office
of tho County Clork of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, on or beforo 12 o'clock
noon ot tho 10th day ot November,
1922, or said road will b alolwed
without referenco thereto.
Witness my hand und official Boal
September 28th, 1922.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
To Whom It May Concern:
The special commissioner appointed
to locato a public road as follows:
. Commcncingg at tho Northwest
rorner of section 10, Township 16,
-ne 26, and running thonco cast
along tho north lino of said section 16,
to a point approximately 20 rods or to
tho edgo of tho table to a point ap
proximately 8ft rods; thenco lrt a
Northoastorly direction following tho
old trail past tho houso of E. C.
Brown: thonco. Vn a northeasterly
direction striking tho draw or canyon
near tho southwest corner ot tho
Northeast quarter of Section 9,
Township 16. Rango 20, tnenco fol
lowing tho draw In a northerly di
rection on through Section (4) town
ship 10 Rango 26 striking tho main
road nlong tho north lino of sa'd sec
tion 4 about 20 rods cast of Iho
tnorthwest corner ot tho nortneasi
quarter of said section 4, township
16, rango 20, hns reported In favor
thereof, any ono having objection
thoreto or claims for damages by
abovo described road must fllo same
in offico of County Clerk of Lincoln
County, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon
of tho 10th day ot November, 1922 or
said road will bo allowed without
referenco thordto. Road! to bet 50
foot wide.
Witness my hand and seal, this 28th
day of Soptembor, 1922.
A. S. ALLEN, Co. Cleric
J.Vw. '
To Whom It May Concornt
Tho special commissioner nppolntod
to locato a road as follows:
Commencing at tho southeast corner
of Section 24, township 11, rango 31,
on road 21, thenco running north 1
mile on section lino between soc
tlon 24, townshop 14, rango 31,
and soctlon 19, township 14, range
30, thonco west ono mllo between sec
tions 24 and 13, townBhip 14, rango
31, to tho northwest corner ot sec
tion 24 nnd connect wltli road No. lf
has boon roportod in favor thoreof,
nnyono having objections thereto or
claims for damages by reason of tho
establishing of tho abovo described
to sqpe cotl
Sum leiosene oil
the perfect heating fuel
THERE'S no need to let coal
shortage make your days
and evenings uncomfortable.
It will cost you less to make
your rooms comfortably warm
using Perfection Kerosene Oil
than coal. And there's no
shortage of kerosene oil.
All through the fall, till the
real winter weather comes,
you can have all the heat you
need from a kerosene heater
or two. You can warm up any
room in a few minutes. And
you don't have any smoke,
soot or ashes to bother
You can do perfect cooking
with Perfection Kerosene Oil
as fuel in any well-designed
oil range.
Don't be chilly just because
coal is scarce. Use Perfection
Kerosene Oil and be comfort
able. Ask your stove dealer for
his recommendation on the
make of heater, range and
water-heater that will give the
greatest heat efficiency and