fht TUESDAY and FJ11DAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 17, 1922. No. 81 ,lo rth (Tribune TEACHERS CLOSE MEETING ATTENDANCE VV TO FORECAST, AND INTEREST GOOD TO THE END . Tho Fourth District convention of tho Nebraska State Teachers' associa tion which whb held hero four days last week closed Saturday noon. Tho attendance was larger than at two of tho other districts but not so largo as , at Lincoln and at Oinana. Tho gener al sossins wero marked by tho good attendance given by tho teachers and, visitors to tho speakers, and tho sec tional meetings consisted of papers and discussions which wore of great I value. Boforo leaving for his homo In Kearney, C. L. Anderson, president of the association said: "This has boon n good meeting. Tho pooplo of North Platto have dono everything In thoir power to make our stay ploas ant and they have succeeded In the fullest measure. The attendance has boon good, the speaker& wore all on hand and well prepared and tho spirit fine. It has been a good convention." Saturday morning a genoral sess ion was held at tho church and tho ' various sections met in tho high ' echool buildings and held Interesting meetings. Tho Association closed at noon Saturday. It was estimated that 550 of tho 650 members who attended tho as-j soclation lived outside of North ' Platter Of theso it was estimated that three hundred came to tho as sociation in automobiles. Many of these came from counties north and south of us and from rural and vil lage communities in this county. There wero less than 250 teachers tame by train who turned in corti flcatdo and so' they did not get tho reduced return rates. Regular Hallowe'en Scare ' jlNTUK.CIIUHGH ltKSliKVJJS HOLD1 OPEN MEETING AND HEAR 1 ADDRESS Tho inter-church resorvo, an or ganization of churchmen from tho different churches of this city, mot (last evening at tho Christian church bnsomont and with about as many guosts as members enjoyed a dinner carved by tho ladles of tho church. Following tho dinner, M. E. Crosby Chairman of the Rosorvo, introduced John J. Halllgnu, who gave an nd- dross on "Am I My Brother's Koop- FOOTBALL OOPE ON LOCAL SITUATION HIGH SCHOOL HOIS TO 3IEET HOME HIG TEAMS HE FORE SEASON IS ENDED i od. About) ono hundred men and boys wero prosont. -:o: SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE.AND T ATTEMPT TO BURN LLOYD OPERA I .IldlJSE IS MADE BY LOCAL ! MAN George Hanlon, better known aa "Fritz" Hanlon started fires with I gasoline In several places about tfie iltOUT RE- Lloyd opera house Sunday afternoon and but for tho prompt action of peo ple who wero on the streets at tlio 'time, the building would have been' Imrllv (Inmntroil 1f nnl rlnatrnviul ! - ....... CI . - ... It k'kl VI U J 1 I Fritz has been acting unusual lately Thursday Judgo Woodhurst .issued i and his family and employers becayio ITEMS OF INTEREST, CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tho 30 to 0 victory ovor McCook, VPrlilnv li m.?'" H ,.. I. i... . ,., ' lawiuoi . ...o U U J,, J0cal j t b altuaUon rccont trip through Europo and tho ..,, . . . . , , . 7. ,, . , southornors wero hcarldcd aa tho improsslon ho received from tho tr p. i ,,., ,. , .. A rt n..nm ... , , , . strongest team in tho southwest and Beforo Mr. Halllgan, bogan his talk, ,, ,,, ,,,,... . r, 4 .. . . . J ' .after tho falluro of tho boys to show tho lights wont out and wh o tho . , T . . " " . , . , ., ,. ,'up against Lexington tho wcok bo banquotors nto applo plo by lighted . . . . . . , . , , . ... foro, tho fans woro somowhat dubious matches and then sang the old fam-', ,,.,,., .. ,u'-"u,"uuu ... . about tho McCook results. Tho com- Jliar songs, tho necessary repairs ,..,., , , ,7 " ;,.,. , , ' . ,lg Friday, Central City will bo horo wero mado and tho program contlmu' x . . . tho best games on tho local flold. Tho results of tho games playod last PROPERTY OWNERS TO PROTEST 7ay by scuol8 wlth wn,ch North PAYING FOR CORNER nauo nas amiouc rotations tms CURBINGS yoar nnrrowa tao Btato championship 1 down to a fow leading schools. Koar- A movement is on foot among somo ' noy eliminated Lexington and Cam of tho property owners ngalnst pay- brldgo dofoated Qothonburg. South lng for tho curbing which oxtonds Omaha was dofcatod by Lincoln by around tho corner of each block. It n 78 to 6 score. On tho other hand is claimed thnt tho space- outBido ofhcromont won from Wahoo, 7 to 6 tho sldo walk is under tho control of nnd Columbus took tho gamo from tho city and is part of tho stroot. Norrolk by a 22 to 0 score. Reports Whilothoro Is no complaint to putting 'n.om sldnoy do not rcacll tub Btato in a curbing In front of tho lot tho1 but lt la lcnown that sho do claim s rondo that tho curved curbing fcatC(l ohoyonno laat wcok and that around tho corner s an extra burden ,tho glu tcam ,a abovo tho avorago on tho owner of tho corner lot and ,. . that It should bo taxed to tho cost of Ihero la ft roport tlmt Kmpy c'.to Intersection and paia for by tho QUnM(Hl two or Loxingto Rlty. City officials take tho 1)ln'or3 boforo the 5a' last Frlddy i that tuts curbing js no moro a on nccount ot over ago and ! part of tho oxponstt to bo bourn by tho tho "rovloua Bcmeator rulo. If this ' citv than tho Ri.inwniira w,i, ia correct, it may Havo some bcann : proach tho crossing. Thoy claim that0n tho cxington-North Platto gamo CANDIDATES ItK hpivp nivuni tho c,ty ,s now staS tho cost ot shoJuld tho- loca,a como tho CANDIDATES ARE BEING L0NSI1). uttopB( of lron othor state board of athletic control aa a expenses which in fjther cities Is i cmtondont for tho state champion charged up to tho proporty holdor. 8n,n- v IS GETTING ATTENTION ERED AND VOTERS ARE 3fAKING UP MINDS -The musical program, was a' credit. ,. - - - 4 - . . ., . ... ,... ' to tno aonity ana genius or tno( Martha A Gosnoll 18 mad an appointment for an oxamlna-. numbers were introduced by Ira L. Bare, secretary of tho Chamber ot Tho matter will bo threshed out at a council mcetlnc in tlin iifxir fnturn ! STATE :o: (nv v -4o:- A. Shenk returned Frldav . tho CONVENTION HELD NORTH PLATTE NEXT 1 WEEK . , IN Commerce. Tho program consisted of tho Episcopal church entertained I 1 11 1 1 . ! 1 1 r tl " l.ln 1. 11. TT . , , , , ,, considered as dangerous and only! rpi, mrkvKATo rP 4in lnrllna fill 1 1 ft . " I ...vm when llIs act wag ,llacovCr0(1 dld nny, ono suspect that ho was mentally do- of a cornet , solo by Earl Stamp, ac-at a farewell party in honor of Mrs. J railBod Ho ls conflnc(1 lri Ul0 county companied.by Mrs. Stamp; vocal solo, Graves. Mrs. Graves was presented Jall and wlll bo glven an oxaninaton byMrs. M. Honry Gilfoyl-accompanl-with a beautiful gold pencil. sooni "Fritz" was a tinner and bill ed byM iss Madeline Blickensderfer; n.. TOBnrrnnfM. nf , p Pster and his acquired some little a reading by Miss Esther Kelly, pipe . Olauto P' , property by hard work and savlng,He organ numbers by Miss Florence Mc- J f- at hla " , J mmJ ldocs not at thIa tlmo "member any Kay and vocal solo by Frank Turplo ,iat tllG nUmber J ca" of fru,fc I thing about the fire. EnCOT- UUB ijuiui. cu iv.i.. , i ' exceedod the numbor iced in tho cor- nro cltcd for f mal rovlow and (Jfin, A telegram received hero yesterday stato tho date for tho speaking by .from Lincoln after attending Mrs. Funk has boon changed from Baptist church convention. T,lc momoora ot Ul Btato bxecutivo October 25 to October 23. Tho Row c. F. Koch roMirnn',1 Rntnwinv ' ,)0artI ot 11,0 Romans Club wlll arrlvo bnnr t a n m rpi, ,i t, ... ... .. 1 Mfmdiiv nvmilnt? Tlut TtntniV (llli will L,, luu inuw uua nut irom i'nnca. PJOMP. nrtor ntfniirllnr, been announced. - ! tlio Nebraska Lhthcran Synod. Tho Rotary cllib will entertain thom at luncheon Monday noon. Tho same owning thoy will bo guests ot tho" real exocutivo board at dinner nt tho OaslH, after which a mcotlngg of tho Btato board committeo A complimentary dinner is to bo, It was rumored tho last ot tho given to Senator Hitchcock this ovon- week that Millard Hostler was to bo lng at tho Tlmmorman Vinoyard.'a candidate for sheriff and was to About eighty guests aro expected to receive support by his friends writ- uo llol(l nt iho McCabe Hotel. Tho attond. It ls said there will bo no ting In his namo on tho ballot. Tho convention will open Tuesday, morn addresses, ironort was nromnfiv iinntnri iiv ti i ,'ng at 8 o'clock. Tho public ls ln- Hostler's friends and tho contpRt vltotl to fttten(l all mootlngB, especially Robert G. Simmons, candidate for'Bt)tUca down to a choIco botwcen Mr, ! Uxoho held In tho ovonlng. All club mcmuors aro urgou to attend tho meetings. accompanied by Mrs. Stamp. tu worn frftmipnt nnrl hp.irtV. :o. iesponuing penou lust yem r.ion while In North PJatto. uuresB U,1U numpurey cau- Salisbury and Mr. Bortho. C. T. Clino of Tryon transacted the number for tho month just past. Ididato for tho unoxplrod torm of business in tho city Wednesday. , That is a sign of Increasing business ! Tho government engineers, having' Judgo 'Kinkaid, wlll be in North J. IHEdmlston, chairman of tho Qtnurnrt loft 1 prosperity. i charge of tho preliminary survey for Platto on Saturday, Octobor 21 and, sixth district campaign committeo of , i iino soutn sldo irrigation nrotoet urn. will visit with tho noonlo horo or Tho Appeal board of District 9, t , n rf Tf Hnltt I n,i,irnBn ,,, nn lnnnl mmmittoo .wcvu 7 ... ' . ai "rat tnat uio preliminary report 'may plan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Saturday for Denver where they will vislvwith relatives tor a low tiays. ITflIfo. Rt!,t.., -ynforana' Bureau wlthL. .. .. - - , - V.....v.v. -- lu Iirs uiac U10 preliminary report i may pio Mrs. Keith Novlllo and children , headquartors in St. Louis will bo. in f CBtImated cost ,d b roadv returned Saturday from Omaha alter NorUl Platto to-morrow to settle Bor-;0ctobor but 8,nco Umt dato Jt hft- Tho climpa(gI1 ,8 BrndunlIy cloSlng, visiting for a fow days. crai cases coming up to it from tho 1 bcon stated by Engincor Smlth n with -only three weeks loft for work. L. D. McFarland spent several days ! sub-districts. Tho board has tak6n cJ,arg0 of tho BUrvoy that it probably Thla Booms to bo a democratic wcok. laBt week In Tryon visiting at tho S.j to tho field with tho necessary doc- wlll tako twQ montha to comploto , Tonight Senator Hitchcock is to W. Warren home. . ' uments and authority and seven cases tho roport -vhilo tho delay is Irrl- i speak at tho Keith Thoatro and tallng, lt Is better to tako nlontv of Thursday night Mayor Bryan and timo and have a correct report than formor stnto Sonntor Boal will bo at ! to bo In haste and repent at llesuro. tho Democratic, party announces nn address by Ex-Senator Charles W, Beal of Broken Bow, candldnto for Lcsllo KImborJy of Big Springs transacted business In tho city last wcok. Dr. E. 0. Lynch, eye, oar, nose and O 3$S L EANNA LUMP. We have a car of fresh mined Hanna Lump Coal and & car of Genuine Pinnacle Nut Coal now on track, Wehaveagood variety of highest grade coals for furnaces, heating stove and ranges. Use Kemmerer Pea Coal for Retort Heat ing Stoves and Ranges. If our Coal pleases you, tell your friends. ' If it does not tell us. The Artificial Ice & Cold the Kolth. ' :o: II. L. Swanson of Big Springs was A". T. Yost returned Saturday , jn tho city last night. Ho' is tho from Ponca, Nobr., after aUondIng!candidat0 froni tho eleven counties ,tho meeting of tho Lutheran Synod J forming his district for raombor of ! Miss Tholma Fratcr left Saturday, tho stato legislature. Ho is a Ro j for San Francisco to visit with her ; publican. Ho spoko to a hastily sister Mrs. Fredrick Ross. Mrs. Robs ' gathered crowd at the court liouso was formorly Miss Dulcio Frator. ! last night. congress from this district at tho;luroat specialist, unices ovor vix licoth theatro at 8 p. in. Thursday onB Btoro Octobor 10. Charles W. Bryan, Mrs. Chas. McNcol and son Marvin Democratic candidate for Governor visited for a fow days last wook at will speak at tho samo mooting. i tho I). B. Whlto homo in Sutherland. Public Sale . A Travelers Life, Accident or Health Policy taken out through this agency assures you a friend whose business it is to provide financial assistance in time of trouble. A FIUKND IN NEED The Condolence We Send You Will Pay the Doctor, . the Grocer and the Landlord I will sell nt piiUli; i.uctft.n on Sectlcn 8-1G-30, 10 milos north and ono mllo oast of North Platto, on Tuesday, October 24th, 1922. Commonolne at one o'clock, tho following property, to-wlt: 27 HEAD OF CATTLE 15 milch cows,, 3 heifers 1 yoar old, 3 steers 1 yor old, C spring calves , . 4 HEAD OF HORSES Bay mare 10 yrs old; grey hore 7 yearn old; brown saudle homo; buy horse 3 years old 18 HOGS, AVERAGE, wt. 80 lbs. FARM MACHINERY, Etc. C foot Deerlng mower, one row lister, one row riding cultivator, ona-rovr Emerson drill, one-row walking cultivator, stirring plow, Cricket cultivator, new 2-hole corn shelter, farm wogon, running gear, 3 sets of harness, good saddle, 12 dozen chlclteus, lnoubator, brooder, 170 feet ot garden hose, kitchen cabinet, sanitary couch, Maple com mode, water separator, section book case, two coal oil oook stoves, 1 coal oil heater, 200 bushels of corn, 2 tons mllllet, other articles too numerous to mention! FREE LUNCH AT moil THIt3IS OF SALK: G months time at 10 per oamt interest. ?SQ and undor sash. No property removou until settled for. 1 Storage Co, THE TRAVELERS MAN A. D. ALLEN, Owner. 900 E. Front St. 'Phone 40. B. & L. Building. Phone 63 RAY C LANGFOUD, Clork. II. M. JOIIANSEN, Auctioneer