The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 10, 1922, Image 4

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tthat 18 bking dokk bi the
"diu'kkknt lodges ahd
will moot Friday ovontiiR at tho K.
C. Hall at 8 o'clock.
Will mopt Tliurmlay aftornoon
-with Mrs. P. J. Naughton, r 1302
Mooting night for tho Ladlcn Band
has boon changed from Monday
evening to Tuesday oronlng.
Club will' moot with Mrs. Edward
BurWo, Wodnosday afternoon.
Tho momborn of tho mothers club
will bo tho gueets at the homo o
Mrs. Goorgo Roberts on Wednesday
f this week.
Regular mooting of tho Modern
Ifaodmon, Wodnosday 11th, at tho K.
C. Hall. Thcro will bo a social timo
after nlno o'clock. All Royal Neighbors-,
Modern Woodmen and families
are Invited.
Tho regular mooting of Slgnot
ChaiHor No. fiC 0. E. S., Oct. 12, at
7:80 p. m. There will bo a program
and presentation of tho past matrons
pin. A special Invitation is extended
to all members and visiting members
Refreshments will bo sorved.
Paront-Teachor Association will
moot Wednesday, October 11 nt 3
p. bi. in tho central building. A
largo attendanco is desired as thoro
will bo election of ofllcorB.
Tho following quotations wore tho
oponlng markets nt South Omaha this
morning and wore received hero by
tolcgrnph at 10 it. in.
Boof stoors mostly steady, $11.85
paid. Stackers and feeders slow about
18 to 15 conts lower. Othor classes
t stock gonorally fltondy.
Medium and light bntchors steady
to iOo lowor. Packing grades gonoral.
ly steady closing woak. BUlk packing
grades ?7.D0 to ?8.2G, Bulk 200 to 300
pound butchors $8X0 to $9. GO, top
W, W, G, will meet Thursday with
MiBS'Dorothy Roso, 520 s" Chestnut.
Lot us show you tho Parkor Duo
fold Pon. A now supply JUBt rocolvoa
Austin Jowolry Sloro, Keith Thoatro
Mrs. Smlthey of Omaha is now in
charge of our Boauty Parlor. Sho is
nn oxporiencod operator and vory
compotont in all linos of tho work.
PleaBO cull or phono for an appoint
mont. Boghtol-Mars.
A Scries of Luncheons
Mrs. J. L. Krauso will give a series
of luncheons nt their homo. Tho
first ono will be given Wednesday.
KnlcrtnliiH nt Luncheon
Mrs. Fred Waltcmath nhd daughtor
Miss Elslo cntortnined at a luncheon
Saturday in honor of Mrs. Rolfo Hal
The following carloal shipments o
! livestock were mado from tho North
Platto station of tho Union Pacific dur
Ing tho woek ending oserday
North Platto Poultry Co., 1 car of
poultry to Now York. '
Rauch Live Stock Co., 1 car caftlo
to Keystone. f " !
Wyoming Feed Co., 1 car cattle
to Sholton.
D. B. McNccl, 5 cars cattlo to
South Omaha.
are roturned to City Cleric
Tno Mayor ami City Council rc
sorvo tho right to reject any or all
Lscctlon 8, thence In a northorly di
rection along tho east bank of tho
canyon, on section C, to a point about
20 rods south of tho northeast corner
10, north of rnngo 27, wost of tho Oth
P. M. Tho abovo described road ter
minating nt road No. 292 and to bo
any width up to GO foot that is nooea-
Enlcrlulns for Mrs. Huntington
Mrs. Carollno Hupfer will entertain
this afternoon at her homo In honor i
of Mrs, Huntington who Is visiting I
hore from California.
EnlertnliiK In Honor of Mrs. Hnlllffun
Mrs. Honry Waltcmath assisted by
Miss Alma Waltcmath and Mrs. Chas.
Dixon will ontcrtnin nt a luncheon
'Saturday in honor of Mrs. Rolfo Hal-
ligan of Lincoln who Is visiting with
relatives in tho city.
First Football Party
Sovonty-flve students and tho foot
ball toams nttonded tho party givon
by tho Senior clnBS In tho auditorium
Friday ovoning. A short program
was given after whlen games woro
played. At tho close of tho evening
refreshments woro served.
Entertains at Luncheon
A beautifully appointed luncheon
was given at tho homo of Mrs. W. T.
Wilcox, Wedncsdny ot last week at
ono o'clock. Tho assisting hostesses
woro Mosdamos Bcclcr, Snydor, Pros
sor, Church and MIsb McKay. This Is
tho beginning of nn Interesting years
work for Chnptor A k, P. E. O.
Following is tho commtttoo ot Uio
North PIntto Woman's Club appointed
to look after tho rooming of tho dole
gatos to the stnto convention of Wo
mon's Clubs. Thoy will appreciate
hoarlng from anyone who will ontor
taln ono or moro of tho delegates to
tho convention. Mrs. R F. Cottorell,
chnlrman; Mrs. Rnlph North, Mrs.
Olllo Snllnbury, Mrs. York Hlnmon,
Mrs. Jos. Roddy.
Single and doublo mesh hair nob.
Throo for 25c. Bogthol-Mars.
A wedding ceremony was perform,
ed Saturday by Judgo Woodhurst for
Cecil S. Dunn 20 of Somerset and
Miss Golda F. Ray 19 of Dickens.
FOR SALEOur usual quality of
young chickens Try us tills woek.
Mrs. E. S. Glincs. Phono 5G4J.
Mrs. II. S. Johnson and Miss Grace,
Brctornitz left Sunday for Ponca,
Nebr. whero they will attend tho 48th
annual meeting of tho Nebraska
Lutheran Synod.
Tho local council of the Cnmpflro
girls met last evening at tho homo of
.Mrs. Adda Turpio and elected officers
for tho coming year as foUows: Mrs.
C. F. Koch, president; Miss Florence
McKay, secrotary; Mrs. F. H. Barber,
Dr. Titus Lowe, formerly of First j
Mothodist church, Omaha now sec
retary ot tho Foreign Mission board i
of tho Mothodist church spoko horoj
last night to a good audlonco. Ho is
carrying tho message of tho Centen
ary to tho churches ovor tho country l
and asking them to llvo up to their (
plodgod. His address was well received.
Tyrono Frazler loft Sunday for
Sldnoy whoro sho will visit IlazoL
and Marjory MnrtI who nro attond-!
ing school thoro.
This is notlco to' all huntors that
you aro absolutely forbidden to hunt
on lands owned and oporatod by mo,
north of tho North Platto river .un
der tho penalties of trespass pro
vided by law.
Honry HanBon
i Claronco Coolldgo
J. M. Calhoun
T. C, GrosBhana
II. G. Huckroldt
Roy Row
0, McCrono
N. Kolao
iC. J. Barrett ""
'O. R. Smith
R. T. WelltTer
Lflutcr Slvlta
JB. H. Lloyd
F. G. Gosnel
Frank Clark
O. A. Orrln
Soalod bids will bo recolved by Mr.j
I. E. Ware, Seo'y PIntto Valloy Ir-1
rlgtitlon District at Horshoy, Nobrns-'
ka until 10:00 a. in. of October 27,'
1022 for furnishing all labor and ma .
torlnl necessary to construct a shoot
piling dam two hundred and seventy
flvo (275) .feet long in tho North
Platto rtvor near Glonburnlo, Nobr., In;
accordance with tho plans adopted!
and now on Mo with tho Secretary.'
Bids will o oponed by tho Board ot
Dlroctovs in Horshoy, Nobr., at 10:00
n. m. October 2,7th, 1922.
Tho right is reserved to roject any
or nil bids.
Soc'y, Horshoy, Nobr.
Notice Ih hereby given that th0 May
or and Concil of tho city of North
PIntto, Nobraskn, will receive bids for
paving, curbing and othor street im
provements in Paving districts 13 and
15 In said city according to tho plans
and specifications adopted and now on
fll0 in tho offlco of tho City Clerk ot
oald city.
Snld bids will cover the, following
typos of pavements, vortical flbro
brick, asphaltlc concrete shoot as
phalt, reinforced concrete and war
ronito bltullthic.
Tho engineer's ostlmnto on tho cost
of paving and other Btroet improve
ments in said two districts compris
ing 31,330 squnro yards 1s as fol
Straight curb C"x20" $.54 por foot.
Straight curb C"x24" $.70 per foot.
Concreto drain boxos $1.20 per foot.
8 Inch cone, tllo $.55 per ft.
Concreto manholes $4.00 por M. II.
Grading nnd finishing $.32 por cu. yd.
Vortical Fiber brjck on 5 In. concrete
base $4.30 pod Bq. yd.
Asphaltlc concreto on 5 hi. concreto
baa $2.10 por sq. yd. N
Sheet nsplinlt on 5 in. concrete base
$2.25 por sq. yd.
Reinforced concreto 8 In. thick $2.70
por sq. yd.
Wnrronito Blthulithlc on 5 in, con
crete bnso $2.25 por sq. yd.
Wooden hoadors and posts $.50 per ft.
Bldo muBt bo on fllo with tho City
Clerk on or boforo October 17, 1922,
at which time thoy will! bo opened be
toro tho council.
Thoy must bo on tho proposal in tho
specifications, filling out ono proposal
for each district separately.
Tho proposals must not bo detached
from tho specifications nnd must be
accompanied by a certified check pny
ablo to tho City Treasurer for an a
mount oqual to thrcp por cent ot tho
bid mado.
Tho specifications shall bo furnished
to paving contractors only upon ap
plication to tho City Clerk for a foe of
flvo dollars, said nmount to bo re
turned when plans and specifications
By ordor of tho City Council of I 0f section 5, thenco crossing canyon , sary to mako a good road, has re-
North Platto, Nobr., Oct. 3rd 1922.
O. E. ELDER, Mayor.
Clerk. (Seal)
To Whom It May Concern:
Tho special commissioner appointed
to locate a public road as follows:
Commcnctngg at tho Northwest
corner of section 10, Township 16,
pngo 26, and running thenco east
along tho north line of said section 16,
to a point approximately 20 rods or to
tho odgo of the tablo to a point ap
proximately 8j) rods; thonco in a'
Northeasterly direction following tho
old trail past tho houso of E. C.
Brown; thenco Vn a northeasterly
direction striking tho draw or canyon
near tho southwost corner ot tho
Northeast quarter of Section 9,
Township 16, Rango 20, thence fol
lowing tho draw in a northorly di
rection on through Section (4) town
ship 16 Rango 26 striking tho main
road along tho north lino of said sec
tion 4 about 20 rods oast of tho
northwest cornor ot tho northeast
quartor ot said soction 4, township
16, rango 26, has reported in favor
thereof, any ono having objection
thorcto or claims for damages by
abovo described road must fllo same
in offlco of County Clork of Lincoln
County, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon
of tho 10th day ot Novorabor, 1922 or
Bald road will bo allowed without
roferenco thereto. Road to bd 50
foot wide.
Wltnoss my hand and seal this 28th
day of Sopterabor, 1922.
A S. ALLEN, Co. Clerk.
.... .
,nnd going north 20 rods along tho , 'ported In ravor tuereot, anyono aav
i north sldo of tho canyon to tho north-; Ing objections thereto or claims for
; cast corner of section 5, thenco north ' damages by tho foason ot tho cIa-,
jabout 240 rods on tho west section llfihlng of tho abovo described road
lino ot section 33, townsnlp 10, range . must uio tuo same in tno oinco oi io
27, wost, thenco In a northcastorly County Clerk of Lincoln County, No
dlroctlon nround a head of a canyon braska, on or boforo 12 noon of tho
to a point about 15 rodB oast of the 10th day of November,, 1922, or. said
northwest corner of soction 33, thenco ' road will bo allowed without rcforeoco
east about 140 rods along or as j thereto.
near as practical, tho soction lino bo- Wltnoss my hand. and official seal
twen sections 33 und section 28, to th0 28th day ot September, 1922.
tho northeast corner of tho north- A. S. ALLEN,
west quarter of section 83, township , County Clork. .
To Whom It May Concern:
Tho special1 commissioner appointed
to locato a public road as follows:
Commencing at road No. 205 at tho
northeast corner of section 29, town
aout 520 rods, onor near tho sec
tion lino as practical, thenco in a
head of tho canyon and back to tlJo
soction lino, thenco north to tho
north east corner of soction 17,
thenco in n northwesterly di
rection down n rldgo about 160
rods to tho main canyon, thenco in a
northeasterly direction tilong tho cast
bank of tho canyon on 'section 8, to
tho north lino of section 8, about 20
roflB wost of tho northeast cornor of
3o minut
to build a
V seconds
to do this
For that little welcome warmth morning and
evening that "takes the chill off the house", use
the quick-heating, clean, cheery electric heater.
It costs money to build a furnace fire even a
small fire. Every shovelful of coal counts this
year. An electric heater costs only about 5
cents an hour for steady warmth no fire-building,
and no ashes afterwards. Try it. r
Electric Portable Heaters
$5.50 and Up.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
To Whom U May Conora:-
The special commissioner appointed
to locate a publio road as follows:
Commencing S. W, Cornor ot Bee,
11 T 10 R 29 and oxtendlag two miles
north to county line, has reported la
favor thereof, any one having objec
tions thereto or claims for damages
ly reason ot the establishing ot the
sjbove described road must file same
In tho office of the county clork ot
Llacoln County, Nebraska, on or bo
fore 12 o'clock aoon or the 10th day
of Noveiabor, 1923, or ld road will
be allowod without Teforence thoreto.
Wltnoss my hand and official seal
this 23th day ot September 1928,
A. 8. Alton, Couaty Clerk,
Delmcr Anderson's Sale of
Head o!
Duroc Jersey Hogs
Will be held at his place five miles south
and one mile west of Lexington, Nebr., on
Tuesday, October 17th, 1922
42 Spring Boars. 3 Fall Boars.
30 Sprint Gilts.
Free Lunch at Noon Sale Immediately After.
Jensen and Raser, Auctioneers.
An inspection tour for those desiring to look
over our herd of 1200 head will begin at eleven o'clock.
Owing to the iact that I have purchased the
General Tire Agency for Lincoln, I'must reduce my
present large stock, so as to find a ready buyer for
my North Platte store. The entire stock of General
Tires and Tubes will be placed upon the market at
Greatly Reduce
Tuesday, Oct. 10th,
Until Stock is Properly Reduced.
Every General Tire is Guaranteed.
. V.
General Tire Company.
PHONE 1099.