The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 13, 1922, Image 1

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N6. 80
North Platte Found Not Guilty of Violation of Rules
" Of Nebraska Hi&h School Athletic
Tho board of control o tho Ne
braska High School Athletic associa
tion, ha3 taken a stand for tho strict
enforcement of rules regarding man
agement and coaching of high school
nthlotlc teams. Action of tho board
results from a protost filed recently
by Superintendent Truo of McCook.
who alleged tliat tho high school
authorities at North Platto and Cam
bridge wero not conforming to the as
sociation rules.
Tho formal statement by tho board
aftor a hearing of tho charges
against North Platto and Cambridge,
is as follows:
"A special meeting of tho board of
control of tho Stato Athletic associa
tion was hold at Kearney in tho of
fice of Superintendent O. A. Wlrsis,
ckalrman of the board, Saturday,
Soptembcr 30. Tho meeting was j
called for tho purpose of considering
tho protest filed by Superintendent
J. A. Truo of McCook, charging Cam
bridge and North Platto with a viola
tion of tho rules of tho association.
Superintendent A. M. Nelson, al
ternate, was also present to act In
gaporintendent Braham's place while
'the North Platte case was bejng
hoard and decision rendered.
"The first caso heard' was tho one
against North Platto. Mr. Braham
withdrew, tho alternate taking his
place. The caso was very carefully
, considered. There was no evidence
7 presented to Bhow that Mr, Keith
Neville, whois not a member of' the
North Platto high 'school faculty,
was acting in tho capacity of man
ager of athletics. North Platto
presented its athlctlfc contracts for
this season showing that they had
boen signed by Superintendent C. L.
Littel nnd Principal Efflo Johnson,
regular school authorities. They also
nMiantflil n nnrf fl nil rnnv nf thA
minutes of tho board of education,
together with Mr. W. R. Roettger's
k nontract with tho board, showing
that Mr. Boottgor is. the authomeu
aad acting ccjach and ,drector of
athletics hired for that purpose.
"Superintendent Braham was called
into tho meeting ',and assured tho
board that tho North Platto schools
had been directing, and would con
tinno to direct and manage, their
athlotics; that Mr. Keith Neville,
while exercising a legitimate interost
la athletics, has not assumed ontrol
ond management of tho same,.
"North Platto was not found guilty
of a violation of the rules,
I "The complaint against Cambridge
ISVas next considered. Mr. Chaddor
fdon, member of tho board of cduca
,Ition, and Superintendent Hussey
wero present to represent- Cam
brldgo. Written evidence ignod
contracts, letters and tho stato cdu
V cation directory in the hands of tho
board of control showed that Mr. C.
v?'. John of Cambrldgo had at cer
tain tlmos assumed tho management
direction of Cambrldgo high
SShool athlotics, and that ho was not
membor of tho high school faculty.
Do You
Want to Save Money?
You can do so by buying an oil burner for your furnace, ranee
and heating stove. This burner ia the best I have seen in 50 years
heating experience. No needle points, no drilled holes to cioan out.
it doos away with ashes, aoot or gas and smoko In your homo- Come
.and seo it.
Wm. Waldorf,
2 doors north of Postofflco
"Since Cambrldgo high school has
violated Art. 4, Sec. 11 of tho State.
No school belonging to tho associa
tion shall employ a coach of high
school athletics who is not teaching
at least two classes dally or' tholr
equivalent during tho school year.
Note: Tho intent of this rulo is to
"keep tho entire mnnDgcment of
school athletics In tho hands of
school authorities. It does not pre
clude the acceptance of help from
Interested alumni or patrons of the.
school so long as such persons do
not receive any remuneration for
this help and so long as the head
coach is a recognised member of
tho school faculty. In that they
have given over to Mr. C. W. John
tho management and control of their
; athletics, tho board was unanimous
in tnlrlnrr flirt fr11mi,ln-
j '41. That Cambrldgo bo censured for
tho violotlon of tho above rule."
"2. That such violation must ceaso
J Immediately, and th'o management
and control of tholr athletics must
"bo kept whoely within tho high
school faculty." Further violation
will call forth a mucn more ,sevoro
"3. That it is the sense of tho board
of control that all bchools of the
Stato Athlotic association must keep
the management of their athletics
whooly within the hands of tho
school authorities.
4 "4. That tills decision be 'spread
upon tho minutes of tho State High
School Athletic association, and
copieB sent to all Interested parties.
"Members" Board of Control.''
Win. Waldorf la moving hla shop
from tho Morsh-Klenk building on
Locust street to the Buick building
on Ninth and Locust. Mr. Waldori
has built up a good business in his
line, having Bold a carload of fur
naces this fall. Ho is expecting to
do as much business in tho now loca
tion as he has done where ho is and
his expense will bo considerably less.
The response to the call for rooms
to accomodate teachers attending the
convention was bo liberal that four
times aB many rooms as were needed
wero offered. This is a wonderful
dlBplay of community co-operation
and servlco and evidence of tho gen
uine hospitality of tho people of
North Platto. To thos who enter,
talned visitors and to tnose who made
preparation to do bo but wero not
called upon, public appreciation of
their courtesy Is extended.
Ira Li. Baro, Secretary
Georgo Frator transacted business
In Wallace yestorday.
With less thon four weeks beforo"
tho day of eloction and many great
pollcios at Btako, lntorest in election
is increasing. Everywhere ono hcara
tho relative merits of tho men nnd
women who nro running for office,
discussed. The candiclncy of Thoodoro
Lowo for "County Clerk is being urged ,
upon the voters by n giant bill board j
sign whilo a number are using nows
pnper spaco to tell of tholr aspora
tions. General approval is expressed
of the man who is nominated for an
office nnd then goes after it with all
his might. The Bonsatlon " county
politics is tho announcement thut E.
H. Springer, of Brady Is a candidate
for county commissioner,
asked to write his name on tho ballot lfornla and Is oxpectod homo within
and place an X aft?r his mao. Mr. 'a fow wooIcb.
Springer is county commissioner at
present and was defeated at tho prim-1 In hIs across of Wolcomo. Mayor
ary by G. D. Eells who rocelved tho 1 Evanssaid that North PIntto accord
nomination. Cards announcing his j lnS t(t tho last census la tho Qrcol:
candidacy say ho was defeated by a,motroP118 of Nebraska. Tho census
combination of some republicans and credits. North Platto with being tho
the democrats and progressives, there-1 nomo of 430 Greeks, whilo Omaha
by defeating tho Intent of tho primary!011 wa3 credited with 423.
Announcement is bo:ng made that,
Senator Hitchcock will speak In the
....,. . n mi
Keith theatre at 8 p. m.. Tuesday,
. . m . .
October 17. Two tfays later Chns
Bryan, condldato for governor Avill bo
in North Platto and speak at 8 p. m.
On the following day Chas. W. Beal,
candidate for congress against Bob
Simmons will speak at 3 o'clock.
Ono office which is likely to be ne
glected in each precinct 1n that of
precinct assessor. Thi3 officer has a
great deal to do with our tax system
and It is important that good men aro
nominated in each precinct, whether
they aro republican or democratic.
In caso no ono was nominated at the
primaries, tho pary officers have tho
right to fill tho vacancies.
EXCHANGE MAGAZINE SHELF AT;for tho Becond somlBtor,
library now ready
for use
Miss Wheeler announced yesterday
that tho city library has designated a
shelf for exchange nmgazlnes. When
a magazine has been read it can be
brought thero and placed on tho shelf
and any other magazine which Is on
the ctiioif rmi ha taken in Its nlaco.
. .
By this; means readorB may uavo ac-
cess t6 a large number of periodicals
which they do not subscribe to. Pat
rons aro asked to donnto a number of
the later magazines In ordor to Btart
tho exchange Bholf. Miss Wheeler
says, "This win not lnioriero wiui
anyone borrowing and returning tho
regular library periodicals In tho usual
way." lirmg ono, iais ono.
Sonlor Hlght Parent-Teachers
Association Elects Officers
Tho Senior High Parent-Teach orn
association hold Its first mooting
Wednesday afternoon in tho high
school. After a short program con
sisting of a vocal solo by Mrs. Ralph
Shwago, and talks by Mr. Kllllan
and Supt. Braham tho following offi
cers woro elected: Mrs. D. A. Russell,
president; Mrs. A. L. Lano, vice-president;
Mrs. Chas. Edwards, treasurer
and Miss Mabel Walters, secretary.
Clmton's for Eyo Glasses-
Non-Cancollable Accidont and Puro and Installment Income
Health Insurance.
Double Indemnity Provisions.
Specific Dismemberment
Disability Income Clause.
Monthly Life Income
Insuriuico that Insuros Protection that Protects
Fidelity Reserve Company
Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets,
North Platte, Nob.
llSdward Hanson of this city, who
has served for a number of months
in tho U. S. navy" has been discharged
women s uiuu muorscs Uiniorcomeuc
of City Curfow Arllnanaco.
, .. , ' , . ...
Arthur Carney, who has been with
i., . , . , ., .
tho American army of occupation in
Germany, arrived horo this week to
spond sovcral days with his paronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carney. Arthur
shows ho results of good caro and
training and looks might fit. Ho
will bo stationed at Omaha for the
present. ,
DarrolltHealqy la spending a few
weoks in '-North Platto recuperating
"frpm a briof stay in a hoepltal at
Colorado Springs. Ho entered Col
orado College thero at tho beginning
of the fall term and began .playing
on tho football team but was com.
polled to quit on acount of his health
Ho will return to Colorado Springs
Tho pooplo who wero losers In the
ice houso flro havo been asked to
filo tholr. damago claims with tho
Union Pacific adjusters. Thl3 would
Imply that tho railroad would proror
to settle thoso claims out of court
rathor than In court. It Is said the
Insurance companies will collect
... . i. i ..n
inum iiiu iuiiiuuu uiu iun uiuuuul ui
'tnojr i0BB0B
Ono young man who clerks in ono
of tho big stores In North Platto said
yesterday that ho would bo glad
when tho Teachers convention is ovor
Ho Bald, "I want to look at ovory
teacher when she comos into tho
store and they are worth looking at
more than .once and thero nro so
many of them that I Just got tired of
looking and I don't got to do any
thing else."
Georgo Aller of Kearney la a
whirlwind at community singing. He
will bo romombercd by many North
Platto pcoplo as tho loader of the
Doane Collego gleo club which visit
ed this city several years ago. Many
yeara ago ho was a mombor of tho
famous Adolphin Quartet which tour-
e(j Nebraska
many times. During
tho convontlon ho has stirred tho
teachors at each session with his en
ergotic leading of tho singing. Miss
Ruth Duncan playod tho accompani
In a bulletin issued by Suporinten-
Endowment Provisions.
Premium Waiver Clause
Post Mortem Dividends.
Full Participation in all
Automatic Non-forfolturo
M. B. Posson, animal husbandry
specialist from tho collogo of agricul
ture, Unlvorslty of Nobraska will
i spcak at a meeting to bo held in tho
court house in North PIntto, Friday,
October 20 at 1:30 p. m. This meeting
will bo hold in co-opcratlon with tho
County Agent and Lincoln County
Form Bureau., The subject is Hvo
Btock feeding, In a statement issued
'yestorday, County Agent Kellogg said,
"A largo adlonco of Bcccssful and
unsuccessful foodors io oxpectod no
j thnt In nddltlon to tho rcsluts of numor-1
ous feedinfc' experiments performed
at stato experiment stations tho farm-
i era will offer their varied experiences
In our immediato locality. "This
should b0 a very valuablo mooting
j for ovory farmer nnd tho w:dest nnb-
licity is dosirod.
Iaat Friday ovenlng ttrtor tho foot
ball gamo,. scout troop throo took a
hiko lo tho banks of tho river east of
tho city and Btayod all night. Tho
boys -used tho now trok cart and Blept
in somo of tho "loan-to" huts which
wero built there last summer. A firo
was kept to tnko off tho chill and tho
boys did not suffer tny bad rosutts.
Four boyB can oaslly drag tho cart
nnd it carrios all tho groceries and
camp equipment. When in camp it
'makes a lino kitchen as It is
water proof. An American flag floats
ovor tho cart.
Vincent Roddy, Roy Cochran and
Arthur Barrnclough loft yesterday
for Now Orleans where thoy will
attend tho National convention ot
tho American Logion. A year ago
tho national convontlon was hold at
'Kansasvcity and a number from
hero attended but on account of tho
distanco and the exponno tho number1
ia Bmallor who decided to go to Now
dont Braham full instructions tiro
given regarding examinations in the
schoolB. Tho school year is to bo di
vided Into six-week periods. Teats
in grades ,4, 5 and (! will bo given on
tho last Thursday ana Friday ot tho
six-week period and thoso in Junior
nnd Senior high schools on Wednes
day and Thursday of tho poriod. Since
tho tcachora' convention is to bo held
on theso dates the high school ex
aminations havo boon put ovor until
next wook. In the bulletin ho says:
"Tho examinations nro to bo search
ing but fair in all subjects and papors
aro to bo marked according to what is
on them.1' Teachers nro cautioned
not to mark too high. It often causes
ombarrnssmont later and Is unjust to
tho pupil.
ft-. .l Vf.V. f I . U ll
Tho 1922 erop has already sent
throughout tho country a prooeptlble
wave of Optimism.
Conditions right hero in Nortk
Platto and vicinity aro nlroady look
ing hotter; business Is beginning to
show ronowed activity.
. At tho beginning ot a now era of
prosporlty lot us rosolvo to continue
bolng thrifty, to sottlo our obligations
proptly, making euro of con,ti&iiti
prosperity for the future.
The Platte Valley State Bank
Tho Annual convention of District'
Four, Nobraska Stato Teachers amoel
at ion besan horo Wednesday ovea-
ing and will contlriuo until tomorrow-
noon. The enrollment in tho district
last ovonlng was 650 with more ex
pected today.
Tho opening session at tho
bytcrinn church wns foaturod by aa
address by Dr. Edward S. Evoron of
Now York city on the subject "The
Slate and An Educational Program."
Tho subject was interesting and tho
presentation in a conversational
stylo which hold tho largo audience
until Its close' Tho addross of wol
como was mado by Mayor Evans and
responded to by Supt. C. Ray Gates
of Grand, Island. Tho gleo club of
tho Sonlor high school sang- two
selections which wero woll received.
Tho program yesterday was carried
out as printed with a flno address
by Miss Ella V. Dobbs of tho Uni
versity of Missouri. Sectional moot
ings woro hold nt appointed tlnlea
and tho discussions wero interesting
and profitable. At tho afternoon
session tho high school orchestra
furnished tho prelude and in the
ovenlng tho cadet band played four
Tho principal address this ovenlng
is to bo given by Dr. Wm. A. Mc
Kcovor, editor of tho Golden Rulo
magazine. Dr. McKoovor will Bpoak
on "Tho Now Psychology Applied ti
Education." Ho is natidnally knows,
as an authority on child wolfarS' alail,'.,
social and civic movements.
Last night a Bocial, mixer was holi
at .tho Franklin auditorium with
games and stunts as tho entertain-
mont. Light refreshments were
Whilo tho tcachora wero permitted
to attend any ono of tho six district
motlngB their membership will be
counted la the district in which thoy
tench. Many of tho teachers near
Hastings werer nearer Lincoln tltaa
North Platto and attended " UhoM
but thoy will bo counted in the
fourth district. Tho known mem
bership In this district last night
was ovor 1,300.
Precocding the address by Dr. Mc
Koovor at tho Presbyterian church
this ovening tho following program
will be rondorcd: bglnnlng at eight
oclock prompt, Cornot solo, ESarl
Stamp; vocal solo, Mrs. M. Henry
Gilfoyl; reading, Miss Esther Kelly;
yocal solo, Frank Turpta; Selections
American Legion Quartette.
Clinton's for Spoctaclos.
I ill I ill I XJ
y "s