The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 13, 1922, Image 5

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. AULtli XNUUTll JTLiATTlU aiiJMl-WJjJlfilUjY TRIBUNE i . .
Miss Lucia Callondar of Staploton!
13' attondlng the Tcachora convontlon '
in tho city.
Mlsa Alburta Callondar of Sarb'on
"Clinton's ror Eyo Service.
Carl Backers transacted
in Sutherland vnalnrrin-r
-ir"i,v n,ini, , ii i .' ,B attond,ne tho Teachers convention
Mrs. Ired Drink of Ilorshoy shop ,n tho cty
pod In tho city Wednesday.
miss marie jucuartny or Ogallala
Mr. ta&d Mrs", Henry Brotbrnltz
leave Sji'ndny'fbr points, In Washing
ton nhdVjGalifornla whoro thoy will
visit with friends for sovoral months.
Tho niolltlinra nf tlm .. 1 .. . n. itri t 1 irHH r .
Miss Lorna miyard of Sutherland ,,,,, ... rr.i. ... a dan en Wr,innB,inv , ,t. mi, ,, ,,
.u kU r-iiuu. ln tho clty Masonic hall
Dr. J. S. Twinom transacted prof.
John Corlllt mill ilnnirtit
nnnlminl hnnliinao In Wnv,ll m . '"D V'uu iuiriu uniorminOU Bl
vi if uuuv,u UU V ID I kill &
at tho T. a dinner party at hor homo las?
OVCnlnc 111 honor of hfr finn Lnwrnnnn
vnafnrilnv fnr ..... ... (mi... ....... nS
Jonn 1'iorco left yesterday for 1,1U occson ooing uis Dirtnany.
Hanlfin home.
Roy Johnson loft
Arthur where ho will work for ono!Arthurf Nobr( whcro hJ wm work!
Av ' ror one week. ' ,
LyttO Wilson, has resigned his . ErsTDavl9lnftvnstpri1nvfnrTCnv. I
- --
to lonnto n public road as follows:
Commencing at tho northwest corner
of section 7, township l.'l. rango 31,
thenco north on section lino or ns near
practicable betwoon soctlon G,
township 13, rango 31, and scctl n
Miss Lottlo LaRue entertained 1 towiiBhlp 13, range 32, to tho north-twonty-flvo
frionds at a Hnllowoon WC8t corner of section 1, township 13,
Tho ranB 3 r,ontl to bo cc fcct wldo, has
In favor thcroof, anyone
tf .1 1 . t
ifi im, u,n, tj tr : -T wuunesuay ovoninjr.
vw.uvu w.u wmui-j amuia stone where ho will transact business 1 ,.;, wna t , ,, roportod
l ine nouso was uccorateu with Hal- b v """
ror (lamnges oy tno reason or tho
establishing of tho abovo doscrlbod
terday. friends ln tho city ""ioor of friends surprlsod Mrs. road must file samo in tho offlco of
for a fow days.
Mrs. ucorgo liueni ot Ogallala was . Mr. and Mrs.. Louis Sillasen and . loweon colors and cut flowers,
a business visitor ln tho city yes-' family of Keystono aro visiting with
, friends ln tho city.
Dr. Voorhees Lucas ' transacted
Kay Bryant left yesterday lor
W. R. Malonoy with a party Wed- tho County Clerk of Lincoln County,
professional business in Wallace Overton Ho will accompany Mrs 3uay ovonme nt 110r nomo- V10 "ournsKn on or ODIoro " 0C10CK
yesterday tt , ' Overton. Ho will accompany Mrs. , occnalon bcIn& hm blrthday rrho no0n of tho 10th day of November,
, . U , . ..yant lldmo simaa' evening was spent 'in a social way 1022, or sach road will bo allowed
Miss Vclma;Lmborg of. Sutherland j-Wnirilendy left Wednesday lot nft0P whlch a dcilc0US luncl waj without rcforenco thereto,
is attending tho TeachcrsVconvontlon omaha where ho will transact bust-'Borved "Witness my hand and official Bcal
in mo cuy. mp.. - ness for a fow days. I
At tho Sun, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday.
Hatinco Daily.
TrevTyn B. Doucot
of Violin and Cornet
ness for a fow days.
Mrs. Florence M. Hershoy of
, Oklahoma City is visiting at tho W.
"II. McDonald homo.
Danccland tho popular amuse
ment hall of tho city.' Now under
this 28th day of September. 1922.
County Clerk.
E. N. Ogier and Mrs. E. W.
Fetter entertained at a surprise party
Tuesday evening at the Ogier home.
In honor of Miss Mary ' Ellsworth. ,
The occoslon being her birthday. Tho , . ..4BZZ Ti,i,i, !
. . , . . evening was Bpont In playing bridge . . . . T, ,
management of the American Legion q deceased in the County Court ot Lin-
oven ng a delicious lunch was served. . . ' , , , ..
ft Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all por-
The memLeiH of the Christian Bons Interested In snld Estnto tako
church held- a reception Wcdnosday notlco tIiat tho Administratrix has
evening at tho church In honor of nlc'l n "n1 account nnd report of his ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Crowdson who left .administration nnd a petition for final.
yesterday for Yokohoma. Japan, whoro settlement and discharge as such Ad
thoy will take up missionary work. li8tntrix, wlilch havo been sot for
During the evening short talks were ! luuiring boforo said court on Oct. 24
mado by Rev. P. R. Stevens and. Mr. I l922' nt 10 'clock a- m- when you
nnd Mrs. Crewdson. At tho close of , ",u i'i''" "
tho evening light 'refreshments were Mated Oct. 2, 1922.
served. . . '. : -rll u c- Woodhurst,
You Can't Find a Better
Hosiery Investment
Holeprc zi
"For Style and Durability'
Meets the most Exact
ing Requirements of
Style arid Good Taste
Finest Quality Silk and Wool
Clocks, all the New
I'ino Quality Silk nnd Wool
Solid Colors nnd
Heather Mixtures
Hand Embroidered
Extra Heavy Pnro Silk Hose
With Ribbed Top, j1 QCJ
All tho Now Colors P'l',
Pure Thread Silk Hose
With Extra Stretch
Ribbed Top, All
Fine Quality Silk and Wool
Drop' Stitch, all tho CJI CC
Newest Shades D1.UJ
Pure Thread Silk Over Fine
Mercerized Lisle
With Ribbed Top
Extra Heavy Pure Silk
Hose Mercerized
Llslo. Tops. Heels
and Toes i-
Men's Pure Thread Silk Hoso
Ltslo Tops, Heels 7C
and Toes
Fine Artincail Silk Hose
Double Sole, HwjIs , CA
and Toes
Pinc Silk Lisle HAso
Double Solos, Heols Tt
and Toes 1 J'-
North Platte's Exclusive Holeproof Hosiery Store.
At the regular meeting of (he
North Platto Woman's club held ln
the parlors of the Methodist church
Tuesday afternoon, a motion was
Soalcd bidd will bo received by Mr.
E. Waro. Sec'y Platto Valley Ir-
passed endorsing tho enforcement of rigatIon District at Ilorshoy, Ncbras
the curfew ordinance. Tho club I lmtil 10:00 a. m. of October 27,
elected as delegates to tho coming in22' f0r furnishing all labor and ma
state convention, Mesdames Rector, i torni necessary to construct a sheet
Stevens and Cooper with Mesdames piling ,inm two hundred nnd sovonty
Cross, Williams and Perrett as nl-'ufy (275) feet .long ln tho North
tornates. E. L. Slophens, scout ox-1 pjatto river near Glenburnlo, Nobr., In
ecutive gave a talk on tho work ot , aqcordnnco with tho plnns adopted
tho Boy Scouts and Mrs. Ralph North
spoko on "Rolation of Education to
the Home.' Tho program for Better
Homes Week was conducted by Mrs.
Frater. A pleasing feature was tne
rendition of several vocal
Miss Roxle Erb.
arid now on Illo with tho Secretary.
Bids will o opened by the Board of
Directors ln Horshoy, Nobr., at 10:00
a.""m. October 27th, 1922.
. "Tho right Is reserved fo rojoct any
solos by or Till bids.
We have a car( of fresh mined Hanna Lump
Coal and a car of Genuine Pinnacle Nut Coal
now on track.
We have a good variety of highest grade
coals for furnaces, heating stove and ranges.
UseKemmerer Pea Coal for Retort Heat
ing Stoves and Ranges.
If our Coal pleases you, tell your friends.
If it does not tell us.
The Artificial Ice & Cold
Storage Co.
900 E. Front St.
Phone 40r
Reed Koons has resigned his posi
tion with tho Malonoy store.
Mrs. K, M. Wulverton of Dickens
shopped m tho city Wednesday.
Mr. nnd ' Mrs. .Clarence Kloln of
Wallace are visiting with friends in
the city.
Mrs. S. E. Kenworthy of Arthur
was a business visitor in the city
Miss Johana Frokey of Gandy is
j attending tho Teachers conventions
I in tho city. -
Mi'B L- 0. St roup of Oninlia caino
I Wednesday to visit her parents Mr.;
I and Mrs. Frank Hlbner.
Tho rcmnins of tho late Mrs. Thps.
Colo were taken to Fremont, Nebr.,
I last evening for burial.
Mrs. A. , Duval left yesterday for
Lexington where alio will visit with
friends for a fow days. ,i
' Mrs." A. .T. Yost and children left
this moiling for Sarben to spSnH a
few days visiting frlcndB.
Mrs. R. C. Swanson loft yostorday
for Lexington whoro sho will visit
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
A. N. Westorberg of Omaha, spec,
ial agent for tho Ben Franklin Ins.
Co. transacted busnless ln tho city
Sam Moorq returned to his homo
inCedar Rapids after spending sov
oral days In tho city visiting at the
J. C. Mooro homo. . !
Miss Justina McCarthy returned
to hor homo in Ogallala this morn
ing after visiting sovoral days with
Miss Lottlo LaRue.
Sec'y, Horshoy, Nobr.
Oh lXur!
What a Picture!
Just looming with
thrills, romance,
heart Interest;
with the mighty
wolfdog crashing
through a drnma
of humans nnd a
drnma of beasts:
A Laurence Trimble-Jane Murtin Production
Hal G. Eyarts wrote it! Stronghcart, the wonder-dog, is its
surprising star!
Strnnghcart's leap flung the-man to
snrth. Angry JnwB snapped over
' htm fiery cyos Unshed hato nnd
o 9k A SILENT:
S Wm.JM tat t"
dee Brothers
'5 '
With this coupe Dodge Brothers have
proved once for all that a closed car can
be as sturdy and practically as inexpensive
as an open roadster. ' ' v
This is largely due to the all-steel body
the first ever marketed which admits of
lower cost of manufacture through stand
ardized machine production. Unlike wood,
the steel surface will take a. finish of enamel,
baked on at high temperature. This process
results in a permanent lustre, and eliminates
the .trouble and expense of repainting.
The wide straight seat is upholstered in
genuine Spanish blue leather, durable and
readily cleaned.
The price is $1130.00 delivered
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer,
Phone ,844;
Estato No. 1911 of August Sodlcot,
deceased ln the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato ot Nebraska, ss: Cred
itors of said ostato will take notico
thot tho tlmo limited for presentation
nnd filing of claims against said estato
Is February 17, 1923, and for settle
ment of Bald Estato is October 10th,
1923; that I will sit at the County
count room in tho said County on
NovomlMjr 17th, 1922, ot 10 o'clock a.
m., and on February 17th, 1923 at 10
o'clock a. m , to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
Dated OctSlO., 1922.
! County Judge,
'. j iv " .
6th &Ifocust St.