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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE .- CHATS WITH X0UR ;. GAS MAN i - i t ' ' Vou tarn a lorcr and gas sorvlco Is Instantly roady to ' 'cook tho avonlng meal, light or '"'heat tho homo. Did you ovor 'stop to think that th0 source of that energy may havo been bin tho coal mines and oil wolla hundreds of miles away? You pick up a tolophono re ceiver and a city thousands of miles away answors your call. You board a street car and an invisible, powor moves It and you reach your destination. You want to. convorso with Louden 6V Shanghai, and through, the air wltbjjit, tho aid of '( a ivlre, or. throtth cables unilor the. ocean, 'gbos your molssago" to pblrita on the other side of tho world, A switch Is pufihod and great engines start a mill in opera tion omplayjng thousands fit men. Common occurences, you say. Not at all" . TheMfctpry, of tho utilization of energy by our groat public sorvlco companies is a story of miracles. North Platte Light & Power Ok DR. 0. II. CRESSLER GRADUATE DENTIST Offlco over tho McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Clinton's for Bye Service. Carl Backers spent Sunday in Staploton visiting with friends. C. E. Purval of Paxton was a busi ness visitor In tho city yesterday. Mrs. Cora Brown has resigned he position with tho O'Connor store Dr. J. B. Rcdficld transacted prof essional business in Ogallala. Sunday. Roal Estate Mortgages bought and sold, "T. a Patterson. Benjamin Krasmer of Denver spent aoveral days in North Platte visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell. Mrs A. A. Elliott left yesterday for Excelsior Springs, Mo. where she will spend several weeks. Rev. N. P. Patterson left'yeBterday for Hastings whero ho will transact business for a few days. MIbs Irma Bradley returned tho lirst of tho week from Grand Island after visiting a few days with friends. C. T. Whelan loft yesterday for Siiolton and Omaha whero ho will transact business for a few days. Miss Irma McMichaol spent the week end lri Wellfloot visiting with relatives. Miss Ellen Flynn of Sutherland is expected tomorow to visit with Miss Lottie LaRue. Mrs Sam Cox or Cedar Rapids is visiting in tho city with her sister Mrs. J. C. Mooro. Mrs. J. Horrlgau carnc Saturday from Grand Island to visit relEJUvea in tho city for a few days. - Mrs. George Finn returned Thurs day from Koraney after attending a Meeting of tho Past Matrons Club. Mrs. Thomas Bolan and baby spont tho wook ond in Wellfloot visiting with relatives. H. J. EameB and son of Wallace transacted business in the city yofl torday. Mr. and Mrs. Burgnor and dau ghter MercedeB loft for their homo in Hyannls, Nobr. after spending tho week in tho city visiting with relatives. MGKELL NEWS Merle Fletcher of Now York City Is visiting his brother Carl Flotchor. Elcnor Leavltt, who Is attonding school in Omaha, Is 111 with dlptheria From last roports sho is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoo Diehl of Lin coln havo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Blalno Combs. Verda Pletchor, who had her ton sils romoved a short time ago, is re covering nicely and Is back in school this week. The Community Club met Friday evening and tho general courso of business was discussed. Tho pro grams for tho Club'" will begin In about a month. Chas. Trimble of Omaha and Wm, Trimbol of Princeton arrived Satur day cvonlng and havo been enjoying a week of hunting on the Blrdwood m company with their brother E. P. Trimble. Rucl McMaster of Cheyenne has boon a visitor at tho Fred Brooks homo tho last week. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and family moved back to Choyenno with him starting Saturday -morning. A surprise party was given Mrs. M. D. , Elder on September 30th It being hor seventieth birthday. About fifteen wore present and a very pleas ant time was had by all, especially Mrs. Elder who was enjoying hor first birthday party. Mrs. C. E. Snyder waB called to Jay, Okla., on account of thfi serious illness of hor daughter , Mrs. Si Towers. Mrs. Towora was a former resident of Blgnell and has been buff ering from typhoid fovor. Last re ports aro-that she Is much Improved. WEATHER CONDITIONS Saturday was fair and cooler. Sun 'day was also fair and not much 'chango In temperature There was ' a heavy frost Sunday night, tho low est tcmporaturo bolng 2(?. Tho fore cast for North Platto and vicinity Is: fair to-night and Wednesday, Cooler ' Wednesday. :o: ' Your best girl wants a diamond ;rlng. Let us flguro with you. Austin j Kolth Thoatro building. I C. M. York left yeBterday for j Omaha where ho will serve on tho 'Federal Grand jury. Miss Julia McCarthy of Ogallala , will arrlvo tomorrow to visit sovoral days with Miss Lottlo LaRue, , .Mrs. R. C. Langford and mother Mrs. M. E. Watts left this morning for Rochester, Minn Thlrty-flvo cars of steel structuro 'passed through hero this morning on routo to Alaska This Bteel will bo used In constructing a bridge there. Havo your diamond reset by us. A lino lot of plain and fancy mountings Austin Jewelry Store, Keith Theatre building. Tho Danceland Entertainers will ' lcavo this ovening for Kearney, Grand " TV1" (Island, Hastings and Omaha. They will play in Omaha Friday and Sat urday. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 233 :o:- Mr. and Mrs. C. V Fnher of Elsie were business visitors In tho city yesterday. A marrlago license wad Issued Fri day to James E. Wilson 23 and Mrs. Verna Rlmpley, 20 both of Maxwell, Nebraska. Miss Helen Rodine left Sunday tor Cleveland, Ohio, after visiting with, her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roa ino for tho sast few months. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Plummer re turned Sunday from York whero they spent several weeks visiting with relatives. Misses Hannah Young, Violet Rey nolds and Adelaide Curry spent Sat urday in Wallace visiting with , friends. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery return ed Sunday to their home In Central 'City after visiting for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schudoll. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Young return ed to their homo in Hastings Satur day after visiting with relatives for tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Finn will leave tho last of tho week for Indina polls whero they will visit for a few weeks. Mrs. Smlthey, who has charge of our Beauty Parlor is an experienced up to date operator. Her work is sure to give satisfaction and wo will bo glad to meet our many patrons. 'Beghtol-Mars. Try a "TIMMERMAN SPECIAL" I'ChoIco A No. 1 corn fed steer steak) Wo also servo a "MERCHANT'S LUNCH" from 11 a. m. to 2 p-. m. for 'i5c TDDIERMAN CAFE To Whom It May Concern: Tho spoclal commissioner appointed to locate n public road aa follows: Road to be 60 feet wide. Commencing at tho south end of road No. 233 on Boctlon lino botwecn sections 3G, township 14, rango 30, and section 31, township 14 rango 29 west of tho Cth P. M. and thenco south following said section lino, crossing the right-of-way of tho Union Pacific railroad and tho railroad track to tho southeast corner of sec tion 3C, township 14,, rango 30. Ter minating and connecting with tho Lin coln Highway at that point, has re ported in favor thereof, and anyone having objection thereto or claims for damages by reason of tho establish nlmndon, then tho wlufto airiounl hnll establishing of tho nbovo 'described , of tho 10th day of Soptombor 1022, or uocomo duo and the mortgagee ali.ill romI mW8 "lo sn,'a in tho offlco of said road will bo allowod without soil tlio same, and lo County Clerk of Lincoln County, roforonco thereto. '$. Whereas default lins boon made In Nobraaka,, on or boforo 12 o'clock Witnss my hand and official boa the payment duo Soptombor 15, 1922 noon ot 1,10 101,1 dftV November, this 28th day of Sptembor, 1922. and tho said O. R. Hoover, tho morts- 1922' or BUch ronu w111 allowed - A.' S. ALLEN, agor, having nbnndon said property without roforenco thereto, , , Qounty Clerk, anu uio sniu Roy v, Buaklrk, feollng! 'IUU0B """" wn "lui nem unsecuro, docs horobj- forocloso said th,a 28th dnv of September. 1922. mortgage nnd will on tho 9th day ot A s- ALLEN, November, 1922, nt ono o'clock p. In. County Olork. of said date, will sell nt public auc tion at tho garage of tho Busklrk EXTENSION JtOAI) NO. 315 EXTENSION ROAD NO. 418 To Whom It May Concorn: Tho special commissioner appolxjtett to locate a public road as follows: Commencing nt tho termination at tho laid out road which terminates oa Motor Company, 215 East Fifth Street, i To Whom It May Concern: 'North Platto, Nebraska, to tho high-1 Tho Bpoclal commissioner nppolntod ' tho section lino between section 25-14- ost bidder for cash tho ono Ford Racor to locato a public road oa follows: 34 nnd section 30-14-33 nt tho Untom Motor No. Lincoln Conty No. 83 to satisfy said claim in tho amount ot elghty-threo and 25-100 ($83.25) dol lars and tho coat herein accrued. ROY V, BUSKIRK, Mortgagee. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 31 To Whom It May Concern' Tho special commlBsloncr appointed . 17 thonce cast nbout g0 roda botwoon to locato a road aa rollowa: , BoctIonB 17 and 20, nil in Lincoln Commencing at tho southeast corner county Nebraska, tho nbovo described of Section 24, township 14, rango 31, roa(1 ls to bo 66 foot wJa0( lm8 ro on road 21, tuonco running norm l ported In favor thoroof. anyone hav- Boglnutng at tho southeast corner ot i Pacific Company's rlgnt-of-way, aad flection 29, and tho northoaat corner J extending Bald road from said Union of section 32, township 11 and rango ' Pacific Railroad Company's rlght-oC-32, thenco running west ono mllo bo- way on tho section lino between bc tweon sections 29 and 32, along Bald tlon 25-14-34 nnd aoctlon 30-14,-a 'section lino, thenco south botwoon north to the Lincoln Highway, said sections 31 and 32, to tho north lino road to bo 40 foot wldo, has roportod of township 10, thenco south betweon ,'ln favor thoreof, anyono having ob scctlons 5 and G and sections 7 and 8, joctions thereto or claims for damages 18 and 17 to tho south lino of section by tho reason of tho establishing ot mile on section lino botwoon soc tion 24, townsllop 14, range 31, and section 19, township 14, rango 30, thenco west ono mllo between sec tions 24 nnd 13, township 14, rango 31, to the northwest corner pt boc- tion 24 and connect with road No. 7flf has boon roportod in favor thereof, anyone having objections theroto or claims for damages by reason ot tho establishing of the nbovo doscrlbod road muBt file samo in tho offlco of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon on the 10th day of November 1922, or said road will bo allowed without reference thoroto. Witness my hand and official seal September 28th 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. ing objections thoroto or clalmB for damngoa by tho reason of tho estab lishing of tho nbovo described road must fllo tho Bamo in tho offlco of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nobrnska, on or before 12 o'clock noon tho nbovo described road must fllo tho samo in tho office ot tho County Clerk at Lincoln County, Nebraska, oa or boforo 12 o'clock noon ot the lOtfo day of November, 1922, or said road "will bo allowed without roforoaco thoroto. Witness my hand and official seal this 28th day of Soptombor 1922. A. S. ALLEN. County Clork. EXTENSION ItOAD NO. 203 To Whom It May Conrorn: Tho Bpeclal commissioner appointed i to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho northwest'eorner of section 7, township 13. rango 31, thenco north on section line or as near , WheninNorthPlatte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar Evaffthln firat cloo aad prices reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific Station. n as practicable between soctlon G, ing of tho above described road must j township 13, range 31, and sectl n fllo the same in tho offlco of tho coun- '. township 13, rango 32, to the north west corner of section 1, township 13, j rango 31, road to bo GG feet wide, has reported in favor thoreof, nnydno j having objections thoroto or claims i for damages by the reason of tho B. & L. Building. Phone 63 ty clerk of Lincoln County, "Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day of November, 1922, or Bald road will be allowed without roforenco thereto. Witness my hand and official ncal i f- ' this 28th day of September 1922. , fiffiffi! A. S. ALLEN, County Cleric. A Travelers Life, Accident or Health Policy taken out through this agency assures you a friend whose business it is lo provide financial assistance in time of trouble. FIUEND IN NEED The Condolence We Send You Will Pay the Doctor, the Grocer and the Landlord c . TEM PL THE TRAVELERS MAN NOTICE OF SALE Whereas G. R. Hoover, mortgagor, , did on tho 11th day of August, 1922, j ! execute and deliver his certain prom-' . ' Issory nolo to Roy V. Busklrk, nnd ! did on the samo date to Becuro the i payment ot said note, execute and do-1 ' llvor to tho said Roy V. Busklrk, as mortgagee, a first mortgage on ono Ford Rncer, Motor No. Lincoln Coun. ty Nq. 83. That said mortgago was I given to secure tho amount of Elghty i ,i nninr. tsi nm dnilnm with Interest at 10 per cent from date, ot ' which amount twenty-seven and 30 mo fS27.30) dollars became duo om ,T . (1 I September -45, 1022. Bam mortgago I was duly recorded in tho offlco of tho County Clerk of Lincoln county, No- j ! braska on said dato. That said mort gago provides that If default is maAi ' in the payment of any part of said debt when duo, or if said proporty is j VAUDEVILLE AT THE KEITH THEATRE Wednesday Only. YITYAN AND KASTNER , Comody character Impressions. Mr, Kastner has a very ploaBlng baritone voico and Is suro to ploaso tho most critical audience. MIsb Vyvyan ia a mimic and pantomlmlst second to none. STANLEY GALLINI AND COMPANY Shadow smiles in colors, Dopletlng all kinds ot incidents. Comic and otherwise by clover and ''artistic throwing ot shadows on tho Bcroon. This ia several steps ahead of any provlous shadowgraphy. iTrmmmwrrirr TOiitnirmi inminnrrm -ht if r r n"i t n . BOSTON AND VAUGHN Comody bits. Comody talks and situations following with eccen tric dancing. ADDA DE LARDIN AND COMPANY Farco comedy. An amusing comody act fast as a bullot In action. Very snappy. Witty dialogue. Every ono will enjoy this auro flro mirth producer. Also a good fire reel fcaturo plcturo will bo shown. ... ..,... .......'... ..... ......... ...'. '.... The Baptist Church will hold an AUCTION SALE at DURBINS GARAGE NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Saturday, October 14th. Beginning at 2 o'clock p. m. sharp This sale will consist of tho following described articles to-wit: Live Stock ot all kinds, Cattle, Hogs, Chickens, Geese, Ducks. HOUSEHOLD GOODS- clock Reed babv buy bating tovo, picture frame, scale, leather chair, floor rugs, carpet sweeper, childs bed. FOOD STUFF- Pottoe8 beets, carrots, beans, onions, tomatoes, apples, flour, canned fruit. CLOTHING- PIain sewinfi and fancy work, towels, childrens clothes, boys clothes, shoes, aprons, home made comforts and quilts. AN OIL PAINTING- The work of Rev-Paul A Shcnk- Other articles to numerous to mention. These articles have been generously donated by the mem bers and friends ot the Baptist Church. .The proceeds will be devoted to church purposes. COL. E M. J0HANSEN, Auctioneer.